MAY 2015 URBAN AGRICULTURE UAMAGAZINE 29 City Region Food Systems www.ruaf.org Urban Agriculture Navigation 29 magazine Food on the urban agenda 03 Food in an Urbanised World - The role of city region food 05 systems City Region Food Systems: An inclusive and integrated 08 approach to improving food systems and urban-rural linkages Food Systems on the City Agenda 12 In this issue Developing the Rotterdam City Region Food System: 14 Acting and thinking at the same time The Food Systems and Food Security Study for the City 18 of Cape Town City Region Food Systems on the Political Agenda in 21 France Sustaining Grassroots Initiatives and Institutional 24 Roles in the Urban Food Policy of Milan Building A Food City Region from the Grassroots Up: 26 Food Strategies, Actions Plans and Food Policy Councils Policies Fostering Multifunctional Urban Agriculture 30 in the City of Zurich City Region Food Systems: An inclusive Governance Challenges for the Development of Public 32 and integrated approach to improving Green Areas as Edible Landscapes food systems and urban-rural linkages 8 Photo by Amadou Keita Research Priorities for Future Food Systems: A sustainable 35 food systems perspective from Ontario, Canada Examining Food Sources in the City of Tamale, Ghana 38 FOODMETRES – Metropolitan food planning 41 connecting the local with the global FOODMETRES – Case studies from North to South 45 Can Local Food Production Reduce Food Imports and 48 Transport? The case of lettuce in Rosario, Argentina An Innovative Short Chain in the Netherlands: 51 Willem&Drees Edible Landscape: Food and services from 54 common-land use in the Vigo city region Governance challenges for the development of public green areas Short Food Chains in Rome: Context, experiences, 57 32 policy implications as edible landscapes. Photo by RoomeR Kalnciema Street Quarter in Riga: Food makes the place 60 Cultivating the City: Infrastructures of abundance in 62 urban Brazil Green Vegetable Supply in Dar es Salaam 65 250 Thousand Families! Re-connecting Urban and 68 Rural People for Healthier, more Sustainable Living Unlocking La Paz 70 Cover An innovative short chain in The cover image is an interpretation of the city region food the Netherlands: Willem&Drees system by landscape architect Jacques Abelman, developed Photo by Willem&Drees 51 from his research on the city of Porto Alegre in southern Brazil. www.ruaf.org Editorial: Food on Mariëlle Dubbeling Femke Hoekstra Henk Renting Joy Carey the urban agenda Han Wiskerke Illustration by Corentin Perrichot for the Food assembly Food is increasingly an urban issue. This is gaining activities on related issues. The Urban Food Policy Pact will be broad recognition among local, regional and national announced at the Milan Expo in October 2015 (see also page 24). governments, international and support organisa- Recent international declarations such as the March 2014 tions, civil society, the private sector, consumers and Call for Action and the April 2015 Seoul Declaration, signed by 96 mayors, call on cities and other stakeholders to “encour- academia. Evidence for this recognition can be found age sustainable urban food production projects and in cities in all regions of the world, where policy and resilient city region food system programmes”. Other inter- national viewpoints are given in the articles in this Magazine programme initiatives are being undertaken in by 3Keel (page 5), Hussein et al. (page 8) and Mendle (page 12). various fields related to urban and periurban food The 2007-2008 food price crisis, the economic crisis in production and supply – as many of the articles in this Europe, and climate-induced disruptions to food supply have all contributed to such a call for more resilient urban Magazine illustrate. food systems. In addition, an alarming increase in diet-related health problems (like obesity and diseases related to food quality) in many cities around the world have “Our ambition is not to grow to become the largest made it very evident that cities need to think about how to company, but to change the food supply chain. It is ensure access to sufficient, affordable, healthy and safe food important that, everywhere in the world, we reduce our for their populations. dependency on the global food supply chain and once Cities – as hubs of consumption – also increasingly recognise again feel the connection with our food” (Willem&Drees their responsibility in building more sustainable food – see article on page 51). systems that not only reduce food waste and provide decent livelihood opportunities for those producing, processing and selling food (in rural, periurban and urban areas), but This recognition is also illustrated by international initia- also promote environmentally sustainable forms of food tives and declarations such as the Milan Urban Food Policy production. Pact. In this initiative, the City of Milan is engaged in a process of bringing more than 40 cities together to draft an Furthermore, cities are starting to see food as a driver for Urban Food Policy Pact that aims to build awareness of urban other sustainable urbanisation policies. Food is directly food systems, policies and practices and also to harness related to other urban domains, including transport (a large political engagement by cities in order to ensure future part of city transport is related to food supply and consump- Urban Agriculture magazine • number 29 • May 2015 • back to contents page www.ruaf.org tion); health (malnutrition, obesity, school feeding); land-use wastewater, energy and nutrients. Articles on Rotterdam planning for agricultural and multifunctional areas; (page 14), France (page 21) and Vigo (page 54) illustrate community development and revitalisation; employment practices and policies that cities are putting in place to 4 generation (in food production, processing and retail); waste address these issues. management (productive use of waste water and manage- ment of food waste); and climate-change adaptation and Another guiding principle is to create and enhance spatial disaster risk reduction (for example, where localised synergies by achieving multiple benefits by using land for food production reduces vulnerability to climate-induced more than one purpose at a time, and by using food as a disruptions in food supply). medium to link different urban policy objectives. Examples include the promotion of synergies for food production, Finally, food systems are recently being considered key in flood risk reduction, storm water management and climate- operationalising, among other things, the integration of change mitigation – as illustrated in the article on Rosario rural-urban linkages, planning and climate-change adapta- (page 48); promotion of multifunctional agriculture for tion at the territorial level (see also the UN Habitat issue education, food production and leisure in Rotterdam (page paper on rural-urban linkages). In this context the notion of 14) and Zurich (page 30); or the promotion of integrated the city region, encompassing one or more urban centres spaces and neighbourhoods as in Riga (page 60). and their surrounding periurban and rural hinterlands, becomes the relevant level of scale for the development A final key principle is improved food governance and trans- and implementation of an integrated and comprehensive parency in the food system. This can be brought about by solution for a future-proof urban food system. strengthening direct-producer linkages through short food supply chains – see the articles on Willem&Drees (page 51), New York City’s food strategy entitled “FoodWorks: A vision to Rome (page 57) and Ecuador (page 68). Food governance can improve NYC’s food system” is a perfect example of a City also be improved by setting up and strengthening Council’s understanding of these responsibilities and new organisational and multi-stakeholder structures that relationships: “Although many of these problems are national facilitate involvement of different government departments and global in nature, there are immediate steps that can be and jurisdictions (local and provincial), of various stakehold- taken within New York City to strengthen our food system. The ers and those that link civil society activities and initiatives city can facilitate urban-rural linkages, support a market for to more formal food policy and planning (see the articles on regional products, and use its institutional purchasing power Bristol, page 26, and La Paz, page 70). to support small and local producers. Moreover, by helping green the city’s landscape, assisting companies with adopting Cities will always be dependent on hybrid food systems; they new technologies, and exploring better distribution networks, will continue to source some food, for example, from distant we can begin to address the high energy usage and green- locations and global food chains as well as from nearby rural, house gas emissions characteristic of our food system”. periurban and urban producers. Sole dependence on global food supply and systems, however, has increased vulnerabil- Development of resilient cities and city region food systems ities and risk as mentioned above. This Magazine gives requires both political will and the use of available policy and recognition to incipient, innovative and longer-standing planning instruments: infrastructure and logistics, public experiences in the field of city region food system develop- procurement, licences, and land-use planning – as illustrated ment. We hope that this publication also becomes a tool for by the articles on Zurich (page 30) and Ghent (page 32). It also increasing local government and stakeholder prominence in requires that city regions assess their own, context-specific, national and international dialogue on sustainable urban- food dependencies and vulnerabilities, opportunities, and isation and food systems. roles to be played by various food system stakeholders – and any potential pressure points. Where possible, each city region Upcoming issues of RUAF Urban Agriculture Magazine, on should then develop a variety of strategies by which to improve urban-rural linkages (in collaboration with ILEIA) and on inte- its food system.
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