ABOVE THE TREELINE A NATURE GUIDE TO ALPINE NEW ZEALAND ALAN F. MARK Contributions by: David Galloway, Rod Morris, David Orlovich, Brian Patrick, John Steel and Mandy Tocher CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Alphabetical list of plant genera 8 CRASSULACEAE 76 Alan Mark is most grateful for the generous financial for their comments and discussion on the text, and for Maps of North & South islands 10–11 Crassula 76 contribution from The Quatre Vents Foundation and also their help in compiling her contribution. List of photographers 12 DROSERACEAE 78 an anonymous contribution towards covering the cost of Brian Patrick (Invertebrates) acknowledges Barbara Preface 13 Drosera, sundews 78 the many fine images, which he also acknowledges, with Barratt for general advice and editing. She, along with CARYOPHYLLACEAE 80 too many to name. He is also grateful for the support of John Douglas, Kees Green, Steve Kerr and George Gibbs Colobanthus 80 his wife, Pat, and family and wishes to thank the many supplied images for this section. INTRODUCTION Scleranthus 83 botanical colleagues for their fruitful discussions and Jane Connor (Publisher): I am grateful for the many Origin & structure of New Zealand’s helpful advice, particularly Ilse Breitwieser, John Barkla, contributions made by botanists and other natural Stellaria 84 Peter de Lange, Phil Garnock-Jones, David Glenny, history professionals and enthusiasts, and by the more mountains 15 MONTIACEAE 86 Peter Heenan, Carlos Lehnebach, Peter Lockhart, Janice than 65 photographers whose images are included; their The alpine zone 17 Hectorella 86 Lord, Heidi Meudt, Geoff Rogers and Steve Wagstaff. cooperation and generosity have been overwhelming. The alpine environment 20 Montia 87 Special thanks are extended to publisher Jane Connor Shannel Courtney, Peter de Lange and Cathy Jones Alpine flora 25 for her wonderful support and commitment to meet reviewed the text and photographs; Sue Hallas edited POLYGONACEAE 90 his special deadline while still giving great attention to the text; Diane Lowther compiled the index and Kathy Alpine fauna 31 Muehlenbeckia 90 detail and accuracy. Bolwell checked it; my colleague Karen Jones graciously Alpine plant communities & GERANIACEAE 91 John Steel (Mosses & Liverworts): This commentary worked many long hours to produce an impeccable associated fauna 36 Geranium 91 could not have been produced without the generous layout; Alan Bridgland used his colour-management aid of John Barkla, John Braggins, Allan Fife, David skills to make the photographs from so many sources OXALIDACEAE 92 Glenny, Rodney Lewington, Lorna Little, Janice Lord, into a cohesive collection. Finally, I’d like to thank Alan CONIFERS (gymnosperms) Oxalis 92 Pascale Michel, Aimee Pritchard, Graham Pritchard Mark for agreeing to rework the text of his earlier book PODOCARPACEAE 48 HALORAGACEAE 93 and Mike Thorsen. on alpine plants to be the basis of this wider field guide, Podocarpus, totara 48 Gonocarpus 93 Mandy Tocher (Lizards) wishes to warmly thank and for his good humour and diligence in dealing with Tony Jewell, Tony Whitaker and Rod Hitchmough numerous emails and phone calls. Lepidothamnus 49 ONAGRACEAE 94 PHYLLOCLADACEAE 50 Epilobium, willowherbs 94 Phyllocladus, celery pines 50 THYMELAEACEAE 104 Kelleria 104 First published in 2012 by Craig Potton Publishing Pimelea, native daphnes 107 FLOWERING PLANTS CORIARIACEAE 113 Craig Potton Publishing Visual key to easily recognised flowering-plant Coriara, tutu 113 98 Vickerman Street, PO Box 555, Nelson, New Zealand groups 52–55 www.craigpotton.co.nz PHYLLANTHACEAE 115 Poranthera 115 Text © Alan F. Mark and contributors as listed on p. 14; Dicotyledons: eudicots ROSACEAE 116 photographs © photographers as credited in captions RANUNCULACEAE 56 Acaena, bidibids, piripiri 116 ISBN 978 1 877333 52 1 Ranunculus, buttercups 56 Caltha 66 Geum 120 Publisher: Jane Connor Clematis 67 FABACEAE 122 Editorial: Jane Connor and Sue Hallas Anemone 67 Montigena, scree pea 122 Design and layout: Jane Connor and Karen Jones GUNNERACEAE 68 Carmichaelia, native brooms 122 Cover design: Chris Chisnall Gunnera 68 CELASTRACEAE 124 Colour management: Alan Bridgland Stackhousia 124 Maps: Geographx Front cover photograph: Hooker Vly, CP. Back cover (clockwise from top left: Kea, Dicotyledons: core eudicots ApIACEAE 125 RM, Lignocarpa carnosula, KJ; small-eared skink, TW; black butterfly, BP; Coprosma BRASSICACEAE 70 Actinotus 125 niphophila, JB; ground weta, BB; Ranunculus haastii, DP. Notothlaspi, penwipers 70 Schizeilema 125 Pachycladon 71 Chaerophyllum 128 Printed in China by Midas Printing International Ltd Cardamine, cress 74 Anisotome 128 VIOLACEAE 76 Gingidia 134 This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be Viola, violets 76 Lignocarpa 136 reproduced by any process without the permission of the publishers. Melicytus 76 Aciphylla, speargrasses, Spaniards 138 CONTENTS 5 ERICACEAE 152 STYLIDIACEAE 249 RESTIONACEAE 320 Botrychium 368 Gaultheria, snowberries 152 Donatia 249 Empodisma 320 Schizaea 368 Epacris 155 Phyllachne 250 CYPERACEAE 320 Hypolepis 368 Pentachondra 155 Oreostylidium 251 Isolepis 320 Ophioglossum 369 Montitega 156 Forstera 252 Schoenus 321 Polystichum 370 Androstoma 157 BORAGINACEAE 254 Carpha 322 Anogramma 370 Leucopogon 157 Myosotis, forget-me-nots 254 Oreobolus, cushion sedges 323 371 Acrothamnus 158 LENTIBULARIACEAE 263 Uncinia, hook grasses 324 Filmy ferns Hymenophyllum 371 Dracophyllum, grass trees 159 Utricularia, bladderworts 263 Carex 327 LOGANIACEAE 165 OROBANCHACEAE 264 POACEAE 331 Mosses & liverworts (John Steel) 372 Euphrasia, eyebrights 264 Agrostis 331 Mitrasacme 165 Mosses 373 PLANTAGINACEAE 270 Hierochloe, holy grasses 333 PRIMULACEAE 166 Liverworts 375 Myrsine 166 Plantago, plantains 270 Lachnagrostis, wind grasses 335 RUBIACEAE 167 Ourisia, mountain foxgloves 272 Zotovia 336 Lichens (David Galloway) 376 Coprosma 167 Chionohebe, snow hebes 278 Deyeuxia 337 Fungi (David Orlovich) 384 Nertera 171 Parahebe 280 Deschampsia 339 ASTERACEAE 172 Hebejeebie 284 Trisetum 340 Celmisia, mountain daisies 172 Hebe 286 Koeleria 341 BIRDS (Rod Morris) 389 Vittadinia 195 Leonohebe 300 Chionochloa, snow tussocks, snow grasses Brachyscome 195 342 (Mandy Tocher) 407 Lagenifera 197 Monocotyledons: monocots I Rytidosperma 350 LIZARDS Abrotanella 198 ASTELIACEAE 303 Poa 353 Geckos 408 Leptinella, button daisies 201 Astelia 303 Festuca, fescues 360 Skinks 416 Argyrotegium 206 XANTHORRHOEACEAE 306 Anthosachne 362 Euchiton 207 Bulbinella, Maori onion 306 Stenostachys 362 (Brian Patrick) 421 Pseudognaphalium 209 Phormium, flax 308 INVERTEBRATES Butterflies & moths 422 Raoulia, vegetable sheep, mat daisies 210 Herpolirion 309 CLUBMOSSES & FERNS, Haastia, vegetable sheep 218 ORCHIDACEAE 310 Grasshoppers & weta 429 Leucogenes, edelweiss 220 Aporostylis 310 MOSSES & LIVERWORTS, Cicadas & other bugs 433 Rachelia 221 Thelymitra, sun orchids 310 LICHENS & FUNGI Beetles 436 Helichrysum, everlasting daisies 222 Hymenochilus 311 Cockroaches 440 Anaphalioides, everlasting daisies 224 Stegostyla 312 Clubmosses 364 Flies 441 Craspedia, woolly heads, soldier’s buttons Prasophyllum 312 Huperzia 364 Aquatic insects 442 225 Waireia 313 Lycopodium 364 Spiders (Cor Vink) 447 Taraxacum, dandelion 226 True ferns 366 Monocotyledons: monocots II– Kirkianella 226 Cystopteris 366 Notes & references 449 Ozothamnus 228 commelinids Blechnum 366 Glossary 451 Senecio 229 JUNCACEAE 314 Gleichenia 367 Further reading 453 Brachyglottis 230 Rostkovia 314 Grammitis 367 Index 454 Dolichoglottis, snow marguerites 233 Juncus, dwarf rushes 314 GENTIANACEAE 235 Marsippospermum 315 Gentianella, gentians 235 Luzula, woodrushes 316 CAmpANULACEAE 244 CENTROLEPIDACEAE 319 Wahlenbergia, harebells 244 Centrolepis 319 Lobelia 246 Gaimardia 319 6 CONTENTS CONTENTS 7 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF PLANT GENERA Leucopogon 157 Poa 353 Lignocarpa 136 Podocarpus, totara 48 Lobelia 246 Polystichum 370 Note: this list does not include mosses, Dolichoglottis, snow marguerites 233 Luzula, woodrushes 316 Poranthera 115 liverworts, lichens and fungi. Donatia 249 Lycopodium 364 Prasophyllum 312 Dracophyllum, grass trees 159 Marsippospermum 315 Pseudognaphalium 209 Abrotanella 198 Drosera, sundews 78 Melicytus 76 Rachelia 221 Acaena, bidibids, piripiri 116 Empodisma 320 Mitrasacme 165 Ranunculus, buttercups 56 Aciphylla, speargrasses, Spaniards 138 Epacris 155 Montia 87 Raoulia, vegetable sheep, mat daisies 210 Acrothamnus 158 Epilobium, willow herbs 94 Montigena, scree pea 122 Rostkovia 314 Actinotus 125 Euchiton 207 Montitega 156 Rytidosperma 350 Agrostis 331 Euphrasia, eyebrights 264 Muehlenbeckia 90 Schizaea 368 Anaphalioides, everlasting daisies 224 Festuca, fescues 360 Myosotis, forget-me-nots 254 Schizeilema 125 Androstoma 157 Forstera 252 Myrsine 166 Schoenus 321 Anemone 67 Gaimardia 319 Nertera 171 Scleranthus 83 Anisotome 128 Gaultheria, snowberries 152 Notothlaspi, penwipers 70 Senecio 229 Anogramma 370 Gentianella, gentians 235 Ophioglossum 369 Stackhousia 124 Anthosachne 362 Geranium 91 Oreobolus, cushion sedges 323 Stegostyla 312 Aporostylis 310 Geum 120 Oreostylidium 251 Stellaria 84 Argyrotegium 206 Gingidia 134 Ourisia, mountain foxgloves 272 Stenostachys 362 Astelia 303 Gleichenia 367 Oxalis 92 Taraxacum, dandelion 226 Blechnum 366 Gonocarpus 93 Ozothamnus 228 Thelymitra, sun orchids 310 Botrychium 368 Grammitis 367 Pachycladon 71 Trisetum 340 Brachyglottis 230 Gunnera 68 Parahebe 280
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