Club # K07706 Quarter 3 of 2015 Florida District Division 26 The Kiwanis Club of Grand Cayman Kiwanis new s Celebrating 2014/15 and setting up for a great Kiwanis 2015/16 ! The Kiwanis Club of Grand Cayman has been a part of the Cayman Islands since Febru- ary 27th 1975 and has been serving the community since its inception through various pro- jects with a focus on children. This year our club celebrates its 40th anniversary while Kiwa- nis International celebrates its 100th anniversary! Incoming President Daniella been passionate about – children. Alt- hough I could have thought of many more Daniella McGowan A New Year “reasons” to be unavailable to join her for President 2015-16 The Kiwanis Club of Grand Cayman in- lunch my curiosity about these programs stalled its new officers and board members for kids wouldn’t let me decline yet again so for the 2015-2016 year over brunch on Sun- Inside this issue: I accepted her invitation. That is where my day, October 4, 2015. Held at Agua, the journey first started, all thanks to a passion- Incoming President 1 event brought together Kiwanians, their ate and dedicated member who truly be- families and friends, as well as representa- Looking Back with 3 lieves in the values, programs and growth Immediate Past Presi- tives from other local service organizations. of Kiwanis. dent Tonicia I officially joined the Kiwanis family back in March 2012 and the thought of one day be- Kiwanian Of The Year 4 I have to tell you, Elsy is still on a roll with 2014-15 ing appointed as President most certainly her lunch meeting invites! Two of my col- did not cross my mind, not even by a long leagues who are soon to be installed as Kids Need Kiwanis 4 shot! Today I am honored to be installed as official members in the next few weeks are Remax donates to 8 President and to serve our community and proof of that! Elsy, thank you for not taking Breakfast Programme children alongside a group of some of the no for an answer and for sharing your Ki- most dedicated and passionate people. I’m wanis family with me. Dress For A Cause day 9 excited and enthusiastic about beginning a Donation to Clifton 10 new journey with you all for the next year! My last year with Kiwanis has been spent Hunter High School in the role of President Elect alongside out- I first heard about Kiwanis from my col- Foster Food Fair 11 going President Tonicia. We met a few league Elsy Adapa (aka Alexandra Adapa). years back through my best friend whom ELIMINATE BBQ 12 She was always asking me if I wanted to she attended university with back in Eng- join her for some lunch meeting with her Ogier sponsor Buy a 13 land. I always thought she was a cool Kid Breakfast club over at Britannia. At first I brushed her chick and she proved my theory correct off gently, I was definitely not a club person when she reached out to me about learning Key Leader 2015 14 and my lunch hours were sacred. But she more about Kiwanis. She had just returned BAKB Fish Fry 16 was persistent, and every week the same home from studying overseas and wanted question came – “Do you want to join me to get involved in the community. As a past KidsCare visit to the 17 this week for lunch with my Kiwanis club?” I Key Clubber, she was drawn towards BookMobile eventually decided to entertain her and learning more about Kiwanis and our pro- asked “What is this club about?” and to my Everything you need to 18 jects. I quickly jumped at my opportunity to know about our clubs! surprise, it turned out that this Kiwanis club reel her in and invited her to a lunch meet- was all about something that I have always ing – Elsy had taught me how to do this so Florida Kiwanis Foundation web page: http://www.fkf-online.org Florida Kiwanis Foundation on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=413014570289 Kiwanis International Foundation page: http://sites.kiwanis.org/Kiwanis/en/Foundation/kif-home.aspx Kiwanis news (Continued from Page 1...) here to support you as fellow mem- Outgoing President Tonicia was pre- bers of service and let us not forget well that she accepted and came! sented with the President’s Award for that we are all striving for the same She quickly became an official her outstanding leadership during her thing; to better serve and build our member and was installed as Presi- presidency. community for today and tomorrow. dent in 2014. Tonicia has been an inspiration to me as she accepted To the new board – Martina, Nicola, To my family and friends, thank you this role after just being called to Linda, Ruud, Martin, Kadi, Marnu & for providing me with a stable and the bar and officially starting her Clement – I am excited to start work- strong support system. Each and new career in the Legal system ing with you all and cannot wait to every one of you has contributed in which as I’m sure you all can imag- see what we come up with for this some way to me getting where I am ine comes with a fully packed agen- new year. Together I know that we today. I cannot thank you enough for da already. Her passion, determi- will serve the children of our commu- your support and words of encourage- nation and commitment to Kiwanis nity well. Thank you for accepting ment when I am feeling overwhelmed remained intact throughout this past your roles and dedicating your time and doubtful. To my daughter Gian- year and as I reflect over all that we and resources. na, who is my main inspiration, thank have achieved over this past year I you for reminding me of how innocent am so proud to have been led by Other service club representatives, I and deserving every child is of our her. Thank you Tonicia for being am excited to build stronger relation- time and dedication. For you, I com- an exemplary example of strength ships with each of you as I know that mit to helping build a better and and perseverance and I look for- together we are capable of achieving stronger community. ward to working closely with you great things for our community. again this year. Please know that Kiwanis is always Donate to Kiwanis through Cayman Gift Certificates You can now make an online donation to Kiwanis of any amount from $1 up to $5000 through Cayman Gift Certificates! 100% of your donation will go to Kiwanis. https://www.caymangiftcertificates.com/the-kiwanis-club-of-grand-cayman Gift now...Buy a Kiwanis Club of Grand Cayman gift certificate or card right now and send it to a friend or family member by email. ON JANUARY 21st 2015, KIWANIS TURNED 100... What began as a businessmen’s club founded to en- hance trading opportunities for its members through an early 1900’s version of networking, drifted into commu- nity service, purchased itself from its founders and be- came one of the world’s most prolific service clubs, spending more hours on community service each year than the next four clubs combined. Be a part of the next 100 years of service to the community and particularly to the children of the world. Sponsor your local Kiwanis Club, become a Corporate Member or encourage your staff to become members or volunteer... “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” ― John Bunyan Page 2 Kiwanis news Immediate Past President Tonicia brought together members from our 5 Key Clubs, Circle Looking Back K and Kiwanians for a day of games, food and fun. It was a great honour and privilege for me to serve as your President; and despite a number of challenges, it Kiwanis was chosen as one of the three charities to was reassuring to have the support of dedicated Kiwani- take part in the Island Heritage’s Charity Day. We re- ans. I would like to take this opportunity to say a special ceived a cheque for $10,000 which all went towards thank you to Daniella, Ruud and Kadi for their time, ad- funding the 2015 Key Leader. vice and efforts despite their busy schedules. Kiwanis Book Mobile received a facelift and additional This year the Kiwanis Club of Grand Cayman celebrated resources with a generous donation of $11,000 from its 40th Anniversary and Kiwanis International celebrated RBC. We are also happy to have Ogier commit its 100th anniversary so it was a special year for us. Ki- $15,000 towards our Breakfast Programme; we re- wanis celebrated with a Membership Drive/Awareness ceived the first instalment of 5,000 in July. We are campaign early in the year, a ‘Dress for a Cause’ day on grateful to Nicola for facilitating this. Friday July 31st and an All White 40th Anniversary Gala on the 21st of March Kiwanis sponsored the Child Month at which we raised 4848. The money Cupcake War working along with the primarily went towards funding a new Department of Children and Family project. This project was a Kiwanis Services and Youth Services Unit. grant of $500 which was donated to a President Daniella was invited to be a Key Club graduate from the Triple C judge and it was something exciting School and John Gray High School and new for Kiwanis to be involved in, recognizing outstanding service.
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