Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 7 (1) (2018) : 85 – 93 https://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/seloka/article/view/25178 Language Choice Form of Multi Ethnic Community in Family Area at Permai ATM Housing Dian Rahmasari¹ & Ida Zulaeha2 ¹ MTs Negeri Banggai, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia ² Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia Article Info Abstract ________________ ___________________________________________________________________ History Articles The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the language choice of multi- Received: ethnic community in family area at Permai ATM Housing. The data collected March 2018 Accepted: through the refer method consists of basic and advanced technique, March 2018 the basic technique was tapping technique, and advanced techniques, namely I: Published: a technique of speech live free refer (SBLC), technique II: recording technique, April 2018 technique III: record technique. The determinant unsure technique (PUP) and ________________ Keywords: the differential distinguishing technique (HBB) were used to analyze the data. choice form of multi ethnic The language choice of multi-ethnic community in the family area at Permai communitty family area at ATM Housing included single variations of languages covered Malay-Banggai, Permai ATM housing, language Banggai, Saluan, Balantak, Banjar, and Bugis; codes switch included Saluan to ____________________ Bahasa Indonesia, Banjar to Malay-Banggai; and code mixes included word insertion of Malay-Banggai, into Bahasa Indonesia and Banggai to Malay- DOI https://doi.org/10.15294 Banggai, phrase insertion included Saluan to Bahasa Indonesia and Malay- /seloka.v7i1.25178 Banggai to Bahasa Indonesia, and baster insertion included Banggai into Bahasa Indonesia. © 2018 Universitas Negeri Semarang Correspondence address: p-ISSN 2301-6744 Dodung, Banggai, Kab. Banggai Laut, Sulawesi Tengah e-ISSN 2502-4493 E-mail: [email protected] 85 Dian Rahmasari & Ida Zulaeha Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 7 (1) (2018) : 85 – 93 INTRODUCTION studied to see the language choice that is used by that society. Indonesia is a complex community. It is Speech code choice or commonly known signed by the different of ethnic socio-cultural as language choice arises in diglossia situation backgrounds. Each ethnic has differences in that enables a society to become bilingual, either language, customs, characteristics, and identity. active or passive. This condition supports the Adyana & Rokhman (2016) reveal that language community has a repertoire more than one can be one of ethnic identities. The language of speech code, so that in communication with Java is identical with Javanese ethnic, Banggai is others he/she made a choice of speech codes, identical with Banggai ethnic, Saluan is identical especially the different speech partners of his/her with Saluan ethnic, and Bugis is identical with first language (Sumarsono, 2009). Eliya & Bugis ethnic. It is in line with Zulaeha (2002) that Zulaeha (2017) reveal that the choice of speech the realization of language is influenced by socio- code can be interpreted as a tendency to use a cultural background factors of speech code among some other codes that developed in community, education, and age. a community. Multi-ethnic community in Permai The language choice is due to the presence Housing brings their own local languages in the of bilingual (Widianto & Zulaeha, 2016). The interaction. Such ethnic diversity makes bilingual can bring up language choices, namely Indonesia rich in local languages. Transmigration code switch and code mix. Language choice can create an interaction between migrant and occurs because there is a purpose to be achieved local communities. Each community has by the speaker. Language choice that conducted difference language. It caused by their own social in this research is related to the overall language environment. The interactions of speech contained in a society. community that have differences linguistic in The Research on language studies used in interacting verbally will cause a language contact a community has been done by Safrihady & unconsciously. The language contacts are Mardikantoro (2017). However, the research encouraged by the difference ethnic and linguistic conducted by Safrihady and Mardikantoro was backgrounds (Christian & Rustono, 2016; done to Sambas community in Singkawang city Susanto & Santoso, 2017). by using pragmatic approach while the research Languge contact can occur in social was conducted on multiethnic community in situations. In this case, a person learns a second Perumahan ATM Permai through sociolinguistic language in his community. That language approach. contact encourages the appearance of language The Language choice studi, the languages variations. In line with that thought, Saddiyah & are used according to the ongoing speech Rokhman (2018) reveal that social and situational situation. The speech situation is not always factors led to the emergence of language varieties. static, sometimes changing so quickly that it is Such a situation connects between two different possible to bring up code switch and code mix. ethnicities or more. Asmarani, Warsino, & This phenomenon is vulnerable in bilingual or Subagyo (2018) revealed that social interaction multilingual societies. Bilingual or multilingual can be done with two different ethnicities. It societies come up from ethnic diversity. The encourages the emergence of bilingual or diverse ethnic who live in the middle of the multilingual society. Multilingual societies can be community are quite interesting to be studied formed from several ethnics, immigration, or with the aim of viewing the use of language mixed marriages so that they called as plural choice. This phenomenon can be seen in the societies (Sumarsono & Paina, 2002; multiethnic community in Permai ATM Wardhaugh, 2010). The ethnic diversity that lives Housing. in a speech society is quite interesting to be Geographically, the west of Permai ATM Housing is borders with Timbong village, south 86 Dian Rahmasari & Ida Zulaeha Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 7 (1) (2018) : 85 – 93 borders subdistrict of South Banggai, and the METHODS north is bordered by Mominit village. Most of the people who living in Permai ATM Housing come There are two approaches used in this from local ethnic and are supported by ethnic research, namely theoretical and methodological immigrants from various regions. In this region, approach. The theoreti used is the sociolingustic local ethnic and ethnic immigrants live in while the methodological approach used is the harmony and peace. This communities work as qualitative descriptive. employees, take care of the housemaid, Civil The data collected through the refer Servants (PNS), and farmer. It is the main job of method consists of basic and advanced technique, some residents of these ethnic in Permai ATM the basic technique was tapping technique, and Housing. advanced techniques, namely I: a technique of In general, people who live in Permai speech live free refer (SBLC), technique II: ATM Housing consist of eight ethnics, namely recording technique, technique III: record Bugis, Buton, Saluan, Banjar, Makassar, technique. The advanced techniques are speech Balantak, Bajo, and Banggai. Banggai ethnic as live free refer (SBLC), record (listen and written) indigenous and supported by ethnic immigrants, (Sudaryanto, 2015). The determinant unsure Bugis ethnic originated from South Sulawesi technique (PUP) and the differential province, Balantak, and Saluan originated from distinguishing technique (HBB) were used to Central Sulawesi province. The eight ethnics analyze the data. coexist in harmony. This can be seen from the occurrence of cultural absorption and the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION integration of multiethnic societies in the social interactions undertaken by those ethnics. Along Language Choice Form of Multi Ethnic with the improving socio-economic society level Community in Family Area at Permai ATM better too the education community level Housing (Zulaeha, 2016). Generally, the community The language choice used by the multi- chose to leave their hometown for the purpose of ethnic community led to use the interesting studying, working, trading, employees, laborers, language. This happens because multi-ethnic and so on. community is bilingual, even multilingual. It is Ethnic diversity in the community one of causes the emergence of language choices indirectly influences the speakers to make the in multiethnic community. The language choice language choice which appropriate with speech that appears in multi-ethnic speech community in situation both formal and non-formal situations. family area at Permai ATM Housing is a It is in line with Mardikantoro (2012) that reveals variation single language, code switch, and code that the choice of language always appears along mix. with the variety of languages. This research focus on language choice that is related to what kind of Language Single Variations languages are used by multiethnic communities The language single variations that appear in Permai ATM Housing. in multiethnic speech community are Banggai- The problem that is revealed in this Malay, Banggai, Saluan, Balantak, Banjar, and research relate to the language choice of multi- Bugis. The single variation of Banggai-Malay is ethnic community in family are at Permai ATM used in the Banggai Saluan-family, whereas the Housing. The purpose of this
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