Clackamas Fire District #1 Board Meeting Briefing Packet December 18, 2017 Click on the red page numbers to be instantly linked to the particular report. To safely protect and preserve life and property Board of Directors’ Meeting Monday, December 18, 2017 Meeting Location: Mt. Scott Fire Station 6:30 pm AGENDA REGULAR SESSION I. CALL TO ORDER PER ORS 192.610 TO 192.710 ORS 192.650 – The meeting is being recorded. ORS 192.710 – Smoking is banned during the meeting. II. CHANGES TO AGENDA III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON NOVEMBER 20, 2017 (pg. 5) IV. PUBLIC COMMENT (The President will call for statements from citizens regarding District business, not to exceed three minutes per person.) V. PRESENTATION – Clackamas River Water Re: Overview of the Backbone Project in Beavercreek Area – General Manager Todd Heidgerken and Engineer Adam Bjornstedt VI. PRESENTATION – Annual Audit – Jarrard, Seibert, Pollard & Co. – CPA Russell Ries VII. PRESENTATION – Insurance Renewal with Special Districts Insurance Services (SDIS) for Longevity Credit and Rate Lock Guarantee Program – Agent of Record Jeff Griffin with Wilson-Heirgood Associates VIII. BUSINESS – Action required B-1 Request Board Approval of Annual Audit – Finance Director Day (pg. 13) B-2 Request Approval of Insurance Renewal with SDIS for Longevity Credit and Rate Lock Guarantee Program – Chief Charlton (pg. 76) 1 Click on the red page numbers to be instantly linked to the particular report. To safely protect and preserve life and property IX. OTHER BUSINESS – No action required. (These items will be presented individually by staff or other appropriate individuals. A synopsis of each item together with a brief statement of the action being requested shall be made by those appearing on behalf of an agenda item.) OB-1 FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 18-01 – REPEALING ORDINANCE 09-01: ADOPTING COST-BASED FEES AND RATES FOR NON- EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES AND ALLOWING FOR FUTURE BOARD AMENDMENT OF FEES AND RATES BY RESOLUTION – Division Chief Conway (pg. 95) OB-2 Board Policy Manual Update – President Wall (pg. 106) OB-3 Station 19 Update – Volunteer Services Chief Deters OB-4 Operation Santa Update – Volunteer Services Chief Deters OB-5 Bond Projects Update – Division Chief Corless OB-6 Board Committee/Liaison Reports EMS Committee – Director Cross/Director Joseph Executive Committee – President Wall/Director Syring Foundation Liaison – Director Trotter X. INFORMATIONAL ONLY A. Divisional Reports R-1a. Chief’s Report – Verbal - Chief Fred Charlton R-1b Business Services Division – Deputy Chief Doug Whiteley (pg. 135) R-1b.1 Fire Prevention – Deputy Chief Doug Whiteley (pg. 138) R-1c Emergency Services Division – Deputy Chief Ryan Hari (pg. 150) R-1c.1 Emergency Medical Services – Division Chief Bill Conway (pg. 151) R-1c.2 Operations – Division Chief David Scheirman (pg. 156) R-1c.3 Training – Division Chief Mike Corless (pg. 176) R-1c.4 Volunteer Services – Volunteer Services Chief Steve Deters (pg. 188) R-1c.5 Volunteer Services President’s Report – Verbal – President Ryan Kragero R-1d Financial Services Division – (to be distributed on 12/14/17) - Finance Director Christina Day (pg. 190) 2 Click on the red page numbers to be instantly linked to the particular report. To safely protect and preserve life and property B. Correspondence (pg. 213) C. Informational Items (pg. 228) D. Next Meeting The next Board of Directors’ meeting will be on Monday, January 22, 2018, at 6:30 pm at Mt. Scott Station 5. XI. REGULAR BOARD MEETING RECESSED XII. EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING LABOR NEGOTIATIONS PURSUANT TO ORS 192.660(2)(d) XIII. REGULAR BOARD MEETING RECONVENED XIV. ADJOURNMENT UPCOMING EVENTS: Upcoming Dates: January 22, 2018 – Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting – 6:30 pm 3 Clackamas Fire District #1 REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING (This meeting was recorded.) November 20, 2017 I. CALL TO ORDER PER ORS 192.610 TO 192.710 ORS 192.650 – The meeting is being recorded. ORS 192.710 – Smoking is banned during the meeting. President Wall called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Present: Board of Directors Thomas Joseph, Jay Cross, Jim Syring, Don Trotter and Director Marilyn Wall; Chief Fred Charlton; Deputy Chief Ryan Hari; Deputy Chief Doug Whiteley; Division Chief Bill Conway; Division Chief Mike Corless; Division Chief Dave Scheirman; Finance Director Christina Day; Fleet Director Bill Bischoff; Volunteer Services Chief Steve Deters; Volunteer Association President Ryan Kragero; Volunteers Jerry Kearney and Jeremy Neel; Lobbyist Genoa Ingram from Court Street Consulting; Pace Engineer Mark Aasland; Citizens Thelma Haggenmiller, Chris Hawes, John Kihlstrum, and Lowell Peterson; and Executive Assistant Karen Strejc. CHANGES TO AGENDA Chief Charlton noted B-4 was added to the agenda regarding the intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Estacada Fire District #69. President Wall thanked Vice President Syring for conducting the meeting in October. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 16, 2017 Since there were no corrections or additions to the minutes of the regular board meeting on October 16, 2017, the minutes were approved as written. President Wall abstained. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT None. V. BUSINESS B-1 Request Board Approval of Christina Day as Budget Officer for 2018-2019 Chief Charlton noted the approval of a budget officer is an action taken each year as the following fiscal year’s budget is developed. Director Trotter moved, seconded by Director Cross to approve Christina Day as the Budget Officer for 2018-2019. The motion carried unanimously. 1 11300 SE Fuller Road · Milwaukie, OR 97222 · 503-742-2600 · www.clackamasfire.com B-2 Request Board Approval of Contract for Emerick Construction for Station 19 DC Hari noted an action request to enter into a contract with Emerick Construction. A Board resolution was passed in May to add Station 19 to the contract. The funds would result from the general obligation bond. It was noted the additional cost to Station 19 was due to an increase in costs from lack of competition and a septic tank. Director Cross moved and Director Syring seconded the motion to approve the contract for Emerick Construction for Station 19. The motion carried unanimously. B-3 Request Board Approval to Purchase Staff Vehicles DC Hari turned it over to Division Chief Conway who shared that staff vehicles were provided for employees to use in the performance of their duties. Vehicles are periodically replaced and the Fleet Director would continue to evaluate the condition and service life. The new vehicles would be purchased following adopted purchasing policies. Director Joseph moved and Director Cross seconded the motion to approve the purchase of staff vehicles. The motion carried unanimously. B-4 Request Board Approval of Amended IGA with Estacada Fire District #69 Chief Charlton shared that the Fire District’s interagency committee met and provided amendments to Estacada Fire. Their Board unanimously approved amendments. The amendments clearly showed the changes: utilize one of their employees in training and a request for a feasibility study to be completed by December 2018. The Interagency Committee would work on the scope of study and be in place by February 2018. Chief Charlton met with Director Syring to answer questions and concerns. Director Cross noted it was moving in the right direction by having a feasibility study. Director Joseph thanked Directors Syring and Cross for asking for clarifications regarding areas of concern with the IGA. Director Trotter noted it was good to have Eagle Creek Station 18 staffed for 40-hours per week. He was in favor of this. Director Syring thanked Chief Charlton for answering his questions regarding the Estacada IGA. Director Wall asked who would pay for the feasibility study. Chief Charlton noted each agency would pay half. The Fire District anticipates three proposals for the feasibility study, which would be an unbudgeted expenditure for both agencies. There was a possibility the expenditure could be added to next year’s budget. Chief Charlton and DC Whiteley would attend the work session in January for Estacada. 2 Director Joseph moved and Director Syring seconded the motion to approve the amended IGA with Estacada Fire District #69. The motion carried unanimously. VIII. OTHER BUSINESS OB-1 Board Policy Manual Update Director Wall noted the main policy had been updated. There was discussion to change the time of the board meeting from 6:30 pm to 6:00 pm. The change in time would require a change to the board policy manual, which would take several months. Staff and the board weighed in and shared it was a good idea to change the start time. Director Wall suggested to begin the process for the policy change at the next board meeting. Chief Charlton noted the first changes would be in December, a second reading in January, and would all take effect in March 2018. OB-2 Legislative Update Lobbyist Ingram reported that legislative days were held the previous week and various changes were made to the legislative positions. Committees would be hearing issues for public safety and would discuss wildfire seasons. OB-3 Strategic Planning Retreat Summary Chief Charlton shared a summary from the Fire District’s Strategic Planning Retreat, which was heavy on EMS. Chief Conway shared trends and discussed these with the Board EMS Committee several weeks ago and would like include these changes in the Strategic Business Plan (SBP) in January. Chief Conway noted discussion centered on community assistance and expanding the role. Chief Charlton discussed how to improve dispatch services and how to dispatch triage calls. The written report would include major initiatives that would be included in the SBP in January. Director Joseph credited the Clackamas Review with sharing how much the Fire District was doing to help the community. The Fire District would continue moving forward to not have fire engines attend EMS calls.
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