News Service <AtCambridge 'Since 1881 - 1 91Massachusetts| Volume 103, Number 35 EL Friday, September 16, 1983| Cearin house otal -· s-h - - -_u -rlu Luarh· ------ I -L------- showus rush fel Short I FC Rush Chairman Maimqone termsffigures 7meaningless"^ By Robert E. lMalchman Final Clearinghouse statistics Clearinghouse "Swould be a warn- --ivsE show a 1983 fraternity rush pledge goal of 418 new students, 33 students more than Inter-Fra- ternity Council JIFC) Rushl bu he would npot |say of wha it Chairman William T. Mairnone '84 claimed as the council's goal, and 32 more than the number of students actually pledging frater- nities. Final Clearinghouse rush tally, kv '8.The independent living group, page 2. numbersol flgivden Thtastoocrta os t esnoee oHavr yasoeo - Clerinhase turn etimepa e pre The Clearinghouse numbers are "meani ngless," Maimone said. "Rush chairmen gave the wrong numbers to Clearing- goal ande-got~i them, serie l its house, not the numbers I gave >by P. Paul Hsu them," he said. Clearinghouse Chairman Mi- chael J. Repeta '84 could not be reached for comment. Maimone said he developed figures based on how many resi- dents were leaving each house, By Richard Mlynarik schedules, making slides and gen- job . ..We could have done a eye towards profits - they're and how many he expected The Lecture Series Committee erally running the movies as- a [poor] job, but felt it was better low-cost movies with low atten- would live in each house. (LSC) will not show a Classics whole -which includes knowing that we didn't do it at all." dances," but he denied that prof- Maimone and IFC Chairman Series this term. The series has how to project whenl necessary." The series, formerly shown on itability had any influence on John F. Piotti '83 told the Office shown older films, largely of The classics director holds his Friday nights, was established by LSC's decision to suspend the se- of the Dean for Student Affairs some artistic or historical signifi position for one term, DaCosta LSC "more or less as a favor to ries. in a pre-Rush discu ssion that the cance. said. The spring term director is the Dean's Office" when the MIT DaCosta noted the lack of a IFC sought between 380 and 410 Leo DaCosta '82, LSC chair- elected at the annual LSC elec- Film Society folded in spring of series director is due to a lack of new members, -said Robert A. man, said the series 'was canceled tions, which occur in the fall, 1978, DaCosta said. either availability or competence. Sherwood. associate dean for stu- because he felt nobody was quali- while thie fall director is appoint- The Classics Series was "never He refused to comment on hzow dent affairs. fied to -direct the series. -The di- ed by the chairman. meant to be a burden on the rest possible candidates for the posi- Obtaining 410 pledges was an rector, he explained, is responsi- "This year," DaCosta said, of the Committee's activities, he tion were underqualified, saying "unrealistic" goal, Sherwvood ble for "picking the movies al- "'there just wasn't anyone avail- said, adding that it is not appro- that "'I don't think anything said. mcsst single-handedly, printing able who I thought could do the priate that LSC members in- needs to be said about that." volved in other film series be- DaCosta expressed hope, how- come involved in the Classics Se- ever, that the Classics series will Stiudent ICenter comrn itee ries "at the expense of [their] return next term."We should be other jobs." able to find someone [to be direc- There are mnixed feelings about tor].- His advice to "anyone ap- to resent &Xrated ovie@ the position of the Classic Series palled or otherwise discouraged" By Burt S. Kaliski sion, she said. the event. within LSC, DaCosta noted. "We by the cancellation is to join The Student Center Committee The Dean's Off-ice may need to The Student Center Committee don't look at these films with an LSC. announced it will show the X- hold another foru m on pornogra- "considers things like audience" rated film '"Ermanuelle"' as its phy, NIcBay said. Attendance at a when selecting midnight movies, Record weekly midnight movie tomorrow, May 10 forum, featuring the doc- Johnston said. ". .. making sure nunnber views night. umentary "Not a Love Story"' we don't conflict with LSC s au- Dean for Studenlt Affairs Shir- and a panel discussion on por- dience so we don't get LSC registration day rnovie ley M. McBay said she is "disap- nography nearly filled K resge mad." movie in Kresge, according to the pointed" the committee decided Auditorium. By Kevin D. Hurst and Amy Austin Lecture Series Committee. to show the film. "We're going to The Dean's Office and the Lec- His committee will require While protests and demonstra-e proof A record 211714 students attend- be surrounded by pornography," ture Series Committee (LSC) of age at the movie, John- tioans have accompanied previous she said. sponsored the forum to obtai n ston said, in an effort to be "car- ed the Monday night showing of the pornographic film, "Take campus showings of pornograph- Although the committee decid- "some indication of community eflul" about admitting students ic films, this week's Off," this year's registration day screenings ed last fall not to show "triple- standards, McBay said before under 18 to the film. saw none. Support for the X-rat- X" movi es, it will show "6Em- ed movie remained high among manuelle",- because the film is many students despite the contro- " soft porn ... as compared to versy last spring over the planned . hard core,"' according to Mark presentation of "'Deep Throat." Johnston '84, the committee's "It's a good tradition , said summer chairman. James T. Someren '86. "No one The Student Center Committee really takes it seriously. The aludl- has presented free weekly mid- ence looks at it as Li jke." night movsies, generally in the "After seing the movie here," Sala de Puerto Rico, for several explained Scott S. Lawton '86. years. SCC last showed an X-rat- I'ou realize how stupid it is and ed film, i'Hardcore," in May . lose interest. It isn't like sneakinp- The issues surrounding the down to the combat zone for showing of a pornographic mov- hard-core porn flicks. It's just a ie, McBav said, are the same hack."' whether th sponsor is the-MIT The movie was the first expo- I Lecture Series Committee, the sure mnanv freshmen hald to such Student Center Committee, or sexually explicit material, An at- any other group on campus, titude of mild interest, rather McBay said. - than a yearning for smult, seemed "I can't imagine 2600 people to be prevail among students. going to"d the Lecture Series Held] Sosik '87 said while Committee's registration day waiting to see the film, "I'm go- showing of "Take Off," McBav tD .. ,..S ing -lo see it out of curiosity, just said. It appears a segment of the A X i:~~~~~~~~~~Ato see what it's like. I can always MIT population needs and wants walk out." pornographic entertainment, she Some students, however. did 4aid. have objections. "Films of this The Institute will not forbid type affect people subconscious- any group to show an X-rated ly,'" said Audrey A. Dow '84. "I film, McBay added. But those would not protest it, but there is Tech photo by Omar students opposing the films S. Valerio more danger in thlis than most The MIT Football Club will begin its season at home tomorrow afternoon against Stonehill. (Story, should not remain silent, and inx- people realize." .stead hope for continued discus- page 12.) ~-------- -- -YI_ _-· I IC_----_ I __qCC (Please turn to page 6) _ - -- _1- 111i I_ PAGE 2 The Tech FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1983_ s CLPeB 9--a bc b. Sherwood, IFC off~~~~~~~~~~~~~~icia MIT STUDENT ART- ASSOCIATION New fr fall: disputew lite r l Iol * Student fees have been lowered a All students can attend anv first class meeting free lk * All students can have free unlimited access to Drawing Studio for Art-related activities (Continued from page 1) chairman. "Fifteen was our tar- Phi Beta Epsilon- 10 pledgess So Register N\ow for: get and we achieved it." is for a full, uncrowded house, he and a coal of 12-are "Ssort off CeramicsoPhotography-Drawing*Etching-Chinese Brush Painting said. "Houses don't deal with exact correct," said Forrest J. ThiessenI -PrintmakeingePaintingeStained GlasseSilkscreen*X\MatercoloreStudio Use Pi Lambda Phi met its listed '84, house rush chairman. "'We(11 numbers,"' Mairnone asserted. Classes start the week oaf goal of 12 pledges, according were originally shooting for 12, Sept. 19 to "There's no perfect number." Student Center, Rm.429 Keith I. Tognoni '84, house presi- which would have completely 9amr-5pm MIT x3-7019 dent. "We're full to normal li- Beta Theta Pi (BTP) gave filled the house,"' but would nott mits." Clearinghouse a pledge goal of have overcrowded it. Alpha Tau Omega's listed tar- 14. Mairnone said BTP, his ''We revised our estimate Join us get of 15 pledges had "ione over- house, hoped for between II and downwards after rush," ThiessenI 14 pledges. "The 13 we got was said, ".. because our A crowd, but we were shooting for financialI Iq that because [a fraternity broth- within that range so we are hap- situation was OK with 1C in the er] is graduating in January," said py.
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