Greater Neural Pattern Similarity Across Repetitions Is Associated with Better Memory Gui Xue, et al. Science 330, 97 (2010); DOI: 10.1126/science.1193125 This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. If you wish to distribute this article to others, you can order high-quality copies for your colleagues, clients, or customers by clicking here. Permission to republish or repurpose articles or portions of articles can be obtained by following the guidelines here. 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To the contrary, we found, across three studies, that Greater Neural Pattern Similarity better subsequent recognition and recall is associ- ated with greater similarity between neural activity on September 30, 2010 Across Repetitions Is Associated patterns across repetitions, consistent with the hy- pothesis that practice improves memory by retriev- with Better Memory ing and strengthening a consistent representation. In the first experiment, 24 subjects were scanned while memorizing 120 novel faces (Fig. 1A) Gui Xue,1,2 Qi Dong,1* Chuansheng Chen,3 Zhonglin Lu,2 Jeanette A. Mumford,4 Russell A. Poldrack5,4,6* (10). Each face was presented four times, with an Repeated study improves memory, but the underlying neural mechanisms of this improvement interrepetition interval (ITI) ranging from 1 (i.e., are not well understood. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging and representational consecutive) to 20 faces. One hour after the scan, similarity analysis of brain activity, we found that, compared with forgotten items, subsequently subjects were given a recognition memory test, www.sciencemag.org remembered faces and words showed greater similarity in neural activation across multiple study during which a total of 240 faces (half learned, in many brain regions, including (but not limited to) the regions whose mean activities were half new) were randomly mixed together. For correlated with subsequent memory. This result addresses a longstanding debate in the study of each stimulus, the subjects had to decide whether memory by showing that successful episodic memory encoding occurs when the same neural or not it had been presented before by responding representations are more precisely reactivated across study episodes, rather than when patterns of on a 6-point confidence scale, from 1 (definitely activation are more variable across time. new) to 6 (definitely old). Out of the 120 old faces, subjects on average recognized with high epeated study of the same materials can ory. Alternatively, it has been claimed that each confidence (e.g., a 5 or 6 rating) 51.7 T 18.6 items Downloaded from significantly strengthen memory represen- subsequent study episode serves as a retrieval cue and forgot (a 1 or 2 rating) 37.3 T 16.9 items Rtations and make them more resistant to to reactivate and strengthen the memory repre- (table S1). Using a subsequent memory paradigm forgetting (1), but not all repetitions are equal. sentation of the information stored during earlier (11, 12), we compared encoding-related brain One fundamental issue is how multiple study study episodes (6). Evidence for this reactivation activity for subsequently recognized faces with episodes add up to improve later memory. A view comes from the finding in an AB-AC par- that for subsequently forgotten faces across four widely accepted theory, often referred to as the adigm in which the presence of A during AC repetitions. Consistent with previous literature encoding variability hypothesis (2–5), proposes study reinstated AB and therefore also improved (13–15), this comparison identified stronger acti- that each study episode is encoded differently as memory for B (7), an effect related to activity in vation for subsequently remembered faces than a result of contextual drift with time, and that the posterior medial temporal lobe (8). However, for subsequently forgotten faces in the left fusi- greater encoding variability leads to better mem- previous work has not yet established a link be- form gyrus (Montreal Neurological Institute, MNI: – – – 1 tween the nature of neural representations during 46, 60, 8, Z = 3.88) and right fusiform gyrus State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, encoding and later memory. (MNI, 44, –60, –10, Z = 3.58), extending into the Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China. 2Department of Psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA In this study, we used functional magnetic inferior temporal gyrus and lateral occipital cortex 90089, USA. 3Departments of Psychology and Social Behavior, resonance imaging (fMRI) and representational (fig. S1). University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA. 4Department of similarity analysis (9) to examine how the sim- We then tested the core hypothesis that pat- 5 Psychology, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78759, USA. Imaging ilarity in patterns of neural activity across multi- tern similarity in this region is associated with Research Center, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78759, USA.
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