I Cat,,; csv IsLIit0 Transport Transports Car’ada Canada ] d (4 Pd ri’”’ Ei’ June S, flI3 (ireu I!Ltchcr \dtmnistrator Regiotul l)istrict of Mount \\ addingion P( ) Ros “2*) Port \lc\ciii, \ U\ 2R() Dear Mr. Fletcher, environmental!> I ransport Canada is committed to an efficient. safe, secure and its responsible transportation s> stem. In I )94. Transport Canada introduced National Airports Polic> NAP). hich put fbrard a ision for airports that would ensure a safe. secure, and viable national airports system that would ser e Canada n eli into the future. The introduction of the NAP also initiated a siainiticant shift in of airports in I ransport Canada’s approach to the management and on nership Canada. This Policy focused on mo ing Transport Canada’s role in airports from owner and operator towards landlord and regulator. Although the NAP n as strategy remain as established in the earl> I P90s, the principles outlined in the rele ant today as the did n hen they were first introduced. responsibiliR ot franspoal Toda> there are I S airports that remain under the sole Canada, including the Port Hardy Airport. As a stakeholder in the Port Hardy potential Airport. I am n riting to you today to seek \our interests and ien s as to the Interests of Regional District of Port \Vaddington n ith respect to the management and on nerhip of the airport going forn ard, possihalit> he of interest to >ou. I tin ite you to adise m colleague. Should such a if [on Younu. Regional I)irccior in the Paci tic Region. in n ailing n ithin tiaur ‘a eeks. receipt of this letter o that an miormal dicusaon regarding > our intcrcts, ie’a hm at md objectis c can be ananged \Is, Young can he a cached email h’ phr’nc at di a4 i or at the folion tug addrc I on Young Regional Director, Programs [‘act tic I ranporr C anada \ ancorn er Regional Office Floor d (\Iaa I Stop: TI! SOP Burrard Street \‘ancouer. BC’ \h/ ‘R Canada I would like to underscore that these discussions are informal and exploratory in n irni and arc ante ndcd to sLr\ c as an opportumt\ tor 1 ransport anad i to gain an understanding of your organization’s interests with respect to the Port Hard Airport: they do not represent a shift in Transport Canadas existing policy with respect to its airports. Instead, Transport Canada is taking this opportunity to identify alternative, low-cost options to address the ownership and operation of these assets in the future with the intention of further exploring viable cost-effective options identified through these (Oscussions. Ve look forward to hearinu from you at your earliest convenience so that we can make the appropriate arrangements to meet, if desirable. Yours sincerely. Michael A. Henderson Regional Director General SH Reiona1 Oistiict of Mt. Vaddingtn COLUMBIA August 6. 2013 Mr. Dave Rushton Chair Mount Waddington Regional District 2044 McNeil! Road Port McNeill, BC VON 2R0 Dear Chair: British Columbia. jointly with Huu-ay-aht First Nations and Yuulu2il2atb Government, recently’ developed A Path Forii’ard — a resource guide to support treaty first nation, regional district and local government collaboration and planning. The guide was developed in partnership with Huu-ay-aht First Nations and Yuulu?il?atb Government, drawing largely from their experiences ofjoining the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District. I am pleased to provide you with a media copy of this guide, complete with an informative video. This guide has been nationally recognized by the Canadian Institute of Planners as a groundbreaking tool that will help shape the future of partnerships between first nations, regional districts and local governments. It is our hope that you will find the guide to be a beneficial resource on your path forward. If you have any questions related to this resource, please contact David Bird at (250) 356-2512. Yours truly, Lincoln Heaney Implementation Director Implementation and Legislation Branch Enclosure Minictry of Aboriginal Relations Mailing Address: \Vebsite: ww g hc ca rr and Reconciliation B.x )ll5 Sm Prn (ot Victrna BC V\V 9B1 AVICC Members President Larry Cross September 10, 2013 AVICC UPDATE - SEPTEMBER, 2013 Update on Derelict Vessels Requested on behalf of local government members affected by this issue, Islands Trust has successfully obtained a meeting during UBCM Convention with Minister Steve Thomson on Wednesday, September i8. Earlier in the summer Chair Sheila Malcolmson invited members to forward names of representatives who would like to participate. 27 representatives from 17 local governments will be represented at the 30 minute meeting. A Wednesday morning clinic on derelict vessels is being offered in VCC Room 8115 from 7:30-8:15 am. Following is the session descripton Closer to DerelIct Vessel Solutions? Abandoned and derelict vessels, barges and docks have been a significant issue for BC communities for many years. It can be complicated to determine which level of government is responsible for managing many issues of concern. Local governments feel ill equipped to respond. This session will summarize local government concerns, describe a draft provincial publication that outlines the regulatory framework for addressing problem vessels and floating structures in different situations, and include an update from Transport Canada about recent federal efforts to examine the issue. The session will conclude with a question and answer period. Members are encouraged to attend. Executive continues to appreciate the leadership Islands Trust has contributed on this Issue. Update on the Gas OperatIng Agreement and FortIsBC’s Application Before the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) A meeting with the Premier and Ministers Coleman and Bennett has also been granted on Tuesday morning to discuss the importance of FortisBC’s Applkation for Reconsideration of Common Rates now before BCUC, the new pro-forma operating agreement template, and the legislative changes required to allow the collection of operating fees for those local governments who may wish to access them. The template operating agreement has now17th been reviewed by the lawyers and will be presented to the Municipal Working Group on October for final consideration. BC FerrIes Attached is the letter of request from the Skeena-Queen Charlotte Regional District to support the resolution coming forward as Resolution B12 — Coastal Ferries: Fiscal Fairness & Long Term Strategy, and an executive summary of the Maradadi Pacific Holding Ltd. Report entitled British Columbia Ferry £ Corporation and Fiscal Fairness for Ferry-Dependent Communities. AVICC members endorsed a resolution on the topic from Powell River Regional District at the 2013 AVICC Convention. Powell River Regional District’s resolution is being brought forward as Resolution C6 with the recommendation that it be referred to the Skeena-Queen Charlotte Regional District’s Resolution B12 — Coastal Ferries: Fiscal Fairness & Long Term Strategy. AVICC Executive is asking for members’ support of Resolution B12, AVICC Luncheon During the UBCMnvention Approximately 240 delegates have registered to attend the AVICC Luncheon on Wednesday, September 18. As always, the primary goal of the luncheon is to provide the opportunity to get together to share ideas and enjoy the company of fellow AVICC members. WoodWorks BC will be making their annual presentation of the Community Recognition Award and Mayors Teunis Westbroek and Chris Burger will say a few words to encourage delegates to attend the 2014 Convention co-hosted by Qualicum Beach and Parksville, Executive wishes to acknowledge Councillor Claire Moglove’s nomination for Director at Large on the UBCM Board. Councillor Moglove will address delegates briefly during the luncheon. AVICC is automatically represented on the UBCM Board by the AVICC President; however, AVICC has benefited over the past several years with a second representative elected as Director at Large. Executive would recommend that the membership continue to support this additional representation and put their support behind Councillor Moglove. AV1CC Staffing pie AVICC contracts with UBCM for the provision of a diverse range of services. Iris Hesketh-Boles has been designated by UBCM to provide the majority of those services since May, 2009. UBCM has approved a family leave for Iris from October 1, 2013 - August 31, 2014. Shelley Webber has been hired to replace Iris for the duration of the leave. Shelley brings a broad range of skills and experience including 18 months of experience with UBCM as the program assistant in the Gas Tax Program and one year as a planning assistant with the Mount Waddington Regional District. Shelley can be reached at and by phone at 250 356 5122 Please join us in w&comlng Shelley to the Association. 2 390 - 1050 Homer Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2W9 Phone: 603 683 6266 Fax: 604 683 6244 IcIPAJ INSURANCE ASSOCIATR)N miahcor of British CoIumbt4 (barnes a ,niahc, org August 20, 2013 ReionaI DIstctof Mt. Waddinton Chair Dave Rushton Regional District of Mount Waddington AU6 23 2013 Box 729 Port McNeill, BC VON 2R0 Dear Chair Rushton: Re: MIABC Dividend Cheque Enclosed is your dividend cheque for the 2012 fiscal year. The enclosed cheque represents your portion of the dividend based on the size of your Subscriber Account Balance. The Board declared a $1.1 million dividend at its July meeting, bringing the total dividends distributed over the last five years to $4.1 million. The MIABC first began returning money to its members in 2002 by subsidizing reinsurance costs. By 2006 $7.3 million was returning to members in this way. This was replaced by dividends following the 2005 fiscal year, which have totaled $10.4 million. Three years ago the Risk Management Grant debuted, which has resulted in a further $1.7 million being paid out to members. All told to MIABC members have received $18.4 million back from their liability insurer.
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