Schenectady Gets afazz Tim Coakley to Trace lazz and the Clarinet OrchestrA.,.SCCC Says Yes to f azz for APFJ Members Tim Coakley,tamedJazz lf you znere asked, "What the college and the com - D] of WAMC, will host a college in the United States has munity. These include: the special I azz listening night a f azz Orchestra in Residence?" opportunity for students for members of A Place for you migftt flnswery "Neut and faculty in the college Jazz at the First Unitarian Engl and Consera atory, B erklee to attend rehearsals and Society on February 9 at College of Music or Manhattan learn with some of the best 7:30pm. School of Music?" You'd be profession al J azz musi - l.Drong. Because on ]anuary cians in the area; (if grant Tim will trace the develop- 10th, the Board of Trustees of money should be avail - ment of lazz clarinet from Schenectady County Commu- able) bringing in guest New Orleans pioneer nity College voted to make the artists and arrangers from ]ohnny Dodds to more Empire lazz Orchestra(ElO) a New York, Boston and Los contemporary examples "lazz Orchestra in Residence. " Angeles; cooperating with such as Pee Wee Russell and Eddie Daniels. Those other Jazz organizations in This action is significant for the area to commission who are lucky enough to both Jazz musicians and audi- special works for the attend will also hear ences in the area . The EIO will Orchestra. selections from the styles be able to use the college's of ]immy Noone, Barney facilities for rehearsal, pursue " Responses from Board Bigard, Benny Goodman (See grant monies under the not-for- members and the College Coakley p.2) profit status of the college and administration...have been INSIDE the college will also help with strongly positive," Meckley 200 Word s...................p.2 some incidental expenses for told us. ...Ilook forward to My So1o.......................p.3 presenting concerts. developing a real quality artistic program at SCCC." I azz Calendar..........p.4-6 Dr. Bill Meckley,leader of the J azz Membership.......p. 7 Orchestra and Associate APFJ send its best wishes Reviews... ....................p.9 Professor of Music at the to Bill and applauds the Members At Large..p.10 college was very happy. He vision of the SCCC Board ticked off possible benefits for of Trustees. I 20 rds by Glyn Evans The Connoisseurship of Selection A handful of weeks ago, I was in New York City, at Zirtno's, to eat fine Northern Italian food and hear BuckyPizzarelli (guitar), ]ohn Bunch (piano) and Jay Leonhart (bass). I was familiar with their work but had never heard them play together. Piano/guitar combos are not that easy; ten piano fingers, six guitar strings and a double bass can produce chords that are at best impenetrable and at worst wrong. Knowing which notes not to play is as difficult as selecting those to play. These players displayed note- selection skills of lapidary grace. What also caught my ear was the careful choice of tunes to play, the source material. Th"y were not unfamiliar, but unusual; in the top 900 series of the top L,000 (rather than the first 100 series) and unusual in their proportion within the program. They included the jewels 'Such Sweet Thunder' (Ellington), 'jitterbugWaltz' (Waller), 'Nobody's Fleart' (Rodgers and Hart) and'I Used to be Color Blind'. A common selection thread is that most also have memorable lyrics, which were clearly known to the players. Even in the improvised solos one heard the words. An evening of connoisseur's discrimination, both of material and performance. Thank you, gentlemen. (Coakley, from page L) share. Call 37 4-6912 if yoa and Buddy De Franco as want to attend because To Special Order wellas a surprise cut. seating is limited. Any Book In Print Ca11 Members can bring friends Future programs will 346-2719 who'Il be charged $1.00, include Bill McCann THE OPEN DOOR but paid up members are (whose lazzprograms on 128 Jay St. admitted free. This is the WCDB have become a Downtown Schenectady first of our series of special legend) and Bill Meckley programs for members. Professor of Jazz at SCCC. Books Gifts Al Brooks will MC the first What other adventures in Greeting Cards program and we're hoping Jazzwe take will depend ildren's Music and Toys to get other members to on you! participate We'lI serve coffee and tea. APFI supporters are encour- aged to brine a dessert to o o modern historians that human being,...It is the many musical, religious personal expression of the and artistic traditions that person playing it....When a were essentially African musician really gets into it Music historians see the were merged into the and plays his inward traditions of African biblical traditions of thoughts, and he puts his American religious music European slave owners. expression on what ever as a major component of piece he's playing, he will Jazz. The synthesis of The association of religion naturally touch the life of African and European andJazz continues in New somebody who's musical traditions began York City (& occasionally listening." hundreds of years before in the Capital District) in a Jazz emerged as a different way. A recent In 1965 The Lutheran recognizable art form. article in the NY Times a Board of American few weeks ago brought Missions officially named Because possession of a attention to that continuity. him "pastor to the jazz drum by an enslaved community." He met and African was a capital The article was about the ministered to musicians in crime for more than two retirement of Pastor ]ohn the clubs. But he also centuries, rhythmic Garcia Gensel, the brought JazzYespers, a traditions were carried on Lutheran minister of St. service that comb ines I azz by clapping and Peter's in downtown and prayer as well as adaptation of other Manhattan. The 76-year- scores of Jazz memorials, instruments and objects. old Gensel for 30 years concerts and annual Harmonic and melodic had taken the church to gathering called "A11 Nite traditions were mostly lazz andJazz to the Soul." Near his pulpit was carried on by vocal Church. He counseled, the Steinway piano willed means. Some slave- married and eulogized to him by Billy Strayhorn. owners thought that by such greats as Duke Christianizing Africans Ellington, Miles Davis, Bill their ties to Africa would Evans, John Coltrane, be cut and make Sarah Vaughan, Buddy !--*-;#;rI--lso,,re iazz^ succeeding generations Rich and Thelonious I . ^"": I I rn a sffange I ownr I more willing to accept Monk. Call thelazz Hotlines! their slavery. (The ; I Africans brought to the At the time of his II I Athotu..........404-241-9s98 I shores of North And retirement he expressed his I traltimore......301-945-2266 I South America were from feeling thatJazzwas I Chicago.,,.,312-427-3300 I many religious different particularly well-suited for ; Miami.............305-382-3938 I traditions including speaking to God. r New Orleans,.504-455-6847 r various traditions of Ifa ! rwc....... .........718-46s-7soo : Northeastern NY 37+6912 ! and Islam.) " jazz ! I think isprobably I PittsburEh ......4L2-343-g555 I the best music for worship I Srrr Fran"cisco.415-76g-481,8 I Of course this did not because it speaks to the I Wash., D.C.....202-698-7522 I work. And it is clear to existential situation of a L--rrr----J T The information below was sent Calendar Tuesday Openlam to us by the clubs listed below. justin's continued Mother Earth Cafe comer of Many clubs don't book far Westem and Quail. Health 25-26 Nick Brignola & Endan- enough in advance for us to print Food, no alcohol served. BYO. their listings. Itrs best to check by gered Species Music from 8-11pm telephone before going because 27 b Chuck D'Aloia Duo there may be last minute changes. The Van Dyck 237 Union Clubs frequently have a cover (or Metro L7 Maple Ave., Saratoga 374-2406 music charge) or a minimum Street, Schenectady. Springs. 584-9581 A two level (food Music at 9pm. sessions purchase or dtink). Fre- Jam club. Usually has Jazzupstairs quently both. Reservations are every Thursday night. Call for and "other" downstairs. No (especially additional listings. advisable for better- phone. Carl Landa and Jill Feb - 1"6 Special Benefit Scotia- known groups) as many of the for Hughes are the mainstays in the Museum. An clubs seat less than 100. Glenaille Children's house band with varied artists Elegant Dessert Party with lazz brought in. justin Mc Neill's 301 Lark St., Duo of Dr.lohn Angerosa and Doug Harris Albany. 436-7008 Musichas Haggerty's 155 Delaware ave., been pushed up to 10:30pm, but Delmar, NY 12054 439-2023 sti1l3 sets. Very small(seats 40- 8-12pm 50). Excellent food. Reserva- Fountain Restaurant 283 New tions a must. Co-ver andm-ini- Scotland Ave., Albany. 482-9898 and mum. JazzBrunch on Sundays Skip Parsons his Rivefboat L'Ecole Encore 44 Fuller Rd., azz Band 2nd weekend(Friday at 11am. Music begins at I Albany, 437-1234. Unusual in and month l"2noon. (b = brunch) Saturday)every that it has music during the details. 10pm-2am. Call for middle of the week. Check February them out on Tues, Wed,Thurs Cafe 20 Centre St., 4-5 Nick Brignola & Endan- Iron Horse from 6:30pm to 9:30pm gered Species Northampton, Mass. 413-584- February a music 6 b Jody Shayne Duo 0610. There's charge Every Thursday Sonny 11-12 Sambarama and most concerts are ticketed andPerley.
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