By-laws and Rules & Regulations DeMolay International As Amended at the Annual Meeting of 2016 The Sacred Landmarks of the Order of DeMolay A DeMolay Chapter must be sponsored by a generally recognized Masonic Body or Masonic Bodies. Membership in a DeMolay Chapter shall be limited to boys: 1. Who are not yet twenty-one years of age. 2. Who profess a belief in God and Reverence for His Holy Name. 3. Who affirm their loyalty to their country and respect for its flag. 4. Who adhere to the practice of personal morality. 5. Who pledge themselves to uphold the high ideals typified by the seven cardinal virtues in the Crown of Youth. 6. Who accept the philosophy of the Universal Brotherhood of Man and the nobility of character typified by the life and death of Jacques DeMolay By-laws DeMolay International By-laws Table of Contents ARTICLE I ARTICLE VI GENERAL PROVISIONS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sec. 1 Name .............................................. 1 Sec. 1 Members ..........................................6 Sec. 2 Nonprofit Status ............................. 1 Sec. 2 Vacancies ........................................6 Sec. 3 Purpose ........................................... 1 Sec. 3 Organization ....................................6 Sec. 4 Definitions ...................................... 1 Sec. 4 Meetings ..........................................6 Sec. 5 Rules & Regulations and Forms ..... 1 Sec. 5 Notice ..............................................6 Sec. 6 Quorum and Voting .........................6 ARTICLE II Sec. 7 Powers .............................................6 OFFICES Sec. 8 Review of Salaries and Expenses ....7 Sec. 9 Action by Mail ................................7 ........................................................ 1 ARTICLE VII ARTICLE III OFFICERS NAME, JURISDICTION AND POWERS Sec. 1 Titles ................................................7 Sec. 1 Name .............................................. 2 Sec. 2 Qualifications ..................................7 Sec. 2 Jurisdiction ..................................... 2 Sec. 3 Election ...........................................7 Sec. 3 Powers ............................................ 2 Sec. 4 Term of Office .................................7 Sec. 5 Duties ..............................................7 ARTICLE IV Sec. 6 Vacancies ........................................7 MEMBERS ARTICLE VIII Sec. 1 Classes of Members ........................ 2 COMMITTEES Sec. 2 Qualifications ................................. 2 Sec. 3 Nomination ..................................... 2 Sec. 1 Establishment ..................................8 Sec. 4 Election ........................................... 2 Sec. 2 Rules & Regulations ........................8 Sec. 5 Class 1 Members ............................ 3 Sec. 6 Class 2 Members ............................ 3 ARTICLE IX Sec. 7 Class 3 Members ............................ 3 FISCAL AND LEGAL Sec. 8 Class 4 Members ............................ 3 Sec. 9 Absence From Annual Meetings .... 3 Sec. 1 Bonds...............................................8 Sec. 10 Charges, Hearing and Removal ...... 3 Sec. 2 Controller ........................................8 Sec. 11 Resignation ..................................... 5 Sec. 3 Auditor and Audit Report ................8 Sec. 12 Other Classes of Members .............. 5 Sec. 4 General Counsel ..............................8 Sec. 13 Transfer of Membership ................. 5 Sec. 5 Balanced Budget .............................8 ARTICLE V ARTICLE X MEETINGS SEAL Sec. 1 Annual Meeting .............................. 5 .........................................................8 Sec. 2 Special Meetings ............................ 5 Sec. 3 Quorum ........................................... 5 ARTICLE XI Sec. 4 Executive Sessions ......................... 5 WAIVER OF NOTICE Sec. 5 Voting ............................................. 5 Sec. 6 Notices ............................................ 6 .........................................................8 i (Table of Contents Cont'd.) ARTICLE XII AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS Sec. 1 Presentation .................................... 8 Sec. 2 Time and Publication ...................... 8 Sec. 3 Form of Publication ........................ 8 Sec. 4 Urgent Amendments ....................... 8 Sec. 5 Consideration by Jurisprudence and Legislation Committee ................... 8 Sec. 6 Modification ................................... 8 Sec. 7 Adoption ......................................... 9 Sec. 8 Effective Date ................................. 9 ARTICLE XIII INDEMNIFICATION ........................................................ 9 ARTICLE XIV DISSOLUTION ........................................................ 9 ii ARTICLE I (e) "Jurisdiction" means the area within the GENERAL PROVISIONS geographic limits assigned to one Executive Officer. (f) "DeMolay Year" means January 1 Section 1. The name of this corporation is through December 31. “DEMOLAY INTERNATIONAL”. (g) "Mason" means a Master Mason. (h) "Supreme Council" means the Class 1, Section 2. The corporation is organized as a public 2, 3 and 4 members of DeMolay International. benefit corporation under the Missouri Nonprofit (i) "Grand Master" means the President of Corporation Act. DeMolay International. (j) "Grand Senior Councilor" means the Section 3. The purpose for which the corporation is First Vice President of DeMolay International. organized is exclusively charitable and educational within (k) "Grand Junior Councilor" means the the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Second Vice President of DeMolay International. Code of 1986, as amended (or the corresponding (l) "Grand Treasurer" means the Treasurer provision of any future United States Internal Revenue of DeMolay International. law), including, without limitation, the following (m) "Grand Secretary" means the Secretary charitable and educational activities: of DeMolay International. (a) To impart, promote and encourage (n) "Master Councilor" means the President morality, charity, education, religion, good citizenship, to of a Chapter. perfect a sense of fellowship, to establish order and (o) "Senior Councilor" means the first Vice tranquility, to provide for and promote the general welfare President of a Chapter. and to serve the best interests of DeMolay International (p) "Junior Councilor" means the Second throughout the world; to promote the social and moral Vice president of a Chapter. welfare of young men between the ages of nine and (q) "Treasurer" means the Treasurer of a twenty-one years inclusive; to teach duty to God, Chapter. neighbor and self; to demand clean living, high respect for (r) "Scribe" means the Secretary of a parents, deference to womanhood and love of country and Chapter. free institutions; to do any and all things necessary and (s) “Advisor” means a Class 5 member of proper to develop boyhood into intelligent, moral, self- DeMolay International. sustaining and law-abiding manhood. In order to (2016) accomplish the above results, it is the further purpose of DeMolay International to organize local clubs of boys Section 5. Rules and Regulations, Forms and between the ages of nine and twenty-one years inclusive, Publications in all parts of the world, using methods which have been (a) DeMolay International may adopt rules proven to be effective. and regulations for the operation of the Order of (b) to provide for and to youthful citizens a DeMolay. full array of meaningful and uplifting educational and (b) Forms of DeMolay International and character building activities to combat juvenile other miscellaneous data may be appended to the rules delinquency and community deterioration. and regulations and shall be used unless changed at an (c) to provide educational programs for the annual meeting. instruction and training of youths for the purpose of (c) These Bylaws, the Rules and improving and developing capabilities. Regulations and the Appendix of Forms and (d) to impress upon the youthful miscellaneous data shall be published electronically on a participants in the programs described above the benefits website maintained by DeMolay International. (2012) of fellowship with other youths and the accomplishments - both individual and group - which can be realized by ARTICLE II joining together in a common effort with focused OFFICES individual and group goals. The principal office of the corporation in the State of Section 4. Definitions. In these bylaws: Missouri will be located in the City of Kansas City, (a) "Chapter" means any Chapter Chartered County of Platte. The corporation may have such other by or working under Letters Temporary of DeMolay offices, either within of without the State of Missouri, as International and is the local club of the Order of the Board of Directors may determine or as the affairs of DeMolay. the corporation may require from time to time. The (b) "Order" or "Order of DeMolay" means corporation will have and continuously maintain a the fraternal organization operated by DeMolay registered office, and a registered agent whose office is International and includes all its appendant bodies. identical with the registered office. The registered office (c) "Suspension" means deprivation of all may be, but need not be, identical with the principal rights of membership. office, and the address of the registered office may be (d) "Expulsion" means involuntary changed from time to time by the Board of Directors. termination of membership. By-laws of DeMolay International
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