FEATURED AUTHOR YIDAM TSERING : Lion of the Snowy Mountains by LARA MACONI ;-P{-+.{-14~+-"$-#m-#=:-8J mm,k,k LATSE LIBRARYLIBRARY NEWSLETTER ]m-;}- 22005005 ;}8m-% ,-"k}},-"k FALL 2005 "}-0}8m-1*}$-*}=-<m-9v;-`o->o:-08m- MEMOIR THE +#{-0<{=-&}=-E#=-+$-k GESHE CHÖDRAK "}$-#m-3n#-14~+- I KNEW AND 0L-+#-1m$-3n#-#=;-08m-!}:-:#=-21-Q{$-0k HIS DICTIONARY >}:-"$-A1=-.-0%,-+:k by Horkhang Jampa Tendar n $,-E #=-80:-08m-Qt-.81-Qt-P}1-1",-#=v1-;- n Latse Hosts Three Legendary P{:-/{0=-.k Singer-Songwriters n *- $+-#=:-0a m#=-+{0-06m-+$-k W -0}+-<,--^:->m n The Dictionary of New Terms and The 3n#-14~+-+{0-#=v1k .+-1-80v1-,=k Chinese–Tibetan Dictionary by Pema Bhum n ;-3 #=- <m-?#-0 r:-+$-+{8m- W0-V}$=k n Ladakh Newspaper by Sonam Tsering 0=}+-,1=-3|-:m$-,=k &{+-P}1k FEATURE ARTICLE ao0-@}#=-<m-K}#-07}8m-0P1=-&}=-<m- Origins of the ‘Tibet Myth’ ,$-#m-0}+-<m-8Js;-'$-#m-8Ap$-"v$=k in Western Fiction :0- *},-I--%m ,=k by Ramon Prats #6=-#=:k MUSIC 1*}-;-P{8m-+0v-8/$-9:-;-0%}+k Raise Higher the Mountain Peak Q-D-9#-9,-,-:m-6m#-9}+k In the rocky mountain there is a summit 06{$=-1m-+#}=-<{;->m-1&}+-K{,-8Hk It is like a natural crystal stupa #,-1#}-,#-0}+-<m-R-:m-:{+k That is the life of Tibet. #$=-+!:-.}8m-+0v-8/$-9:-;-0%}+k Raise higher the snow mountain peak. ($-={:-9#-9,-,-Q-6m#-9}+k In the grassland there is a rock Ly$-1m-+#}=-#,1-U#=-/v:-0v-8Hk It is like a natural thunderbold dagger #,-1#}-,#-0}+-<m-[{=-[-:{+k That is the birth deity of Tibet. K#-[-:m8m-+0v-8/$-9:-;-0%}+k Raise higher the rocky mountain peak. 13~-V$-9#-9,-,-($-6m#-9}+k Above the lake there is a meadow 0Pm#=-1m-+#}=-,}:-0v-(t$=-.-8Hk It is like a natural pile of grass #,-1#}-,#-0}+-<m-#6m-0+#-:{+k That is the guardian of Tibet. 1*}-;-P{8m-+0v-8/$-9:-;-0%}+k Raise higher the cairn (latse). (Translated by Yangbum Gyal) “?-"v-.+-1-“6{=-.8m-Qt-E #=-%,-+{8m-+ A$=-3n#-#(m=-< m-P}1-.-.}-+$-+{-+$-.}-;{,- “Raise Higher the Mountain Peak” is one of the many songs performed by Palgön 1",-+.;-1#},-;#=- <m=-“1*}-;-P{8m-+0v-8/$-9:-;-0 %}+-“6{=-.-8+m-0}+-<m$-A -;}8m- on the occasion of the 2005 Music Festival organized by the Latse Library in ;}-#=:-! 0=-;-,{8v-9}#-;-9}+-.8m-;-P{-+.{-14~+-"$-#m-;}-#=:-Qt-% },-> m-*}#-;-R $=k New York to ring in the Tibetan Wood-Bird Year. Palgön is also the composer +.;-1#},-;#=-,=-Qt-8+m-$}-c }+-#,$-+},k “Qt-8+m-#=:-.-6m#-9m,k R -:v$-cu;-!q- and lyricist of the renowned song “Akhu Pema.” In his introduction to the song, 1",-.}-3$-#m=-Qt-8+m8m-3n#-0P1=-){-$-;-0!q:-,=-+A $=-<m#-^ :-,=-Ly$-;{,-#,$-:}#=- Palgön made the following remarks: “This song is new. The lyrics are written by 6{=-/{0=-.-W:k $=-+A $=-^ :-6m$-$-+-:{=-?-:m-;-1-9}$-08m-# },-21-;- VCD 6m#- Larung Tulku Khenpo who sent me the words one day and asked me to compose 07}-&{+-a -"$-6m#-_p-*{$=-+$-.}:-R $=-.-9m,k VCD +{-+-`o$-@ m-;}#=-;-0C 1-1{+k“ a melody. In accord with his wishes, I set his lyrics to music and, shortly before %{=-+$-“Qt-8+m-+-:{=-$=-;-P{-+.{-14~+-"$-;-&{+-`o-;{#=-[ {=-=v-/v;-,-8}=-<m$-831=- coming to America, recorded the song on VCD. This VCD has not yet been .-6m#-9m,-){k $=-Qt-3n#-8+m-;-+A $=-^ :-3:-,=-+-`o$-8D 0-;{,- A=-1{+-.8m-! 0=-+{:- released. I think it appropriate to offer this song today to Latse Library. I had just $-;-;-P{-+.{-14~+-"$-#m-1E },-<}#-8A }:-=}$-0-+$-k ;-P{-6{=-.8m-1m$-8+m-Qt-8+m-+$-+.{- finished composing the melody, but not yet performed it, when the invitation from 14~+-"$-8+m-#(m=-!8m-1m$-#m-&-#2~-0}:->o:-9}+-.-+$-k +{-:m$-$=-;-P{-+.{-14~+-"$-;- Latse Library arrived. This coincidence, the centrality of the word latse for both the Qt-8+m-;{,-#m-9}+-.-8+m- D}1-;{,-A =-.-*{$=-+$-.}-9m,-.-0%=-K{,-8K {;-' -#=v1-1-0a m#=- song and the library, and the fact that today is my first public performance of the :$-8 Em#-_p->o:-9}+k“ %{=-#=v$=k song are three spontaneous but auspiciously connected factors.” ;-P{-+.{-14~+-"$-#m-#=:-8Jm,k LATSE LIBRARY NEWSLETTER 01-.}- 3 .k ]m-;}-2005 ;}8m-%},-"k VOLUME III FALL 2005 #=:-8>o:k NEWS FEATURES ;=-8]o;k EVENTS $,-E#=-80:-08m-Qt-.81-Qt-P}1-1",-#=v1-;-P{:-;-/{0=-.k 2 Latse Hosts Three Legendary Singer-Songwriters #=v$-0<+k TALKS +{$-:0=-0}+-<m-\w-P;->m-#,=-%$=-;-E}=-1};-A=-.k 11 Discussion on Contemporary Tibetan Art Movement +.{-+{0-$}-c}+k COLLECTION HIGHLIGHTS The Dictionary of New Terms and The Chinese- *-$+-#=:-0am#=-+{0-06m-+$-k W-0}+-<,-^:->m-3n#-14~+-+{0-#=v1k 13 .+-1-80v1-,=k Tibetan Dictionary by Pema Bhum P}1-:m# LITERARY FEATURES H,-*}k MEMOIRS +#{-0<{=-&}=-E#=-+$-k "}$-#m-3n#-14~+k 19 The Geshe Chödrak I Knew and his Dictionary >}:-"$-A1=-.-0%,-+:k by Horkhang Jampa Tendar ;}-Wv=-<m-3n#-*}k HISTORICAL NOTES ;-3#=-<m-?#-0:-+$-+{8m-W0-V}$=k 0=}+-,1=-3|-:m$-,=k Ladakh Newspaper by Sonam Tsering r 29 &{+-P}1k FEATURE ARTICLE ao0-@}#=-<m-K}#-07}8m-0P1=-&}=-<m-,$-#m-0}+-<m-8Js;-'$-#m-8Ap$-"v$=k Origins of the ‘Tibet Myth’ in Western Fiction :0-*},-I-%m-,=k 31 by Ramon Prats P}1-.-.-}Q{$-0k FEATURED AUTHOR 0}+-<m-$,-$#-.-9m-+1-3|-:m$-k ;r-:r-1r-"}-,mk 38 Yidam Tsering by Lara Maconi ?{,-Bm-9- =}-:}-=m- !}-;v1-){;k +0v-84v#=-1",-+$-#2~-84n,k Andrea Soros Colombel FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT ?{-:m#-!}-;v1-){;k Wv,-;=-U}0-%},-.k .+-1-80v1k P}1-am#-8#,-84n,k Eric Colombel EXECUTIVE ADVISOR Pema Bhum EDITOR-IN-CHIEF !m:-=m-@m-,jk #=:-8>o:-P}1-am#-.k ;}-:j,- >:-@m-;mk P}1-:m#-P}1-am#-.k Kristina Dy-Liacco NEWS EDITOR Lauran Hartley LITERARY FEATURES EDITOR 0=}+-,1=-+:-W=k <}#-$}=-'v=-8#}+-.k Sonam Dhargay LAYOUT AND DESIGN ;-P{-+.{-14~+-"$-#m-#=:-8Jm,-8+m-;-P{-+{$-:0=-0}+-<m-:m#-#bo$-+.{-14~+-"$-,=-;}-:{:- Latse Library Newsletter is published annually by Latse Contemporary Tibetan Cultural *{$=-#%m#-:{-+.{-`u,-A{+-Wvk © .:-+0$-1m$-8+},-A=-1{+-,-`o=-+{0-8+m-;-0!}+-+}-%}#-#m-.:- Library, 132 Perry Street, Suite 2B, New York, NY 10014 USA Tel.: 212-367-8490 +0$-;-P{-+.{-14~+-"$-;-9}+k #=:-8Jm,-8+m8m-Q}#-8Js;->m-.:-#6m-$-3~8m-H-W8m-%{$-,=-#7m#=-*v0k Fax: 212-367-8479. Email: [email protected]. Contents copyright © unless otherwise noted. Electronic version of this newsletter can be found at www.latse.org. FALL 2005 LATSE LIBRARY NEWSLETTER | 1 ;=-8]o;k EVENTS 2005 0}+-<m$-A-;}8m-;}-#=:k LOSAR 2005: $,-E#=-80:-08m-Qt- Latse Hosts .81-Qt-P}1-1",-#=v1- THREE LEGENDARY ;-P{:-/{0=-.k SINGER-SONGWRITERS 0}+-<m$-A-;}8m-;}-#=:-Qt-%},->m-#:-%{#=->m-%{$-`ok #9},-@}#=-,=k ,{-;v$-3|-:m$-%}0=-X,k S-0-:m,-&{,k +.;-1#},k K-0}-#={:-[k K-0}-R}-07$-+.;-X,k Onstage at the Losar 2005 concert (from left to right): Tsering Topten Nelung, Dawa Rinchen, Palgön, Serlha Tawo, Lobsang Palden Tawo. ;-P{-+.{-14~+-"$-,=-0}+-<m-Qt-.-E#=-%,-+.;-1#},-+$-k This year, Latse Library celebrated Tibetan New Year with a concert program that featured ,{-;v$-3|-:m$-%}0=-X,k K-0}-R}-07$-+.;-X,-M1-.-#=v1- #+,-8H{,->m=-0}+-Qt-8D0-%},-6m#-+$-0%=-0}+-<m$-A-;}8m-;}- three giants of the Tibetan music world: Palgön, Tsering Topten Nelung, and Lobsang #=:->m-14+-"}-({;k 0}+-Qt-8D0-%},-+{-,m-;-P{-+.{-14~+-"$- Palden Tawo. The concert was presented by +$-!}-;v1-)m-9-U}0-f-&{,-1}8m-+{$-:0=-0}+-:m#-.8m-;=-3,- Latse Library, with the Modern Tibetan Studies +$-k !}-;v1-)m-9-U}0-f-&{,-1}8m-+A$=-:m#-&{-3,-+$-1(1- Program at Columbia University and the Center 8K{;->m=-!}-;v1-)m-9-U}0-f-&{,-1}8m-:-!}:-`o-9}+-.8m-1m-;{:- for Ethnomusicology at Columbia University, and r 8 0- },-"$-`o-0}+-<m$- -;}8m-;}-#=:-3|=-#%m# m- -#(m=- was held at the Miller Theater on the campus of D % A ]S .8m-3|=- 13 ;-({;k Columbia University on February 13. 2 | ;-P{-+.{-14~+-"$-#m-#=:-8Jm,k ] m-;}-2005 ;}8m-% },-"k Qt-.-#=v1->m-$}-c}+-1+}:-0&q=k About the artists .;-1#},-,m-?-1+}-O-&u-Q}$-,=-9m,-%m$-:$-^}$-#m=-a-$,-Ly$- algön is a self-taught singer and dranyen (Tibetan ;{,-.:->o:-0-6m#-9m,k `o=-:0=-#}$-18m-;}-:0=-0W+-%t8m- lute) player from Machu in Amdo (eastern Tibet). ,$-;k +.;-1#},->m=-+1$=-D}+-Qt-:m#=-#=:-.-6m#-#m- PIn the 1980s, he developed a unique folk musical +;1- {-6m$-k 9v,-:m$-1-8#}:-0:- -:m#=-+{-?-1+}-9}$=-;- 0- {-9v;- style that spread quickly throughout Amdo to become the @ Qt = % "1=-+{8m-Qt-:m#=-#2~-0}:->o:k "}$-#m-Qt-+A$=-!+-E#=-%,- “?-"v- predominant musical sound of that region. Hits from his .+-1-” +$- “<-9v-1}-<{8v-” 7{:-0-W-0v-M1=-<m=-Qt-.-#6},-[{=-M1=-;-R}- early work include the famous “Akhu Pema“ and “Sha "}-@{-%{-Qt-+{-+#-;-;+-S}=-+$-Qt-+{-8H-#=:-P}1-A{+-1",-Ap$-k +.;- yu mo she’u,“ and these songs inspired countless young 1#},-,m-@m-;v#=-<m-#<{#=-0%}=-*,-.-6m#-<$-9m,k "}$-#m=-1v-1*v+- musicians to copy and innovate the style. A physician by ,=-a-$,-Ly$-;{,->m-U}0-1-[}$-0:-A{+-+{k "}$-,m-+{$-=$-#m-E#=-%,-Qt-.- profession, Palgön still continues to teach students -- he has 0`o+-){-+$-k #9v$-Hs$-W;k 1#},-.}-0%=-<m=-13~,-.8m-Qt-.-=v1- been a teacher to over 30 singers including Dubey, Gonpo, %t-[#-#m-+#{-G,-9m,k "}$-#m=-8D0-;{,-a-8'v#-#,$-06m,-9}+-%m$-k and Yungdrung Gyal -- and make recordings, and is a major "}$-,m-?-1+}-+$-?-1+}-;=-0G;-){-0}+-<m-:m#-#bo$-;-co#=-V{,-*{0=-1",- fi gure in cultural events in Amdo and beyond.
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