Name _________________________________________ Date ____________ Hour______ Table______ Open the Solar System App Swipe the screen to the left Cosmic Relations (Select each location and record how the Earth fits into the universe.) 1. Earthà__People live on Earth____ 2. Solar Systemà___The Earth orBits the Sun and is part of the Solar System______ 3. Milky Wayà____The Solar System is part of the Milky Way Galaxy______ 4. Universeà____The Milky Way is one of more than 100 Billion Galaxies in the universe_____ Swipe the screen to the left The Milky Way is the home of Earth’s solar system! 5. What type of galaxy is the Milky Way? _____barred spiral Galaxy______ 6. The Milky Way, like most galaxies, probably has what at its center? ___super massive Black hole_____ 7. A ‘regular’ spiral galaxy has a circular center. What shape does a barred spiral galaxy have?___elongated Galactic center____ Swipe the screen to the left 8. The Solar System is a collection of what? ___is a collection of planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, and other material orBitinG the sun _________ 9. List the terrestrial planets. __Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars____ 10. Describe the terrestrial planets__The inner planets are closer to the Sun and are rocky in nature. Only Earth and Venus have a significant atmosphere ____________________________________________ 11. List the Gas Giant planets. ___Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune______________________________ 12. Describe the Gas Giants.____outer planets are much larGer than the terrestrial planets and are composed mostly of Gas______ 13. What occurs between the terrestrial planets and the gas giants? ___an asteroid Belt___ Swipe the screen to the left Name __________________________________________ Date ___________ Hour______ Table______ 14. What is the Sun? ____is a star, a Giant Ball of extremely hot luminous Gas, in the center of the solar system__ LaBel each part of the Graph with the percent and the element that makes up that percentaGe of the Sun. 18. How much of the total mass of the ENTIRE solar system is made up by the Sun? __99.9% __ 19. What appears as dark blemishes on the Sun? ___sunspots_____ Watch the Video 20. What are coronal loops? __jets of plasma that follow the Sun’s maGnetic field____ Swipe the screen to the left Planets of the Solar System 21. What three things define a planet? 1.__the oBject orBits the Sun and is not a moon___ 2.__the oBject has enouGh mass to form a staBle spherical shape___ 3.___The object has cleared its orbital path of other objects___ Select Mercury 22. Mercury is the __smallest___ planet in the Solar System and is __closest__ to the Sun. 23. Explain Mercury’s extreme temperature conditions._____it is so close to the Sun that the lit side gets blaZinG hot. At the same time the dark side is freeZinG cold because there is no atmosphere to trap heat ____ Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________ Hour______ Table______ Select Venus 24. Venus has a thick atmosphere that traps heat from the Sun. What temperatures can occur on the Venusian Terrain? ____surface temperatures can reach 460°C (860°F)______ 25. What appears at each of the poles of Venus? ___a large atmospheric vortex____ 26. The Venera 13 probe only lasted two hours due to what features of the thick atmosphere? ___ ___hiGh surface pressure and hot temperatures caused by thick atmosphere ____ Select Earth 27. How much of Earth’s surface is water? ___70%_____ 28. What two things continuously refresh Earth’s crust? ___tectonic plates and volcanic activity____ Select the Moon at the bottom left side of the page 29. What does tidally locked to Earth mean? _the same side of the moon always faces Earth. The far side of the moon can only Be seen from space__ 30. Many large craters are filled with what substance from old volcanic activity? __dark basalt__ 31. About how long does it take the Moon to go through phases from New Moon and back? _about 30 days_ Select Mars 32. Why is Mars known as the ‘red planet’?_due to the larGe amount of iron oxide/rust in the Ground__ 33. What dormant volcano is three times taller than Earth’s Mount Everest? _Olympus Mons__ 34. What are the names of Mars’ two moons? Describe both__PhoBos and Deimos; Both are heavily cratered rocky Bodies _ Select Jupiter 35. How many Earths would fit inside of Jupiter? _over 1000 Earths!__ 36. What year were Jupiter’s rings discovered? __1979___ 37. What is the name of the giant storm that has existed for 182 years __Great Red Spot__ Name ___________________________________________ Date _____________ Hour______ Table______ 38. Jupiter has at least 66 observed moons. In the table below, list the names and a fact about each of the Galilean moons. (Select each moon on the Bottom riGht side of the screen to find this information. You can slide the screen left to advance to the next moon.) Name Fact The most geologically active object in the solar system with over 400 active volcanoes; high volcanic Io activity changes surface and refreshes the bright colors that paint the landscape; the Tvashtar volcanic region spews debris 330 km into space Europa Had sub-surface oceans which could possibly harbor alien life; believed to have a layer of liquid salt water beneath the icy outer crust; the moon also likely has a solid metallic core surrounded by a rocky mantle; smooth fractured surface is evidence of liquid water flowing beneath frozen surface The largest moon in the solar system and larger than Mercury; 40% is old dark colored heavily cratered terrain, 60% is light colored grooved terrain; The craters are relatively flat compared to the surrounding surface, thought to be caused by Ganymede the soft icy crust slowly settling, smoothing the surface; craters are created when asteroids hit surface and then the crater sinks over time Is one of the most heavily cratered objects in the solar system; the largest crater is Valhalla at 3,800 km in diameter; Callisto it is thought that there is a layer of liquid water beneath the thick icy crust; third largest moon in the solar system; core is only partially differentiated—a fully differentiated core is composed of distinct layers—interior is mixture of ice and rock Select Saturn 39. Where does the large hurricane-like vortex exist? __Saturn’s north pole_ 40. Saturn has at least 62 moons. In the table below, list the names and fact for each of four largest moons. (Tap each of the moons at the bottom left of the screen to find this information. You can slide the screen left to advance to the next moon.) Name Fact Is only known moon with dense atmosphere; dark colored methane lakes can be seen on the surface; the Huygens Titan probe landed on Titan and took photographs of its surface; Titan has a methane cycle, similar to the water cycle on Earth but operating at much lower temperatures: 179°C (-290°F) on the surface; due to the presence of stable liquids on the surface, it is thought that Titan could possibly harbor alien life; Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and slightly larger than Mercury Rhea Is like a giant dirty snowball with its composition of 75% ice and 25% rock; bright wispy terrain stretches across surface; is extremely cold -230°C (-364°F) to -174°C (-281°F); heavily cratered; second largest moon of Saturn but less than a third as big as Titan Iapetus Has a distinct two toned color- half whited half brown; a large ridge encircles the equator; Some peaks in the ridge are over 10 km (6 miles) tall; mostly composed of ice; the dark material is only a thin coat over the ice beneath Enceladus Could harbor alien life underground in pockets of liquid water; appears to be geologically active and has a varied terrain of canyons, plains, and ridges; surface is composed almost entirely of pure water ice; likely a layer of liquid water beneath surface that breaks out from weak points in the crust as plumes of water Select Uranus 41. Describe the tilt of this planet.___on its side relative to its orbital plane___ 42. Uranus is the coldest planet with the temperature of __as low as -244°C (-407°F)__. 43. Uranus has 27 known moons. List the names of the two largest moons and a fact about each. Name Fact Largest moon of Uranus; many large canyons—most prominent is the Messina Chasm Titania which runs from the equator to the south pole Second largest moon of Uranus; Oberon Name __________________________________________ Date _____________ Hour______ Table______ Select Neptune 44. How many kilometers away from the Sun is Neptune? __4.5 billion kilometers from the Sun___ 45. There are often active, raging storms, visible as dark areas on Neptune. At what speed have the winds been observed? ___1,200 km (750 miles) per hour have been observed__ 46. Neptune has 13 known moons. Select the image of Triton at the bottom of the screen. List three things about Triton. 1. ___orbits opposite direction from Neptune and of Neptune’s other moons; indicatinG the moon was likely captured from the Kuiper Belt___ 2. ___relatively few impact craters on Triton; volcanic activity is thouGht to have resurfaced the crust erasinG old craters____ 3. __larGest moon of Neptune, comprisinG 99.5% of the mass of all moons orBitinG Neptune___ Swipe the screen to the left Dwarf Planets of the Solar System 47. What three things define a dwarf planet? 1.__the oBject orBits the Sun and is not a moon__ 2.__the oBject has enouGh mass to form a staBle spherical shape____ 3.___the oBject has NOT cleared its orBital path of other oBjects _____ 48.
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