DOC6MENT RESUME ft ., ED 089 392 . BA 005 887 (1 AUR Piele, Philip K.; Smi.th, Stuart C. TITLE 4 Directory. of OrOanizations and Personnel in Educational,Management. Fourth Edition.. INSTITUTION Oreqbn Univ., Eugene. ERIC Clearinghouseon Educeiional Management. SPONS AGENCY National' Inst: .0 Education (DHFW), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 74. CONTRACT OEC-0-8-080353-3514 N9TE 82p.. A re4ted,document is ED 058 469 AVAILABLE FROM Editor's Office, ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational . .' . - ' Managemente.University of Oiegon, Eugene, Oregon ; 97403 ($3.50, prepaid. Make checks payable-toERIC ,Publications) . N " EDRS PRICE MF-$0.75 HC-$4.20 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Administrative Personnel; Colleges;' *Directories; *Educational Administration; *Educational Facilities; Educational Finance; Educational Researchers;,; Elementary scho4s; Evaluation;' Higher Education; Instruction; Man'agementi. *Organizations (Groups); Planning; Professional AsSociations; School Districts; Secondary School's; Teachers ABSTRACT ' , , , Compiled as a,tool for locating information about research in educational management, thisnew edition lists 152 organizations and 535 individuals. Educationalmanagement, as used to define the scope of this Directory, includes allaspects of the leadership, administration, andstrticture of public andprivate educational organizations and.the provision of facilitiesfor their operation. Cited for each organization is itsname and address, purpose, policy for supplying information to users, geographic service areas, and topics of available publicatidns..abepetsonbel section cites each researcher'sname, title, address, subje.it areas, research. affiliation, and available.publications. Extensivesubject indexes are provided for both organizational andpersonnel sections. (Author) , 1 U S 0Ei ARTMEKT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION &WELFARE jr NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS SEEN REPRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR OROANIZATION ORIGIN N A TING IT ,POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY DIRECTORY OF ORGANIZATIONS AND PERSONNEL N EDUCATIONACMANAGEMENT Fourth Edition PHILIP K. PIELE ti STUART;: H 1974 ERIC CLEARiNGUOUSE ON EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EUGENE, OREGON 97403 tho 00 to V. ERIC and ERIC/CEM The Educational Retources In formation Center(ERIdyisa national information system operated by the National Institute of Education.. ERIC serves educators by disseMinating research results and other resource information,,that can be used in developing mare effec- tive educational programs. The ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management, one .of several such units u the systeth, was established at the University df Oregon in 1966. The Clearinghouse and its companion units process research reports and journal articles for announcement in ERIC's index and abstract bulletins. Research reports ate announced in Research in Education (RIE), available in many libraries and by subscription for $38 a year from the United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Most of the documents listed in RIE. can be purchased through tho ERIC Document. Reproduction Service, operated by Leasco Information Pro- ducts, Inc. Journal articles arc announced in Current Index to Journals in Education. CUE is also availablein many jibraries and can be ordered for $44 a year from Macmillan Information, 866 Third Avenue, Room 1126, New York, New York 10022. Annual and semi-annual cumulations can be ordered separately. , . Besides processing documents-and journal articles, the Clearinghouse has another major functioninformation analysis and synthesis. The Clearinghouse prepares bibliographies, literature reviews, monographs', and other interpretive research studies on topics in its edlic.i tionalarea, . ,.' . 4o, Cover Designed by Alan Zinn The material in this publication wal prepared pursuant to a' ontract with the National Institu& of Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Contractors undertaking such projects under government 'sponsorship are encouraged to express, freely their judgment in pYofessional.and technical matters. Prior to publi- cation, the inuscript pas submitted to the Center for Educational Policy and Management for critical review an4 determina ion of professional competence. This publication has met such standards.Poihts of view or opin- ions, however, do t necessarily represent the official view or opinions of either the Center for-Educational Policy and Maiiageyient or the National Institute o Education. No federal funds were used in the printing of this prOlkation. Library of Congress Catalog Number: 74.79889 Clearinghouse Accession Number: KA 005 887 US ISSN: .0070-6035 . A CONTErelyS PREFACE V ORGANIZATIONS 7 INTRODUCTION . .. ... ./. 2 ALPHABETIC LISTING 3 SUBJECT'i MAX I 17 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX 23 PERSONNEL INTRODUCTION 26 ALPHABETIC LISTING 27 SUBJECT INDEX 69 PREFACE If change is alLindication of progress; this new edition speaksmell for the progressiOn of research in educational management. Ware is the organizatio 1 or individual researcher' who has riot substantially redirected the, focus of his research d aing the past two years since the previous edition was issued. Open schooling, systems building teChnikies, and comMunity education, arc only a f' of the subjects receivinOncreased attention by. ... tod4's-iesearchers. , A comparison with the previous edition will reveal more than changes IR subjects, &.: Vesearch. A total of thirty-five organizations in the last edition were omitted from the present list*. The majority of these deletions arc the result of our decision no longer to include organizations Operating for profit. In addition, several organizations ceased opera-' tion or shifted the area of their specialization such that they no'Ionger fall within the Directory's scope.`' Thirty -three Organizations have been added to Abis edition for a net reduction of.two. The number of researchers listed has grown fron(416 to 535, a net increase of 119. a:Educational management, as used to define the scope of this Directory, includes all aspectsJA tite leadership, administration, and structure of public and private eduptional organizations and the' provision of facilities for their operation. Although the Clearing- house.conceins itself only with the'elementary and secondary levels, the Directory covers. manAgement at all educational levels. ' Although COmbined-into one directory, the organizational and persOmiel sectionsarc intended to have somewhat different purposes. The organizational listing is designed to guide users to sources of information on educational management. For this reason we have indicated eachtorganization's policy for supplying information in response to requests and, wherever applicable, publications that can be obtained by writing to it. Also in keeping with this purpose, we have chosen to include in the directory both organizations engaged in research and developmen'. and those providing service to the educational manageptent.profession or a segment of it"Service" is defined generally to include disseMinating information, providing consultation, rprAinoting exchange of Ideas, , . i conducting workshops, etc. Organizations that meet' th5se criteria and are listed in the following pages include federally funded research centers arid laboratories, professional associations, school study councili, university research and get-vie bureaus, and a variety of ihdependent organizations. Agencies specializing in information retrieval are not, included. The personnel section, on the other hand,is meant to facilitate communication among researchers, who can use the listing to locate othersdoing similar or related research. It is hoped the increased communication made possible by the section will contribute to the. overall iMproveinent of educational Management research. InfOrmation for'the personnel sectionwas obtaired by questionnaires setit to professors of educational administration in colleges and universities across the country and twe- searcheis in a variety of organizations. Personswere selected for inclusion in the Directory on the ba'sis of the relevance of their research for educational management. I..* We would like-to acknowledge three members of the Clearinghouse staff for their assist-. ance in preparing the indexesEllen Rice., Emily Hungerford, and Mary Ellen McCrossen. ° PUILIP K. PIMA STUART C. SMITH OF 41. GANIZATIONS k 0 A 4 NT. RCIpLiCTitON 4 OrganizatiOns can be easily located in the directory in any osne.of three ways: (1) by their titles in ,,the*alphabetic listing, (2) by, their subject areas and publication topics through use of the subject index, and (3) by their service areas through use of the geographic index,. Indexes refer to the organizations' entry numbers, not to page numbers. Following is a sample entry and anexpianatidnof its use: tikOkik' f$0" en 14404 ' Service area :10,411$40- Service policy (see key ----,==..rtr40-16, k-0A( -,° on odd - numbered pages) PutpOtitiTtlititti,A)Xebit! 010Or 900V,giAttii Phone number anc$ 64*-6 General purpos ( or mission gubito §eltb0, la( pOiicy..- Taunt, = tito) ot6-1-41.44 -- Subjects in which the Plt,OgratA 'organization,ipecializes .staff .pohlena area-dicing ectucalistit - Topics of publicationsir- PuhlieatiOn 141;11 DisOplhie, citizens ad available from 91$151Y tOtOrnitle4.11;:sctiCIO1vOltfriteekiti.de- organization at time segregation; alternative schools, informal directory was compiled education,
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