1 TIMELINE DYLAN THOMAS YEAR DYLAN THOMAS WALES BRITAIN THE WORLD 1914 October 27th: Dylan Marlais Thomas Ø No National Eisteddfod was held. Ø May 15th – Parliament Ø June 28th – In Sarajevo, born at 5 Cwmdonkin Drive, Uplands, Ø July 7th: Freddie Welsh from rejected the idea of Arch Duke Franz Swansea. Pontypridd became World Scottish Home RUle, bUt Ferdinand from AUstria- He had an older sister called Nancy Lightweight Boxing champion. principle of Irish Home Hungary and his wife, Marles Thomas. His parents – David Ø JanUary 14th: First motorised Rule accepted. were shot, leading to the John and Florrie Thomas were both trolleybus service in Wales started in Ø May 22nd – 57 beginning of the First from Carmarthenshire. D.J.Thomas was Aberdare. Trams were running in protestors including World War. senior English Master at Swansea Swansea and SoUth Wales Transport Emmeline PankhUrst Ø October 3rd– EarthqUake Grammar School. Company was set up and ran a were arrested for trying in TUrkey killed 2,500 service in Swansea Valley. to reach BUckingham people. Ø September 18th: Welsh Church Act – Palace to fUrther their leaded to setting Up the ChUrch in caUse for ‘votes for Wales (breaking free from the ChUrch women’. of England). Ø Nov 17th: Income tax Ø First Women’s teacher training doubled to pay for the college opened in Barry. war. Ø Manager of Swansea Town AFC was an Englishman called William Bartlett. He was in post for less than a year. Ø Five Nations in rUgby Union was won by England with Wales second. 1915- 1915 1915 1915 25 Ø Sept 2nd: Keir Hardy, first LaboUr MP Ø JanUary 19th: Aerial Ø December 10th: Ford in – died. warfare began on the USA made its one Ø Dec 4th: First sUbmarine (J3) Britain as German millionth car. laUnched in Pembroke. Zeppelins were Used for Ø In Llanfair PG Anglesey – first branch the first time. of the Women’s InstitUte was set Up. Ø FebrUary 4th: UK war Ø D.W.Griffiths’ contentioUs film The casualties reached 2 Birth of a Nation was screened in 104,000. New York. D.W.Griffiths was an Ø FebrUary 18th: The American of Welsh descent who was planned Berlin Olympic one of the founders of the modern Games were cancelled. film indUstry. Ø March 18th. Government Urged women to go oUt to work to help the war campaign. 1916 1916 1916 Ø Dec 7th: Lloyd George, a Welshman Ø JanUary 6th: Military Ø April 8th: In Norway became Prime Minister. Conscription was passed women were given the Ø 4,000 Welsh soldiers of the 38th by Parliament. right to vote in general Division of the Welsh Guards, and a Ø May 21st: British elections. 1,000 of The Royal Welsh Fusiliers Summer Time started, Ø April 24th: Uprising in were killed in the Somme and as a way of saving coal Dublin, Ireland against Mametz. to create light in the British Rule. This lead to Ø Jimmy Wilde – World Boxing evenings the ‘Easter Rising’. Champion. Ø July 1st: Somme campaign started, leading to thoUsands of deaths in the trenches. Ø September 15th: Britain used tanks in the war for the first time. Ø Woodrow Wilson was elected President of the USA narrowly beating Charles Evans Hughes, whose father was a Welsh minister from 3 Tredegar. 1917 1917 1917 Ø July 31st: Hedd Wyn was killed in Ø British Royal family Ø March 16th: RUssian Czar action in Pilkem Ridge before he dropped all German Nicholas II abdicated, coUld claim his bardic chair at the titles: Saxe-Coburg- which led to the RUssian Birkenhead National Eisteddfod. Gotha became Windsor revolUtion of Nov 7th. Ø A young Welsh poet from Allt-wen, and BattenbUrg became Ø April 6th: America joined Gwenallt, was jailed for two years MoUntbatten. in World War 1; because he was a conscientious objector, refusing to enlist as a soldier on moral and religious groUnds. 1918 1918 1918 Ø Autumn /Winter: Wales was hit by a Ø JanUary 25th: British Ø The ex Czar of RUssia and killer flU. Government introdUced his family killed by Ø September 27th: The composer and a two-meatless-days-a- Russia’s Bolshevik. musician Morfydd Owen died in week policy to deal Ø November 11th: Craig-y-môr, MUmbles whilst on her with food shortages. Germany signed the holidays. She was only 27 years old Ø November 12th: Britain Armistice – which meant and married to SigmUnd Freud’s had war debts of £7,100 the end of the First World biographer and colleagUe, Ernest million. War which claimed 10 Jones from Gowerton. Ø November 23rd: LeagUe million allied and enemy Football resUmed in lives. Britain. Ø December 28th: women over 30 voted for the first time in a general election. 4 1919 1919 1919 Ø June 12th: Calls for a Welsh regional Ø July 5th: Wimbledon Ø April 17: Four of the top parliament. women’s championship film artists joined to Ø September 27th: Adelina Patti from was won for the first create a new company Craig y Nos, Swansea Valley, died. She time by a woman from a called United Artists, in was a world famoUs operatic singer. non-English speaking Hollywood. The artists nation – Suzanne were Mary Pickford, Lenglen from France. DoUglas Fairbank, Charles Ø October 16th: Chaplin and D.W. Griffith. Government had set up Ø June 28th: Germany a Commission to look signed the Peace Treaty into a system of federal at Versailles. devolution for the UK. Ø November 28th: Nancy Astor became Britain’s first woman MP. She was elected a Tory MP for PlymoUth in a by- election. 1920 1920 1920 Ø The ChUrch in Wales was officially set Ø August 31st: London Ø JanUary 16th: Prohibition up. police report revealed became law in the USA – Ø Billy Meredith at the age of 45 played that the growing prohibiting the for the Wales International football number of motor cars manUfactUre and sale of team, beating England at HighbUry. had led to an increase in alcohol. He played professionally for road deaths. Ø August: Olympic Games Manchester United. Ø October 16th: Coal were held in Antwerp, Ø University College of Wales Swansea miners were out on a Belgium. opened its doors to stUdents for the national strike. Ø September 10th: In India, first time. The national Congress, adopted Gandhi’s programme of non-co- 5 operation with the Indian Government. This was based on a non-violent approach. Ø November 21st: Killings in Ireland on this day became known as Bloody Sunday. In Croke Park in Dublin, - the HQ of the Gaelic Athletic Association, 12 people were killed by the Black and Tans (special police) and soldiers as a football match was aboUt to start. 1921 1921 1921 Ø The censUs showed a dramatic fall in Ø FebrUary 16th: Ø JanUary: More violence in the nUmber and percentage of Welsh Unemployment in Ireland as the Irish people speakers in Wales over 3yrs of age: Britain, topped 1 million foUght for freedom from Ø 1911 – 43.5% (977,366) (inclUded 368,000 ex- British Rule. Ø 1921 – 37.2% (929,183) servicemen). Ø December 7th: British Ø March 17th: First birth and Irish negotiators control clinic was signed an agreement to opened in London. create the RepUblic of Ø May 15th: It was official Ireland. that women preferred Ø Medical history made to wear shorter skirts, with the recognising of showing the calves of insUlin, offering hope to their legs. those who sUffered from Ø June 10th: diabetes. The finding was Unemployment in made in Canada by Britain reached 2.2 Frederick Banting and 6 million. Charles Best. Ø June 25th: It rained after a 100 day droUght in Britain. Ø August 1st: Increase in day trippers that took a break to the seaside. This was shown in the increase of seaside postcards. 1922 1922 1922 Ø The Urdd Gobaith CymrU Fach was Ø FebrUary 7th: Foot and Ø June 16th: First elections set Up by Sir Ifan ab Owen Edwards. moUth oUtbreaks were held for the Irish Free Ø The Goodwill Message from the reported, leading to the state. yoUng people of Wales to all nations slaUghter of 8,500 Ø July 27th: Germany in the promotion of peace, was begun cattle, 1,000 sheep and coUldn’t keep Up with the (Neges Ewyllys Da Dros Heddwch). 2,500 pigs. payment of war debts. Ø May 22nd: Highest The coUntry was facing temperature in London ruin and the people were for 50 years - 88°F in the suffering. shade. Ø August 22nd: Michael Ø August 2nd: Alexander Collins, Irish politician and Graham Bell who fighter for the free Irish invented the telephone state, was shot in Cork. died. Ø November 29th: Ø August 14th: Lord TutankhamUn treasUres Northcliffe, pioneer of foUnd in the Valley of the popular newspapers Kings in Egypt. and foUnder of the Daily Ø November 30th: In Mail died. Munich, Germany, Adolf Ø October 18th: BBC was Hitler addressed a crowd formed. of 50,000. 7 Ø October 25th: George Cadbury, chocolate giant, died 1923 1923 1923 Ø FebrUary 13th:The Welsh language Ø July 13th: Law passed to Ø FebrUary 16th: French was first heard on radio in Wales. prohibit the sale of fashion queen – Coco alcohol to anyone Under Chanel designed sweaters the age of 18 years old. for women. Her designs had changed the face of women’s fashion. Ø September 16th: EarthqUake in Tokyo, Japan, killed 300,000 and made over a million people homeless. 1924 1924 1924 Ø May 31st: David Ivon Jones from Ø JanUary 22nd: LaboUr Ø JanUary 21st: Lenin, Aberystwyth died of TB in Yalta, party won general founder of the Soviet Russia.
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