Art Center set to sizzle/A21 THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014 • WWW.GADCOTIMES.COM • VOLUME 113/ISSUE 21 • 50¢ • 22 PAGES, 1 SECTION NEWS BRIEFS BoCC ponders economic path Memorial Day deadlines set Commissioners acknowledge their role in reversing current plight Deadlines for the May ROBERT ALLEN cussion of timber with the Gadsden ation — or at least the started,” said Com- 29 edition of The Gadsden Times Reporter products and rail County Tourism De- perception of it. missioner Sherrie County Times are 5 p.m. The Gadsden transportation. velopment Council, Kirkland said when Taylor after Kirkland Thursday, May 22, for all County Commission Kirkland addressed Riverway South, Ca- the county has a finished her presenta- advertising, obituaries, met May 20 for a joint “market-driven reer Source Capital chance to host a tion. “My concern is community, school and workshop with the growth,” which she la- Region, Opportunity prospective investor, that GCDC is where it church news. The Times Gadsden County De- beled “a highly recog- Florida, Florida Great they need to tem- needs to be.” office will be closed Mon- velopment Council on nizable and Northwest and Enter- porarily put away dif- Taylor said Gov. day, May 26, in obser- May 20. Beth Kirk- sought-after business prise Florida Stake- ferences and appear Rick Scott has delib- vance of Memorial Day. land, executive direc- climate.” holder’s Council. as harmonious as pos- erately fostered an For information, call 850- tor of Gadsden In pursuit of this “At the end of the sible. economic environ- 627-7649. County’s development climate, the Gadsden day, we want to work “I think you’ve hit ment conducive to council, shared infor- County Development in teams,” Kirkland on just about every business develop- Sheriff’s office mation for more than Council has estab- said, emphasizing the point that needs ment. When resulting sets an hour, including dis- lished partnerships importance of cooper- touched on to get us See PATH/ Page A7 checkpoints The Gadsden County Sheriff’s Office will con- ducting Driver’s License, DUI and Vehicle Inspec- tion Checkpoints during Havana good time the month of May 2014 on the below listed roads within the Gadsden County area. The times Festival and dates of these check pulls crowd points will vary depending Nick Comerford, a soil upon weather, manpower ROBERT ALLEN and water science expert and safety conditions. Times Reporter at the University of Recognizing the danger Artists and ven- Florida speaks at the first presented to the public by dors lined the Grow Gadsden Meeting defective vehicle equip- streets of Havana on May 15 at the North ment, deputies will con- beginning at 8 a.m. Florida Research and Ed- centrate their efforts on on May 17 for the ucation Facility in vehicles being operated city’s Havana Day with defects such as bad Festival. By 10 a.m. Quincy. Photo by Robert brakes, worn tires and de- the side streets Allen fective lighting equipment. were busy with fam- In addition, DUI Enforce- ilies as they pe- Chamber ment will be directed to rused through the drivers who insist on driv- merchants’ wares ing impaired. and the vendors’ launches ag The Gadsden County fares. Sheriff’s Office has found Robert Derwick initiative these checkpoints to be was one of the an effective means of en- artists visiting the ROBERT ALLEN forcing the equipment and festival. He brought Times Reporter driver license laws of along a display of The Gadsden Florida while ensuring the his sea-inspired County Chamber of protection of all motorists. glass art. His wife Commerce hosted Roads Tammy Derwick’s their first Grow Gads- I-10 Quincy, Midway, artwork was also den meeting May 15 at Chattahoochee and present. She prima- the University of Greensboro exits, Hwy 90 rily depicts mer- Florida’s research maid figures, East and West of Midway center south of Quincy. rendered in pencil to Chattahoochee, Hwy 12 These meetings will or watercolor. provide a more spe- East and West to Greens- “I found out boro and Havana, Hwy 27 cialized forum for sup- about the festival porting local business North and South of Ha- and I wanted to vana, Hwy 65 North and development in agri- come out, enjoy the cultural fields. South, Hwy 267 North and day, and sell my art South, Brickyard Rd., “We want to have a work,” said the glass brand of Gadsden agri- Providence Rd., Lakeview artist. Point Rd., Cook Landing culture,” said David Derwick, who has Gardner, executive di- Rd., Flat Creek Rd., been doing class rector of Gadsden Sycamore Rd., Sawdust work for 40 years, County’s Chamber of Rd., Bonnie Hill Rd., Lin- said his art is all Bone carver Thorn Riley, shown here, displayed his work as a Havana Commerce, acknowl- coln Drive, Hardaway original. He indi- Day vendor. Photo by Robert Allen edging the area’s rich Hwy, Kemp Road, Atlanta cated high hopes for history in growing. St., Concord Rd., Rustling the day. It’s a nice day to be several excited dogs ciety exists,” said “We’re trying to bring Pine and Solomon Dairy “It can only get in Havana.” and a few curious Michele Vaught, it back.” Rd., Havana 4th Street better from here, The Gadsden puppies for the big president of the or- The first Grow and 16th Avenue. right?” said Der- County Humane So- day. ganization. “We’re Gadsden meeting con- wick. “We’ve got ciety occupied a “We’re trying to the only animal res- cerned two distinct some music coming. central location at raise awareness cue group here in but related initiatives: Cold beers right the street festival. that Gadsden courses designed for over there, close by. They brought along County Humane So- See DAY/ Page A2 local farmers interest- ing in beginning or ex- panding agricultural businesses and an in- cubator program de- Quincy puts brakes on traffic light agreement signed to foster partnerships between ROBERT ALLEN it. Dowdell seconded the mo- mended the commissioners private parties, en- Times Reporter tion. It passed unanimously. not approve the new contract. abling new farms to The Quincy City Commis- According to the commis- Wade and City Attorney emerge where before, sion met May 13 for their first sion’s agenda, the city en- John Grant also said it was independently, they regular meeting since the tered into an agreement with their understanding that not might not have been April 29 election when Daniel Florida Department of Trans- signing the new contract able. McMillan began representing portation, or FDOT, in Sep- would constitute a continua- “Many of us who do District Five. tember 2002. The agreement tion of the current contract, farm need another job The discussion included made the city responsible for which is bound by the life of to support our farming the approval of new telecom- the operation and mainte- the traffic signals rather than habit,” said Nick Com- munications services, the ap- nance of traffic lights at 13 in- any calendar dates. erford of the Univer- proval of a new traffic signal tersections along state roads. “I would like to make sure sity of Florida, agreement with the state and In exchange for this service, that the city of Quincy makes explaining that the the presentation of the per the agreement, the state sure that this is a united new programs will Quincy Fire Department’s has annually paid the city, in- stance among other cities — help build more lucra- quarterly report. creasing the sum by 3 percent that we don’t just go out there tive farming opera- The telecommunications each year and say, ‘Yeah, we’re not tions that can be agreement with Quincy Tele- Mike Wade, interim city going to sign the agreement,’ initiated by growers phone Company or TDS was manager, said FDOT is now and all these other cities that without the same available at three different purposing an altered agree- we’ve talked to say they’re not start-up capital cur- rates and periods. The com- ment — and it would expand going to sign it — and we’re rently required to pany offered the city a month- the city’s responsibilities the only one that didn’t sign more independently by-month contract for without increasing compen- it,” said Commissioner Andy begin a farm. $3,277.25 a month, an annual sation. The new agreement Gay, explaining he wouldn’t The incubating ini- contract for $2677.25 a month would include maintenance agree to not sign the new con- tiative will help bro- and a three-year contract for of the structures on which the tract until he was confident of ker functional 2,167.25 a month. signals are mounted. other cities’ intentions. “I agreements between The city staff recom- According to the commis- want to make sure that this is farmers without suffi- mended the three-year con- sion’s agenda, simply paint- an organized, united protest cient land and/or ma- tract. Commissioner Micah ing one of these structures of this increase.” chinery with Brown motioned to approve can cost $10,000. Wade recom- See QUINCYPage A7 See AG/ Page A2 A2THE GADSDEN COUNTY TIMES • THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014 WWW.GADCOTIMES.COM voiced concerns about do — whether it’s an Commissioner Gene offering a sufficiently election year or not.” Morgan offered simi- County BRIEFS PATH enticing environment Commissioner Doug lar concerns. Separately, the initial in- Continued from Page A1 for development. Croley offered further “I am a proponent Midway, GCSO vestigation that triggered a “I keep hearing one qualms about the of the private sector and Internet joint FBI and FDLE raid of opportunities appear thing: permitting zon- council’s direction.
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