Nv pioneerlocal.comxr JANUARY 22, 2009 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * $2.00 24/7 COVERAGE SUBURB ODDITIES BLOGS SPORTS DA$LY NEWS FROMYOUR WACKY CROOKS AND ENTERTAINING IDEAS LOOKS HEARD IN THE HALLS LOCAL SOURCE THEIR CRIMES AT POP CULTURE ARTS ATHLETIC BLOG NILES Y'ALD-SPEÇPTOR THIS WEEK FOOD rF4 TOP CHEF Wilmette man competes on Food Network. SEE PIONEERLOCALCOM HOME STAIN PAIN Locas drydeaners share About 100 players participated at the Texas Hold 'em Tournament Sunday at Notre Dame High tips on cleaning WH EN TO School cafeteria to benefit the school's athletic program. Joe Bahi, of South Elgin, Jeff Bagnall1 V of hiles, and Tom Bagnaft, of Chicago were among them. Bagnall wins a hand and gathers his problems. chips. PAGE 5. oîo BY HERB SHENKIN/FOR PIONEER PRESS SEE PIONEERLOCALCOM SERVING OUR READERS SINCE 1951 * YOUR LOCAL SOURCE . Visit Oakton. Come and discover why Oakton is the ideal place to begin or continue your college education. o:t,û9 -lI s1: Wednesday, February 11, at 9:30 a.m. J_ No1:io M 09G9 . Room P103, Skokie campus 4_sra AèJ::f?4Il3Ilafld 9:-1J:N j:;TO OX18fl4 S31XN Reserve your seat atwww.oakton.edu. co!3000 , Oakton OO-3:ijo13O3 Bi94: \ fCommunity College7701 North Lincoln Avenue, Skokie I /a Pionnes Orean Publisolion 50100100' llora l'i,lrhiniroi,io MARINO REALTORS Baild & Warnwr has rw(ocwtdol ours Park Ridge area sales operations to ntuy 5800 Dempster-Morton Grove WY,, 5430-Wo Devise Avenue - 847,823.i.R55, Glenbrook acea sales operations to our ERanston Office (847)967-5500 located sG 2926 Central StreeG - 847.724.1855847.491.1855. 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Gorgeous large ccslorrr kochen, Oranraric sunken baltic,ORilleaenarrilatileloyer. gieamieg hatdw005 eat-in kirohee. Newly dacorared basement lamiiy rm yardw000llacre. master br with epa Libe bath. prioareliving ow & Soins rm wloatlrndralceilings, 1100m & 5001cm aerOSol SirIo, Sat-Is hItaSen SOb new wlnew commis rile tISon w bath. Gail School District baicssy & 2 walk-in olosets.2 cual am ceramic botha. Hardwood tIro, ririons updated Satiro. Macler brapplianoas b ceramic rho loor. Now windows Onu dosis. Pol Large tensed oarS & garcga. Great Location Ank lo.unil laundry, 3 Indoor garage oponen Hg storage wfolttlng sar. Custom built-Ins Is huge lanrily rm.000wnr tear-ott sat, new nulla beep 2 05 not sesgo, only...........................................................$310,000 arassi Muasses to belinanll ReSacad ta... (315,050 2 oargac kO 101-li....................................5400's l.000led 000aenleetia ecerlrhkrgi ................OniySSIO'e M000eoraee Mae,000 aseooOeeaaoe lomees PeniRotie 1600,000 PaSNEO5e - leyeses Paote000e 1000,000 &Iars005lliecrsaoanlls s sos rions Io 611,0 Obosrbsak howemas. 1-libaile oui000aolll ae0000i mollira abriObih bra 00000caw moni sOr lolo 50510m brllOO lbOlnSomOirslO OpaOnho some miEns Samos in srl oaSIs Or oonis005iliahenaosoo,ror0000roc01055aailororncnarakloo r5000.i00557 apdidbairo,rnlascdadOs L000011000 IonaonleaO kgosroedolanahplObro,iOa 1000551e15 Oor'OOo-ioSo OOm0005rgalaablirsis sro.o,n.r05 camoLInsOlabIs rrO.srO.5000 wilw'wollab Kalnmswssar-t-007.sas.,cn Kalnmsa&000 ssr.500.ras aom551i500la SO MIlCH FOR YOUR MONEVI A LOT FOR A LITI'LEO INCRSSIMLG 155W PRICES NEW CORSTR000TION ONLY 878000 ShclOe...Plaa RebuFad to SOLLil Opaciuuu Fon birch Nilor,..Pnicedlc Seul Impyccobba 7rm bnlak Rasco io Sao Pini000,..000olowieibbr Spill Local mOraga sob Merlan Gr000..,Sbsolutniy the Osent irqcoiry h & stone Rasad Rosoli lii SOlstaslihg L0000lant Largo greali000000i 1 Gro &2lali baths. Hupeupdaindrat. ba050nol, Fobobous cailiedrsl 001110204 LiaiS5 wdirlr oralisrnasahiptMagoitloenl2 clerk oem wicak - being noi & sep dis:r9 Im. bu- tiro & 2 112 Oeromia inhituheir sponalo mainlboaslomilyrm Rilo scderoto 5500.000 bariclaOc 1454,000 OI.l04go Ieac.000 re. Soniaiaod eri-is 1110110e. Huge lower lsoei torniI otair0000.lroblloas,luouryoraritcloiandhilohnnao/49 1600.000 srk Rldae Icaa,aao Okaik baths. Par-in kilotino. Masrrr br wibull boil. Fulihnialed GlanoNs Ccamnsihabsorcrin oresiowew'SSObnshOaO Ososuasarslacflsaasioaldnoronnnnlasae pralnasionaliy lasdsooped torcal yard. Largn roi actos rmmigas HP G till batS glas 54520 sob-basnineet oabisnis, SS appia &sep Srnsklooi crea. 550010cc Trod 00000 011O Col inoseilwallocmnrn.crsb, ea,acpobliaOlOIOulbO In 0W 5005005 olIare Opalisas nor lIbo 0010100 os Ouoe somalIs 0000 00 basar wIlbur ree ori. moi Sor, holt Sorb, orn br100ioni br suite with master bsih. 0000fb aptares inoludr 0305m bAnd Po 005u03 ynautilal Florida room alt hileros Learn to lardsoapnd lam:ly rn whop & Floral dosIate pads. Macler br salle h wOdi0000Goiui005.2 1-roncan L000lndrears5005bs, rear-ott bet, nnermrpane windcwo & tornase. 2 Vr yard, 2 '.4car allached garaIs. L sacred near shops,hoc baIn w1005ily whilpocl lab & nep glaso shower b nhop5g O morel SaSSai 01010011001 ............02000casgaragn. ...............................................SltO,000rsrsperralios, park & worn Mohr SnnrlI.........btSO'aaGil Poli bosar. Peor 00 Gas. Gail 015141-......gogos lo1TfiO,...o.iinH 1000,503 1000,000 lilao rc4 6061e 111,000 rOnd Srs. Ion. NYIIY.PAY RENT? ROW TRIS IS LIVINGI r0eeathnr000 n ol010mmeous'ro:r ONLYOYEARS&.4WIt Okuhie.. Ornar Spporiiuriny........................_.. io owsI Charmis000lcolal Morion Groan.. Spacious S im Penthiusr Cardo in sailor Grecs. .Vnry oTordabir Rasch linon oituetnd Dea PbaìoO0...RndaondLuwuloiue eaclOm 10 ro 01010 bailding coflaesinslloOkckie Swill, Omis, Snoutlluily mairiainnd bu:ldrsg, Lila, brca Westoroor Larga 550133 Inh Spoolous 110mg room and dicIng Colonial Spprshmornlg 3,20001 lt. Super cub-dr-coo Fue & 010 Orohard Slopping Celles 4 5m Sends eapocuro.Trentopviews brownoonbaioony.roorir.t5' nat-is hilaSes. Haidw005 liso rs andere arpar Ic5010m 2 stoll tolsi hardnaud 1100m & ark staircase. 0115 ap/arad maple eabioni kilchen wid,chauashnr, Nnclraiccnp050g & cilnIo, Whoa0510mbtrIe tuyos bhraug000h saw Ir last 3 seas: rost, wiodows, Oaitnrs 41m 5204 F011a. Scrgnoao Grarha 101050 honren w! aoramia Ola balS & onparare dicing "L. Low marmi1- O hoi! lisas Huge Master Ladroam Soue m/ospuisia &awniogc. Updatad AC, lai000eShot waten hearri.SS appliseeno. Mostos buhaS cape wilaige bab/550war ascesomnor looladao lrnal1 Wall mairboired boudinE di000lng aba * many F100010,1 00100g lasa. CloseDeal Location - Crece ro nhoppiso & mrsooporiaiso, & 2 walk-ir 01000G. 0000r p000.2 oar 0F SaS lvii basaL Moca Ir Cordwosu Only ..............................$110,000 ro ohops, Ssnoporrshos &tiinsso sloGo.,.......51050 rui5',iii0 '.:':.'.l.."V"I' Soll Scheel Sichiot 671 Garage. .......................02550SarseouaI.......................................................5545,SSD 1030,000 alOco Iaao,aoc 1010,000 0000101mo gana,aa OVlreelleO 56060e 1000,005 06061e Oe050 bAlm 000111000 So,O'lOafhbOloWIlhlO Visit our website www.century2l marinocom 00e HOWO rio, Sbs050505iiarsOiObOOa 11501 naIo,Sai.le aIr o 0,cal500il.100 sonar yo.dn000 Oosro. 00 sob sewar 001 OsaI Ousoeloine Salons&eidir-saoula noon 0410000 bdsr Innsoinsmss hollsrosmsnasirnalsllOaro ross050505r lD000iOOiO 000101100 lounlilOhO. i0005rmaio nscosnonuaelol0000bOoinc Col0o+obseLrr,Ssrauanmnsia.woslar 0151501k' 4100010 Oil Oaesalos ni000 ills. nlO:is005 cae. oLl,gamO0s5b,a0nO0O5rl lP500iOcr,5 Isic, 5osi0005IIoP,fluhoblsi 0000 il04015. OrOoOro-wlo ros roar Orson, 0100 0510i.Sles055_ 0550515OIIOO'OOnO.00O-nsraLrasaubshaOibai aonram,ro.alo 00.010 05-iii Or anlia.00nl ion mais Saal s 05n00.hci00000a noroIs 5000nlIoen000ioi er n1011iOOl are lin.emi cAinamr.asl)i w eiooio.ms. 0000 oncoi 'aacna-uncaioo Ira Ocioso: anar 0001:0 000.Ssn Omnua ssulraoiea kiiOOs[i'Saar lia rr050uso.noio,050,aani, 00001 ma000alala 7000 acuoso. St00000 - 00500rniOO. 0000000 - Osia5000 O 5101g -b inri O:.Ir00100ilsr hr 010011100010.01 005i.uL , I019,w kaiso Inao,000 060600 1510,500 0000e 56061e 1000,000 Oeaploleea beOne G bOmba pu pA y aloi os m Ini 0010 00 d5 5001 coron, s n 10 00 S 5000 cosmo 'soues- '1mai sac' iowa, n000 eso loboso.sboc,055 -001000 canOa. sos esiralisa Ou050uana.Onn sia hno cl0500000.i MollIpIs Photos cori agiscLo . Osano - 4 001000 siam OFen 0005noss .Ososa - 51055100 elia arco nbelmoso Lmiomooioso ohoot aop al lilo lisneo obrowo ahorro 5000000mo. nimbos - aooicr,,rs 30.0 OarsF0gec50lacsuos;Saro Ooualio.i005mrmwn Sobunl Somalia Oor0005wmtljarnal 00 ,slrrreoi, 0000 100000' by aiooplpmoloshng Ibm IS Number io aus bloolepoge nass agolosnOb 00e- 00100 In lOa 0004.00' 0 0000 PoliO - 03100 besiei,l1 51.0 Oaili Osera 0po von ic Idopplop 500000500.snro,005_000lmy OamlibaiarasiO Quick Leokap box. Slow os ounmaboiln, find eunoptole llOM00005Ia'rlr, sOwealos
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