Scouting Nederland -~------- ----- ---- - - August 1 - 11 . 1995 July 31 - August 9. 1 9 37 Philately has told the story of Netherlands scouting from the earliest scout camp to the 5th and the 18th World Jamboree for which Scouting Nederland was host. As a prominent youth organization Scouting Nederland has 85,000 boy and girl members with 15,000 adult leaders. / "/ .. "_.- ._ ......... ····,1 , .. July 29, 1913 - The first Boy Scout encampment (July 24-31) with international participation, me t near t he port city of Ijmuiden near Amsterdam. Card Addressed to a school friend in Amsterdam. No messa ge but a picture postcard of the port. Wooden stamp : Padfinders Kamp: Boy Scout Camp. Scouting Nederland To advertise the ev ent. Vy~ adres ~ _ ~ WccnClIk & Su()l, n 11ulIg. liS' n07. NU!lruk vc.rhodCIl. HKO - From the encampment. The National Boy Scout encampment held in August 1932 is the first evidence of scout ing activity recognized by an official cancellation in the Netherlands specificall y advert ising the event . More than 3000 scouts attended and were greeted and asked by B- P on August 7, to host the 1937 World Jamboree. Scouting Nederland Issued on 1 April 1937 - and valid for postage 31 December 1937 He g i stered . HUMEGEH RH m. Mr . Ma rcelein e £dger ~as t Erie ~t r ee t 218 A 1 b i on (~ i chig 8 n) U . S • .1,. i.tov The 5th World Jamboree was held at Bloemendaal- vogelenzang (Flower area, Bird song) near Haarlem, in the western part of the Netherlands, just south of Amsterdam, from 31 July to 9 August 1937 . These stamps were issued to help publicize the event . More than 29 , 000 scouts from 54 countries attended. Scouting Nederland Issued in connection with the BOY SCOUT JAMBOREE at Vogelenzang (Holland) ~.l~.S.~ Ill... '3..1; ct. t FIRST D J',Y OF ISSUE APRIL 1st -::".T ~ C1"V'y 1937 l/oo.. W · OS.D... Hand placed c a ncel Issued in connection with the BOY SCOUT JAMBOREE at V ogelenzallg (Holl ,'n~L _ _ FIRST DAY OF ISSUE APRIL lst 1937 Roller-cancellation Issued on April 1, 1937 and valid for postage through 31 December 1937 - mor e tha n 14 million stamps of the first two denominations, and almost 4 million of the 12-1/ 2c were sold . Stamps were meant t o pUblicize the wo rld jamboree. Private cover prepared by S. J. Sluis shows obsolete motto of "Waakt" - Be Alert; Netherlands scouting, adopted " Weest Paraat" - Be ·Prepared, sev eral years before the Jamboree. Scouting Nederland .' . ' . .....· .. .... ... · . .. ..' ... .... I Commercial usage of the Jamboree stamps was encouraged and helped promote the Jamboree, at home and abroad. Large amounts of stamps were bought by many firms who in turn perforated the stamps (perfin) with company initials. ~.dr., . .. h @(0 weCll~nk50 .. 1, en hn.7 • ~, . dmk -vcrbodl'u. Further commercial usage of Jamboree stamps . Scouting Nederland / May 1937/ usage of the Jamboree stamp Jamboree stamps as used in May 1937 on a cover postmarked Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and addressed to a Mrs . Lewis in Brooklyn, New York (city). This cover, dated 1 May , 1937/ was carried across the At lantic ocean by the famous Hindenbu rg hydrogen fi l led airship LZ 129 / which crashed upon landing at Lakehurst , New Jersey, on 7 May, 1937. The U.S. post office salvaged mail and delivered what was left of a letter in sealed wrappers. According t o post office records, t his let ter was signed for and was delivered t o t he addressee . Scouting Nederland AA N TE EK E N E N . ERELD JAMBORE BLO EMENO AA L· R '10 0~E~,. ENZA N G M;r-.D. J .• Seege r s J r., r 759 Chrysantens traat 51, H I L V E n ~ U M • Abender Ho l land A special Jamboree post office, based on the experience gained at the 1933 World Jamboree, Goldolo, Hungary, was established and put into service on July 19th and closed August 14th, 1937. Jamboree stickers, four special cancellations (nos 1, 2, 3, and 4), and the three special stamps made up the philatelic items at this Jamboree. '!forld Janboree :per luchtpost naar Paris Mr . Ch. Dro;i;n , Boul. des Arenes N e r is les Bains Allier France Scouting Nederland T. BRIEFKAART • . - A!Zend;;=:l.\::../ 0- ' #3 ... Mail from the Jamboree . .. "Dear Grandmother .. yesterday the Jamboree closed ... foreign contingents are sightseeing ... #4 . Specially prepared at the stamp stand 14 with the official label advertising "Please visit the Jamboree" - IIU komt" campaign. Scouting Nederland Contingent mail into the Jamboree sub-camp 9 (there were nine such camps each accommodating about 2500 scouts and leaders.) During the course of the Jamboree 573,000 pieces of mail were Bent and 320,000 were received thru this Post Office building erected for the event. Scouting Nederland ROM AT THE "Green-Bar-Bill", (William Hillcourt, BSA) has sent mail from every Jamboree he attended. His friendly message is available to scouts from the USA delegation at the 5th World Jamboree to send home. Scouting Nederland Netherlands East Indies (present day Indonesia), at the time of the 5th World Jamboree a possession of the Netherlands, sent a large delegation to the Vogelenzang Jamboree with funds raised from the semi-postals shown here. While not depicted on the stamps the 12- 1/ 2c stamp cost 15c and the 7-1/ 2c stamp was sold for 10c from 1 May - 9 June, 1937, valid for postage at face value until 31 December 1938. Trial color proofs in brown , blue, red , grey and orange were discarded and the selected issues were (rose)carmine and sepia (brown). Some 340 , 000 of t he 7- 1/2c s t amp were sold and 504,934 of the 12- 1/ 2c stamp . Scouting Nederland 1 Ma y, 1937 OF SYD"E ... Ltrl..- ..; L '3 0 U .( cc I) ----------------------- ( AU"ITR ILIA. ( 11 II tral1e ) _DX j _'CI \l :::GRA J ND~ " · "I- .. S. Reicbgut, 1300 Spring Road, N. W., FIFST DAY COVER Weshington. D. C., U. S. A. Hand cancel and roller cancel representation of the two stamps issued by the Netherlands Indies to promote the Jamboree, raise funds to send a contingent to the Jamboree and allow the stamps to be sold for a year after without the surcharge. Scouting Nederland ~/ o i~ J y [-..A . (.f of,e~ f [ NEDERLA'DSCHE A~~-",- (? HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPIJ, N.V. - FA CTdRIJ BATAVIA. "Keop Jamboree Zegels ll or "Buy Jamboree Stamps" slogan - to promote Jamboree stamp use. A surcharge was collected to help finance attendance by scouts from there. EERSTE VLUCHT Amsterdam- Batavia Den Heer G, Th oolen p!a Den Weld tleer H. A. Klerks Laan Trivelli 71 Bat a v i a A well known name in philately, G. Thoolen, requested first flight processing, with the return of the cachet via a correspondent. Scouting Nederland "essrs . J!uers t B:ccs . L Go. L t d ., 17 l?hilpc t LQ.n e , L O NDON 1. .(;. 3 . CANTZLAAR 8< SCHALKWIJK H EEI-1 RAADSSINGEL 193 ROTTERDAI-1·C. K 20115 During a few days in 1945, at the end of the World War II, Netherlands' scouts organized courier service in the southern part of the country as the German occupiers were driven out by US and Canadian forces. This letter was carried from Rotterdam to Breda where it received stamps and was sent to England via regular post. ~\ I , BRITISH LO N • POSTAL 1 STRIKE Ie / 197 1 r j Ir. Phillipp Kunn.r , B Alkoshl Strg.~. T.1 Aviv. ISRAEL A replica of the Israel scout stamp was used during the British postal strike, sent to the Netherlands by private carrier and sent on to Israel via regular post from the Netherlands. Scouting Nederland - 'NE I ~~~ ~-,h~ : ETJ. Dawson : 93 New l'lontgo.~ery btr. , SAN "'RAilCISCO ~'~n CdHornia USA THE IlCTERNATIONAL FIRST DAY COVER SERVICE A semi-postal issued to raise funds for social welfare and cultural activities including scouting . A May 2 , 1949 first day valid for postage through June 25 , 1949. abo NE'tierlanC! ~ r . ( L w l ( st. GEWEST HAAGSE RANDSTAD PB1t75 ( S1l LEft +. au SU\SS\Q\e ~7-7. I- DE m:ER L. 130,:;;)\., C:. j GL 2-9 RL \-iNTON Wt::S~ELS BROERSVES'r 70 C ,SCH I EDAt-l ICOUTInG nEOERlAno gewe.lt haag.te rand.ItQd secr. riouwstraat 66 den haag Scouting Nederland is the modern name for the combined boy and girl organization, host to the 18th World Jamboree in 1995. 18th World Jamboree Scouting Nederland Ftevoland 1-11 August, 1995 22,840 scouts from over 100 countries World Seoul Bureau Bureau mondial du Scoulisme Netherlands stamp Oficina Seoul Mundial showing a Belgian scout - First Day Geneva - Geneve - Ginebra June 6, 1995 Labels and official Jamboree Cachet ~ Rubber stamp ~ Vl ::J >-- Vl ::J 4 / '::- / Note 10 the Bearer ::::::,;...... The o nl y purpose of this Leiter of Inlroductio ,..;: identify yourself 10 fellow Scouts in count Cy 'f special privileges. including any enlillemen ; -- your trip, you may wish to colle1:1 signalu[ ~ ~ ,:;: I Remarque au porteur cy ~ Celie Icltre de recornm anda\lon sert Jet "-:;: compagnons scouts des pays qu'il visiat t / vileges particuli crs ni fl l' hcbergement J--1( Y V ,-~'" hallerez peuI..e lre recol lcr des signal ~ NOla al Porlador .;..,~ EI unico objelivo de eSla /-b ~ / dad de idenlifie'Hse a lo~ herr ,- vislle. No confiere ningun pril ~ ,- pilalidad. (COIllO un recuer<jl ~ malascllos $cOUIS en eS la 1& j ~ ~II~ ~- M' (3) fv tvr<>- j .
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