Afya Uzazi Program USAID KENYA/EAST AFRICA Afya Uzazi Program QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT: APRIL 1ST ― JUNE 30TH 2017 A nurse attends to a mother and her child during an integrated outreach in Loberer, Baringo County. JUNE 2017 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International USAID KENYA AND EAST AFRICA AFYA UZAZI - FY 2017 Q3 PROGRESS REPORT 01 April 2017 – 30 June 2017 Award No: AID -615-A-16-00011 Prepared for Lilian Mutea United States Agency for International Development/Kenya C/O American Embassy United Nations Avenue, Gigiri P.O. Box 629, Village Market 00621 Nairobi, Kenya Prepared by Family Health International (FHI 360) 359 BLACKWELL STREET, SUITE 200 DURHAM, NC 27701 USA PHONE +1.919-544-7040 Email: [email protected] WWW.FHI360.ORG DISCLAIMER The authors’ views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 2 Quantitative Impact .............................................................................................................................. 4 Constraints and Opportunities .............................................................................................................. 5 II. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS (QUALITATIVE IMPACT) ..................................................................... 6 III. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS (QUANTITATIVE) .............................................................................. 33 IV. CONSTRAINTS AND OPPORTUNITIES ................................................................................... 36 V. MONITORING EVALUATION AND LEARNING .................................................................... 38 VI. PROGRESS ON GENDER STRATEGY ....................................................................................... 42 VII. PROGRESS ON ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING ....................... 42 VIII. PROGRESS ON LINKS TO OTHER USAID PROGRAMS .................................................... 43 IX. PROGRESS ON LINKS WITH GOK AGENCIES ..................................................................... 44 X. PROGRESS ON USAID FORWARD ............................................................................................. 44 XI: SUSTAINABILITY AND EXIT STRATEGY ............................................................................... 45 XII: GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE .................................................................................... 45 XIV. FINANCIAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................... 50 XV. ACTIVITY ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................................. 52 List of tables Table 1: Supportive supervision and action plans ................................................................................... 7 Table 2: Community health volunteer reporting rates .......................................................................... 28 Table 3: Common and preferred communication channels from the assessment ..................................... 31 Table 4: Key achievements from Oct 2016 – June 2017 ........................................................................ 33 Table 5: DHIS 2 Reporting rates ............................................................................................................. 41 Table 6: Budget Details ......................................................................................................................... 51 List of Figures Figure 1: Number of clients reached during outreaches ......................................................................... 7 Figure 2: Comparison of IUCD & Implants Uptake between Q2 and Q3 in Nakuru, Baringo ................ 10 Figure 3: Trends in FP uptake for all methods over the last two quarters. ........................................... 10 Figure 4: Completion of 4 ANC visits by sub-county, by quarter. .......................................................... 11 Figure 5: Trends in SBA for Nakuru and Baringo, by quarter ................................................................. 12 Figure 6: Trends in SBA for Nakuru and Baringo ................................................................................... 13 Figure 7: Pre-and post-training level of skills on neonatal resuscitation in Nakuru .............................. 13 Figure 8: Monthly coverage on immunization coverage in Baringo focus sub-counties ....................... 15 Figure 9: Availability of RMNCH commodities, Nakuru County ............................................................. 24 Figure 10: Availability of RMNCH commodities, Mogotio Sub-County, Baringo County ....................... 25 Figure 11: Uptake of FP and Teen Pregnancy in Q2 and Q3 by focus sub county ................................. 28 Figure 12: Number of people reached through IPC ............................................................................... 32 Figure 13. DQA output at 50 facilities within the focused sub counties ............................................... 38 Figure 14: DQA output in Baringo County ............................................................................................. 39 Annexes Annex 1: Afya Uzazi Integrated Outreach Model of Implementation Annex II: Concept Note on Centres of Exchange Learning Annex III: Report of Exposure Visit to PHE Mt Elgon, Uganda Annex IV: Report of Population, Health and Environment (PHE) Stakeholders Meeting, Wednesday 7th June 2017, Waterbuck Hotel, Nakuru 5 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome AMREF: Africa Medical and Research Foundation ANC: Ante-Natal Care APHIA: Aids, Population and Health Integrated Assistance ASSIST: Applying Science to Strengthen and Improve Systems AYSRH: Adolescent and Youth Sexual Reproductive Health BEmONC: Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care BFCI: Baby Friendly Community Initiative CBO: Community Based Organization CDH: County Director of Health CDHS: County Department of Health Services CEL: Centers of Exchange Learning CEmONC: Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care CFA: Community Forest Association CHC: Community Health Committee CHEW: Community Health Extension Worker CHMT: County Health Management Team CHRIO: County Health Records and Information Officer CHU: Community Health Unit CHV: Community Health Volunteer CHX: Chlorhexidine CME: Continuous Medical Education COC: Combined Oral Contraceptive COP: Chief of Party CQI: Continuous Quality Improvement CSE: Comprehensive Sexuality Education CU: Community Unit CYP: Couple Years Protection DCOP: Deputy Chief of Party DHIS: District Health Information System DMA: Data Management Assistant DMPA: Depo Medroxyprogesterone Acetate DPT: Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus DQA: Data Quality Audit DQIP: Data Quality improvement plan DVI: Division of Vaccination and Immunization ECD: Early childhood development EMR: Electronic Medical Records EMONC: Emergency obstetric and newborn care ENC: Essential Newborn Care EPI: Expanded Program on Immunization FANC: Focused Ante-Natal Care FCDRR: Facility Consumption Data Report and Request FGD: Focused Group Discussion FHI: Family Health International FHOK: Family Health Options Kenya FIC: Fully Immunized Child 6 FP: Family Planning GoK: Government of Kenya GBV: Gender Based Violence HCM: Health Communication and Marketing HCW: Health Care Worker HF: Health Facility HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus HMIS: Health Management Information System HRH: Human Resources for Health HRIS: Human Resource Information System HSS: Health Systems Strengthening IEC: Information, Education and communication IHRIS: Integrated Human Resource Information System IMCI: Integrated Management of Child Illness IPC: Infection Prevention and Control IUCD: Intra-Uterine Contraceptive Device KCSEED: Keringet Community Socio-Economic Empowerment and Development KEMRI: Kenya Medical Research Institute KEMSA: Kenya Medical Supplies Agency KEPH: Kenya Essential Package for Health KEPI: Kenya Expanded Program on Immunization KFA: Kenya Forestry Association KMET: Kisumu Medical and Education Trust KSCSS: Kenya Supply Chain System Strengthening KFS: Kenya Forestry Service LARC: Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives LAPM: Long acting and permanent methods LOP: Letter of Permission LBVC: Lake Victoria Basin Commission LDP: Leadership Development Program MCH: Maternal Child Health MEC: Medical Eligibility Criteria MEL: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning MIYCN: Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition MNH: Maternal and Newborn Health MNCH: Maternal, Newborn and Child Health MOE: Ministry of Education MOH: Ministry of Health MPDSR: Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response MSH: Management Science for Health MVA: Manual Vacuum Aspiration NACS: Nutrition Assessment, Counseling and Support NCAHU: Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health Unit NCPD: National Council for Population and Development NHIF: National Hospital Insurance Fund NHP: Nutrition and Health Program OJT: On-Job Training 1 OPV: Oral Polio Vaccine ORS: Oral Rehydration Solution ORT: Oral Rehydration Therapy PAC: Post Abortion Care PACE: Policy, Advocacy & Communication Enhanced PATH: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health PET: Pre-Eclampsia Treatment PHE: Population, Health &
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