A - . V / r / y ' i - w w * ' SATURDAY; APRIL 1«, IWS I. PAGBTWEl^VB Earning iffralb Mcffee It a Point to Donate Blood During Visit Tomorrow OnAr him to a radio aat which had p itm left on overnight inadvert­ About Town antly. If waa anwrantiy tuned to Boland-Quirk Wedding A. M. Singers Averasa Daily Net Ptcm Ron Heard Along Main Street an out-of-the-way frequency .and Fbr the Week Eaded -1 . SHOE REPPIR April 18. 1886 The Weather Rm I*. Mct«tary o( the had picked up acme ham operator. ■JTJ- Fareeaet of U. 8. Weather Bwem XtaUM’. tfm Oub, ramlndt Score Hit in And on Some of M unche$i^$ Side Str^U , Too O eaa Gas inambahi v t A« monthly meeUn|: 11,646 Fair, eeel teulght. Yhasday, In. Bum w «t S p.m. a t tba elubhoiue A diUd paycholeg^ would no Performance onDecridge Bt. Wrecker Rivalry about 6:48, when our friend and dobbt say this was an axamplsaef r ef tke Aaiit "wasisg eiesidteeM. nst se hUMk, Two rather amusing stories his fritnda were Just about to sit “role taking.” What' papa said ef Otoeniatlea foUawed by shewera late hi the about it i n don’t know. We can RrALEX ontELU IHjilllHu UIQIT Hombtri «C Maachuter A n tm - volvlng Manchester’s auto y t down to auppcK, M anchester—“A C ity o f Village Charm day er at aigbt High near SS. /b t y No. IS, Order of Rainbow for retrievers have come to ouphtten- ' Along about ^how* the physical onWgueas. < The aecopd presentation of the / ante, will attend the 1 1 a.m. aer- tloii in recent days. surroundings should be described Papa's car eras paiked in the Manchester High Schbol Spring I I R ^ y | n f i driveway and the garden hose eras C2mcert wm held last night Ana vloe tomorrow at the Center Con- One of the tales yCOacenie n somewhat. 'The Sturbridge peo­ the meturar voices of the mran- VOL.LXXnr,N0.166 (FOURTEEN PAGES) . gragatlonal Churdi. The glrla will wrecker which was aummoned to ple live in one half of- a duplex hooked up to the outside faucet. rofiKIivil. MANCBESIVR, CONN, MONDAY, AP»IL I t . liSS (CTasslllef Advarttokig eii Faga 13) the rescue of a <ttat<eeeed woman 2_ ^ d Junior eras outdoors looking iag choir funiad to the sniooth8Bt meet at the side entrance at 10:4S Just across tha common from the Aad most thrilltof performance. and march Into the church in a whose vehiole fame up with what Publick House, a well known hos­ 'tor something useful to do. appeared to bsr a dead battery. When we looked, Jindor had tha Starting impeifsctly with "Send body, acooedpanled by membere of telry. The other half of the du­ Forth Thy- Spirit” by Schuetky, the adviaory board. When the;>garageman appeared plex is occupied by a famUy vrith cover off the gas tank and ho eras on the s ^ m , (he made a hasty hauling the end of tha hose over the older group went on to give several small. ehOdren ,trao had polishsd renditions of ths elab­ Greater UN *Tho Oiatrict. mMUng of the of the auto's, condition, never bean, seen by our visitiiw toward the rear end cf Hie auto. American Legion Auxiliary wiU putting the cripple In Maybe he Just thought the gntoi- orate ”0 Divine Redeemer," Obu- ten^Mrary working sh^pe,.ne sug­ Manchester acquaintance. niobile needed to be erashed. nod, the simple end moving'“Bltos ' be held tomorrow afternoon at There came a knock-at the door This Hoqee,” Brahe, end cllmex- Use U^ged IK 3:1S a t the Poliah Home in Thomp> gested the woman precede him and the sound of children's voices m vilie. back'to the garage Where repairs 31st Aaalversary e4 Its /^^rfocmaace with a of a more permanent nature might outside could be heard. Tha Stur­ Just over 31 yean ago a i British American tuiM,/Tn Early EMERGENCY bridge housewife opened the out­ Spring,” a dWlouIt auntber with \ lira. Frank Crocker, 48 Rua- be made. of mm who cams to tha ~ O IL M IR N B l aeU Bt, chairman of the OOmmit- However, when the woman side door and two cute little mop­ Stataa from a small town ths totricata and itousual harmonies. 4 X reached the home office of the re­ pets, a girl of three, and a boy Of Sabine bills called . Ths eqncert ended with a robust smvici pairman aha failed to atop and about one and a half, burst into no gathered together. Romberg medley. In which tha . Prin^ton/14. J., April 18 ; Washington, April 18 f g ) ccmtlnued on a few hundred feet. the house. morning choir and orchestra com­ They formed a aotiU organlaa- bined. CALL (ff)—Albert Einatein, who be­ — Former Preaident l^m an Temple’ at 8 am ., and membera of At this point, the wrecker op­ A puasled expression could bo tion and decided to^ew it tlw IbR- Foremost Scientist $nccumbs erator became more than a little seen on tha face of the Bturbridge lienees Sodety. decided te Ae to the Wiktoaeday night pbr- came intbfoationally fambus said today “current .tnreata bar committee will be at the Tem- woman, but the Man'dieatorlte as­ formanet, tha high school audi­ WILLIAMS . a t '26 for hia theory a t rela­ Monday evening to receive ar­ perturbed, it seems that when the hold a banquat'aach year. They to world peace” should be V- ia for the aale. woman stopped, she didn't Just sumed the children were from the dedded the'ptuiqueC atetUd be held torium was crowded to capacity, OIL SiRVICI tivity, died today after a taken before the United Na­ stop along the highway, but rather, family next door and gave the in­ on St iriMritto's Day. • At two points the p ^ o m - cident no thought pt the moment. ance, the aingan interruptedto their f ^ - d a y illness. tions General Assembly. a in a service station opinated byJa Gibbona Aaaembly, Catholic ThU y ^ It will be held Mm /'T h o 7e-yeai>old world-toclaimed . Truman anwared as a' wittisM rival concern. Aboht two minutes later, every­ 16th.,St Liberatto’s Day. This wlu program to give O. Albeit Peer- MI-9-4548 Ladleo of Columbua, will aee that one discovered the tots were oom- son, mlisic director, a musicAl .'ketenUst died at Mneeton Hos- before a Senate Yorsiga Relations, boxoB will be placed in the <U- Our informant tells us that the the flrst time In 31 yean pitol At 1:15 a.m. of inflammation subcommittee i^ich Is considering Making DdIIcs at Augusta garageman rushed into his own plete strangers when an adult been held on -that Mint’s birthday greeting. ferent churcheo for the collection station and put through a call to came to the door seeking tha chil­ 'While the afternoon chotra the of the'gall bladder. A man who possible recommendations for rs- Choii Silent of uaed oyo-gtfaa framea Sunday, the rival garage ih an attempt to' dren. combined giria choirs ~and> the shunned pubMcTlJ^e hs[d entered visions of the N, Oiartsr, April 34. discover what had happened. It seemed the children w ^ e combined, boys choirs fsUed to / the hospital Friday with only hiS “Wherever - wq can,. ws should : - y Om ’s Enough - sehlsVs ths sams gsnsral sxoel- - intimates knowing he was 1I1.\ use it (Ths United NsUoiis),'' Tru­ New Try to He learned that Uie woman those c< some people who had'Just Miss Ann 'lahaya, tha , poised man said. In- Face of The iRuth Society of the OoVeT merely, assumed-that the garage eaten at the restaurant aei ^ the Isncs aa the norntof group, each •nie shy. white-haired scholar hkiidtlailiroggtional Church ha# yemy vlriter from Iran who Jpuhe of tha choirs saiiExampetentiy and MILITIRY was credited with^ making po(^ble “And We should use it now by she took her car to waa the one way and had been aOewM to'get at Kiwanis club hmehoon Thnrsr bring btfore the -General Assem­ aat the .date'of Friday evening. for which the "wreckker" (^orator a little exercise on th r mmmon. srfmntad at least one of its selec- th# Atomic bomb i)y dltciooinf a Free Yanks May 8, for ha aeobnd aimual Moth- riay, drew an inriantanooua ranb- small quantity pt matter could bly the currem threats to world worked. This a li^ t misunderstand­ The little'girl, a iwely chilli tlOR from her audience of traiinSea onsto a superlative manner. iH iS T psace." or-Daughter banquet ing was not resolved when the proud of her Easter finery, had ’While the email orchestra was produce vast ambunU of energy, men in relating otie of tha fa& of shaky - in ita parformancs of ___ Spepsnred JRy , Truman did not manUon.For- WaabinYton, April 18 (/P) woman had a new generator in decided to shoeKit off to somsbne Irknian life, ' ■ / - Feremeat Physicist . _ moM or .Red China.. But bis testi­ Bandung,. Indonesisi Ac The Hartford Pembroke College stalled by the rival Station. and it was IM house of the Stur­ Themes from Cbncerto No. 1, Hlgklaad Park P. T. h . Elnstsin stood as probably ths r-rThe, State Department slid Chib and the Wheaton College Iran, she said, la a ' Moalem mony carried the strong Implica­ Pentagem told investigating 18 (JP)—Iraq’s Foreign Min- The other story concerns the in­ bridge friends of our Manchester .xm try, and the m e n / are iwt TSehalkowaky, It was adequate in foremost theoretical mathemstl- tion he felt that the United States Club will hold adJoint meeting tense rivalry being conducted by friend where she had chosen to Its prssentstion of other works.
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