TODAY'S UGHTING-UP TIME Sunrise: 7.11 a.m.—Sunset: 5.14p.m. Llghting-up time 5.44 p.m. Rule of the Road KEEP LEFT—PASS ON THE RIGHT fltuBt latin INCORPORATING THE ROYALGAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 19—NO. 299 HAMILTON, BERMUDA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1934 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM STRINGENT REGULATIONS FRAMED FOR SAAR PLEBISCITE League Council Hears SUPPLY BILLS THROUGH RAILWAY COMMISSION CASE MRS. BUTTERFIELD DECIDES THEYSAY COMMITTEE STAGE \ JUDGMENT DELIVERED TO PAY HER TAXES ] That the cold snap up north should Bolivia's Claims Hamilton Hotel Company Bill Both Parties Partially Succeed Interest Stirred up Locally, in send many in search of the sun­ Passes Unamended shine. in Claims, Chief Justice Rules the U. S. and Canada * » * ! The Appropriation Bill and the That the Christmas rush ought to State Completes Testimony in Civil cases occupied the time of Customs Tariff Bill passed second i "The Act may be inadequate in make up for an unusual falling readings in the House of Assembly j this respect; it may be insufficient Hamilton Police Court yesterday off in travel lately. Wilson Trial yesterday afternoon. The Hamil- j in its visualisation; it may be de­ and the only charge of any public * * * ton Hotel Company Bill, incor- ficient in what would, or might be interest concerned Mrs. Doris Trott Butterfield who was summoned to That many persist in comparing porating the new company which j necessary; but the Act remains, sub-normal with abnormal. MACHADO LANDS IN GERMANY is to lease the Hamilton Hotel, ! and I cannot read into its interpola­ show cause why she had not com­ plied with the judgment of the * * * also passed second reading. With j tion something the Act does not That by such comparison they these measures through the de J contain ... I therefore find that Court and paid the taxes owed by her to the Overseers of the Poor for cause themselves Unnecessary bate stage, tomorrow's meeting i while the Commissioners were jus­ No News of Missing Fliers—Mrs. Ulm Still Hopeful— Paget. The amount was £12. 2. 0. alarm. should be more or less a formal tified in employing outside expert and the Court costs amounted to * * * one for passing them through , opinion (if I may use the word English Army Recruiting Army Shows Improvement 6/-. Thai the condition of the streets final reading. 'outside' in that meaning) they needs serious thought. "When I refused to pay my taxes —Constitutional Guarantees Withdrawn in Cuba— The Customs Tariff Bill was j were not justified in employing Mr. * * * amended in one or two minor I Livingston at a special fee. I under protest I referred to the un­ just sex discrimination," said Mrs. That this does not mean only Siam Urges Return of King and Queen—R. A. F. instances to bring it completely ] think, seeing that both parties have cleanliness. into line with the House's previous j partially succeeded in their claims, Butterfield. She felt that the Flying Accidents Greatly Decreased—Soviet Sends publicity given to her protest and decisions. I I make no order as to costs." That it refers to order. An amendment brought for- This in part was the judgment those of her colleagues had "stirred Sharp Note to Manchukuo—Poland Sets House in up interest in Bermuda as well as * * * ward by the Finance Committee ] given in the Supreme Court yester­ That the inconvenience of parked(:) Order—Red Star Line to Withdraw From Business— concerned artificial eyes and limbs, • day by the Chief Justice, Sir Sydney in the United States and Canada." Mrs. Butterfield still protested bicycles has already attracted which are now placed on the free j Rowan-Hamilton, in the case of the attention of the authorities. Murder Sensation in England — Antigua Debates list. \ the Attorney General vs. the Ber­ against what she described as an INSECTICIDES muda Railway Company. "unjust law which she was bound to * * * Important Measures—60,000 Chinese Communists The only debate which arose obey and which was not the fault That now for prevention of crowds FULL JUDGMENT concerned an amendment moved of those who had to administer it." and the consequent noise. Disturb Province—Latest Despatches—Sporting News by Mr. B. C. C. Outerbridge. Item The complete text of the judg­ It was none the less unjust, she * * # 33 in the table of exemptions is ment follows: averred. That the idea is becoming firmly "Insecticides and fungicides, ap­ fixed that street corners are The Plaintiff's claim is brought THANKS FOR TROUBLE! i proved by the Director of Agricul- j rendezvous for the mobs. THE SAAR SITUATION ARMY RECRUITING IMPROVES to recover the sum of £405. 1. 3., I ture." Mr. Outerbridge sought to j * * * being one-half of expenses paid out Mrs. Butterfield went on to IN ENGLAND change this to "certified by the . That this way danger lies. of the Public Treasury, under the thank the Bench, the Overseers of Stringent Regulations for Director." His amendment was i * * + provisions of Section 15 (1) and (2) the Poor and the Police Constable ! LONDON, Dec. 12. (CP) -After lost in a division. ) That at times it is difficult to be­ of The Bermuda Railway Co. Act, for their courtesy at all times, j Plebiscite the slack period late in summer, The Appropriation Bill, appropri- j lieve one is in a select resort. 1924. "Rather than cause any further army recruiting lias shown much ating £380,794, passed through com- j The Defence of the Company to trouble I have decided, having the * * • BRUECKEN. Saar. Dec. 12. (CD- improvement recently, although mittee without comment, the \ means, to pay my taxes," she said. territory of all plebiscite polling it is estimated today that the schedule (individual items as ap- ! the claim is that a portion of it That "Isles of Rest" becomes a involved acts "ultra vires" and for "I feel it is my duty to do it." She j grim joke. was declared today to be army will be 2,GOO short of strength proved in the Estimate of Expen­ then produced a cheque and handed i those expenses they are not liable. * * * i Man's Land." and all plebis- al the end of the year. The home diture) being not read in full. it to the Bench, but His Worship j Let me consider for a moment That nothing yet has been heard Of officials v. ere given extra- establishment is 137.000. The Supplementary Appropri­ stated that the money must be I what is meant by "ultra vires." that building commission which ' >rial stat:.; by tne Saar pleb- ation Resolve No. 12 passed third paid to the Overseers of the Poor. ! Street in his treatise writes that was also to take care of many •ite commission. Thes3 stringent -oo reading. It appropriates roughly . "No business must be done by ' it may be regarded from the fol­ other important matters. .'illations were issued in order £5.500, of which £2,400 is for ad-*j debtors in this Court," ordered \ DRASTIC MEASURES IN CUBA lowing different points of view, viz: * * * sure a fair referendum and the ditional transit charges incurred ; the Court, "it is not an office." "special powers," "special activi­ That very soon it will bo a case of irecy of tin oi a Ja c nary 13, by the Post Office in 1932, 1933 and j 00— ties," "special privileges," and he .: the Saar ini i Oil it: will HAVANA. Dee. 12. CP: Drastic 1934. | locking the stable door after the further says "the act of the cor­ steed has been stolen. /ote to return to Germany, join ures were invoked by the HAMILTON HOTEL SEASONAL BOOKINGS poration, which it claims it has a ., •• under the League provisional government today to The various restrictive amend- * * * right to do, is allocated as "ultra EXCELLENT ii Na tons mandate. cope with threatened uprisings. ments to the Hamilton Hotel i vires," meaning beyond its That the bridge fiends are still talk­ -oo In tha provmces of Havana. Santa Company Bill were rejected by privileges. In many instances Mr. F. C. Misick Reports ing of the freak distribution of Clara and Camaguey constitu­ substantial majorities, the House j THE CHACO CRISIS "ultra vires" and illegality mean cards at the last tournament. tional guarantees were suspended. apparently feeling that it should i Mr. F. C. Misick, M.C.P., return­ the same. An example frequently * * * The authorities are thus enabled not discriminate between this com­ ed to Bermuda on Monday by used is where a Company is incor­ That many slams were called but Bolivia Blames Paraguay to search homes without warrants pany and other hotel companies, the "Queen" after a short business porated to build a railway only, few were made. and hold prisoners without bringing which are given quite wide powers, j trip to the States. it would be ultra vires for it to * * * GENEVA, Dec. 12. CP For every charges against them, also to The main objectors to the bill Asked his impressions of condi­ construct a harbour. If we can That chess is coming into favour; p of blood shed in the Chaco inspect personal mail. Matanzas were Sir Stanley Spurling and Mr. tions in the States as they might take it that ultra vires and illegality rapidly. war after December 20 and every is the only remaining province Wilkinson. The latter said that 40 affect our tourist trade, he re­ mean approximately the same * * * Paraguayan soldier killed, Fara- where the citizens are assured per cent of the shares were to be ported that both steamship com­ thing, as not to matter, then I That only those who can spend a - alone responsible, the of their constitutional rights, since held by Mr.
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