System of Ophthalmology

System of Ophthalmology

ZOOLOGICAL GLOSSARY The figures in bold face indicate the number of a page containing an illustration in the text; those in italics indicate the number of a page showing a marginal illustration. Ablepharus. Skink: a reptile of the lizard family. AcANTHEPHYKA. Deep -sea shrimp: decapod crustacean. ACARiNA. An order of Arachnida, many of them minute and parasitic (mites, ticks). AccipiTER. Sparrow-hawk: bird-of-prey (Falconiformes). AcEREMOMo.v. Wingless, eyeless insect: Protura, 218. AcHiAS ROTHScHiLDi. Stalk-oyed fly: dipterous insect, 223. AcHOLOE. Scale-worm: free-swimming polychsete worm. Acinus. Water-beetle: coleopterous insect. AciPEXSER. Sturgeon, sterlet: chondrostean fish, 317, ACNIDARIA. Sub-phylum of non-stinging coelenterates, comprising the ctenophora. AcRiDA. Short-horn grasshopper: an orthopterous insect (Acrididse). Acrobat ES. Flying phalanger: marsupial. AciixiA. Sea-anemone: coelenterate (Anthozoa). Aedes. Mosquito: dipterous insect. ^OA. A crustacean (Isopoda). ASoLixA PRincA. Trilobite: extinct arthropod, 157 ^scH.\A. Dragonfly: insect (Odonata), 222, 225 AoAMA AOAMA. Agamid lizard: a lacertilian reptile, 359 Agaricus olearius. Limiinous fungus. the AONATHA. Class of jawless pre-fishes : the earliest vertebrates, represented today only by Cyclostomata. Ah.etulla PICTa. Painted tree snake: a colubrid snake. AiLUROPODA MELANOLEUCA. Giant panda: carnivore (Procyonidae). AiLURUs FULGENS. Panda: carnivore (Procyonidae). Alaurina prolifera. Pelagic Rhabdoccele: turbellarian worm. Albvrnus. Teleostean fish (Cyprinidse). A. LVciDus. The bleak. Alcedo. Kingfisher: Coraciiformes, 417 ALCiD.'E. The auk family of birds. Alcwpa. Free-swimming polychsete worm. Alligator. Reptile, crocodilian. Allolobophora. OHgochsete worm. Alouatta. Howling monkey: Primate (Cebidse). Alytes obstetricaas. Obstetric toad: anuran amphibian. Amblyomua pomposum. Tick: Acarina (Ixodides), 217 Amblyopsis. American cave-fish: teleostean fish. Amblyrhynchus cristatus. Marine iguanid lizard of Galapagos Islands : Reptile. Ambysioma tigrixum. N. American terrestrial salamander : vn-odelan amphibian, 346. Ameiurus. Bullhead cat-fish: siluroid teleost, 307 Amia calva. Bowfin of N. America: holostean fish, 321 AMMOCCETES. Larva of lamprey : cyclostome, 92 Ammomaxes. Desert lark: passerine bird. Ammophila. Digger wasp: insect (Hymenoptera). Amceba PROTEUS. Protozoon (Rhizopod), 179 Amphioxus (Bra.s-chiostoma). Lancelet: a protochordate (Cephalochordate), 229. Amphiporus. Nemertine worm, 189 punctata. Legless blind subterranean lizard: Reptile. Amphitretus. Pelagic octopus; oephalopod mollusc, 203 Amphiuma. " Congo snake " or blind-eel, a salamander: urodelan amphibian, 349 756 ZOOLOGICAL GLOSSARY 757 AyABAS scAyDEXs. Climbing perch: an amphibious teleostean fish. AyABLEPS TETROPBTHALMUs. " Four-eyed " fish: a cyprinodont teleostean fish, 325 ANATID^. Family of birds, comprising swans, geese, ducks. AyAX. Dragonfly: insect (Odonata). AycALA FASciATA. Gadfly: dipterous insect (Tabanidse). Ayoi'iLLA. Common genus of eel: teleostean fish, 46 Ayoris fragjlis. Slow-worm: legless lizard, reptile, 363 Ay1 ELL A. Worm-lizard: Reptile. ANNELIDA. The phylum of segmented worms, comprising Oligochsetes, Polychsetes, Leeches. AyoDoyTA. Eyeless swan-mussel: fresh-water bivalve mollusc, 2(?i A-'\^i'>< American " chameleon ", iguanid lizard: Reptile, 361 AyoMALOPS KATOPTRos. Lumiuous fish: teleost (sea-bass family). AyoPHELES. Malaria-carrying mosquito: dipterous insect. AyoPHTHALMi!i. Blind cavernicolous beetle: coleopterous insect. ANOPLURA. Order of in.sects (wingless lice, parasitic on mammals). AyoPTicHTHYg joRDAXi. Blind Mexican cave-fish: teleost. AysER. Goose: Anseriformes (Anatidse). ANSERIFORMES. Order of birds, comprising (mainly) the Anatidae. AyTHOLOBA. Sea-anemone: coelenterate (Anthozoa). ANTHOZOA. Class of ccelcntcrates comprising sea-anemones and corals (" flower animals "). AyiHROBiA. Eyeless cave-spider: arachnid (Araneida). ANTHROPOiDEA. Sub-ordcr of Primates, comprising monkeys, apes and man. AyriLOCAFRA. Pronghorn: a ruminant similar to antelope. ANURA. Order of tail-less amphibians (frogs, toads). APHANiPTERA. An Order of insects comprising the wingless, blcod-sucking fleas. Aphis roRBEffi. Strawberry root louse: hemipterous insect. Aphrophora spcmaria. Frog-hopper or spittle-insect : hemipterous insect. APHroyus. Blind deep-sea teleostean fish. Apjs. Honey-bee: hymenopterous insect, 5S Aplocheilichthts rubrostigma. Killifish: cyprinodont teleostean fish. APODA. Csecilians : an order of worm-like, subterranean amphibians. Apodemvs. Field-mouse: a rodent (Muridte). Aptertx. Kiwi: flightless New Zealand bird (Ratitse), 398 Apus (Triors). Fresh-water crustacean (Branchiopod), 208 ARACHNID.^.. Class of artliropods, comprising spiders, scorpions, king-crabs, etc. ARANEIDA. Order of Arachnida, comprising spiders. ARAyECs DiADEiiATUs. Common garden spider: arachnid (Araneida), 214 ArcA. Noah's ark shell: bivalve mollusc. ARCHiANXELiDA. Class of marine segmented worms (e.g., Dinophilus). Archistoma besselsi. Springtail: primitive wingless insect (Collembola). Arctocebus. Agwantibo: nocturnal lemuroid (Primate). Ardea. Heron (Ciconiiformes), 404. AREyicoLA MARiyA. Lob-worm: burrowing polychsete worm, 190 Aroyropelecus. Hatchet fish: deep-sea luminoas teleostean fish, 322 Ariolimax. Slug: gastropod mollusc (Pulmonate). Arisielliger. Gecko : reptile of the lizard family. Aristeomorpha. Shrimp: decapod crustacean. Armadillidium. Pill-bug, a terrestrial woodlouse: crustacean (Isopoda), 4-5 Artemia. Brine-shrimp: crustacean (Branchiopod), 207 ARTHROPODA. Phylum of invertebrates, coniprising Onychoj)hora, Crustacea, Myriapoda, Aj-achnida, Insecta. ARTioDACTYLA. Order of placentals, comprising pig, camel, deer, etc. AscARis. Parasitic round worm: nematode, 190 AsciDTA. Sea-squirt: protochordate (Tunicate), 228 AsELLCs. Blind fresh-water louse: crustacean (IsojDoda), 207 Asio. Long-eared owl: Strigidae. AsPLAycHyA. A genus of rotifer. AsTACus. Crayfish: decapod crustacean, 164 758 ZOOLOGICAL GLOSSARY AsTERiAS. Starfish: an echinoderm (Asteroidea), 185 ASTEBOIDEA. Class of Echiiiodermata, comprising starfishes. AsTROScoPUS. Stargazer: teleostean fish, 751 AsTUR PALUMBARius. Goshawk: bird-of-prey (Falconiformes), 403 Ateles. Spider monkey of S. America: Primate (Cebidse), 689 ATHERiyA. Silverside: teleostean fish, 617 AuRELiA. Common jellyfish: a coelenterate (Scyphozoa), 183 AvsTROLETBOPs. Goby fish : teleostean fish. AvicuLA. Pearl oyster: bivalve mollusc, 200 BalmsA. Right-whale: a cetacean. Bal.esoptera. Blue whale: the largest cetacean, 444. Balasoglossvs. Acorn worm : a protochordate (Hemichordate), 227 Balasvs. Acorn-shell: a crustacean (Cirripede), 209 Balistes. File-fish (trigger-fish): a teleostean fish. Baratbronvs. a deep-sea teleostean fish. Barbatula. a fresh-water teleostean fish. Bathothauma. Deep-sea squid: a cephalopod mollusc, 203 Bathygobius. Goby fish: a teleostean fish. Bathtlaqvs benedict I. Deep-sea salmonid: a teleostean fish, 310 Bathypterois. Feeler-fish: a deep-sea teleostean fish. Bathytevthis. Deep-sea octopod: a cephalopod mollusc. Bathytroctes. a deep-sea teleostean fish. BATOiDEi. Sub-order of flat selachians (skate, ray). Bdellostoma. Slime hag: a cyclostome. Belidevs scivreus. a squirrel-like phalanger: marsupial (Phalangeridte). Belose. Needle-fish (garfish): a teleostean fish. Besoalichthys. Deep-sea ray: a bat oid selachian Be.xthobatis. Deep-sea ray: a batoid selachian fish. Beryx. a deep-sea teleostean fish, 303 Betta pvaxAX or spies dexs. Siamese fighting fish: a teleostean fish, 84 BiBio MARci. April fly: a dipterous insect. BiTis ARiETASft. African puff adder : a snake of the viper family, 392 BIVALVES (Lamellibranchs). Class of molluscs, comprising the shell-fish (clam, cockle, mussel). Blattella oermamca. German cockroach: insect (Orthoptera). Blatta oriestalis. Common cockroach, black beetle: insect (Orthoptera), 34 BiEsyivs. Blenny: a teleostean fish, 310 BOID^.. Family of snakes, comprising boas, pythons, etc. Bold A DEyDROPjjiLA. Black-and-gold tree-snake (Mangrove snake) : Opisthoglyph. BoLiTOTHEBVs coRxuTus. A spccics of beetle: insect (Coleoptera). BoMBixATOR {Bombixa) loyEi's. Fire-bcllied toad: an anuran, 339 BoMBTs. Bumble-bee: a hymenopterous insect, 219 BoMBYLirs. Bee-fly: a dipterous insect, 219 BoMBYx. Silk-moth: a lepidopterous insect. BoRODisuLA iXFAys. Snipc-eel: a deep-sea teleostean fish, 679 Bos TAURUS. European domestic cattle (ox, cow): Ruminants (Bovidse). BoTAURUs. Bittern: a bird of the heron family, 685 BorroAixriLLBA. Hydroid colony: a coelenterate (Hydrozoa). BOViD^. Family of imgulates, comprising ox, sheep, goat, etc. Box. Sea-bream: a teleostean fish. BRACHIOPODA. Lamp-shells : a phylum of Invertebrata. Bradypus tridactylus. Three-toed sloth: Xenarthra (Bradypodidse). Braschelliox. Leech: an annelid (Hirudinea), 193 Braxchiomma tesiculosum. A marine tubicolous polychaete worm, 192 Braxchioxus. a genus of rotifer. BBANCHIOPODA. An Order of crustaceans, comprising Phyllopoda and Cladocera. Bubo. Eagle-owl: Strigida?, 422, 606 B. ASCALAPHUS. Savigny's eagle owl. ZOOLOGICAL GLOSSARY 759 Bvso LACTEDs. Milky eagle-owl. B. oBiEyTALis. Oriental eagle-owl. BuccixuM. Common whelk (buckie): gastropod mollusc, 197 BUFO. Common genus of toad: an anuran amphibian (Bufonidse), 341 B. AREyARVM S. American toad. B. BUFO. Common toad. B, MABiyus. Giant toad. B. yiRiDis. Green toad. BvGULA. Sea-mat; colonial Polyzoon, 46 BvTEO BCTEO. Buzzard: a bird-of-prey (Falconiformes),

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