VAAD HAHATZALA (JMEBGENCY COMMITT~ {JA.AJ>) Please return this file immediately to the DIVISION OF FINANCE / /3~ /1 <f-6. - ~ - - 11Jnnrn 1::J.M:n n:11~ mt:~; c"lt!l::l1 c1'?~1 tl'J1t!l tl' ,nr, V.,,,~~~~'5~i' Oi1,~N A Happy and Prosperous New Year Wishes You Rabbi A. KALMANOWITZ ~40 Bedford Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y. J~&:b-e ~- '/ f~c;r,, I.Jr'l ~MH. ~. 3o4 It- ti$ / ,;.,./~ $ . P. FORI.I AD-ll6b DIVISION ~ DMINISTRATIVE SERVICES !27 NOV 19'+') 1 C~ICATIONS BRAN CH UNRRA • CABLE SECTION OUTGOING CABLEGRAM 7 7 1 NOTICE: INFORMA TIO N COPY ONLY FORM AD-~6b DIVISION ~ DMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (2i NOV l9'+'il CO . ICATIONS BRANCH UNRRA • CABLE SECTION OUTGOING CABLEGRAM 2 85 is I 7 - 3 7 IIOTI CE: I NFORMA TIO N CO PY ONLY FROM AD-46b DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE \ 2 7 NOV 19 4 S ) COMAICATIONS BRANCH UNRRA ~BLE SECTION OUTGOING CABLEGRAM NOTICE: INFORMATION COPY ONLY • • • • 1 • • FORM AD-~6a I DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 127 NOV 19451 ~OM~ CATIONS BRANCH UNRRA e ••LE SECTION INCOMING CABLEGRAM .D D • /5/ 6 REO IVED: ~/:;/ 6 - !):24 R r 1818 26 Apr1 • ed: 1045 tp:lrc 305 7lc MOTICE: I NFORMAT I OM COPY ONLY . ACTION TO BE TAKEN ON ACTION COPY IN HANDS OF PERSON INDICATED BY (•) ASTERISK. F o R~o~ AD-ll6a DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES t27 NOV 1945 1 - OM - CATIONS BRANCH UNRRA -- . LE SECTION INCOMING CABLEGRAM 8 RO o ATEDo ;.,/-/ c \lE:" 5151 : J eur 16 o. -7 p ll~ u r ""t b· r '0 g . d. ;o a· 1 :i v i .o 1 ,521. T J ~ d~ r 1 10 paw 4~,4 1 NOTICE: INFORMATIOM COPY ONLY . ACTION TO BE TAKEN ON ACTION COPY IN HANDS OF PERSON INDICATED BY (•) AS TER ISK. FORM A"-ij6blo' ~~ DIVISI INISTRATIVE SERVICES 12 7 NOV 19q, TIONS BRANCH ·uN R R A CABLE SECTION OUTGOING a E . 9 p 1 ~84 :>2 0 1 .g !lOTI CE : INFORMATION C OPY ONLY • I L r•r • ., I ~f'rat. UNITED NATIONS ~HITE-PAYOR REHABILITATION ADMIN BLUE -ACCOUNTS CUT AVENUE. WASHINGTON 25, D. C. 2046 •BuFP' -FINANCE CASH RECEIPT DIVISION OF FINANCE BY :----~--------~----~-------- THIS SPACE TO BE USED FOR RECEIPTS DEPOSITED DIRECTLY TO UNRRA' S CREDIT BY PAYOR ACCOUNT No. 11----------------------------------0 0 C U M EN T E V I D EN C I N G R E C E I --P T -----------l BANK ACCOUNT IN WHICH DEPOSITED ~ ··- - il"~ VAA.D HAGTZALA. REHABILIGJ'AGJ"ION eOMMic:fGJ'BE 132 NASSAU STREET • NEW YORK CITY • Telephone REctor 2·4235 .tlpril 9th, 1946 Mr. Nathan Taflove Finance Division UNRRA Illpont Circle ashington, D.C. DEar Mr. Taflove: •' Vie enclose herewith our check in the sum of $19,005.00, which sum we ask you to please transmit as follows& to Rabbi Chaim Szmulewicz, 1823 Joffre, Shanghai, China, the sum of fl0,52l.OO, and to Rabbi Meier Ashkenazi, 308 Cardinal rcier, Shanghai, China, the balance of $8,484.00. We again express our deepfelt appreciation tor your many cour­ resies tor making available our relief money tor the refugees in Shanghai. With our sincerest best wishes, Very truly yours, VAAD HATZALA EMERGE CY C0111M. &::;;~ Executive Secretary RJK:VK encl. .,.,.......-_. ___.; . /0 .' · ~ ~ . / I /)~ /cZ 17 • • Certified for payment in the Voucher prepared at --------------­ • aum of $----------------···-·- THE UNITED STATFS, Dr., Con.ptroU... General ol the United Statea Address ------------------ __ .,... '!Ill.,.,14~a. _______________________________________ _ (For tl98 of Paying Office) Br--------------------------- Payee's Account No. ----------------------------- Artidea or Servicea UNIT PRICE AMOUNT No. and Data of Date of O.Ji..,.y (Entar description, item number ol contract or ~:eneral aupply Order or Service acbedUie, and other information dMJDed n_,.) Quantit:r Coet Per DoU...a Cta. TM'IDII --------------% Dlacount Caah -------------- da:ra Blou&ht forward from. continuation aheet(a) • Shipped from -------------------- to-------------------- Weight---------------- Government B/1.. No.-------------------------- Total.----~~~~::= (Payee must NOT use this apace) Dilferences --------------------------- ------------- ____ _ Account verified: correct for ____________ -------------- ----- (Signature or initials)------------------------------------ Contract No. ------- ___________ .. -------------- Date ------------------ Req. No. ---------------------- Date ------------------ Invoice Rec'd -------------------- • Appropriation, limitation, or Urnlt'n or Proj't Appropriation Appropriation titlo project •:rmbol Amount Amount ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- ----- ----- .. --------------------------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- COST ACCOUNT OBJECTIVE CLASSIFICATION Allotment a:rmbol Obligations Junount liquidated Amount Syu>bol Amount Per----------------------------------------------------­ Title------------------------------------------- METHOD OF OR ABSENCE OF ADVERTISING (Section 3709 of the Revised Statutes) 1. Mter advertising in newspapers. 2. (a) Mter advertising by circular letters sent to ------------------------------------------------------------ dealers. (b) And by notices posted in public places. (If notices were not posted in addition to advertising by circular letters sent to dealers, exglanation of such omission must be made. The notation on the certificate on the face of the voucher must be "2(a) (b)" or' 2(a)", depending on whether or not aotices were posted.) 3. Without advertising, under an exigency of the service which existed prior to the order and would not admit of the delay incident to advertising. 4. Without advertising in accordance with ------------------------------------ _____ ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------- 5. Without advertising, it being impracticable to secure competition because of-------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -· NoTE.-The above form "Method of or Absence of Advertising" is to be used when purchases are made or services secured under proper authority without written agreement in any form. In case of a written agreement (formal contract, proposal, and acceptance, or less formal agreement) Standard Form No. 1036--Revised should be used for abstracting the method of or absence of advertising and award of contract. (See General Regulations No. 51, Supplement No. 6, General Accounting Office, Aug. 20, 1930.) 16-22900-1 • • GENERAL ACCOUNTING PAID BY (Department, bureau, or establlsbment) OFFICE PREAUDIT Voucher prepared a _________________ =., ____ L .!t ____________ ~f __ ; _____________ _ Certified for payment in the (Give place and date) aum of $------------·········- THE UNITED STATES, Dr., Comptroller c.n-.t of the To ---- - ------------------------------- - ----------------~~-----=--~---------------- U nited State. <Pa:vee> Address --- - ----- - -------~ ! ---------------------------------------------- - ---------- (For use of Paying Office) BY--------------------------- Payee's Account No. ----------------------------- Articles or Serricas UNIT PRICE AMOUNT No. and Date of Date of D.U-r:r (Enter description, Item nuJnber of contract o r ceneral supply Order or Service ac:hedule, and other Information dMmed ..-r'J') Quantity 1----,.----- ---~-...---- Coat Par Dollara Cta. Terma --------------% Dia80unt Cash -------------- cia,.. Brouabt forward from. continuation aheet(a) 10 .., ' oL' Shipped from -------------------- to -------------------- Weight ---------------- Government B/L No.-------------------------- Total __ ___ ____ .J: ______ _ __ ___ (Payee mUJt NOT uae thia apace) -- Differences --------------------------- ------------- ____ _ Account verified; correct for ___ _____ ___ _ ------------- --- -- (Signature or initials) ----------------------------------- Contract No. _ Date _ ----------· .. Req. No. -------------- ------- Date ------------------ Invoice Rec'd -------------------- MEMORAN A~COUNTINC CLASSIFICATION (/or completion r, Admlniatra tive Office) Appropriation, limitation, or Approprlallon title Limlt'n or Proj' t Appropriation project s ymbol Amount Amount vu UIU.Treel 8iAT.'IIl'llJI Holi...!.J.• aD4 .li.. b 1. "l'l~tlb A<bll .. ------------------------------------ --------_,_-------.--...--]!;7""-------,.. .,.---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------------- ___________ _:-~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- -------------------------- OBJECTIVE CLA.SSIFICATION Per·--------------------------------------------------­ ~rtle . ... ---------------------------------------- METHOD OF OR ABSENCE OF ADVERTISING (Section 3709 of the Revised Stetutes) 1. After advertising in newspapers. 2. (a) Mter advertising by circular letters sent to------------------------------------------------------------ dealers. (b) And by notices posted in public places. (If notices were
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