A~CIE~T INDIA. [I . ,_GI ImalDl ~ DISCUIH BY GIPE-PUNE KTESIAS THE K...,"IDIA...'; . BEIIG I JR.\ISLATlOII OF THE IBRIDCElm vi .. ~ IDQ­ BY PHOTIOS. DO OF THE _ • lUI' _ PIIESEHYEI • 8llIfI IIIiITEIIL J. W. lfcCRIS1>LE, lLA., ]l.R..V!., ... n ~.K." 'IWW ... D .....' ~.d:S.a,. Lin ~ ...... '.,i __ ," _ ~.....,.,..,. ____ nu.....,.-u.u.----- ~n. _ ..... a:s..-..-:J'Y &rp ........ ' .....i+S t) ,... .11.< ~ , ............-...- JIIJL I: .1<.112: , •• h" ~Ci:ElL gn:(tr .. 0::.. •. L L ",EM. J ..... : TatUn.. r..... BOJiBAY ; PRINTED AT THE EDUCATION SUOIEyy'a PR~, BYCt:LLA. VL{ It- ,e fJl 1<g<6 PltEFA'CE THIS little book forms the third volume of the series of Annotated Translations of those works of the Classical writers which r~late to Ancient India. The volumesnlready issued contain Translations of the Fragments of Megasthen8s-of the Indikn of~Arrian­ and of the Peri plus of the Eryth.",an Sea; . and in those wliich. are to follow will be rendered the Geography of India a. given by Strabo' and by Ptolemy, aqd the accounts of the Mai:edoni~n Invasion as given by Arrian Bnd by Curtius-and these works will complete the series. Upper NONoo" ; December. 1881. CONTENTS. PAOB Introduction 1 THE lND11U OF K1'ESU.S:- Fr.. g. I. Ecloga in Photii, Bibl. LXXII, p. 144 S<qq.... 7 Frag. II. From Arl'ian, .Anab. Book V.4, 2..................... 34 Frog. III. Strabo, Geog. Book XV. From the lndika of Arrian, 30 ...... ...... 35 Frng. IV. lElian, De Nat. .Anim. l;look XVII. 29 ......... 35 . Fmg. V. (A) Aristotle. D. Gener . .Anim. II.2........................ 36 (B) From the same, toward. the end of the 3rd Book of his History of .Animals 36 (C) lElian. D• .Animal. XVI, 2. 36 Frag. VI. (A.) lElian, D • .Animal. Nat. XVI, 31 ......... ,........ 36 (B) lElian. D. .Animal. Nat. IV. 32 ..................... 38 F .... g. VIl. Tzetzllo. Chilo VII. V. 739. from the 3rd Book of the ·Apa/l ..... of Uranins 38 vi CONTESTS. PAHE Frag. VIII. AristoUe, De Hittl. Anim. 11,1 ................•..•• 31:1 Frag. IX. Pausanias (B"';I. IX. xxi. 4), quoting KIPriiss ... 39 Frag. X. Pliny, H. N. VIII, 21 (al. 30) ....•.. ,. ... ... ... 40 Frag. XL From .lElian, De AnitlUll. IV, 21; respecting tb. Indian Martikbora .•. 40 Frag. Xll. (A) Antigon"", Jlirab. Nar. COTUJ. Hul. c. lA2...... 42 (B) Pliny, Hut. Nat. II, 106. 42 (C) .lElian, De Anim. XVI, 37 43 Frag. Xill. .lElian,]I,'at.Anim. IV, ~6. 4.3 Frag. XIV. .lE1ian, Nat. Anim. IV,27 44 Frag. XV. (A) .lElian, Nat. Anim. XVI, 37 ....:... ••.. ...•. ....•. 46 (B) .lElian, ]I,·al. Anim. Ill, 4. 46' (C) Arist~ De Hut. Anim. VIII, 28.................. 46 (D) PaIladins, De Br."hma.... p.5 .•..•..••....•....•••... 46 (E) Pallad~ D. Br."b., p. 4.. 47 (F) Antig. Hirab. Nar.I60... 47 (G) From the work of SOtion 47 (H) Pliny, XXXI, 2 .•.•••••• 47 (l) )licbael. A pootol PrOt:m, Xx, 6..................... 47 Fr.ag. XVI. Pliny, Hul.]I,'al.XVII,2. 47 CONTENTS. vii PAGE Frag. XVII. &lian, Nat. Anim. IV, 36 .................... , 48 Frag. XVIII. 2Elian, Nat. Anim. IV, 41 ..................... 50 Frog. XIX. Apollonios (Dyskolos), Hm. Mirab. XVII.. 51 Frag. XX. Pliny, Hi.t . Nat. XXXVII,2 ......... 51 Frag. XXI. TzetzAs, Ohi!. VII, v. 714 .•••••....••.•..••.•• 52 Frag. XXII. Pliny, Hi.t. Nat. VII, 2 52 Frag. XXIII. 2Elian, IV, 46 ......... 52 Frag. XXiV. Servin. the Commen· tator on Virgil, LEneW. I, v. 653 .... 53 Frag. XXV. (A) 2Elian, Hi.t. An. IV, 52 54 (B) 2Elian, III, 41 ......... 56 Frog. XXVI. ...£lian, Nat. Anim. v,a .................. 56 Frag. XXVII. (A) FNm Antigonos, Mi. rab. NaT. Oong. Hist. 165 .......•.••..•..•..•. 59 (8) From RGtiGn in scat.. tered passages where he re!stes marvels about rivers, foun­ tains, and lakes ... S!l (C) Strabo, Gooy. XVI, 4.. 59 Frog. XXVIiI. Pliny, Hi,t. Nul. XXXI,2 ......... 59 viii ~ONTY.NT8. PAliK FMlg. XXIX. (A) Antigonos, ..llira/), Nar. C"",), Hill. c. 182 ............ 60 (B) Pliny, Hi.t. Nal. XXXI,2 .•....... f,() • Frag. XXX. (A) Tzelz';" Chilo VII, V. 6a~ ... , ........ f;O (B) Pliny, Bill. Nat. VII,2 ............ 61 (C) From the Mme .•.... fa Frag. XXXI. (;ellius, Nod. Allil!. Ix., C. 4 .•.•••.•..•• 62 Frag. XXXII. Frag. IV, from AtMnaios, lib. X. [c. 9] ............ rA Frag. XXXIIL Twtre., Chilo V III, V. 9g7 ............ 1;4 Frag. XXXV. Lucian, v ..... Hill. L3 ............... G4 Frag. XXXVI. 8tmbo, Geog. L 2 ••• G4 ~n'8 Review of the Reports of KIA- sias ODDoorn.ing India ........................ (,5 Appendu, on certain Indian Animal", &C. 9-2 INDEX. PAGB P'&'OB A. Asses. wild ...... 26. 27.48. :A.breklwo •• death ..... SO 54.56 Acanthus........ ....... 53 lEthiopia...... 46,47. &0. lEtna. .................. 13. 15 B ~gri4b~(wild~~. 98 Alexander the Great 91 Amber .•. 20. 21. 23. 51, 52. Babylon ............... 17 70.86 Badaksban ............ 69 Amphinom08 ......... 14n. Baktria ......... 16. 44. 69 Anapoa .................. l4n Balaam................... 95 Alldroe 11. •........... 14n BaJa GhAts.. .......... lOu Apes..................... 8 BaUadi. a fountain. SIn. ~p""taktwal treea 79 producing amber.. 51 Bambu ............... 10. 70 Arabia the Happy... M Bambusa ............... lIn ~rg.Uia (cocoa) ... 95 BeetJe (ccchineal in. Arimaspians......... 68. 77 sect) .................. 53 Aristeaa ... ...••• ...... 62 Bharoch ............ 00, tOn. Aristct1e '" ••••••••• 73, 74 Bhuians ............... 89 Armenia ............... 60 Bird.dung poison... 50 Artaxerria Mn&nOn. 2. Bittakoe (parrot) ... 8n, 74 .. ~t I'! 30. 42, 50. 65 Bomeo Is. ...... ...... 25n .Asklepiadai... ..... .••• 1 Brundusium ......... 62 • D meau note. 100 INDEL PAOli C B Calafrwo Eot"""' ...... lID FAaglea................ 43, 81 CameJopardalia ...... 93 Egypt .................. 95 Camels................... 57 EkagarbluJ ............ 82 Cheese .................. 30 EkapAda ............... 82D CbMyApAda ... ...... 82D Elephant. ...... 8. 11. 12. Chimaera MOUDt ... 42. 43 3.>.36.74 ChipitanASika people. 89 Emrins ......... ......... 62 Cia ill Myaia ......... 33 ElI'O'J'tltT'OrJ"fr, '''agar. Com. clesert of ... l2D, 45 blKu. people......... 8211 CocbiDeal Insect. ..... 23D EnOtokoitai ............ 82n Cocks ................... 36 95 Coco<mut tree......... JI CottOD.- ........ ~ 25. 54 Cowa ..................... 73 I'ah.hia.n, Chinese -Cranes ............... 88, 90 Pilgrim ...... ...... 80 Cups (for drinking Field of the Pious._ 14D from) ..... _ .......... .. 26 Fountain cafIed Bal· 1a4.. 31. 59. 79 D .. ealled Sili. 83 Danube R. ............ 60 .. caating out Darius IT ............... 2 fish ...... 33 Death from poisoDs 48-50 .. eauoing de- Di1<air"" (a bird) ... 19. lirium.. 19. 4, 50-51, 76. 77 .. of gold. 8. 68-69 DiodOroa ...............3. 64 .. of pitch... 14. .. ofredeo1aar 59 Di""" (aD ordeal)... 80 Dogo ... 9. 36. 37. 67. 87 .. of wiDe ... 14 Do1pbiDs ....__ ...... 96 l'owliDg, mode 01. .. 43 ... Drugs ... _ ............48-49 Foxes ..................... .a, "" IIDBL 101 PAGB P~B G Hunting _........ ••• 16 H1UnC8Des . ...... _... 68 Gait&. Gaitris Ri..". 34 HJdrt>p/aaroa (BUD. Gan.,..... Riv.,.. ...... _ 84. agate) ............ _ 7n GaMlda ............... 88 ......... 83 Gelliua ......... _ ••• _. 63 H~ Hypoba.nJs River._ 51 Germaas. BDCient ••• 81 Gimffe •••••• _ •••••••• _ 93 Goala .......... _17.38 .te. I Gold ••••••••• 16. 44, 411. 68 IambcnWJa ............ 60 GoI:><Ja people ... ••• ••• 89 1beL ..................... lISn Gri1lina 01' GryphoDs. 17; Indiana, age attained . 44, 76 bT , .. 18.~. 62. GJ1IIlI"UI.e _. ••••••••• 48 • 79. 83, 84. ~ chaneter of. 12 :a: 17. 78, 81, 84. Hares ...•••...• _ ••••.. '3.44 " eomp1esionof.13 Heat in 1Ddia... 10. 13, 68 79.81, 84. Hegesias •••••.•••• _... 62 " eustoms of ... l8. Hekataioa ••••••...••• 1. 82n 78 H.11anikoo _......... U • health of... 18 Herodotoo _ ...••• 1. 3. U " Dumber of. 7 Heeougonoo . ............ 61 lndikop1eustea ...... 60 Hippoia-atAls .. •••••• 1 Indus River ...... 7. 10. 34 Hippopotamus ._... lIS Insect yielding purple 52 Hog-deer ... _......... lIS Isigonoo of Nikaea_ 62 Homer ... _.......... 87.90 HODey .................. 17 ~ Homed ... in India. M Jacl:al .... _ ... _...... 75 Huckle·bone of the Indian.. ......... sa ]I: 'y""PX" Ri_ ...... 20-22. 67.70.84. XalJBt,rioi ._ .........22, 87 102 INDBX. P.A.O. P.6.0& KaPBapo' insecta ...... 03 ~ ............... 61 Kan)aprf.vAra.na...... 82n LuoimilU death...... 50 Kaptr... (ciJma.mon). 29u. Lpweati................ 14n 70 )( K4f'1"W1l (camphor) .. SOn Karta&<m<m ...27n, 75·76 lfagnet.................. 9ft KtJtr1IAIlJ ................... SOn Makrobioi ...... 48. 61. 64 lra.6t0'Utf'i n. .............. 94 Mandi .................. 61 KTa.loM. the tortDiae 96 MtJrlik/wnJ. 11.12, 38-42, Klwirekphal or hog. 76.77 deer .................. 95 Mauruaia.n Btraito ... 3!In Kichaka reed ......... 83 lIedicinal root ...... 2.5 KirAta .................. 88 Megaathen& .........61. 88 Knldoo .................. 1 Metadrida ............ 33 Koomaa hulicopJeaa.. lfineralwella ......... 79 teo. extra.ct from .. 92 Hines .................. 9 Krateo ...............47.48 Minium (red lead) .., 59 Krokottaa (Jackal or Mithraa•• god ...... 64 Hy&!D&) ............ :J2.33 Monocoli ......... ...... 63 Kteoiarkhoo ......... 1. 64 IlouoeceU ............... 61 x.n-it/>aM& ............ 22 MtW:.deer ............ 64 KJDlUll0!goi. 9n, 36.~ ]I' K1"0kephaloi ••• 21.25. 36·37. 52. 53. 63. ~ NariW (cocoa) ...... 9Sn K1"Oiykoo••. ,. Kro- Nuoa .................. U kottaa............... 32.33 Nepaol.................. 87 Kyonian, COIlDtry... 33 o Odontotyr:annoL..... 28n L Oil of citmamOQ,. 29n, 30 Lakes, marrel\one. 59. 60 .. lake of ...........
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