Church of the Epiphany - Iglesia de la Epifanía Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Decimonoveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 1911-2014 Parish Information/Información Parroquial. 827 Vienna Street – San Francisco, CA 94112 www.EpiphanySF.com OUR MISSION STATEMENT: Daily Masses/Misas Diarias: We the people of the Church of the Epiphany strive to be a peace- 6:30am & 8:00am ful and welcoming parish. We strive to be mutually supportive of diverse communities. We strive to show compassion without dis- Saturday Masses/Misas los Sábados: tinction of age, gender, race or culture. Epiphany seeks to be a 8:00am & 5:30pm caring and loving community ever-growing in faith formation. Sunday Masses/Misas los Domingos: Telephone Numbers: 6:30am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am (Spanish/Español), Office/Oficina: (415) 333-7630 Fax: (415) 333-1803 1:00pm, and 5:30pm. School/Escuela: (415) 337-4030 Fax: (415) 337-8583 Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-7:30pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament/Exposición del Santísimo: Closed for lunch from 12:00pm-1:15pm. First Fridays/Primer viernes: 8:30am-5:00pm. Saturdays & Sundays/ Sábados y Domingos: 8:30am-3:00pm. Confessions: Saturdays 4:00-5:00pm & by appointment Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions/Oración a la Virgen del Confesiones: Sábados de 4:00pm-5:00pm & por cita Perpetuo Socorro: Wednesdays/Miércoles: 7:45am Parish Staff / Personal Parroquial Extensions at (415) 333-7630 Pastor / Párroco Rev. Eugene Tungol ext:18 Elementary School / Escuela Director of Music /Director de Música Parochial Vicar /Vicario Parroquial Principal / Director Mario Balestrieri Rev. William H. Thornton ext:28 Diane Elkins Office Support Staff / Secretarias In Residence Rev. Rolando Caverte ext: 26 Jenny Lopez ext: 10 Rev. Aquino Padilla ext. 30 School of Religion / Catecismo Maria Elena Herrera ext: 13 Deacons / Diáconos Principal / Director Church Sexton / Sacristán Deacon Ven Garcia, Jr. Loy Bañez ext: 15 Mark Ohlander Deacon Ramon Zamora Meetings/ Intentions/ Pray for the Sick Reuniones: Intenciones: Oremos por los enfermos: Sunday/Domingo, August 10: Sunday/Domingo, August 10: Ramon Abad, Violeta A. Abad, 8:00pm CON AA—English 6:30am Mike Avila Porfirio Aguiar, Edna Anton, 8:30am Mary Williams Allan S. & Allyson Artes, Monday/Lunes, August 11: 10:00am Sergio F. Santana Lydia Artuz, Domingo Ascano, 2:00pm OKH SVDP: Food Giveaway Morgan Benedicto, Maria Campos, 6:00pm OKH Grupo Progreso 11:30am Peter Gutierrez 1:00pm Eufronio Kee Monika Carlson, 6:30pm OKH SVDP: meeting Domingo Claribone, Nico Castro, 5:30pm Thanksgiving: Virginia Centeno, Miguel & Julie Garcia Tuesday/Martes, August 12: Herminio Cu, Ofelia Ebuen, 9:00am OKH Over 50 5:00pm RH SOUL Youth Group Laura De La Cruz, Elaine de Jesus, 6:30pm OKH Legion de Maria Monday/Lunes, August 11: Lorenzo del Mundo, 6:30am Souls in Purgatory Opal & Baby Fuller, Ruben Garcia, Sr., 8:00am Community Mass: Dorothy Gonzalez, Lupita Gonzalez, Wednesday/Miércoles, August 13: Francisco De Jesus Agustin & Esther Garcia, Terry Garcia, 6:00pm OKH Grupo Progreso Consolacion Gimenes Jon Garcia Guintu, Patti Harders, Aniceto Dango, Sr. Rod Javier, Rosie Joseph, Thursday/Jueves, August 14: Gloria Yanson Petra Laguatan, Oscar Leiva, 6:30pm OKH Grupo de Oracion M. Lopez, Fr. Marlon Lumanas, 7:00pm RH Epiphany of the Lord Bienvenido Gregorio, Sr. 7:15pm CH Coro de Jovenes Deveda Martinez, 7:30pm 7E Choir Rehearsal Tuesday/Martes, August 12: Yvette Cruz Marucut, 8:00pm CON AA—English 6:30am INT: Joe Valerga Ellen & Nancy Mc Garvey, Dirk Moffatt, Laarnie Morales, 8:00am Tran Tung Michael Murphy, Jose Edson R. Naval, Friday/Viernes, August 15: Jesus Nebreja, Edmond Newman, Holy Day of Obligation: Wednesday/Miércoles, Aug. 13: Mario R. Nuti, Rich Olson, 6:30am Mass 6:30am Helen Borrone Mary Ann Philpott, 8:00am Mass 8:00am Esther Salinda Adoracion Pazcoguin, 11:00am Mass 5:30pm Mass Tere Platero, Regan S. Ramos, 7:30pm Spanish Mass Thursday/Jueves, August 14: Maria Rendon, 6:30am INT: Peter & Michelle Ann Reyes, Rosa Rivas, 6:00pm OKH Grupo Progreso Masangkay Elizabeth Rodriguez, 8:00am Elena Gilbuena Jasmine Alonzo Rosario Saturday/Sábado, August 16: Mary Ruggiero, Mary Russo, 8:30am RH Legion of Mary Friday/Viernes, August 15: George Sahourieh, 3:00pm OKH SCHOOL: Erica & Baby Isabel Sanders, Class of 1964 Reunion 6:30am Mingo, Louisa & Joey John Schempf, Tony Silva, 4:00pm CH Confessions Baciocco 8:00am Anthony Abellana Frances Thomas Sweet, 11:00am Remie S. Williams John Thompson, Wilfredo Trice, Sunday/Domingo, August 17: 5:30pm Hilda Cordero Judy Vagens, Linda Valencia, 8:30am CAF Ladies Auxiliary 7:30pm Rosalia Rosales Rose Vedamoni, Raul Velez, 8:30am OKH Knights of Columbus Rose Lilly Villcarlos 8:00pm CON AA—English Saturday/Sábado, August 16: 8:00am Natividad Gilbuena Pray for the Dead 5:30pm Paz De Jesus Oremos por los Difuntos: Sunday/Domingo, August 17: 6:30am Rosina & Vincenzo Cava 8:30am THKS: Edward & Adelaida Isabel Borunda Fabula Lucy Mazza 10:00am Msgr. Bruce A. Dreier 11:30am THKS: Chang Family 1:00pm Catalina Aquino 5:30pm INT: Lorenzo del Mundo Reflections ~ Reflexiones GOSPEL: Matthew 14:22-33 EVANGELIO: Mateo 14:22-33 There are really two stories in today's gos- Hay realmente dos historias en el evange- pel. One is about Jesus; the other, about Peter. lio de hoy. Una acerca de Jesús y la otra acerca As the gospel begins, Jesus is alone in prayer. de Pedro. El evangelio empieza con Jesús rezan- His disciples are in a boat crossing the Sea of do. Sus discípulos están cruzando el mar de Gali- Galilee. In the dark of night, a storm threatens the lea en un bote. En medio de la noche una tormen- boat. Just as the boat is about to be swamped, ta zarandea el bote. Justo cuando está a punto de Jesus comes to rescue his disciples. He is walk- zozobrar, Jesús viene al rescate de sus discípu- ing on the water! los. El está caminando sobre las aguas. The second story tells how Peter's faith is La segunda historia nos cuenta sobre la fe put to the test. He thinks that he can join Jesus, de Pedro puesta a prueba. Pedro cree que puede walking on the stormy waters. But when Peter is acercarse a Jesús, quien camina sobre las aguas out of the boat, surrounded by the menacing tormentosas. Pero Pedro está fuera del bote, waves, he has second thoughts. In his fear, he "rodeado por olas amenazadoras," y titubea. En begins to sink. After saving Peter, Jesus asks him su miedo, empieza a hundirse. Después de salvar why he doubted and did not trust him. a Pedro, Jesús le pregunta por qué dudó y no confió en él. 1.) When life seems tough and you are afraid, how 1.) Cuando la vida te parece difícil y tienes miedo, will you turn to Christ with trust? ¿Cómo buscarás a Cristo con confianza? - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - cut here- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - Want to become a registered parishioner Already a registered parishioner, updating information NAME(S):_____________________________________________________ PHONE: ( )___________________________ Last Name First Name ADDRESS:___________________________________________________ EMAIL:______________________________________ Please return to: Church of the Epiphany _____ would like Sunday Offering envelopes 827 Vienna Street San Francisco, CA 94112 Coming Up Soon: Announcements: For Your Information: It is the time of year where we are begin- Dear Parishioners: School of Religion: ning to make the plans for our Parish. Please turn your cell phones Registration forms for the School of Relig- Although we are trying to anticipate, we OFF before entering the church. ion’s Faith Formation: First Communion, must not forget that “The heart of man Confirmation, and School-Age Baptism are plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” – now available in the Parish Office. Registra- Proverbs 16:9. As we plan for our future, let us ask God The Assumption of the tions will be taken until August 31st. If you to bless us with his grace and love, keeping us safe from Blessed Virgin Mary: have any questions, please call Loy at the harm, guiding us towards unity and success. Please mark your calendars for Friday, Parish Office: (415) 333-7630x 15. Please join us in the upcoming Parish Events: August 15th. It is The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is a Holy Day of Graton Casino: Saturday, September 13th, 2014: Hawaiian Night Dinner-Dance Obligation. We will have Masses at: Friday, September 19th-27th, 2014: San Lorenzo Ruiz Novena The Over 50 Club invites you to Graton Ca- Saturday, September 20th, 2014: Annual Parish BBQ 6:30am sino on Tuesday, August 19th. The cost is 8:00am Saturday, September 27th, 2014: $26/person. For information and/or reserva- Knights of Columbus’ Barn Dance 11:00am tions, please call Steve at (415) 239-7740. Sunday, September 28th, 2014: San Lorenzo Ruiz Culmination 5:30pm The bus will leave promptly at 9:00am (time Thursday, October 2nd, 2014: Blessing of the Animals 7:30pm, in Spanish. change) from O’Keefe Hall at Naples & Saturday, October 25th, 2014: Amazon Sts. Grupo Hispano’s Halloween Dinner Dance Sunday, November 2nd, 2014: Grief Ministry’s All Souls Day Mass Parish Barbecue: Feather Falls Casino: Saturday, November 8th, 2014: International Night Everyone is invited to our Annual Parish The Grupo Hispano invites you all to Feather Saturday, November 8th, 2014: Jovenes-Adultos’ Advent Retreat Barbecue on Saturday, September 20th, after Falls Casino on Saturday, August 23rd. The Thursday, November 20th, 2014: Feast of the Presentation the 5:30pm Mass. Tickets for adults are $10 bus leaves at 7:00am. The cost is $20/person Thursday, November 27th, 2014: Thanksgiving Day Masses and $5 for children under 12 years. You can with $12 cash back & $3 food coupon.
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