Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 30 AUGUST 1984 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Ministerial Statements 30 August 1984 353 THURSDAY, 30 AUGUST 1984 Mr SPEAKER (Hon. J. H. Warner, Toowoomba South) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. PAPERS The following paper was laid on the table, and ordered to be printed— Report of the President of the Industrial Court of Queensland for the year ended 30 June 1984. The following papers were laid on the table— Regulations under— PubUc Service Act 1922-1978 Traffic Act 1949-1982. MINISTERIAL STATEMENTS Builders Registration Board Hon. C. A. WHARTON (Bumett—Minister for Works and Housing) (11.2 a.m.), by leave: I refer to a series of telecasts made this month by the television program "State Affair" conceming the Builders Registration Board. The latest was last night and, like all other items on the board in this series, told only part of the story. For example, it quoted the honourable member for Ashgrove's statement in this House the previous day. Despite my reply to the honourable member, which I delivered in this House yesterday, and in which I challenged him to come forward with facts to substantiate his claims, he has not taken up my challenge. Despite the fact that my statement was made available to "State Affair" yesterday, no mention of it was made on the program. The program also featured an interview with the Reverend J. Woodley of the Uniting Church, and the clear implication was that I had, in a reply to a letter from the Reverend Mr Woodley, skirted over certain matters relating to disputes between buUders and owners of dwellings under constmction. That reply was made more than 10 months ago. In it I pointed out that most of the points raised by the Reverend Mr Woodley referred to the institution of arbitration proceedings, which are outside the board's jurisdiction. I further pointed out that the Builders Registration Board was not intended and is not stmctured to arbitrate contractual disputes between owners and builders. The board believes that it already has a role as a low-cost conciliation tribunal in the housing industry as an altemative to arbitration or litigation. I further explained that the arbitration clause found in some contracts is not mandatory and, although the philosophy of consumer protection is defended, it is suggested that there is a point at which the consumer should be prepared to protect his or her own interests by seeking legal advice before signing a contract which contains an arbitration clause. My letter further explained that, to that time, approximately 11 000 complaints of defective workmanship had been finalised by the board and that the number of disputes that go to arbitration or litigation would represent a minor percentage of the overaU number of complaints made. Once the matters conceming the board were raised by "State Affair", the Builders Registration Board contacted "State Affair" and asked for an opportunity to answer live—that is, as the program was on air—the allegations that were made. This request was denied Isy "State Affair" Instead, a taped interview was made. What went to air was only a fraction of that interview—about three minutes out of 15 minutes of taped interview—with another segment being subsequently shown following discussions about the screening of the original segment taken from the interview. 354 30 August 1984 Ministerial Statements "State Affair" has been informed that the board is still available for an on-air interview to discuss the matters raised. Tenth National Conference of Lesbians and Homosexual Men Hon. W. H. GLASSON (Gregory—Minister for Lands, Forestry and PoUce) (11,5 a.m.), by leave: In response to telexes and telephone calls to my office this moming conceming an article in "The Courier-Mail" about the Tenth National Conference of Lesbians and Homosexual Men to be held on the campus of the University of Queensland, I make this statement. Police will keep a close watch on the Tenth National Conference of Lesbians and Homosexual Men at the Queensland university this week-end, particularly the activities of those attending a paedophile workshop. Under existing laws, police are powerless to stop the conference going ahead, if it is restricted to a closed audience and specifically designed for educational purposes. I suggest that this is an area which is being increasingly utilised by such undesirable groups. It is a loophole in the law which should be closed, without restricting legitimate educational seminars for doctors and those involved in psychology and other specific areas within the field of medical research. I state emphatically that, as far as I am concemed, there is no room in Queensland for child-molesters, whether they be sexual or physical, and the poUce wiU do everything within the law to eliminate their practices from our society. However, as I have said, it is an instance in which this legal loophole is being used by such groups to openly flout the law under the guise of educational conferences. That makes it very difficult for the police to act. I am taking steps to see what can be done to block effectively the legality of this avenue to people who would endeavour to cormpt children. In the meantime, might I suggest to the university's administration that they closely monitor the activities of such groups operating within the confines of the university campus. Sydney AIDS Incident Hon. B. D. AUSTIN (Wavell—Minister for Health) (11.7 a.m.), by leave: I wish to advise honourable members that my department has received no information from the New South Wales Health Department in respect of the present AIDS incident in Sydney. As I understand the matter, it concems only the transfusion of blood and not blood fractions. Therefore, it has no influence on the situation in Queensland, as aU of the blood used in Queensland is collected here. None is received from New South Wales. The Queensland Blood Transfusion Service continues to instmct potential donors about the issues of contaminated donations. The tests referred to in the news reports concerning the present Sydney incident do not change the situation as far as screening of blood donations is concemed. The tests in fact are still not specific for AIDS, as they only identify exposure to a particular vims and do not indicate whether the patient does or does not have the actual disease. The reports coming out of the present New South Wales incident appear to be confused and conflicting. We in Queensland are not sure of what precise evidence there is that the patients do have AIDS. A premature press release about potential laboratory tests which may or may not become useful at some time in the future does not contribute to the management of the present situation. We are monitoring all developments in the area of laboratory testing and none of these presentiy allow specific identification of carriers from those who have developed immunity. This present incident does not change the situation in Queensland at all. The Deputy Director-General of Health and Medical Services in Queensland (Dr Ken Donald), will be visiting the Centre for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, in September, 1984 to Ministerial Statements 30 August 1984 355 discuss the developments there with the people responsible for AIDS control in that country. Tenth National Conference of Lesbians and Homosexual Men Hon. L. W. POWELL (Isis—Minister for Education) (11.9 a.m.), by leave: I wish to make a ministerial statement concerning reports that the Tenth National Conference of Lesbians and Homosexual Men will be conducted on the campus of the University of Queensland this week-end. I understand that the conference venue was decided because of my refusal last year to allow Queensland teachers to attend the conference held in a southem State. The conference will discuss aspects of deviate behaviour. My concern centres on reports that the agenda includes such topics as child molestation or paedophilia, which is the fancy term that these people use. This is abhorrent and totally unacceptable. I view this conference with total repugnance. As Minister for Education, I do not have direct responsibility for activities held on the University campus. Section II of the University of Queensland Act clearly indicates that the University Senate— "Shall be the goveming body of the University and shall have the entire management and control of the affairs, concems and property of the University and may act in all matters conceming the University in such manner as appears to it best calculated to promote the interests and purposes of the University." It is my hope that those in a position of authority will act to ban this conference, the activities of which are contrary and offensive not only to me as Minister but to the community at large. Accordingly, I have sent the following telex to the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Queensland— "I am extremely concerned that the Tenth Annual Conference of Lesbians and Homosexual Men will be held on the University campus this coming weekend. I view with utter disdain the agenda section on child molestation (paedophilia). Would urge Senate's urgent reassessment of permission for this conference to be held on the University campus. The distinct public impression is that because this conference is being conducted on University property that the University as a body approves of this type of deviate behaviour. In the interests of the good name of education in this State I beUeve it imperative that this conference is not held on University property." Tenth National Conference of Lesbians and Homosexual Men Hon.
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