SHIPBlJILDL -G L - THE P.\CIFI . ·ORTHWE. T" Ships and the sea are alway,:) fa!'clOating. but they take a double interest when they are concerned with place.:. -e kno~ Con sidering the possibilities that offer In the hi. lory of shlpbulltlm in the Pacific orthwest, it is surpri"ing that there ha10e not llC('n more attempts to outline it in a complete form. The famous old Eiiza Anderson and a few of the earliest vc!itsels built on the eoa t are familiar to some of us because of their individual lOt re I: but aside from Lewis alld Drydm's JI"";lIe History of the Po .{le Northwest, there are no organized presentation of the :--ubject There are excellent accounts of the ship vard~. like that of the Hall Brothers, who -e work extend... back for man ) ear. un I of the Oregon Steam Xavigation Company, and the beg-mum of shipbuilding all along the coo" t and up the rive,," There are d lightful reminiscences of the pioneer.. "hich give \'1\ I(j little I Ie tures of the conditions surrounding marine life forty or fih year ago. But they are scattered through the volume.. of different hi tories and old bound magazines, sO that any impult;,e to look them up is apt to be checked by the thought, "0, but it 'ake 0 lung '0 find them .... 1/ It is for this reason that bibliographic.. on :-Jorth"e t hiphtJlld ing seem desirable. Anyone who is intere.. ted In reading III'0n the ubjecl will find plenty of material in the well-known hook that If in any good Northwest collection. The en,uID!: bibliography" though il is, of coup,e, incomplete, ought 10 ene;)') a time- :tver for Ihe reader who is in ~e3rch of a "'pecial topl<." It includes article.. on the great ri e of the hlpbudd g 10 du... try \\ ith the coming of the \ ar and the Go emment r It i.. intere..ting to di..cO\-er that the Ith of .some of the Re'o\ )' , d ha\ e their Iw.torical imponance, III beio old yard red, r the locatIOns of projected ... hirbuilding pla.ct \\btch ne er rna c lalaled hecau'e the "enture \\ 3_ 100 co~t1y at the Hme The pr'e,enl Ituatlon i... really a premature culminau n of a mo em 1~ an far back in the pa t, and nfl', nl rather an unuLS",," h certainly cannot be al,preciateo \\1thout a kno\\ led e Pit md an untler... tanding uf the Op~Jrtunitie offered t e Puget Sound c(Juntr~ E,en the "ar ,ul t not ha e b the 1111' )artl.. here If there had not been l Ult30le coast c n -I' pu" 1a l'a 'u.ilJ .r "aatd.D(tQa UhrU7 _ ..... ,"..... _ 1lIt""'''''~ (1 1 4 Helen Durrie Goodwin to e tabli h them, and, perhap, the previou trial-and-error ex­ periment in finding the best locations for them. n ne who has had occasion to use Lewis and Dryden's M a­ rine History of the Pacific Northwest cannot help realizing what a trul monumental piece of work it is. It extends over a period of about forty years, from 1854 to 1895, giving a complete record of the tep in the growth of the shipbuilding indu try, as well as gi ing an account of the few earlier vessels which are to be re­ memberd for their historical value. In the preface it i announced their aim i to give the marine history, and that only; for it has been omitted from the other histories of the orthwe t. To do thi , year by year, giving the names and descriptions of the ve sels built and the names and activities of the most important men concerned in the various enterprise was obviously a tremendou undertaking. But the finished book does not pre~ent the purely stati tical aspect which we would expect of one founded so largely upon stat­ i tics. It is accurate and well arranged, with the same general out­ line for the treatment of each year; important ve els, teamers, sailing vessels, important men, and marine disasters. But it is written so as to avoid undue repetition and anything which might make it dry reading. Because it is so inclusive it has semed the mo t reliable source from which to draw up a chronological table of ships built on the coast. This table i intended to how the relative importance of different localities in marine hi tory, and the rise and fall of the manufacture of steam and sailing ve els in each locality. Wherever possible the cla sification ha been re­ duced to simply "steam" and "sail," for uniformity's sake and to avoid confusion. Only coastbuilt vesels have been tabulated, though the history covers a great many of the river boat in the earlier time. For drawing general compari ons and di covering the gen­ eral trend of development of the indu try, the table ought to be useful. But for the real interest that centers around Port Lud­ low and Port Blakely, eattle, and Tacoma and Portland, and all the little harbors where marine activitie gre\ and died and grew again, one must read some of the chapter from the hi tor it elf. I Shipbuilding In the Pacific .Varthu·(j/ I . Chronological Tobit of the C ef Caast~Built 1'",,1, 1788- 95 Date Name Place Kind 1788 Northwest America Nootka Sound <chooner 1792 Adventure Clayoquot Sound 'loop 1811 Dolly Astoria ..chooner 1841 Star nf Oregon Swan Island «hoonef 1854 H. C. Page New \Vhatcom cb ncr 1854 Emilie Parker Olympia ch ncr 1854 A. Y. Trask Port Discovery chooner 1854 Col. Ebey Port Townsend loop 1855 Umpqua Coos Bay chooner 1858 Julia Barclay Port Blakely .teamer 1858 Eliza Anderson Portland steamer brig 1859 Arago Coos Bav• 1860 Florence E. WaItonCoos Bay teamer 1861 Rebecca Dungeness schooner 1861 Cariboo and Fly Victoria, B. C. steamer 1862 Rose (Baranoff) "itka steamer 1863 George S. W right Port Ludlow steamer 1863 Mary Woodruff Port Madison Clte-arner 1864 Coldstream Alberni, B. C. ~ail 1864 Passiac Gray's Harbor 5ait 1864 Pioneer Olympia steamer 1864 Jenny Jones Port Townsend Clchooner 1864 L. B. Hastings Port Townsend ""ail 1864 Black Diamond Seattle teamer 1864 Alexandria Victoria, B. C. teamer 1866 Politkofsky • itka steamer 1807 Robert Cowan Sooke, B. C. brig 1869 K. L. M astick Port Disco\'ery tu~ 18fll For"t Queen Port Ludlow bark 1t\(,9 Phantom Port ~Iadi'on teamer 1869 Tidal Wave Port ~fadi,oo bark 1869 Clara Li~ht Steilacoom chooner 1869 fa\orite rt .. alady tug I' 09 Linnie t"t ...alady tomer teamer 1& ,<) Emma Yictoria. B. C. booner I 70 J.ightnin~ Pon Lutlo ,- ooner 1 '70 leIla Port Lu low tume'f 1 iO \\ il<1wood Port. fadi-oo 1 ( Heletl Durric Caodwm Dat am PIa e Kind 1 71 Etta \ "hite Fre port teamer 1 71 Li I • 1are Island steamer 1 71 lara Seattlc teamer 1 71 met Seattle teamer 1 71 Zephyr Seattle teamer 1 71 Katie Ladd Westport ferry 1 72 Gotana Coos TIay chooncr 1 7.... regoman 'oos Bay "'chooner 1 72 Big River oos Ray ehooner 1 72 Blakely Port Blal"cly teamer 1 7.... erena Thayer art Di covery chooner 1 72 Iary Parker Port 1'0\ ns nd ehooner 1 72 laude San Juan L land teamer 1 72 Georgia ~ eabecl- teamer 1 72 Etta 1\lay \ e. t Port eho ner 1 73 Portland 00. Bav ail 1 73 Empire P rt _f adi on teamer 1874 \ e tern hore Coo ay ail 1 74 Annie Gee P0rt Ludlow ail 1874 Ellen J. 1cKinnon Port Ludlow ail I 74 J e Ie icker on Port Ludlow ail 1 74 Pia Benito Port Ludl w ail 1874 Twilight Port Ludlow ail 1874 Addie ~ eattle tow 1874 Fanny \.. eattle teamer 1874 Lena C. Grav eattle teamer J 1875 Laura fay Coo Bay eho ner 1875 Panonia Coo Bay ehoo~er 1875 L. J. Perry Port amble chooner 1875 American Girl Port LucIl \\' h ner 1875 Annie Lyle Port Ludl w ~ehooner 1875 Ca ie Hayward P0rt Ludlow h ner 1875 Emma tter POI t Lll II w ehooner 1875 Ida chnauer Port Ludl , eh ner 1875 La Geronde p( rt rill Ilow s h ner 1875 m. L. Beebe P rt Ludlm eh ner 1875 Fanny Lake ~' attl t arner 1876 Thoma orwm Ihina, _r . utter 1876 Katie 'liekinger B lltown < iI 1876 Jennie tella TIav h ner 1876 Capitol st amer Shipbuild,ng ,n thr PaCIfic V rth- <II I 7 Date Name Place Kmd 1876 Cou"er Port Ludlow OIl ) i6 Premier Port Ludlow I 1 76 Reporter Port Ludlow I 1876 De,patch Port _ladi<;on te er 1 76 Robert & ~I innie Pint . ladic;on b er 1 76 Ca..andra Adams Seabeck atl 1876 Hyack ... eattle e er 1876 ~Ie ...nger • eattle tt mer 1876 ~finnie May SeattJe t er 1876 " ellie ... eattle U~;tmer J876 Hayes l:mpqua chooneT J876 J. B. Leeds l:mpqua chooner Marv Parker 1876 • L'lsalady chooner 1876 Reliance Victoria teamer 1877 John Nation Belltown teamer 1877 North Bend Coos Bay ad 1877 H. C. ~lerchant ~1arshfield at! 1877 M. E. Forster Port Blakely d 1 77 Wailele Port Hlakel> Ifl 1877 Hueneme Port Ludlow all 1877 Richard Holyoke · eabeck 'If 1878 Peerle.. Cno<:, Ray chooner I 78 Old.
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