Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 11 SEPTEMBER 1930 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Applinnts und~T Reiicf Srheme. [ll SEPTEMBER.] Abattoirs Agre.ment, Etc., Bill. 8!)5 ST.,TibTIC'S I:'\ RE U:\TEJ.\IPLOYMENT HELlEF SCI-IE~lE. 0HDER FOH HETCH~. :\Tr. !1l~LCUC 1 I..: (JJarc1o): I bl~g to rnoye~ ''TLat. thPl'·' b0 bid npo:n tho table of tll lion ·-~ a rehtrn ~ho,x.ing- 1. The <E'en~ in \Yhich work ls -at p:·;:,_':-t•nt ill pro:._.., l'f' ·- under the unenl­ pln.nUPI~t. rC'lit'f schcu1e; 2. Th(' tctal expenditure i11 August u1·dee thi.-. schcrne; 3. Th·, total anwuni spent in Bris­ bane i.u August under the schcrnc; 4. The total expenditure in August other tb:1n in Bri:.;banc and 5. Tht> nurnlH•r of persons who are C>rrlplo,;;cd undl'r the scheme ln Bris­ ban c and en-iron~ ; 6. ThP nu1nber of pcr~on;; who are cmployccl in areas othc1· than Bris­ bane and environs; 7. The> numlwr of applications re­ ceiYed for funds fror:n countrv centres, .~pecifyi11g frorn yrhon1 th~cy were I't:ceiYl'd ; and 8. Tlw number of applications that have been granted." Quci't ion put and passed. U:'\E:\Il'LOY:VIE:'\T REGISTRATIOI\"S AT 31sT .JULY, 1930. OP.DER FOR RETURX. :1lr. DASH (Jlmulinglntrra), for Mr. BR GCE (Kenncdy): I beg to move- '· That there b<> laid upon the table of the House a return showing the number of persons registered for employ­ ment throm;hout the State at the various labour bm:eaux as at 31,t ,July, 1930, givin;; details in regard to-(a) ordinary registrations. and (b) unemployment relief registrations." THURSDAY, 11 SEPTEMBER, 1930. Que-.tion put and passed. The Sl'E.\KEH (Ilon. C. Tavlor Windsor) AB.\TTOIRS ."\.CaUm:\IE:\1'1' RATIFICA­ took the chair n t 2.30 p.m. • ' TIO:'\ A:'\D :\lEXl' IC\DUSTRY BILL. Ix!TIATIOX. APPLICAKTS REG·ISTERED U:'\DER The l'H l<;::<.IIER (Hon. A. E. J\Ioore, U:'\'E:\IPLOY~IENT RELIEF SCHE;.VIE. ,1 ubiuny): I beg to mo·- e- ,, That th0 House will, at its next ORDER FOR RETURX. sitting, n •.olvc it, elf into a Committee :\1r. \YINSTA:\LEY (Quf'enton): I beg to of the• \\'hole to consider of the clesirablc­ n(~,·") of introducing a Bill to approve, " That ther.) bo laid upon iho table ratify, and conllrn1 on agrce-Incnt rr1ade of tho House a return showing- bctwocm the Honourable Arthur l~dward illoorl\ Premier m1d Chief Secretary of 1. The number of applicants who thP St 1tc of Queensland, for and on registered for employment under the Lchalf of the GO\·ernmcnt of C:ueonsland, GoYCrllnlent's unemployment relie[ and S\vlft Australian Con1pan;_L Lin1ited, scherne ;: t the conlinoncomPnt of the relating to the purchase of a Lattoirs in scheme. or within a. month of its thu cit_, of Brisb,nc; to provide for announccn1cmt. who are still waiting for the comtitution of a J\Icat Industry cmployrncnt; and Board having- for its objoct tho main­ 2. The number of applicants now tc•nancc a"ld control of the said abattoirs, re~·istercd for such eil,ployment and further powers and authoritie;; throu.;-hout the State vvho are waiting re!l"arding the meat industry; Qnd for for engagement or selection." other purpose~." Question put and passed. Question put and p>e~sod. 896 Fedual Aid Roar!s [ASSEMBLY.] A.Jreement, Etc., Eiil. P\PERS. 0tJth. It by quite a num. The following parcr6 ·were laid on the bor of thctt tha~· arnonnt of rnoney wrtu Cornrnon\vl'altb table:- the GoYernn1ent to ~ for uncrnploy- Rogule.tions 27 to 37 indusive under uwnt puqJos-~ ..:5: but was not so. It a.Eci for purposes of '"The Banana n'ali· nlCO.i_ that the ~ grc•rncnt has been Industry Protection Act of 1929" ; (''\:tended for <.Lnoth0r .c:ix months so as to Order in Council m1do,. " 'Tho Banana Il18k_ provision foe the £1,000.000 that was Industry Protection Act of 192~" ; and advanced by t1F' C·Jtnrnonvvc<.dth fur the pur­ Ord0r in Council under " The Primary pose of providing vvork for the nncr.nploved Pmrluce li:xperiment Stations Act of in the seyeral States. - " 1927.' 'Tl·<~ BilJ al o prov~Jcs that in futuro the St:.t-1-'~ J ,,-ill be ab1c to VAC the nlO~lOV received fl'mn the Cornmon\n'alth for nuLintonancc FEDERAL AID ROADS AGREEJ\lE~T work as \Yt'll as for the coustruction of now APP.ROVAL ACT (VARIATION OF \York. linckr th( ori~rinal ag-rernent tho AGREE:\1ENT) APPROVAL BILL. Strttcs ' ere not able to use that rnonev for the purpose o~ rnainta,ining roads al{:cady INn'IA~rroN IN Co~rMITTEE. c;nstructcd. I have briefly set out the main (,Jf,·. RobcTts, East Toowoom ba, in the chaiT.) features of i he Bill, and will give morH detailed information on the second reading The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS <:lt 1 ge. (Hon. Godfrcy Morgan, M~urilla): I beg to :'.lr. W. FORGA::\" SMITH (Jiackay): The rnove- l\lini.~ter, in rnoYing this resolution, gave " That it is desirable that a Bill be the House a brief resuuo of the agreement introduced to approve, adopt, authorise, bc.twecn the various States and the Com­ and r ~. ti fy "' furthr, r a !!,rccment made monwealth, and also of what the new agree­ b< b,e ·n the Commonwealth of Australia ment invoh-ed. Po far as I can understand, "nd the State of Quccnsl:.nd in relation the States in the future will not be com­ to the construction and re~on!'truction pelled to expend a sum of money rcpre­ of Federal aid roads in the State of ,;;cnting 15s. fot every £1 provide--d by tht> Queensland.'' Corrnnonv cal th Govcrnr:ncnt. r_rhat is to This Bill i· nccc,sary because thoro has been say, that it will not be menr!atory npon the some alteration in tho agr0orncnt entered State to p!~o,;ido that subsidy; but, if it into bet .·-cen thn c.evcral States and the ·; desire:-, it ('~Ln f"pcnd that amount and Cornmonw,· dth in 1926. At that date. as no nwrc. if it is ill a positlon so io do. That doubt mo•t hon. lll<'rnbers "ro <tware, the appears to 1110 to be ';1 Iite a reasonablt.; ConlD10!l\n'a.lth Goycrnruent agreed to pro~ po-,ition. \Vh~_n the orig~nal a(-!,Tt:'omoet was dr n ~-1P, conditior.s WCTC difftrcnt f!·om vide £2,0C0.000 t1 !'Car for ten years for the purpof"o of r~iding th0 St.atcs in thP ron­ "hat t£- 'Y are to-day; and, as tl1o J\Iinistcr ·truction of roads, the wm to be divided ha'-i poln--r 'd out. various Stair~, of the Coni­ arnong:;t the States on an nrca. and p Jpula­ r_·on\YPLlth apparcntl:;· \'\·o,·l...-1 be nnDb1e in tion ha. Becan· \-' of the .flnanci:: l depre~­ th?~ fut;11·c tJ carry O'J~ their oblig~ti?n.-; uuctc l' tno ngref'Jl1f'nt. 'l onscqu' ntly, It na~. Rion throu.;ho1.;t A-\u, tc';:dia, _on10 Strrte:s other than Quec;n l?.nd found that they could not br:('ll found 11' ccs_,a,rv to rdlcvc thl'Hl of thnt· r, 1 rathcl· than that they fulfil m a nv of the conditions for which tho ·"i;o~:si Ji!jt,, ~hould a:_:rr<•rnlcnt' provided. }·-· dPni~- d the a(:.vant. ':;'G of this Inonc--. ]Jr. \:r. F-JRGA:s- S.1IITH: The States had 1-o The re is this i1~tcn:sting point that I \Yish contribute 15s. for every £1 recei\ ed from tn n1ak~ a.t thL jnr:ctur0: l\Ia11y peoplo assert the Commonwealth. ia con:1cction with the Ft Jcral aid ro,ld.-< ££r:tnt +hnt thr: Con•_PJc~nn- ~Jth is obtruclinrr The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS: into a line of activih- that :;:hou1d t' __ cln­ That was one of the terms of the .agreement. si,·cly b·•long to --the Si-ate-in a y;;ord, th:tt Other States, owing to their financial diffi­ tht.! Cornmcn,-.. (1 <:dth should not e:-;:pPncl it-., cu1tirs, C'Ould not find that 1110:10\, nnd 2 ;kf'd funds i!~ tlto~·J cljrectio s-n~d therefore, ihat . for an altel'at:on in t.ho ngn~en1Cnt. Q-ueens­ it :;;hould Yrtc~~tc c<.:rtain fklds of ta\:n.tion, land was (jnitc prepared to go on under tho ·~·.-hich would then bo onen to t.he State'"'' n-=:rcement, ~-inr .~ 1vo wcrn able to provjdo pnablin·:: th~ Stai ·s to citrr. out their own the l"s. [ler £1. Even if th's variation of \York in their own o,, av. That is an argu­ the agrc~'nY,nt is brought into effect, so far m•~·nt that has been lr'qnent]y used, and as one can ''"0 at the prrscnt mo•nent, we there ~, se nethin[.?" in the a:·~.un1ent in regard sh1.Jl hP nblc to find that moncv for some t) thr- gencr"J principl0. Person ll~v, 1 considerohlc time. :-!o doubt Bills similar believe tlwt, under the Comtii~ution <ts it to this will be passed bv all the other States Pxists at ib'"' nrcscnt ti1ne, th~ Cornmon,vc~alth in ./\u-.tndia: and.
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