BISERICA ROMÂNA UNITA CU ROMA GRECO-CATOLICA MISIUNEA BUNAVESTIRE TORONTO ANNUNCIATION BYZANTINE ROMANIAN CATHOLIC MISSION CALENDAR 201 6 Episcopii Martiri si marturisitori ai Bisericii Greco-Catolice Române Martyr and Confessor Bishops of the Romanian Byzantine Catholic Church. www.bunavestire.org 78 Clifton Road, Toronto, Ontario, M4T 2G2 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Tel: 416 443 8796 Pr. Paroh Ionel Maier; pr. Emil Jude Thanks to our sponsors: Mr. PUBLIUS C. ISMANESCU Mihaela Moraru, M.Sc. Mrs. Mirela Lidia Ismanescu Real Estate Broker Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR) Certified Negotiation Expert® (CNE) Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) RIGHT AT HOME REALTY INC., Brokerage Business/voice/fax Direct: 416-890-8366 888.860.7589 [email protected] www.core2win.com www.sellwithmihaela.com Episcopul Valeriu Traian Frenţiu S-a născut la 25 aprilie 1875 în orașul Reșiţa. A studiat Teologia la Budapesta, după care a fost hirotonit preot la 28 septembrie 1898. A activat în Eparhia de Lugoj ca și cancelar, paroh, apoi ca Vicar foraneu iar pe 4 noiembrie 1912, la vârsta de 37 de ani, a fost numit Episcop al Lugojului. Între 1922 și 1948 a activat în Eparhiile de Oradea și Alba Iulia și Făgăraș. A fost arestat pe 28 octombrie 1948, și dus în lagărul de la Dragoslavele, iar apoi, în februarie 1949, la Mănăstirea Căldărușani. În 1950 a ajuns în Penitenciarul de la Sighet, unde după 2 ani, nemaiputând suporta duritatea regimului de exterminare, a murit în 11 iulie 1952. Asemenea și celorlalți Episcopi morți la Sighet, a fost înhumat într-o noapte, fără sicriu, într-o groapă comună din Cimitirul Săracilor. Nu a fost judecat și nu a avut condamnare. Bishop Valeriu Traian Frenţiu Born on April 25, 1875 in the city of Resita. Upon completion of theological studies in Budapest, he was ordained a priest on September 28, 1898. He exercised his priestly ministry in The Diocese of Lugoj as pastor, vicar and chancellor. On November 4, 1912 at the age of 37, he was appointed Bishop of Lugoj. Valeriu Traian Frentiu was successively Bishop of Lugoj Eparchy, Oradea Eparchy and Apostolic Administrator of the Archeparchy of Alba Iulia and Fagaras. When the communist dictatorship was installed by Soviet Union in Romania and the Romanian Greek-Catholic church was suppressed by the Communist Government of the day he was arrested on 28 October 1948 and interned in a camp at Dragoslavele. On Bishop’s refusal to enter the Romanian Orthodox Church in February 1949, he was taken to the orthodox monastery Căldărușani. Bishop Frentiu died on 11 July 1952 in the extermination camp of Sighet, Northern Romania. He was buried during the night, without a coffin and without any religious assistance in a mass grave in the Cemetery of the Poor. The grave was leveled in order to avoid pilgrimages to the graves of the martyrs. He never had a trial and has never been convicted of any crime. Bishop’s Frentiu beatification process – that conferred the title Servant of God upon him - commenced with the declaration of "nihil obstat" (nothing against) to the cause on 28 January 1997. The diocesan process into his life by collecting documentation and testimonies was formally validated by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints on 18 February 2011. www.catholic-cemeteries.com 416-733-8544 PS Episcopul Valeriu TraianFrentiu inconjurat de tineri preoti Most Revernd Bishop Valeriu Traian Frențiu sitting surrounded by young priests Sf Liturghie Duminicală - 12.30 - Sunday Liturgy Botezuri / Baptisms: 78 Clifton Road, Toronto, ON, Canada, M4T 2G2, tel-fax 416 443 8796 Ianuarie 17 January www.bunavestire.org Ianuarie Celebrări peste săptămână / Weekday Celebrations Parastas / Memorial Service: 2016 Ianuarie 1 January 11:30 Ianuarie 31 January January Ianuarie 6 January 19:00 Binecuvântarea caselor: 2-3, 9-10, ianuarie Duminică Luni Marți Miercuri Joi Vineri Sâmbătă Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday New Year Ca/US 3 4 5 6 7 1 (†) Tăierea Împrejur a Domnului, 2 Sf Vasile cel Mare Circumcision of the Lord, St Basil the Great Înainteserbarea Botezului Ajunul Botezului Domnului / Lit. Sf Vasile / St Basil; Col 2, 8-12; Lk Domnului, Sf Silvestru, pp Sf M Teopempt şi Teona, Cuv (†) Arătarea-Botezul Domnului 2, 20-21, 40-52 Forefeast of Theophany, St Duminica Dinaintea Botezului Domnului. Sf Pf Sinclitica (Boboteaza) Sylvester, Pope Malahia, Sf M Gordiu Vigil of Theophany Theopemptus Theophany-Baptism of Our Lord Sf Ioan Botezătorul, Sf Nichita de harţi / all foods Sunday before Theophany.Malachi, Prophet; Adunarea celor 70 Apostoli; Cuv and Theona, Mrt.; Ven. Syncletica, Jesus Christ Remesiana ap daco-romanilor Cuv Gheorghe Hozevitul, Cuv Sf M Polieuct Domnica / Ven. George the Gordius, Martyr Teoctist / Synaxis of the 70 Apostles; Fast and Abstinence Titus 2, 11-14. 3, 4-7; Mt 3, 13-17 Synaxis of St John the Baptist, St 8 9 Polyeuctus, Martyr Ven. Theoktistus Chosebite; Ven. Mother Dominica Glas/Tone 7; EvÎ/ReG 10; Tim 4,5-8; Mk 1,1-8 Post şi Ajun harţi / all foods Nicetas of Remesiana 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Duminica După Botezul Domnului. Sf Grigore de Nissa, Sf Domeţian ep, Cuv Marcian pr, Întroptirea Botezului Domnului, Cuv Sunday after Theophany.Gregory of Nyssa and Cuv Teodosie cel Mare M din Sinai şi Rait Cuv Pavel din Teba; Ioan Colibaşul Dometian, Bishops; Marcian, Priest Ven. Theodosius, Founder of Sf M Tatiana Sf M Ermil şi Stratonic Leavetaking of Theophany, Ven. Ven. Paul of Thebes and John the Cinstirea Lanţului Sf Apostol Petru Glas/Tone 8; EvÎ/ReG 11; Eph 4,7-13; Mt 4,12-17 Monasteries Tatiana, Martyr Ermylus and Stratonicus, Martyrs Fathers Martyred at Sinai and Raithu Hut-Dweller Veneration of the Chains of St Peter Martin Luther King Day US 17 20 21 22 23 18 19 Duminica Vameşului şi Fariseului. Începutul Triodului.. Cuv Antonie cel Mare Sf Ap Timotei, Cuv M Atanasie Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee. Cuv Maxim Mărturisitorul, Sf M Neofit Persanul Sf Atanasie şi Ciril ai Alexandriei aep Triodion begins Ven. Father Anthony the Great Cuv Eftimie cel Mare / Ven. [Sf. m.Angeza ] Apostle Timothy; Ven. Anastasius the th Athanasius and Cyril, Archbishops of Glas/Tone 1; EvÎ/ReG 1; 2Tim 3,10-15; (16 ) Lk Cuv Macarie Egipteanul, Arsenie aep Euthymius the Great Ven. Maximus the Confessor; Persian, martyr Sf M Clement şi Agatanghel Alexandria 18,10-14 Ven. Macarius of Egypt; Arsenius, harţi / all foods Neophytus, Martyr [St. m. Agnes] harţi / all foods Clement and Agathangel, Martyrs 24 25 26Archbishop 27 28 29 30 Sf Trei Ierarhi Vasile cel Mare, Grigore Teologul şi Ioan Gură de Aur; Duminica Fiului Risipitor. Cuv Xenia şi familia Sf M Hipolit pp sa; [Sf Francisc de Sales] Three Holy Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Sunday of the Prodigal Son. Ven. Mother Xenia Aducerea moaştelor Sf Ioan Gură-de- Aducerea moaştelor Sf Ignaţiu Gregory the Theologian and John of Rome; [St Francis de Sales] Cuv Xenofont şi familia Aur Cuv Efrem Sirul; [Sf Toma d'Aquino] Teoforul Chrysostom. Hippolytus Pope Glas/Tone 2; EvÎ/ReG 2; 1Cor 6,12-20; (17th) Lk Sf Grigore din Nazianz Ven. Xenophon and Relatives, Transfer of the Relics of St John Ven. Ephrem the Syrian; [St Thomas Transfer of the Relics of St Ignatius Pomenirea morţilor. Saturday of the 15,11-32 Gregory, Theologian and Archb. Martyrs Chrysostom Aquinas] the God-Bearer Dead 31 Duminica Înfricoşătoarei Judecăţi (a Lăsatului Sec de Carne). Sf M Chir şi Ioan doctori fără plată; [Sf Ioan Bosco] Sunday of the Last Judgment (Sunday of Meatfare). Cyrus and John, Wonderworkers and Martyrs; [St John Bosco] Glas/Tone 3; EvÎ/ReG 3; 1Cor 8,8-9,2; Mt 25,31-46 Cardinalul Iuliu Hossu S-a născut la 30 ianuarie 1885 în satul Milaș, județul Bistrița-Năsăud. În 1904 își începe studiile teologice, fiind trimis la Colegiul De Propaganda Fide din Roma. La 27 martie 1910, este hirotonit preot de Episcopul Vasile Hossu. În 3 martie 1917 este numit Episcop în scaunul Eparhiei Gherla. Episcopul Iuliu Hossu este cel care primește onoarea de a citi Declarația Unirii de la 1 decembrie 1918. La 28 octombrie 1948 este arestat și dus la Dragoslavele. Este transferat mai apoi la Mănăstirea Căldărușani, iar în 1950 la Penitenciarul din Sighetul Marmației. Începând cu 1955, are domiciliul forțat în mai multe mănăstiri ortodoxe. S-a dus la Domnul în 28 mai 1970 la Spitalul Colentina din București, ultimele lui cuvinte fiind: Lupta mea s-a sfârșit, a voastră continuă. Cardinal Iuliu Hossu Iuliu Hossu was born on 30 January 1885 in Milaș in then Austria-Hungary. Hossu studied at the seminary of Cluj and later at the seminary of Budapest. He also studied at the University of Vienna in Austria and later at the Pontifical Urbanian Athenaeum in Rome, where he obtained doctorates in philosophy in 1906, and theology in 1908. Iuliu Hossu was ordained to the priesthood on 27 March 1910. Pope Benedict XV appointed him as Bishop of Gherla on April 21 1917 and he received his Episcopal consecration on 4 December 1917. He was named the Bishop of Cluj-Gherla on 5 June 1930, and he was later appointed by Pope Pius XI as the Apostolic Administrator of Maramres .He was appointed by Pope Pius XII Apostolic Administrator of Oradea Mare from 1941 until 1947. For his opposition to the communist government he was forced to flee his diocese on 28 October 1948 and was arrested. Between 1948 and 1964 he was incarcerated in the extermination camps at Jilava, Drogoslavele, Sighet, and Gherla. He was then jailed in an orthodox monastery near Bucharest. On 28 April 1969 he was created a Cardinal by Pope Paul VI, who reserved Hossu’s appointment in PS Episcopul Iuliu Hossu citind Declaratia de Unire de la Alba pectore.
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