7. The City of Santa Fe Th e Span ish settlers arrived in northern New of Spain , and later for 25 years the flag of Mexico. Mexico in July of 1598. Unde r the command of Don Th e Army of the West, under the command of Ju an de Onate, they built their village, San Gabriel. Brigadier General Stephen \Vatt s Kearn y, occupied on the west side of the Hio Grandc. Th e site, which the city on August 18, 1846; the 28 star flag of the has been recentl y excavated, is located across the United States of America was raised over the capital river from San Juan Pueblo. This, the first capital of city. In 1862 a Confede rate army from Texas marched the Kingdom of New Mexico, was eventually aband­ up the Hio Grande and occupied Santa Fe. Follow­ don ed and the land revert ed to Indian ownership. ing the Battl e of Glorieta Pass, however, the Con­ In January 1610 Don Pedro de Peralta arrived federate forces withdrew from ew Mexico. Th e from Mexico to establish a new capital city. Th e flag of the Confederate States of America was low­ Villa de Santa Fe, (The City of Holy Faith ), was ered from above the Plaza and the flag of the United founded at its present site and built upon the rubble States flew aga in over the city. of an aba ndoned Indian settlement. It was not until Santa Fe is a city of 40,000 people, and sits in Jun e 1823 that the city government and the clergy rolling hills at the southwestern base of the adopted St. Francis of Assisi as the patron saint Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Th e hills with their and the citv becam e known as La V illa de Santa Fe piiion and juniper tree cover, and the mountains, de Sail Fra'llcisco de Assisi. with their tall pine forests, aspen groves and trout Except for the 12-year period of Indi an occu­ filled streams belie the popul ar eastem belief that pation following the Pueblo Indi an Revolt of August Northem New Mexico is a flat arid desert. Th e city's 1680, Sant a Fe has served continuously as the capitol altitude, 6,990 feet above sea level, contributes to of _ ew Mexico. Four national flags have flown the crisp, clear air and makes Santa Fe a head ­ from the original capital building, the Palace of the quarters for some of the finest winter skiing in the Covernors. Th e first flag, of course, was the bann er country. Sonro Fe in 1868. Looking east across the Plaza toward the adobe parish church which stood on the site of the present Cathedral. 64 NMA Septemb er · October 1966 39 OUR 28TH YEAR CLIMATE DESIGNING WESTERN MOUNTAIN REGIONAL PAINT FOR THE SOUTHWEST ARCHITECTS HAN lEY'S and the COLOR ~.m:: EWWORLD GU I LD --.. L' ....oe .... • •• -c "'V 01" COLoR WE SALUTE YOU IN ARCHITECTURAL QUALITY PAINTS Best Wishes for a Successful Conference SUNFOE AMBASSADOR O'MALLEY GLASS (7 MILLWORK CO. Albuquerque EI Paso HANLEY PAINT MFG. CO., INC. Phoenix EL PASO, TEXAS ALBUQUERQUE Tucson PH . 532-6921 NEW MEXICO 755-9821 PH. 265-1524 Get the facts about @mstrong SIDING Home furnishings of distinction Professional Staff: Modesta Comeford-AID, NSID Merritt W. Hope-AID - - Carrie McCollough- AI D «: J'~o tli~o Oibson 108 Vassar, S.E. 242-961 4 e"LUMBER Albuquerque, New Mexico 4100 Fourth Street, N. W. • 344-3434 .... 0 NMA Sept ember · October 1966 ( which wou ld be at the ap proxi­ mat e position of the present gas station ). Th e propert y was sold in 1746 by his widow to Don Manu el Saenz de Garviso, a Lieutenant of the Hoyal Presidio. All of the pres­ ent buildings on the site which in­ cludes the Sena Plaza, were built in the middl e 1700's, or early 1800's. Pa lace of the Gove rnors Originally buit in 1610-12, when the colonists moved from San Gabri el to establish a new capital at Sant a Fe. Th e building served as the seat of governmen t and as a protective fortress. Th e Casas Beales (" Hoyal Houses" ) included a chapel, the private apartments of the Covernor, rooms for government business, a storeroom for gunpowder, headquarters for the military , and rooms for servants; the complex was Sena Pla za Ea st Palace Avenue built around a large central patio which contained a vegetable garden. This house is built upon the east­ During those early days, before the Indian Revolt of 1680, the entire em portion of the Arias de Quiros palace compound consisted of man y acres fronting on the main plaza lands. After 1864 the Sena Family of Santa Fe. occupi ed sections of the house on Much of the compound was destroyed during the revolt; only three sides of a large patio with a that portion, known as £1 Palacio Real survived. In 1866 some 50 feet stable, chicken ' house, coach house of the west end of the building, which had contained a tower in which and servants quarters on the north. gunpowder had been stored, was demolished, and Lincoln Avenu e Th e house was sold in 1927 and was open from the Plaza through to the uncompleted Federal Building. the second story was added on the Th e portal across the front was probably first built in 1705, as a north and east portions. At that simple Spanish Coloni al type, with pealed logs and a dirt roof. In 1878 time the building was remodeled the portal was replaced by a porch in the current Territorial style only into offices and shops. to be reconverted once again in 1913 to the Spanish mann er. Fortunately however, a number of handsome pedi mented window and door fram es 1-----------------,-\ from the 1860's remain in place and give the building such architectura l distinction as it possesses. ;ar-~,-_- -..--/: . I ~~w:u.._ 1 Chapel of San Miguel College and DeVargas Streets I 66. the present Pa lace with the Arias de Quiros site and Sena Plaza beyand. , The original chapel of San Mi­ guel, built in 1626 by Fray 'Alfonso The Arias de Quiros Site East Pa lace Avenue de Bena viedes, was demolished in 1640, rebuilt, and badly damaged . _A native of .Spain, Capitan Arias de Quiros campaigned with de by the Indian Revolt of 1680. It Vargas during -the Reconquest of ew Mexico in 1693. In '1697 he was was built anew in 1710 on a larger granted property on the north side of the Plaza extending from the scale, and ' over. the years many east end of the Palace of the Co vernors to what is now the east boundary changes and repairs have alt ered its of Sena Plaza. He built his own house on the west end of the site appearance. In 1955, in the process NMA September · October 1966 41 I NTERIORS PRESENTS HERMAN M ILLER FOR NEW MEXICO HERMAN MILLER INC. OUR TRAINED DESIGN STAFF CAN ASSIST YOU • INTERIOR PLANNING • D ESIGN SERVICE • PREPARATION OF SPECIFICATIONS DESIGN INTERIORS CONTRACT SA L~S DIVISION THE PAPER MILL, INC. DES IGN INTERIORS THE INK WELL, INC. 132 West Las Cruces 120 Morningside S.E. 314 9th Street Las Cruces, N. M. Albuquerqu e, N. M. Alamogord o, . M. 524.-2866 255-2513 437-7300 42 NMASeptember · Octo ber 1966 of a thorough restoration, the foun ­ teet, Antoine Moul y, whose design hou ette form a striking contrast dations of the earlier chapels were is remeniscent of Romanesque with the compact, lethargic build­ discovered . This obliterates the churc hes of the bishop's home pro­ ings of adobe which had hitherto basis for the legend of the "oldest vince. During construction of the been built in the cit y. churc h in the United States," Ca thedral, Moul y becam e blind, The architectural excellence of (Churc hes at Isleta, 1629, Acom a, and, there after, turned the job of the chann ing littl e chapel is out­ by 1644, and Lagun a, about 1700, completion over to his architec t shown by the popular reputation are all older). At the time of res­ son, Projectu s. Th e apse and north of its frag ile wooden staircase in­ toration the reredos was cleaned transept of the incompl ete cathe­ side whi ch winds to the musicians an d repa ired and its 1798 date dis­ dral are formed by the ado be walls ga llery. Th e spiraling stai rcase is in­ cove red. of an earlier chapel. The facade deed a miracle of ingenuity if not, also is fortunately unfinished for perhap s, of angelic authors hip . twin towers were pro jected which would have carried the spires to an ungainly heigh t above their pres­ en t elevation. Th e adobe chape ls were bu ilt between 1714 and 1721 on the site of the pre-Reb ellion par ish church. The tran sept houses a sma ll wood­ en sta tue of the Virgin known as 'La Conquistadora." She was car­ Donaciano Vigil House ried out of Santa Fe during the He­ 518 Alto Street volt by a fleeing Spani sh lad y. and Th e house was bequeathed to brought back in triumph by de Donaciano Vigil by his parents in Vargas in 1693. 1830. It is probabl y one-half of a once large hom e, whose central Cathedral of St.
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