CETACEAN ABUNDANCE IN HAWAIIAN WATERS DURING SUMMER/FALL OF 2002 Jay Barlow Southwest Fisheries Science Center 8604 La Jolla Shores Dr. La Jolla, CA 92037 ABSTRACT The abundance of cetaceans is estimated for the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) around the Hawaiian Islands based on a survey in August-November 2002. Two NOAA research vessels were used for this line-transect survey. Sighting detection functions were estimated from this and other NOAA research surveys from 1986 to 2002 using a new, multiple-covariate approach. Twenty four species were seen on this survey, including two species (Fraser’s dolphin - Lagenodelphis hosei and sei whale - Balaenoptera borealis) that had not been previously documented to occur in Hawaiian waters. The most abundant large whales were sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) and Bryde’s whales (Balaenoptera edeni). The most abundant delphinids were rough-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis) and Fraser’s dolphins (Lagenodelphis hosei). Dwarf and pygmy sperm whales (Kogia simus and K. breviceps) and Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) were estimated to be quite abundant. Some of the migratory baleen whales (fin whales - Balaenoptera physalus, sei whales, minke whales - B. acutorostrata, and humpback whales - Megaptera novaeangliae) were seen only late in the survey. Abundance could be estimated for 21 cetacean species, but the estimated abundances of migrating whales do not correspond to their period of highest abundance in this area. The overall density of cetaceans was low in the study area, especially for delphinids. The precision of density and abundance estimates was generally low for all species due to the small number of sightings. INTRODUCTION Most prior studies of cetaceans in Hawaiian waters have concentrated on humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) (Darling and McSweeney 1985; Baker and Herman 1987) and spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) (Norris et al. 1994). The species composition of other cetaceans in Hawaiian waters was described by Shallenberger (1981) and Leatherwood et al. (1982). These researchers found 21 cetacean species in Hawaiian waters plus unconfirmed sightings of three other species. Blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) can be added to this species list based on vocalizations heard seasonally on a hydrophone off of Oahu (Thompson and Friedl 1982). There is little quantitative information on the abundance of cetaceans around Hawaii. Mark- recapture methods applied to photo-identification data have been used to estimate the abundance of humpback whales around the main Hawaiian Islands (Baker and Herman 1987; Calambokidis et al. 1997; Cerchio 1998) and spinner dolphin around the island of Hawaii (Östman 1994). Aerial line- transect surveys were used to estimate the abundance of these two species plus 11 other species 1 within 25 nmi of the main Hawaiian Islands during the months of February to April (Mobley et al. 2000, Mobley 2001). The abundance of Hawaiian cetaceans has never been estimated for the summer/fall season nor for the entire U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) waters surrounding Hawaii. In this paper, I describe the results of a summer/fall 2002 ship survey of cetacean abundance in the U.S. EEZ waters surrounding Hawaii, including all of the Northwest Hawaiian Islands. The low density of cetaceans in this area and the low number of sightings posed a problem for estimating some of the line-transect parameters needed for abundance estimation. A method was developed that used information on detection probability from this and from prior surveys which used the same ships and line-transect methods in other study areas. A multiple-covariate line-transect model accounted for differing sighting conditions in the Hawaii study area compared to these previously surveyed areas. Using this approach, abundance is estimated for 21 species of cetacean. METHODS Field Methods A survey of cetaceans in Hawaiian waters was conducted in summer/fall of 2002 aboard two National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) research vessels1. The R/V David Starr Jordan surveyed in Hawaiian waters from 06 August to 27 November and the R/V McArthur surveyed in Hawaiian waters from 19 October to 25 November. The study area was defined as the U.S. EEZ (Fig. 1). To avoid surveying at right angles to the dominant swells (generated by the NE to Easterly trade winds), the survey was designed with a series of parallel transect lines oriented in a WNW-ESE direction (Fig. 1). The location of a baseline was selected by choosing a random latitude along a chosen longitude, and the other transect lines were parallel to this baseline and were spaced 85 km apart. Because the ships returned frequently to Honolulu or Hilo to refuel, a higher density survey stratum was established within approximately 140 km of the Main Hawaiian Islands by adding transect lines that were parallel to and halfway between the main set of transects. The two strata (Fig. 1) will be referred to as the “Main Island stratum” and “Outer EEZ stratum”. Visual line-transect survey methods (Buckland et al. 2001) were fundamentally the same as have been used on Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) surveys since 1982 (Wade and Gerrodette 1993; Barlow 1995; Kinzey et al. 2000; Gerrodette and Forcada 2002). The ships traveled at 16.7 to 18.5 km/hr (9-10 kts) during surveys. Survey effort included only those times when the ship was within 9.3 km (5 nmi.) of the planned transect lines, when two observers were searching through 25X pedestal-mounted binoculars (port and starboard “big-eyes”), and when a third observer/data recorder was searching from a center position. Observers were selected on the basis of their past experience and skill on cetacean surveys, and the on-effort team always included at least one observer who was an expert in the field identification of marine mammals. Six observers on each vessel rotated among these three observer stations, with 45 minutes per station followed by 1A joint Cruise Report for both ships is available at http://swfsc.nmfs.noaa.gov/PRD/cruiseinformation or by writing to the author. 2 2 hours rest. Observations were made from the flying bridge deck of both ships at a height of approximately 10.5 m above the sea surface. Observers searched with 25X binoculars from a bearing angle of 90o on their side of the vessel to 10o on the opposite side. The center observer/data recorder searched the forward 180o using naked eyes and, occasionally, a 7X binocular. The data recorder entered data on searching effort and sightings on a computer. Effort data included time and location, a number code for the on-effort observers, Beaufort sea state, swell height (in feet), wind speed, visibility (in nmi.), the presence of rain or fog within 5.5 km (3 nmi.) of the ship, and the vertical and horizontal location of the sun relative to the ship’s bow (Kinzey et al. 2000). When a marine mammal was seen by one of the three on-effort observers, the ship was typically directed to divert from the trackline towards the animals if they were within 5.5 km (3 nmi.) of the trackline. Perpendicular distance from the trackline was estimated from the initial bearing angle relative to the bow (measured to the nearest 1o using a protractor on the base of the 25X binoculars) and from the initial distance (measured using reticles in the oculars of the 25X or 7X binoculars). Typically the vessel approached the animals to within a sufficient distance and stayed sufficient time to allow the observers to reliably identify species, determine the proportion of each species present (for mixed species groups), and to estimate the group size. The data recorded for each sighting included time and location, initial bearing and distance, a code for the observer making the initial sighting, a code for the species present, and independent estimates (from each observer) of the overall group size (best, high and low estimates) and the proportion of each species present (in mixed species groups). Animals were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic category, usually species. If species could not be determined with certainty, observers recorded higher taxonomic levels, for example, ziphiid or Kogia spp. (see Table 1 for all taxonomic categories used on this survey). For sightings which could not be identified to species with certainty, the observers’ best estimate of the species was typically included in the data with a “probable species” designation. For some species, photo-documentation and/or biopsy sampling followed after species determination and group size estimation. A hydrophone array was towed on the David Starr Jordan during most daylight hours to detect vocalizing cetaceans that were missed by the visual observer team. The acoustics team worked independently of the visual team and did not notify the visual team of a detection unless it was past abeam and was clearly missed by the visual team. The ship was occasionally directed to the estimated location of an acoustic detection, particularly for sperm whale detections. Acoustic detections that were not seen by the visual team prior to diverting from the trackline are not included in analyses presented here. Acoustic data will be analyzed in a separate report. Analytical Methods Density and abundance for each species were estimated using a Horvitz-Thompson approach to incorporating multiple covariates into the estimation of the detection probability function (Marques 2001; Forcada 2002). Geographic stratification was used in the Hawaii study area to account for different levels of survey effort in the Main Island and Outer EEZ strata. The density Di of a species within geographic stratum i was estimated as ni 1 fcs$jjj(,0 ) D$ i = ∑ 2 Li j=1 g j ()0 3 where Li is the length of on-effort transect lines in stratum i, fj(0,cj ) is the probability density of the detection function evaluated at zero perpendicular distance for sighting number j which has associated covariates cj , sj is the number of individuals of that species in each group, gj(0) is the trackline detection probability of sighting j, and ni is the number of sightings of that species in stratum i.
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