BURWOOD/PEGASUS COMMUNITY BOARD AGENDA MONDAY 17 AUGUST 2015 AT 4.30PM IN THE BOARDROOM, CORNER BERESFORD AND UNION STREETS, NEW BRIGHTON Community Board: Andrea Cummings (Chairperson), Tim Baker, David East, Glenn Livingstone, Tim Sintes, Linda Stewart and Stan Tawa. Community Board Adviser Peter Croucher Phone: 941 5305 DDI Email: [email protected] PART A - MATTERS REQUIRING A COUNCIL DECISION PART B - REPORTS FOR INFORMATION PART C - DELEGATED DECISIONS INDEX CLAUSE PG NO PART C 1. APOLOGIES 3 PART B 2. DECLARATION OF INTEREST 3 PART C 3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – 3 AUGUST 2015 3 PART B 4. DEPUTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT 7 4.1 Red Zone Trees - Annette Wilkes PART B 5. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS 7 PART B 6. NOTICES OF MOTION 7 PART B 7. CORRESPONDENCE 7 7.1 Angela and Ross Patrick 7.2 Brigitte de Ronde, City Planning Unit Manager 7.3 Kay Rouse PART B 8. BRIEFINGS 7 8.1 Recreational Services PART C 9. VELOCITY KARTS - PERMISSION TO INSTALL STORAGE CONTAINER 8 PART C 10. BURWOOD/PEGASUS COMMUNITY BOARD 2015/16 DISCRETIONARY 13 RESPONSE FUND APPLICATION - ARANUI COMMUNITY TRUST - JULY 2015 PART C 11. BURWOOD/PEGASUS 2015/16 STRENGTHENING COMMUNITIES FUND 16 ALLOCATIONS PART B 12. COMMUNITY BOARD ADVISER’S UPDATE 19 12.1 Board Activities and Upcoming Meeting Topics For copies of Agendas and Reports, visit: www.ccc.govt.nz/thecouncil/meetingsminutes/agendas/index.aspx 17. 8. 2015 - 2 - INDEX CLAUSE PG NO PART B 13. QUESTIONS UNDER STANDING ORDERS 19 PART B 14. ELECTED MEMBERS’ INFORMATION EXCHANGE 19 Burwood/Pegasus Community Board Agenda 17 August 2015 17. 8. 2015 - 3 - 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATION OF INTEREST Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have. 3. CONFIRMATION OF MEETING MINUTES – 3 AUGUST 2015 The minutes of the Board’s ordinary meeting of 3 August 2015 are attached. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the minutes of the Board’s ordinary meeting of 3 August 2015 be confirmed. Burwood/Pegasus Community Board Agenda 17 August 2015 17. 8. 2015 - 4 - ATTACHMENT TO CLAUSE 3 10. 9. 2015 BURWOOD/PEGASUS COMMUNITY BOARD 3 August 2015 Minutes of a meeting of the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board held on Monday 3 August 2015 at 4.30pm in the Boardroom, Corner Beresford and Union Streets, New Brighton, Christchurch. PRESENT: Andrea Cummings (Chairperson), Tim Baker, Glenn Livingstone, Tim Sintes, and Stan Tawa. APOLOGIES: An apology for absence was received and accepted from Linda Stewart and David East. An apology for lateness was received and accepted from Glenn Livingstone who arrived at 4.54pm and was absent for clauses 1-8, 10 and part of 9. Tim Baker retired from the meeting at 5.02pm, returning at 5.15pm and was absent for part of clause 9. Tim Baker/Andrea Cummings Carried The Board reports that: PART B - REPORTS FOR INFORMATION 1. DECLARATION OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 2. DEPUTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT Nil. 3. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS Nil. 4. NOTICES OF MOTION Nil. 5. CORRESPONDENCE 5.1 COMMUNITY ENERGY ACTION The Board received correspondence from the Community Energy Action Charitable Trust providing additional information that had been promised from their deputation on 20 July 2015. Burwood/Pegasus Community Board Agenda 17 August 2015 17. 8. 2015 - 5 - ATTACHMENT TO CLAUSE 3 Cont'd 6. BRIEFINGS Nil. 7. COMMUNITY BOARD ADVISER’S UPDATE The Board received information from the Community Board Adviser on Board related activities including upcoming meetings, current consultations and allocations from the 2015/16 Discretionary Response Fund. 7.1 MARSHLAND ROAD, LOWER STYX ROAD, HAWKINS ROAD PROPOSED INTERSECTION UPGRADE The Board was advised that the 14 August 2015 joint meeting with the Shirley/Papanui Community Board to approve recommendations for the Marshland Road, Lower Styx Road, Hawkins Road proposed intersection upgrade had been postponed. 7.2 PROPOSED DISTRICT REPLACEMENT PLAN STAGE 3 The Board was advised of city-wide drop-in sessions regarding the proposed District Replacement Plan Stage 3. 7.3 COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARDS WALL The Board decided that the names of the recipients of Recognition of Services to Earthquake Recovery Awards be added to the Community Service Recognition Wall in the Boardroom. 8. QUESTIONS UNDER STANDING ORDERS Nil. 9. ELECTED MEMBERS’ INFORMATION EXCHANGE The Board was advised that: · Tim Sintes attended a Southshore meeting regarding public submissions to the proposed District Replacement Plan Stage 3. A particular issue was coastal hazards and he had received feedback that that public was finding the submissions process complicated. The Board was advised that the public could receive assistance with their submissions at the citywide drop-in sessions. · Tim Sintes had attended a meeting with Council staff, Ministry of Primary Industries (Fisheries) and the Police regarding problems on the New Brighton Pier related to fishing. While the Board is supportive of fishing from the New Brighton Pier there has been ongoing and increasing issues with fishing rules being ignored and consequent prevention of the public from accessing the end of the Pier. The Board decided to request staff to provide information on the issues that would arise should the Board decide to ban fishing on the New Brighton Pier either totally or weekly from 6am Saturday until 6pm Sunday. Issues to receive consideration by staff to include implications for enforcement and signage. Andrea Cummings/Tim Baker Carried Burwood/Pegasus Community Board Agenda 17 August 2015 17. 8. 2015 - 6 - ATTACHMENT TO CLAUSE 3 Cont'd PART C – REPORT ON DELEGATED DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE BOARD 10. CONFIRMATION OF MEETING MINUTES – 20 JULY 2015 It was resolved that the minutes of the Board’s ordinary meeting of 20 July 2015 be confirmed. Tim Baker/Stan Tawa Carried The Board Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 5.19pm. CONFIRMED THIS 17TH DAY OF AUGUST 2015 ANDREA CUMMINGS CHAIRPERSON Burwood/Pegasus Community Board Agenda 17 August 2015 17. 8. 2015 - 7 - 4. DEPUTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT 4.1 RED ZONE TREES - ANNETTE WILKES Annette Wilkes, resident of the Burwood/Pegasus ward, will speak on behalf of herself and Diana Magdin, to express concern about multiple instances of trees being cut down and mulched in the residential red zone within the ward. 5. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS Nil. 6. NOTICES OF MOTION Nil. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 ANGELA AND ROSS PATRICK An item of correspondence has been received from Angela and Ross Patrick of Rothesay Road and separately circulated to Board members, requesting improvements to the street lighting on Rothesay Road. 7.2 BRIGITTE DE RONDE, CITY PLANNING UNIT MANAGER An item of correspondence has been received from Brigitte de Ronde, City Planning Unit Manager and separately circulated to Board members, regarding the District Plan Review and Burwood Landfill and Resource Recovery Park. 7.3 KAY ROUSE An item of correspondence has been received from Kay Rouse and separately circulated to Board members, requesting the placement of a seat between Lakewood Drive and Horseshoe Lake Road. 8. BRIEFINGS 8.1 RECREATIONAL SERVICES Tania Theodosiou, Nicky Brown and Brett Sipthorpe of Recreation Services will present an update on their work as the eastern contractor. Council Parks Adviser, Harry Roelofs will be in attendance. Burwood/Pegasus Community Board Agenda 17 August 2015 17. 8. 2015 - 8 - 9. VELOCITY KARTS - PERMISSION TO INSTALL STORAGE CONTAINER Reference: 15/805218 Contact: Kathy Jarden [email protected] 941-8203 1. Purpose and Origin of Report Purpose of Report 1.1. The purpose of this report is for the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board to approve the installation of a container/storage facility within the licensed area used by Velocity Karts Limited at Bexley Reserve. Origin of Report 1.2. This report is staff generated at the request of the Licensee, Ian Brown of Velocity Karts Limited. 2. Significance 2.1. The decision(s) in this report is low significance in relation to the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. 2.1.1. The level of significance was determined by the low impact score against each of the ten assessment criteria in the Significance and Engagement Policy. 2.1.2. The community engagement and consultation outlined in this report reflect the assessment. 3. Staff Recommendations That the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board: 3.1. Approve the installation of a container within the licensed area to be used for storage and ancillary uses associated with the existing land yacht/karting activity carried out on that part of Bexley Reserve licenced to Ian Brown of Velocity Karts Limited. 4. Key Points 4.1. This report does support the Council's Long Term Plan (2013 – 2016): Activity: Sport and Recreation - Sports Parks Level of Service: 6.1.3 - Overall customer satisfaction with sports parks 4.2. The following reasonably practicable options have been considered: · Option 1 - Approve the Structure (preferred option) · Option 2 - Do Not Approve the Structure 4.3. Option 1 is the preferred option because it will provide secure storage for the Licensee and give him a focal point from which to operate the business. 5. Context/Background The Licence to Occupy 5.1 Velocity Karts Limited has entered into a Licence to Occupy with the Council for an area of land at Bexley Park. Under the terms and conditions of the licence, the Licensee must have written approval by the Council to erect structures or improvements. The placement of a building or container was contemplated at the time Velocity Karts submitted their proposal to occupy the land. Burwood/Pegasus Community Board Agenda 17 August 2015 17. 8. 2015 - 9 - 9 Cont'd The Licensee has established the kart business at Bexley Park.
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