t-^^c^v^t^v^v^v^t^K^w-^x^x^ І Remember Ukraine 5 The Ukrainian Weekly Edition СВОБОДА A SYOBODA УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAIHIAN D А І LV VOL. LXXXIV No. 11 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. JANUARY іб, 1977 25 CENTS Ukrainian Communities Prepare for Observances Of Ukraine's independence Anniversary Rudenko's Committee issues Programs to Be Held in Washington, D.C., Albany and Other State, Local Sites Declaration and Memorandum NEW YORK, N.Y. (UCCA Special).- rectives on the observances of the anniver– On Human Rights in Ukraine On January 22nd, Ukrainians in the free sary of Ukrainian independence. world will commemorate Ukrainian inde– in addition: pendence Day in remembrance of that date Demand independent Participation in 1918, when Ukrainians declared their UCCA President Prof. Lev E. Dobrian– independence from all foreign aggressors, sky sent a letter to every U.S. Senator and with the establishment of the Ukrainian Congressman inviting them to make appro– Of Ukraine in international Parleys National Republic. priate statements on the floor of the Con– The date of January 22nd is marked by gress on the significance of Ukraine's ceremonies in most major cities of the U.S. independence anniversary; U.S. Group Submits Documents as well as numerous state capitals. These UCCA Central Office sent out 2,180 take the form of flag-raising ceremonies, press releases to major American newspa– To Congresswoman Fenwick concerts, religious observances and special pers, ТУ and radio stations, as well as to proclamations issued by city fathers and American and foreign wire services. The WASHINGTON, D.C.–The ukra– conditions of the Final Act of the state leaders. two-page release stresses the importance of inian Committee to Monitor Compii– Helsinki Agreement be enforced in For example, the New York State Legis– Ukraine's freedom and independence. ance with the Helsinki Accords in Ukraine, the Kiev-based Committee lature in Albany, N.Y., in an official Below are dates and places of already announced observances: Ukraine released last year two docu– continually emphasized the point that ceremony to be held Monday, January 17, Ukraine should participate in all inter- will proclaim January 22nd as Ukrainian ^ Albany, N.Y. January 17, 1977, at the ments which outlined the group's beliefs independence Day in New York State. Legislative Office Building with speakers: and courses of action and gave an up- national agreements on an independent level. The resolution for this action has been Lt. Governor Mary Ann Krupsak, State date on the dissident movement in introduced by Sen. Edwyn E. Mason and Senators Warren Anderson and Assembly- Both documents, published last No– Ukraine, reported the "Smoloskyp" Majority Leader Sen. Warren Anderson. man Maurice D. Hinchey; Joseph Lesawyer Ukrainian information Service here, vember 9 and December 6, were receiv– Many Mayors and Governors of U.S. Cities and ivan Bazarko; prayers by Rev. Stephen in addition to demanding that the ed by the Ukrainian Committee's Ame– and States will mark this event with appro– A. Chomko (Ukrainian Catholic Church) rican counterpart here. Entitled "Decla– priate resolutions and proclamations. and Rev. John Kulish (Ukrainian Orthodox ration" and "Memorandum No. l,"the As in previous years, the UCCA Central Church); entertainment: Andrij Dobrian– texts were signed by the 10 founding Office sent out a circular to all its branches sky, Mary Lesawyer, Thomas Hrynkiv, the National Fund Drive (Continued on page 2) and member organizations, providing di– (Continued on page 3) Exceeds Goal Stote Capitol in Albany Will Be NEW YORK, N.Y. (UCCA Special).-A total of Si35,390 was collected for the 1976 Ukrainian National Fund drive as of Jan– Site of independence Day Observance uary 10, 1977. in 1975 at the same time the fund had reached 5131,346. M. K-ushnir; the Ukrainian Dancers of in this year's fund-raising drive the first ALBANY, N.Y.-A concert of Uk– place was taken by the UCCA Branch in rainian songs and dances, followed by Astoria under the direction of Elaine Philadelphia, which surpassed its last year's official ceremonies in the State Legisla– Oprysko, vocalists Marusia Styn and total of Si2,000. Chairman of the Branch is tive Office building in Albany, N.Y., Orysia Styn-Hewka, accordionist Alec Prof. Peter G. Stercho, with ivan Skochylas, will comprise the special program Chudolij and bandurist Ted Semchy– head of the finance committee, and ivan Monday, January 17, in observance of shyn. Sharan, Michael Nych and Peter Tarnaw– the 59th anniversary of Ukraine's After the concert, with both cham– sky, collectors, independence, announced New York bers in session, Sen. Mason will intro– Second place went to the UCCA Branch State Senator Edwyn E. Mason here duce a resolution calling on Governor of Newark-lrvington, which collected over Hugh L. Carey to proclaim January S7,000, Chairman of the Branch is Michael last week. 22nd as "Ukrainian independence Day" Chaikivsky, treasurer Kost Hrechak, and it was Sen. Mason who in coopera– vasyl Shymera, George Drebych and ivan tion with Senate Majority Leader in the state. Kalynovych, collectors. Warren M. Anderson initiated these Brief statements will be rendered on The UCCA Branch in Chicago, ill., state-wide observances last year follow– the occasion by Sens. Mason and contributed substantially in the last minute- ing one of his frequent visits at Soyuziv– Anderson as well as Lt. Gov. Mary Ann drive, with Mykola Senchyshak and the ka–which is located in the District he Krupsak. Among those in attendance "Pevnist" Cooperative donating S500 each. represents—and a talk with the UNA will be Assemblyman Morris Hinchey As soon as all donations are summarized, estate's manager Walter Kwas. The who is of Ukrainian lineage. the UCCA Central Office will publish a Leading the Ukrainian contingent detailed report on how much each UCCA Central Office of the UCCA in New York and individual branches in the and speaking in the course of the Branch contributed to the Ukrainian Na– concert will be UCCA Executive vice– tional Fund. state followed up on this initiative and Sen. Edwyn E. Mason took part in the unique observances. President and UNA President Joseph This year's program has been expan– and will be held in "The Well", located Lesawyer. HARVARD SPECIAL ded to include a concert with the on the first floor of the Legislative Groups of Ukrainians from many participation of outstanding Ukrainian Office building. Scheduled to perform centers of Ukrainian life in the state are making arrangements to take part in the The centerfold in this issue features the artists and performers. are the following: Mary Lesawyer, symposium on "Ukrainian Experience in The UCCA Central Office has al– soprano formerly with the N.Y. City ceremonies. The Kerhonkson, N.Y., the United States," held at Harvard ready apprised its branches throughout Opera Company; Andrij Dobriansky, and Glen Spey, N.Y., communities are University December 2-5, 1976. We are the state to send delegations to Albany bass-baritone of the Metropolitan scheduled to arrive by chartered buses. publishing this material on the eve of the and thus ensure an impressive turnout Opera; concert pianist Thomas Hryn– The entire balcony in the State last phase of the drive to complete the for the event. kiv; vocal female sestet "Kobza" from Legislative building has been reserved funding of Harvard's Ukrainian project. The concert is scheduled for 1 :OO.p.m. Watervliet, N.Y., under the direction of for participants. m THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY іб, 1977 No. 11 Ukrainians Again Stage Rudenko, Others Stage Effective Demonstration in Philly Hunger Strike PHILADELPHIA, Pa.–Phiiadei– members of TUSM, each dressed in a N.Y. Times Correspondent Says phia again had the dubious honor of shirt displaying one large letter on the welcoming Soviet performers in its front and back, formed the words Dissident Movement Spreads midst recently. "Freedom for Ukraine" in English The Ukrainian community chose to and in the back "Уоііа Ukraini" in voice its welcome of the Soviet athletes Ukrainian. During the Russian anthem WASHINGTON, D.C.–Mykoia and threats of criminal punishment. by protesting the violation of human the protestors pointedly remained Rudenko and three other members of They have stopped short of handing out and national rights in Ukraine by the seated, standing only for the American the Kiev based Committee to Monitor prison sentences during this period, but Soviet regime in a demonstration out- national anthem. Compliance with the Helsinki Accords have tried to create the impression that side and in the Spectrum arena on As soon as the lights came on and the went on a hunger strike as a protest cases are being prepared that could Monday, December 20, 1976. public was seated, the entire row of against harrassment by Soviet authori– result in long imprisonment or Siberian demonstrators stood, displaying their ties, reported the "Smoloskyp" infor– exile. Besides carrying banners and distri– large slogan, calling out "Free Ukraine" mation Service here. The increased maneuvering on both buting informative pamphlets about the capturing the attention of the audience, At the same time, New York Times sides seems more episodic than a result political situation in Ukraine, an effec– numbering approximately 12,000 peo– Moscow correspondent, David Shipler, of any shift in government policy or any tive protest was staged inside the arena. ple. This was repeated before and after reported that dissident movement in the new discontent among the population, Seventeen demonstrators, consisting each set of performances and concluded USSR has risen recently and that new in part, the recent activity reflects of member of the Committee for the in a mass exit by the demonstrators organized groups are springing up in improved communication among the Defense of Yalentyn Moroz here and during a pause in the program.
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