Annual report | 2006 it is crystal clear , waste is a resource ARC 2006 | Annual report Presentation Francesc Baltasar i Albesa Sustainable waste management in light of the Minister of the Environment and Housing challenges of climate change 0 / Pag. nce again it is time More importantly, however, is municipal waste generation This effort, which we have all invite you to continue improving competitiveness in the sector. for the yearly report an aspect of key importance exceeded population growth. made, can be interpreted fa- these results as the separation (2006) of the Agència that makes it possible: the role In other words, generation per vourably insofar as mitigating of waste at home becomes even Despite these results, we ode Residus de Catalunya, which we all play in the process. The capita remained at 1.64 kg/ climate change is concerned: more important. should not be complacent and is necessary to observe how far public, companies, environmen- h/day. This is certainly a very selective collection prompted must carry on working for im- we have come and the ground tal and social agents, and gov- positive development and is savings of over 480,000 tonnes 2006 also saw a clear drive to- provement and towards waste that remains to be covered with ernmental authorities must work the result of the effort the pub- in emissions of CO2, which, wards a more soundly-based management involving con- OBJECTIVES AND ACTIONS regard to waste in Catalonia. together actively to bring about lic makes each day. it is well-known, is one of the waste policy, in both its manage- tinued effort to fight climate change in the waste paradigm, gases that contributes to glo- ment and financial aspects. We change. We must see this 001 This year we wanted to convey a to prompt a balance in which Secondly, positive growth is bal warming. There were, fur- have been working to establish management as a chance to clear message in this presentation: waste is also a resource, and still being experienced in the thermore, also other positive the bases of future waste plans improve our environment and that sustainable waste manage- to bring our recycled material selective collection of munici- developments such as the use and programmes that provide for to be more competitive. ment is also a way to help mitigate market in line with that set out pal waste, which in 2006 rep- of biogas produced in control- improvements in the waste man- the causes of climate change. in European policy through the resented 31.9% of the total. led deposits. This generated 52 agement model in order to gear I therefore encourage all society, Thematic Strategy on Preven- We, the public of Catalonia, million kWh and meanwhile also it more to the prevention and the economic and social agents, As members of the Government tion and Recycling of Waste. selectively collected nearly helped to prevent emissions of the reuse of resources. In the the authorities, and the staff of 3 the Agència de Residus de Cat- we are obliged to continue en- 1,360,000 tonnes of different 32 million m of methane (CH4), Government we have also used couraging the most sustainable 2006 featured some very posi- recoverable fractions of waste a gas with a very much greater clear and appropriate financial alunya, to work with determina- tion to improve, on a daily and a waste management possible. tive aspects, which show the (glass, paper, plastic packs, greenhouse impact than CO2. instruments that provide for the This involves preventing the ground we have covered and tins, and remains of food, etc.), These figures show how waste creation of new waste infrastruc- yearly basis, the results of waste generation of waste and max- to which I would like to draw at- which shows a clear trend to- management is becoming in- tures. This, in short, involves the management in order thereby imising the recovery of reusable tention to here. The first is that wards the creation of a recycled creasingly important with regard ecological modernisation of the also to improve the quality of life materials contained in waste. for the second year running, material market in Catalonia. to climate change. I therefore economy and creates greater of the citizens of Catalonia. ARC 2006 | Annual report The 2006 Balance Sheet Genoveva Català i Bosch Gerent de l’Agència de Residus de Catalunya FUTURE CHALLENGES The consolidation and projection of the new waste culture /0 /0 Pag. Pag. nce again we meet to ticipation, as well as actions in make it possible to finance ac- ment of the importance of pub- vention—an interactive map that There are indeed many actions present the sumary of research and innovation. tions deriving from the new lic participation mechanisms can be found on our web site. in this annual report, which I in- a year’s work at the waste management model. in the making of environmental vite you to look through and read OCatalan Waste Management Before looking at the most sig- There are more than €1.1 million decisions, as indicated in the In 2006, we also put into serv- to find out what are the aspects Agency. First of all, I can state nificant aspects of the report for grants and direct investment approval of the Aarhus Agree- ice instruments for encourag- that characterize sustainable that 2006 has been a very im- and in reference to my words at in infrastructure which will allow ment and the subsequent ratifi- ing recycling. Thus the Buy management of waste. portant year as we have laid the beginning on the fact that us, in the first stage, to under- cation by the member states of Recycled Network was born down the solid foundations of 2006 has been a year in which take the most urgent actions. I the European Union. as an online tool that makes it I would not like to finish this the new model of waste man- we have laid the first foundations can say, for the first time, that possible to boost the purchase summary without mentioning agement in Catalonia of the new model, I would like to a solid financial base has been Looking over some of the points of environmentally friendly future challenges. The 2007 fi- highlight the three most impor- established in the area of waste of the report you have in your products, especially recycled nancial year will doubtless be For this reason, we have looked tant pillars of this fact: that will ensure that we meet the hands, I can see some signifi- or recyclable products. a key year for rolling out new for a slogan that represents this goals we have set out. cant aspects: infrastructure, especially in report—We see it clearly: waste Firstly, in 2006 we have the re- Work has continued on educa- those areas where it is most ur- OBJECTIVES AND ACTIONS OBJECTIVES AND ACTIONS is resource—as an indication vised waste programmes and Thirdly, 2006 saw the start up In 2006, we have continued to tion and publicity, with aware- gently required. Furthermore, it of where we are headed in this the bases of the new 2007-2012 of the Council for the Preven- promote financial aid to local ness-raising campaigns on will be a period of intense work 001 matter of the new waste culture. programmes. This is an impor- tion and Management of Waste bodies, enterprise and other en- selective collection of organic in participation with the differ- 001 tant milestone that will allow us in Catalonia, which represents tities. This has meant awarding matter and containers, and with ent actors in order to reflect We also present a new vision of to obtain approval of the new the body for participation in more than €26 million to carry out dissemination via different exhi- on the new planning, and the the report, which aims to illus- waste planning in 2007. In this and debate on the new waste nearly 500 projects in the area of bitions that ARC has put at the Council for the Prevention and trate above all the actions of the regard also, in 2006 the gov- policies we are promoting. This waste. Projects that range from disposal of local bodies. Management of Waste in Cata- Agency from a perspective that ernment approved the formula- body comprises representa- preventive actions to the promo- lonia will have a significant role concords with the European hi- tion of what will be the Territorial tives from all sectors, from the tion and implementation of se- In the area of research, we have to play in this. erarchy that has prevention as sector plan for municipal waste Catalan Autonomous Govern- lective waste collection, particu- promoted the Technology Ob- its first action and ends with en- infrastructure in Catalonia, the ment, the local sphere, busi- larly organic material (vegetable servatory and centre for docu- 2012 is the milestone we have suring the final disposal of the key element for all the new in- ness sectors, scientific institu- waste and leftover food). mentation on organic waste— set ourselves for having a con- end waste that is no longer us- frastructures that the new waste tions, the environmental world GIRO Technology Centre—that solidated model that makes it able. And without abandoning management model will require. and society. The Council for In the area of prevention, we have has the aim of establishing and possible to recover the maxi- references to the more horizon- the Prevention and Manage- tools to provide us with informa- consolidating a solid and suf- mum amount of waste and tal actions that impregnate this Secondly, the government ap- ment of Waste in Catalonia was tion on the level of experiences ficient knowledge base on the treat all of it, thus abandoning hierarchy, i.e., actions including proved in mid 2006 the ARC created in concordance with in the territory, by means of the management of organic waste the excessive preponderance information, publicity and par- programmecontract that will the international acknowledg- first map of municipal waste pre- in Catalonia.
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