E3S Web of Conferences 44, 00202 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20184400202 EKO-DOK 2018 Green computing and energy storage systems Monika Żygadło1,*, Jerzy Kotowski1, and Jacek Oko2 1Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Electronics, 11/17 Janiszewskiego st. 50-372 Wroclaw, Poland 2Vice Chancellor for Informatization and the Director of the Centre for Networking and Supercomputing at WrUST Abstract. Because of growing amount of the data(known as „big data”) needed to be store and process there is a rapid growth of usage electricity and emission. In this paper we present the IT solution of this problem: green computing, solutions to storage and manage the energy and IT support needed to manage and control those systems. The article presents the main idea and already implemented solutions. 1 Introduction In modern society energy consumption is continuing to grow. Non-renewable resources which use to be a primary source of energy are depleted. This leads to finding new ways of obtaining and saving the energy. It becomes important to accommodate and implement these solutions wherever possible. Nowadays IT is present in all branches of technology and science so one versatile system, easy to adapt for different needs, might save plenty of energy. The blend of green computing and energy storage systems (ESS) seems promising because of reduction of emissions, energy consumption and use of non-renewable energy sources at the same time. Green computing is not just about ecology but also saving money and resources. Data centers are essential elements of modern world, there are necessary to processing and store big data. A problem of data centers is high demand of power required to run the actual equipment and to cool the equipment. The solution is green data centers where the mechanical, lighting, electrical and computer systems are designed for maximum energy efficiency and minimum environmental impact. The construction and operation of a green data center includes advanced technologies and strategies. I.T industry is investing lot of time and money to devise new and effective ways to conserve energy. Companies like IBM, Hewlett Packard, SprayCool, and Cooligy are working on technologies such as liquid cooling, nano fluid-cooling systems, and in-server, in-rack, and in-row cooling. Other novel ways of making a data center more environmentally friendly include using new high-density servers, using hydrogen fuel cells as alternative green power sources, and applying virtualization technologies that reduce the total power consumption of servers and lower the heat generated. * Corresponding author: [email protected] © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). E3S Web of Conferences 44, 00202 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20184400202 EKO-DOK 2018 2 Green computing Green compting Green ICT a per IFG Intnatina deratin of Green ICT ad IFG tadad, green IT, or ICT sustainabiity, i the tdy ad prati of envionmentaly sustainable computing or IT [1]. Murugan [2] lays ot the followig four pats ang which he bives the envionmenta effect of comptig should b addressd: 1. Green Use: Rduig the energy consumptin of computers ad oter iformatin systems a well a usig them i a envionmentally sound maner. 2. Green iposa Refurbishig ad reusig od computs ad recying unwated computs ad oter electonic equiment 3. Green Design: ignig eneg effiint ad envionmentay sound componets, computs, servers ad cooig eqipmets. 4. Green Manufacturig anufaturig electoni component, computs ad oter aoiatd sb sytems ith miial impact or no impact on the envionment Green computig i a abot the effiint use of computs ad computing [3]. The goa of green computing ae quit simia t green chemisty which ae t rduce the use of hazads matia, axiize energy effiincy durig the prdct's iftime, ad promote the recyabiity or bidgradabiity of non-operatina prdcts ad fatry wat [1]. Green comptig initiatives rduce the envionmenta impact of IT operatins. The following fatrs ae impatig data cents a well a desktp computs, thg t a lesser dgree, ad driig the need t adt green computing prati [4]: 1. Raid Groth Of The Intnt More ad more people ae icrasigly reling on electoni data There as been a raid adoptin of itnt communiatins ad mdia computiatin of business processes ad apiatins, ga reqiremets for recod rttins ad diat recovery. All these ave d t the raid groth i the si ad numbr of data cents. On a indiidal level video ad music downloads, on-ine gaming soia networing ite viits ad VoIP ae key divers. Indtry i a usig itnet increasingy. Intnt usag i gowig at more tan 10 percent anuay ading t a timatd 20% CAGR i data cent demad.isat recovery statgi tat emphai on maitaiig dupiat recods icrases deand further. any fdera stat ad loal gvernmet ageni ave adoptd e-government statgis tat utiize te Wb for pubi iformatin, reportig, tasatins, homelad security, ad scitiic comptig 2. Incrasig Eqipmet Power Deity: Althoug adances i server CPUs ave i some ases enabd igher performace ith less power consumptin per CPU, overa server power consumptin as cotinued t icrase a more servers ae istad ith igher performance power-hugy processors ith more memory caaity. As more servers ae istad they requie more floor spae. To pak more servers i the same footrit the form fatr of servers as bcome much smaller, i some ca shrinking b more tan 70% thrgh the use of bade servers. Tis icrase i pacagig density as been mathd b a ajor icrase i the power density of data cents. Density as incrased more tan tn times from 300 watts per square ft i 1996 t over 4,000 watt per square ft i 2007, a tend tat i expectd t contiue its upard spia 3. Incrasig Cooig Requiement: The icrase i server power density as d t a aoiatd icrase i data cent heat density. Servers requie aproxiaty 1 t 1.5 att of cooig for a watt of power used. The rati of cooig power t server power requiement ill cotinue t incrase a data cent server densiti incrase. 4. Incrasig Energy Costs: ata cent expenditures for power ad cooig a exced tat for eqipmet over the useful ie of a server. One stdy timatd tat for a typia $4,000 server ratd at 500 watts, it would consume aproximaty $4,000 of electiity for power 2 E3S Web of Conferences 44, 00202 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20184400202 EKO-DOK 2018 2 Green computing ad cooig over tree yea, at $0.08 per kiwatt-hour, ad dbe tat i Jaa. The rati of power ad cooig expense t eqipmet expenses ave incrasd from Green compting Green ICT a per IFG Intnatina deratin of Green ICT ad IFG aproxiaty 0.1 t 1 i 2000 t 1 t 1 i 2007. Wit the iely incrase i the numbr tadad, green IT, or ICT sustainabiity, i the tdy ad prati of envionmentaly of data cents ad servers ad the advent of a cabon a-ad-tade scheme, the cot of sustainable computing or IT [1]. energy for data cent power ad cooig ill icrase cotinuously. Murugan [2] lays ot the followig four pats ang which he bives the 5. Rtitins On Eneg Supply Ad Access: Companies such a Google, irosoft ad envionmenta effect of comptig should b addressd: aoo ith the need for age data cents ay not b able t ind power at any pri i 1. Green Use: Rduig the energy consumptin of computers ad oter iformatin maor Ameria itis. Therefore, they ave buit new data cents i the Paii systems a well a usig them i a envionmentally sound maner. Nortwt near the Columbia Rier where they ave diect acess t low-cost 2. Green iposa Refurbishig ad reusig od computs ad recying unwated hydroelecti power ad ti as proved benefiia t them becase they d not depend computs ad oter electonic equiment on the overtaxed electia gid. In stat such a Caifornia, Iioi, ad New York, te 3. Green Design: ignig eneg effiint ad envionmentay sound componets, od electia ifratuture ad igh cost of power a stal or top the constutin of computs, servers ad cooig eqipmets. new data cents ad imit the operatins of exitig cents. In some crowdd urban aas 4. Green Manufacturig anufaturig electoni component, computs ad oter utiity power feeds ae at apaity ad electiity i not aaiable for new data cents at aoiatd sb sytems ith miial impact or no impact on the envionment ay pri Green computig i a abot the effiint use of computs ad computing [3]. The goa 6. Low Server tiiatin Rat: ata cent effiincy i a ajor problem i tms of eneg of green computing ae quit simia t green chemisty which ae t rduce the use of use. The server utiiatin rats aerage 5-10 per cent for age data cents. Low server hazads matia, axiize energy effiincy durig the prdct's iftime, ad promote utiiatin means compani are oveayig for energy, maintance, operatins support the recyabiity or bidgradabiity of non-operatina prdcts ad fatry wat [1]. Green , whi only usig a sma percentage of computig apaity. comptig initiatives rduce the envionmenta impact of IT operatins. 7. Groing Awaeness Of I.T’s Impact On The Eironmet: Cab emisins ae diecty The following fatrs ae impatig data cents a well a desktp computs, thg t proportina t energy usag. In 2007 tere were aproximaty 44 miin servers a lesser dgree, ad driig the need t adt green computing prati [4]: worldide consumig 0.5% of a electiity.
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