Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Vol. 6(3), July 2007, pp. 444-458 Ethnoveterinary plants of Uttaranchal — A review PC Pande1*, Lalit Tiwari1 & HC Pande2 1Department of Botany, Kumaon University, SSJ Campus, Almora 263 601, Uttaranchal 2Botanical Survey of India (NC), Dehradun, Uttaranchal E-mail: [email protected] Received 21 December 2004; revised 7 February 2007 The study reveals that the people of the Uttaranchal state use 364 plants species in ethnoveterinary practices. Bhotiyas, Boxas, Tharus, Jaunsaris and Rhajis are the tribal groups inhabiting in Uttaranchal. Analysis of data indicates that information on 163 plants is significant as it provides some new information of the ethnoveterinary uses. The study is expected to provide basic data for further studies aimed at conservation of traditional medicine and economic welfare of rural people at the study area. Keywords: Ethnoveterinary practices, Medicinal plants, Uttaranchal, Review IPC Int. Cl.8: A61K36/00, A61P1/00, A61P1/02, A61P1/04, A61P1/10, A61P1/16, A61P17/00, A61P19/00, A61P25/00, A61P27/00, A61P39/02 Uttaranchal state lies between 28°42′ to 31°28′N; medicinal knowledge of the state. Keeping this in 77°35′ to 81°05′E and comprise of 13 districts of the view, an attempt has been made to explore and Central Himalayas. The major part of this region is compile the exhaustive knowledge of plants used in mountainous. The region covers about 38,000 sq km veterinary practices. In all, 364 plant species were and comprises of 3 border districts, namely recorded from the Uttaranchal, which are used by the Pithoragarh, Chamoli and Uttarkashi; 7 inner districts: people for various veterinary diseases and disorders. Almora, Nainital, Bageshwar, Champawat, Pauri, The main aim of the study is to document the Tehri, Rudraprayag, Dehradun, Udham Singh Nagar knowledge and to stimulate further research including and Hardwar. This region is gifted with a variety of conservation of ethnoveterinary plants of the region. climatic zones, e.g. sub-tropical and sub-temperate in the high valleys; temperate in between 1,000-2,800 m Methodology and alpine above 2,800 m. In the state, 5 tribal groups The study is based on the field survey and are found, namely Bhotiyas, Boxas, Tharus, Jaunsaris published literature on medicinal plants of 1-4,7-29 and Rhajis. The population is about 85,00,000 (2001 Uttaranchal . Remote villages of Uttaranchal Census), out of which 75% live in remote rural areas. state were surveyed in 1999-2003 and ethnoveterinary The rural population of the state largely depends on information were collected by interviewing local natural resources for their basic needs. medicimen and experienced people (Table 1). The In recent time, there has been marked shift towards surveyed districts were Almora, Pithoragarh, Nainital, herbal cures because of the pronounced cumulative Bageshwar, Champawat, Chamoli, Uttarkashi, Tehri, and irreversible reaction of modern drugs. The people Pauri, Rudraprayag and hilly area of Dehradun. of the state are utilizing or practicing many ancient Statistical analysis of families and genera with larger traditional methods of healing for their domestic share; number of plants, plant parts, plant products animals. Large quantities of these plants are also used used in ethnoveterinary practices; potential value of in the preparation of drugs. However, due over ethnoveterinary plants and threatened ethnoveterinary population, urbanization and continuous exploitation plants of Uttaranchal state are also given. of these herbal reserves, the natural resources along with their related traditional knowledge are depleting Results day by day. Therefore, there is an urgent need of In all, 364 plants are used in ethnoveterinary systematic documentation of biota related traditional practices belonging to 107 families. Family ______________ Asteraceae ranks at the top having 23 ethnoveterinary *Corresponding author plant species (Fig. 1), followed by Fabaceae (22 spp), PANDE et al.: ETHNOVETERINARY PLANTS OF UTTARANCHAL 445 Table1 — List of ethnoveterinary plants of Uttaranchal Himalaya Plant name Uses Acacia catechu (L.f.) Willd. Foot diseases, bone fracture, internal injury, dysentery, diarrhoea, wounds, and urinary troubles. Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile Foot diseases, leaf causes food poisoning. Achyranthes aspera L. Dog bite, glactagogue. Aconitum balfouri Stapf. To check incense, swelling. Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex Royle Intestinal worm, fever, stomachache, dysentery, diarrhoea. Acorus calamus L. Remove external and internal parasites, hoof diseases, mouth blisters, snakebite, haematuria, and wounds. Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa External parasites. Aesculus indica (Colebr. ex Cambess.) Hook. Stomach disorders, colic, internal parasites, stomachic in horses. Agave americana L. Bone fracture, broken horn, and external parasites. Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. Sores, wounds, blood purifier. Ajuga bracteosa Wall. ex Benth. var. bracteosa Wall. Mouth blisters, skin diseases, internal parasites, indigestion, vomiting, wounds, and cataract. Allium cepa L. Foot & mouth diseases, intestinal worms, dysentery, diarrhoea, mange, eczema, scabies, constipation, indigestion, during the food poisoning, arthritis, mouth blisters. Allium sativum L. Foot & mouth diseases, skin infection, itching, pruritis, ricket, snakebite, food poisoning, tympany, rheumatism, stomachic, arthritis, gastric troubles, ranikhet disease, fowl coryza in hen, chronic respiratory disease in hen, intestinal worm in hen. Allium wallichii Kunth. Leech remover. Alnus nepalensis D.Don Strength. Aloe barbadensis Mill. Induced fertility, burn, bone fracture, sterility. Amaranthus caudatus L. Cough, skin diseases, dysentery, lactation, haemachuria. Amaranthus spinosus L. Dog bite. Amaranthus sp. Bone fracture, wounds. Ampelocissus latifolia (Roxb.) Planch. Cataract, snakebite, flatulence, tympany. Ampelocissus rugosa (Wall.) Planch. Lactation. Anagallis arvensis L. To expel the leeches. Anaphalis triplinervis (Sims.) C.B. Clarke Foot & mouth diseases. Anemone obtusiloba D. Don Nasal troubles. Anemone vitifolia Buch.-Ham. ex DC. Broken horn, wounds. Anethum graveolens L. Reported as veterinary medicinal plant. Angelica glauca Edgew. Painful muscular growth below tongue, internal injury, indigestion, gastric troubles, loss of appetite, anorexia, food poisoning. Annona squamosa L. To destroy maggots. Areca catechu L. Internal parasites. Arisaema intermedium Blume Sores, diarrhoea, dysentery. Artemisia elegantissima Pamp. Diarrhoea, dysentery, sunstroke, retention of placenta, wounds. Artemisia japonica Thunb. Internal parasites, round worm. Artemisia maritima L. Loss of appetite, indigestion, sunstroke. Artemisia nilagirica (C.B. Clarke) Pamp. Urinary troubles, internal parasites, lockjaw (tetanus). Artemisia roxburghiana Wall. ex Bess. Eye diseases, wounds, cuts, and external parasites. Artemisia sacrorum Ledeb. Hair tonic for horses. Asparagus adscendens Roxb. Haematuria, contusions, indigestion, skin diseases. Asparagus capitatus Backer Haemachuria. Asparagus curillus Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb Lactation, iindigestion, gastric troubles. Asparagus filicinus Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don. Indigestion, gastric troubles. Asparagus racemosus Willd. Painful outgrowth below tongue, haemachuria, cooling effects, lactation, tympany, flatulence, cuts, wounds, demulcent, indigestion, gastric troubles, skin diseases, chhiparh*. Asplenium dalhousiae Hook. Mastitis Atylosia sacarabaeoides Benth. Diarrhoea, dysentery. Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Retention of urine, broken horn, burn, mange, tympany, indigestion, snakebite, foot & mouth diseases, lockjaw (tetanus). Barleria cristata L. Wounds Bauhinia vahlii Wight & Arnott. Hoof diseases, boils, pimples, carbuncle, post-calving care. Contd — 446 INDIAN J TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE, VOL 6, No. 3, JULY 2007 Table1 — List of ethnoveterinary plants of Uttaranchal Himalaya — Contd Plant name Uses Bauhinia variegata L. Internal injury. Begonia roxburghii (Miq.) DC. Expelling leach. Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. Eczema, skin irritation, induced fertility. Berberis aristata DC. Neck sore, yolk sore, sunstroke, wounds, food poisoning. Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex DC. Fever, dehydration, indigestion, eye diseases, tonic, food poisoning, neck sore, yolk sore, sunstroke, wounds, flatulence, tympany. Berberis chitria Edwards Conjunctivitis Berberis petiolaris Wall. ex G. Don Eye diseases, conjunctivitis. Bergenia ciliata (Royle) Raizada Lactation, intestinal worm, mastitis, haemachuria, hydrophobia. Bergenia ligulata (Wall.) Engler Bone fracture, skin diseases, wounds. Betula alnoides Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don. Cuts, worm infested wounds. Betula utilis D. Don Internal injuries, cough, dysentery, painful outgrowth below tongue, wounds, cuts, alimentary disorders. Boehmeria macrophylla Hornem. Bone fracture, giddiness or insanity. Boenninghausenia albiflora (Hook.) Meisn. External parasites. Bombax ceiba L. Skin diseases, mastitis, external parasites, foot & mouth diseases, pimple, boil, broken horn, bone fracture, constipation, paralysis, flatulence, tympany. Boschniakia himalaica Hook. f. & Thoms. ex Hook. f. Cuts, wounds, broken horn. Brassica campestris L. Dysentery, skin diseases, broken horn, eczema, itching, dog bite, constipation, during the food poisoning, neck sore, tympany, flatulence, external parasites, yolk sore, stomachache, hoof diseases, burn, cuts, bone fracture, mouth blisters, virginal swelling, indigestion, tetanus, tonsilities in hen Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. & Coss. subsp.
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