Viola Liuzzo Part 4 of 17

Viola Liuzzo Part 4 of 17

.- - '- , -.~--" - '-"',-"~ 92- .-._..__,,__-___.1__k-..._..._..4.-_...>...r..;.;f,-4-.J*4._1.3;_H',I _' L ,_'. L, , j H __¢_ .__'__;_.__1_-.1"; f_;L_;_' . .-.'. -.» . ., - - . - . ;-U-,1,-,.»_,..;|___92_'_ 92 . , - A"-*~*""'~F --_.- .- '~.- -- E-.9-'..i.T.7£....:.w:=-1-~--.... ;i_;_ . __ ._ _ .-=¢+. ._ _-u.. - .-..L-;.._,;..-..-.~_=-_l-.:"..;A ____ _ ___._.|_, .__._. _ 92 FEDERAL. BUREAU OF II92Fv'E-STIGATION VIOLA LIUZZO MURDER , I 4'L v *~= ,... m..,..-/ ' I 92- W - E i _ % BrlmoéMuhr J§w¢wfr. Casper. ....... Mr. allalun :.;_| Mn nn¢_" M ell. » v Mi 'rmac_.._ Ha 'l'rutter.___.. Please see that theae men are Tele. Roomi. well reprimanded since up to now Mnu H o Ime|_..., the K111 Klut have not known to Mill Glndy._.._.. , bq penalized for their burning crosses and deracement, and incite- Q ' mantaand barbaric and . Appreciat / 7C..: I 1 . --_ ¢ '..:.- _ *~** r ZLL nsnox .___.--1'/I i I APROEES r f_ /1,-1 J; I A.» J I -...._.-. _- D $ 92 92 0 .4 - _n_ J. n s":-1°-5 . .1 1.. my Q§ J'!I'1"'f o - 4~ 92 ,,.- . ' E9 J .r ' f Date 4/1/65 Transmit the Iollowinq in _ ____ _ _ _ , u Q AIRTQL - ', %777W 77 7 PPIOFUII 7777 7 7 7 1-1-up -1-1-,.-111-1111 T0: - nmwron, FBI ¢~-B J mom Q sac, m:rRo1'r 4-e43! 92- » - , EUGENE THOMAS, ET A VIOI.-ALm|..IUZZO Typo in phi: last or cola! ucaov Jmoms CIVIL RIGHTS oo: HOBTLB Re report of SA Enclosed for letterhead aka., received on q&0'10N - VICTIM - ELECTION LAHS SELMA! Also enclosed is one cop each of letterhead memorandum for Birmingham and Mobile g g _ at Detroit, dated 4/1/65 5 92 -_ the Bureau are original and seven copies of a q 3. morandum reflectin d ta s of 1nforma 2 _ Bureau mi Enc .-8! by SA AMSD! arrom in captioned Birmingham matter- Enc.-1! 3 - Mobile Selma! 4-1245! EnC.-1! 3 - Detroit - _ - .=13 - _ _ ¢/@511 .¢/4://1!!-'5-/6'/9,4! ggfvaa fygdj 15- 4-74//43 -33 . t __ _* _ ';7d6g¬;}4g%a@¢!§§7 // 0 '~ "I1-z-I G4 , '-"{1}. ~"'="¬;5 e .='-'=-"-'|unlQ * $3 - - pg. I19 umrnn sn-res g ,'zlu~m:|2.nrr .. ~ e Memorandum . ' . -___ _ _ _ - _- t . _ -_ . .*-92. - - ' . _ . P ~. _ n ._ , . - 5. ',<:. 1:a_;11nc'roa,92a_;§'_rar.;,-,f;-_-.. - 92 R-._. '92' _, . _ _°*_92"- . r 4/2/6'5'_ 9 _ _ 1 . - "PI.IF K |.":.,-__" .1, '41..:._.r_?; 92-_&J_|_-,r."*_-'**QI.l92. '_;l:__. I._ ._,_. J,-___'-!'|._1-.. -' -1_l - r _1-j: . 7- _,- . F. ._.~!.*°_"_,i & __ ._"»j-_s4c,;u0Bu.nIa-.-1, _ - 1 h se1m1i4-1245!92 - -.. -1. » '_,.;' ,__,r - --. Jr.- ~ i5"BJE°T=A . EUGENE '1'Hom6!;. _ _/ -. 121- AL ' _ A vrom came xuzzo aka; /- " ~rli ' . LEROY"- - ".1 JEROHEMIOTOIL,-~VICTIMS_ - . B- . _ ._ '_-B./ - I. J ' -_ .'"~-1Reference report-oi"éS_A, dated I - , '3_ ' 4/1/6.5,.. at llobile se_1ma!_;" _ e _ ;,n » ';" Enclosed for the Bureau are five ! copies of - -' - referenced report. No dissemination is being made to the USA, Montgomery; Departmental Attorney, Montgomery; - - -or U54, Birmingham, until such time as the Bureau ' "Q. " .*-Y -furnishes authority to do. so. - ~ . 1 i . " " _ <' "... ' ' . -. ul g ' '¢ 1 - BirminghamBureau Enc. i§.@i' 5i~ D- ; / jkJ gt, V 1 ' _ 1 - Mobile Selma! _ - JA8/njr " , " ,.- . " i- . ' !- k x '~ x5 1;1e...,:_g?~;»_~=-ff... 1 . ._ a L . B . t 5_ 1 '7_ - i '_5 *"_''= ~ B _, ' /1'; ___ 92 . 1'»»~** v . Iéaa- . 4/J49. £1 . ; . '6/§["'__." . _--5' ---/ ' -. _._8 APR 6 H55. " V, - ' 1 - ' . 1 .1_ _ ~- '- r _ . 92 . -. U -5 _ / , .1 fi - va 15??: - '=-;¢ - y§%%§7 - T G92' -.5-i ' 1 "1 . »92. - _' ._-Z .~:=l= F, _ '._ - _ F, -I 4 -_ . ' _ ; , - A. 1-_ - A Vi -,1 '. _~. ' - -- ., " _ I '- ,1_ ._ J fb0MAY11 _ -""1 #2/,.@.* B .;;,-4. A-: _ l' .".M.'|I _ __ , :- - B-' __'.". ' cg? '- ' ' " - - _."_ | . " _- _-. la ' .-- 3 . - -92 . "4-"A-- .- _: -.,_ -' ~_ __.,- _. _ 1. '_r _.__ 3 _'T __ -. ._, ~:.'--...i"!" =1.i " """'i§-.. .._ ....... .-1'.-F-rP°._,-I §lf'~.i¬';~¢U;¬;~F¢'l1-_&_-_.;Lt92£.§_'_' _ _, _ ._ -_...., ...-_.____--__-.. -__--- .___- ._-.__ ¢1_:__._-- __!F-V2-?:L-'_;'7:1';'7~= -_- 7,; --_ =_--»,_;-_*_-_ _..¢ _: ._.__.._. u n nwv 4 .1" F _ QQ-:7 " . ® Mr."""'"'""' '1'-I-v~n.___._...... ___ . I ll. , -'Tl I1 92n|'92[_______ I rel I I _ * :§::.;;;'71 hp"' _ " ~ ' 5 , , " om-=4 4/2/65¢- I;-I I! _ Q:,__{,';"."* Transmitthe followingin _ _ __o_W o____ ___ _____ i _7 _ 92 -I ' I: ;"._'_l' 6 :1 Typlinplaueslorcodc! N 'Q. ! - . _ a-- .. , , v1=- I __AIRTE1-Q e J I__ __ {Priority} - -1-__,.--- -.92:.. ---4-an er, . £5! -,_- _- ., * = Q! - - . _ _-. -._ i /192'-. _| p_ v @ 1 e ; r 3 I '_ > -<a~<:nai~e= ,/Y . = -~1_ P'aip ps3/QT/55 a --*2. __ ;'-_J92.I'_- - 1' -- - " ll. lhi in Q 1 ' J _ 1 ~ Trna?. fir _ '. -1.-t*- _ .. a __' " _»,.92',- Typgh::p1liIllIIl92'.'"' or coda! "92"-1. 3*-- 92 . A ~ - A. , ., - i I -if ' '92 - .. * 92 V1,, _ ' ' ' __a__ ; _ __e_i__a_.._a__,,a____ .__,..--a-_-Q-,-.-p __ _ _ _ _ @--92 _ @ Q m - ' - _ n-rnunrnnn 151:1 I -_ lJLI92J§92IJ.92Jl'92,I'D-L _ ' .12 ' ,' Q-.1 _:' ! g92 "--_V-1'FROM:§;-}_SAC,,PHILAD §4-haw!. ,i'_ 92/ *' i i . 1 ; , "_ - ' susJaor.;'wILL ORVILLE Ton,~, _ .52,." ~ _ _ j ;_-. - ; 57,1 _ yd GARY THO ows;" 1- i" '> COLLIE - 3, qB.; ; ;"MBS. VIOLA IUZZO - VICTIM; P _C_H_ _ _ g 0 g__i__g___+__E:m__m_____r_:__::_g__ a, 0 27/65 a per on whoidentified hi r as K ; PTV/2 furnishe following at Philadelphia.information - telephone via~ to SA 92 92 ~ ' '_has Just returned fromparticipating in g the 50 milevoters marchfrom Selmato Montgomery, Ala. 92 92 On. car 3/'25/65,on Highway#50a-pr-oximtely at fromMontgomery 9 p.m. CST,Selma, while to driving washe stoppedhis 7 for alle edl s ee ree or four c rs of i State Police ASP! . was stopped on about the lasttow c mile of t ane highwaypanied. leadin b some g and all of unrecalled addresses Philadelphia, _P_§._: '_, 1 '. - - ' . ' '"While the ASP werequestioning him, the all suddenly andum e inhis their automobilesfriends alone.and spedIn awayt 15 in minutesa hurry, leaving ofall the ' l ASP cars returned and escorte to Selma, where he paid B Qemlicense #203311fine and was released. has Delaware' 'drivers ' ' . 5 v~@==**?-,.<;1h.~i£»/'¢/i_.5.;§ i __ :1?§--- Birmingham Bureau ..lnf.o!' ~_;;_ - . 3a _' MAR' 291985} B 92 :1.-I.1 - Baltimorebilé 92I'I-lféj ':- lnfoa_ 25'-_;=*~__'e_ " ."-' ""1. --.- ,__ ' t '- -~ --- 1 - Philadelphia. 4 -new! ""' iG'5-F5'JD I-Fiji? -2 " if IT - .¢ __Approved: ! _ 1~ _ l Sent - Per H 92 ; AP ypeclolAé $1nChdrqc1 L!" _ ._ . _ Q ... d_ _-'_,_-a - 4:.92_. __ jig-i-"'-g'§*;'-by ip '92 K _@ ?'j92r.._-It 1 l -_- P-',_,|. - ~ v__92 '_"¢0 _. ;~§,--,-3H -'-V . elf:-fiic ?f:F_,'- ' 1 __ £"'_;__.4b1_Z_1%,';1L..3=°?.'4 "':_-_:_:;_"':;-.-'_Z_?_gI_'A~.;4_ -'_VV" ff ____£-__:4."<,-->é".;'e-i1z92!!=c?Zl~§**"_=--,si r- -'::fI:f:f92" 92, .-é.-.".a=.a-.'>'.~';.'.'./3-,'f-|>i'#-'.2.= __ -.-_, R; .1 , , _ , ._ . I ..¢ . ._ __ - r 0 .-.1 _. _ _ -_ ._ _ _ - _ '92 1 .h, - ' - -'-"u»-. vd_ w; ~'¢ _ ;_ 1 _ .1 ,92>...-- .Ivn '~ . - u '.' .

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