December 11, 1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 41165 duced plants to make them available to the that proceedings have been finally concluded conversion from defense to civilian produc­ public, providing protection available to with respect to docket No. 227, Pueblo of tion, and to assure, through such coopera­ those who breed, develop, or discover them, Lag~ma., et al., Plaintiffs, v. The United States tion, that the United States and such de­ and thereby promoting progress in agricul­ of America, Defendant, pursuant to 25 U.S.C. fense contractors will be able to meet the ture in the public interest; 70t; to the Committee on Interior and .In­ challenge arising out of the economic con­ S. 3418. An act to amend the Public Health sular Affairs. version and diversification required by rea­ Service Act t o provide for the making of 2611. A let ter from the chairman, Federal son of the changing defense needs of the grants to medical schools and hospitals to as­ Trade Commission, transmitting the 55th­ United States to provide for such an orderly sist them in establishing departments and annual report of the Conunission, covering conversion in an effort to minimize, to the programs in the field of family practice, and fiscal year 1969; to the Committee on Inter­ extent possible, the hardships and other dis­ otherwise to encourage and promote the state and Foreign Commerce. ruptive fact ors likely to be encountered by training of medical and paramedical person­ 2612. A letter from the Secretary of the defense workers and their families as a re­ nel in the field of family medicine and to Army, transmitting a draft of proposed leg­ sult t hereof; to the Committee on Interstate provide for a study relating to causes and islation to amend the Flood Control Act of and Foreign Commerce. treatment of malnutrition; 1960, as amencled, relating to the compilation By Mr. SCHERLE: S. 3479. An act to amend section 2 of the and dissemination of information on floods H.R. 19944. A bill to provide that prelimi­ Act of June 30, 1954, as amended, providing and flood damages; to the Committee on nary payments shall not be less than 32 for the continuance of civil government for Public Works. cents per bushel, for corn; to t he Committee the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; 2613. A letter from the Administrator, 0'.\.l Agriculture. and Environment-al Protection Agency, transmit­ By Mr. FRASER (for himself, Mr. S. 4083. An act to modify and enlarge the ting notice of the Agency's intention to sub­ BROOKS, Mr. EDWARDS of California, authority of Gallaudet College to maintain mit a report on an "investigation and study , and Mr. ST GERMAIN) : and operate the Kendall School as a demon­ of the feasibility of all methods of financing H.R. 19945. A bill to provide an additional stration elementary school for the deaf to the cost of preventing, controlling, and period of time for review of the basic na­ serve primarily the National Capital region, abating water pollution, other than meth­ tional rail passenger system; to postpone for and for other purposes. ods authorized by existing law," due by 6 months the date on which the National December 31, 1970, under section 109 of Rallroad Passenger Corporation is authorized the Water Quality Improvement Act of 1970, to cont ract for provision of intercity .rail after that date but before June 30, 1971; to passenger service; to postpone for 6 months ADJOURNMENT the Committee on Public Works. the date on which the Corporation is re­ Mr. ANDERSON of California. Mr. quired to begin providing intercity rail pas­ Speaker, I move that the House do now senger service and for other purposes; to REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUB­ the Committee on Interstate and Foreign adjourn. LIC Bn.LS AND RESOLUTIONS Commerce. The motion was agreed to; accordingly By Mr. RYAN: Cat 4 o'clock and 17 minutes p.m.), under Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of H.R. 19946. A bill to amend title 38, United its previous order, the House adjourned committees were delivered to the Clerk States Code, to guarantee veterans' loans to until Monday, December 14, 1970, at 12 for printing and reference the proper purchase dwellings in multifamily structures to which are owned cooperatively; to the Com­ o'clock noon. calendar, as follows: mittee on Veterans' Affairs. Mr. FLOOD: Committee of Conference. H.R.19947. A blll to amend the Internal Conference report on H.R. 18515 (Rept. No. Revenue Code of 1954 to allow a deduction EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, 91-1729). Ordered to be printed. from gross income for donations of blood or ETC. Mr. BOLAND: Committee of Conference. body organs to nonprofit organizations or Conference report on H.R. 17755 (Rept. No. institutions; to the Committee on Ways and Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, executive 91-1730). Ordered to be printed. Means. communications were taken from the Mr. HOLIFIELD: Committee on Govern­ Speaker's table and referred as follows: ment Operations. The role and effectiveness PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 2608. A letter from the Chairman, Migra­ of Federal advisory committees (Rept. No. tory Bird Conservation Commission, trans­ 91-1731). Referred to the Committee of the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private mitting the annual report of the Commis­ Whole House on the State of the Union. bills and resolutions were introduced and sion for fiscal year 1970, pursuant to 16 U.S.C. severally referred as follows: 715b; to the Committee on Agriculture. By Mr. ADDABBO: 2609. A letter from the Director, Office of PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 19948. A bill for the relief of Baldas­ Management and Budget, Executive Office of sare Mangiaracina; to the Committee on the the President, transmitting a report on the Under clause 4 of rule XXII, public Judiciary. operation of section 501 of the Second Sup­ bills and resolutions were introduced and By Mrs. MINK: plemental Appropriations Act, 1970, which es­ severally referred as follows: H.R. 19949. A bill for the relief of Louis tablishes a limitation on budget outlays for By Mr. GUDE: Teipoonui Gooding; to the Committee on :fiscal year 1971 (H. Doc. No. 91-426) to the H.R. 19943. A bill to facilitate and encour­ the Judiciary. Committee on Appropriations and ordered to age cooperation between the United States By Mr. RYAN: be printed. and certain defense contractors engaged in H.R. 19950. A bill for the relief of Juan 2610. A letter from the Chairman, Indian the furnishing of defense material to the Manuel Di Bono; to the Committee on the Claims Commission, transmitting a report United States 1n providing for an orderly Judiciary. SENATE-Friday, December 11, 1970 The Senate met at 11 a.m. and was in the supremacy of spiritual verities and U.S. SENATE, called to order by Hon. THoMAS J. Mc­ in those holy principles of our spiritual PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, INTYRE, a Senator from the State of New kinsmen, the Founding Fathers, lest in Washington, D.C., December 11, 1970. Hampshire. troubled and unsure times we go astray. To the Senate: < The Chaplain, the Reverend Edward Being temporarily absent from the Senate, Guide us through this day by Thy higher I appoint Han. THOMAS J. MciNTYRE, a Sena• L. R. Elson, D.O., offered the following wisdom and when it is over bring us safe tor from the State of New Hampshire, to prayer: to rest in the knowledge of work well perform the duties of the Chair during my Ever-living God, as we bow in this place done for all the people. absence. of prayer and of labor, may Thy mercies In Thy holy name we pray. Amen. RICHARD B. RUSSELL, which are new every morning come upon President pro tempore. us now to refresh us and restore us for Mr. MciNTYRE thereupon took the the unfinished work. Undergird by Thy DESIGNATION OF ACTING PRESI­ chair as Acting President pro tempore. renewing power the bodies, minds, and DENT PRO TEMPORE spirits which are Thy good gifts to us The PRESIDING OFFICER~ The clerk and energize us for this new day. will please read a communication to the MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Look upon this good land in this hour Senate from the President pro tempore A message from the House of Repre­ and bring reconciliation out of division, (Mr. RUSSELL). sentatives, by Mr Berry, one of its read­ harmony out of discord, unity out of The legislative clerk read the follow­ ing clerks, announced that the House had diversity. Confirm our faith once more ing letter: agreed to the report of the committee 41166 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE December 11, 1970 of conference on the disagreeing votes of ORDER FOR RECOGNITION OF SEN­ The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ the two Houses on the amendment of the ATOR YOUNG OF OHIO ON MON­ pore. Without objection, the nomina­ House to the bill <S. 3867) to assure op­ DAY, DECEMBER 14, 1970 tions are considered and confirmed en portunities for employment and train­ Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask bloc. ing to unemployed and underemployed unanimous consent that after disposition Mr. MANSFmLD. Mr. President, I ask persons, to assist States and local com­ of the Journal on Monday next, the dis­ unanimous consent that the President be munities in providing needed public serv­ tinguished Senator from Ohio (Mr. immediately notified of the confirmation ices, and for other purposes. YoUNG) be recognized .for not to exceed of these nominations. 15 minutes. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. ENROLLED Bn.J:..S SIGNED The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ pore.
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