Index Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale, 146- Akathisia (cont.) 149 symptom, 140 Absorption of drugs, 14-15 treatment of, 140-141 elderly and, 320-321 Akinesia, elderly, 328; see also Parkinson's Abstinence syndrome syndrome in alcohol abuse, 272-274 Akineton®: see Biperiden in cocaine abuse, 281 Alanon, 278, 279 major, 274 Alateen, 278, 279 minor, 272-273 Alcohol in psychoactive substance use disorders , 244 dependence, 269 self-treatment, 273 pharmacology, 268-269 Acetylcholine, 334 tolerance, 269 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome: see Alcohol abuse, 267-279 AIDS abstinence syndrome, 272-274 Acute dystonie reactions, 138-139 acute intoxieation, 270-271 antipsychotic drugs and, 138-139 alcoholic hallucinosis, 272-273, 275 diagnosis of, 138 alcohol idiosyncratic intoxication, 270-271 mechanism in, 139 behavioral treatment, 277-278 symptoms, 138 chronie intoxication, 271-272 treatment of, 139 definition of, 268 Adalat®: see Nifedipine delirium tremens, 274 Addiction: see Psychoactive substance use disor­ disease related to, 272 ders; Substance abuse disulfirarn treatment, 275-277 Adolescents fetal alcohol syndrome, 272 affective disorders, 373-374 halfway houses, 279 sleep disorders, 379, 380 insomnia and, 224 Adult Children of Alcoholics, 279 nervous system effects, 271 Aerosols: see Inhalants panic disorder and, 187 Affective disorders, children, 360, 373-374; see patterns of drinking in, 268 also Bipolar affective disorder; Depression postwithdrawal syndrome, 273 Aggression, children, 356, 361, 362 psychotherapy, 278 Agoraphobia, 187 psychotropic drug treatment, 277 Agranulocytosis risk factors in, 268 antidepressants, 44 self-help groups, 278-279 antipsychotic drugs, 161 withdrawal syndrome, 272-274 AIDS, opioid addiction and, 252, 253 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 278, 283 Akathisia, 140-141 Alcoholism: see Alcohol abuse antipsychotie drugs and, 140 Aldactone®: see Spironolactone children, 355, 374 Aldomet®: see Methyldopa elderly, 328 Aliphatic, 134 487 488 Index Cl l acid glycoprotein (AAGP) binding, 321 Antianxiety drugs (cont.) Cl-blockers, 68 generalized anxiety, 210-215 Alprazolam, 5, 40,191,196,206,208-209, obsessive compulsive disorder, 215 260, 335, 358, 399, 471; see also panic attacks, 207-210 Benzodiazepines patient evaluation, 206-207 Amantadine, 140, 143, 283, 355 phobic disorder, 210 Amiloride, 106 posttraumatic stress disorder, 215-216 Aminophylline, 110 propanediols, 203 Amitriptyline, 40, 62, 64, 75, 158,237,325, substance abuser and, 197, 215 327, 336, 349, 394, 427, 435, 447, 448 Antiarrhythmic activity, antidepressants, 47 Amobarbital, 202, 231, 259 Anticholinergic effects, 135, 139, 140, 143, Amotivational syndrome, marijuana abuse, 305 145, 151, 152, 155-156, 158 Amoxapine, 38, 42, 43, 50, 63, 64, 133, 349, anticholinesterase therapy, 59-60 435; see also Antidepressants antidepressants, 43, 49, 59-60 Amphetamine abuse antiparkinson drugs, 140, 142-143 acute intoxication, 286-287 drugs and elderly, 327, 330 management of toxicity, 286-287 Anticonvulsants, 273-274, 333; see also Car­ patterns of, 285 bamazepine; Phenobarbital; Phenytoin; psychosis induced by, 287 Primidone withdrawal syndrome, 285, 287 adverse effects, 363, 364 Amphetamines, 68, 283-287, 341, 344, 345, children, 362-365 347,435 concomitant use, 364 chemical structure, 284 control of interictal behavior syndrome, 433 crystal, 285 guidelines for use, 432 dependence, 284-285 for nonepileptic conditions, 433-434 derivatives, 284 for psychosis, 433 effects of, 284 seizure disorders, 432-434 IV use, 285 Antidepressants, see also Cyclic antidepressants medical uses of, 285 anorexia nervosa, 445-446, 451-453 pharmacology, 284 anxiety, 205, 207-209, 215 tolerance, 284-285, 286 bipolar disorder, 118 Amytal®: see Amobarbital borderline disorders, 466-467 Anafranil®: see Clomipramine bulimia nervosa, 441, 448, 452-453 Anectine®: see Succinylcholine dysthymia, 81 Angel dust: see Phencyclidine history of use, 37-40 Anger, borderline patients, 469 insomnia, 237 Anorexia nervosa, 439-441, 446-448, 450-452 physician liability and, 479-480 antidepressants, 445-446, 451-453 resistance to, 83-85 criteria for hospitalization, 445 seizure disorders, 434-436 diagnostic criteria in, 440 Antihistamines, 224 drug therapies, 446-448, 451-452 for anxiety, 200-202 etiology of, 442-443 for insomnia, 231 medical complications of, 441 Antilirium®: see Physostigmine profile of anorectic, 439, 441 Antiparkinson agents, 140, 142-143,323; see resistance to treatment, 450 also specific drugs treatment of, 443-445 Antipsychotic drugs, 128-176,305 Antabuse®: see Disulfiram acute treatment, 167-169 Antianxiety drugs adverse effects, 135, 138-162 antidepressants, 205, 207-209, 215 amphetamine withdrawal, 287 antihistamines, 200-202 for anxiety, 205 antipsychotic drugs, 205 behavioral effects, 129-130 anxiety treatment with other syndromes, 216 bipolar disorders, 92, 96-97, 120 barbiturates, 202-203 children, 353-356, 374-375, 376 benzodiazepines, 190-199,210-215,216 classes/chemical structure, 133-135 ß-blockers, 203-206, 210, 215 continuation therapy, 169-170 buspirone, 199-200, 215 dosage, 136-137, 168 children, 358-359, 376 drug interactions , 164-165 Index 489 Antipsychotic drugs (cont.) Autism, 360, 375-376 guidelines for use, 135 drug treatment, 359-360 historical view, 128-129 Autonomie effects insornnia, 237 antidepressants, 51-54 maintenance therapy, 170-174 antipsychotics, 132 mechanism of action, 130-133 Autonomous anxiety, 179 medical screening, 165-166 Aversion therapy, alcohol abuse, 277 new drugs, 174-175 Avoidant disorder, children, 370 overdose, 163-164 pharmacokinetics, 136-138 Baclofen, 152 during pregnancy, 162, 392-393 Barbiturates, 322 seizure disorders, 434, 436 abuse of, 259 terms related to, 129 adverse effects, 203 withdrawal syndrome, 162-163 for anxiety, 202-203 Anxiety, see also Antianxiety drugs drug interactions , 203 adjustment disorder, 190 historical view, 3 autonomous anxiety, 179 overdose, 202-203 avoidant disorder, 370 Behavioral model, anxiety, 182 behavioral model, 182 Behavioral teratogenesis, psychotropic drugs biological model, 181-182 and, 390-391 children, 352, 358-359, 361, 362, 370- Behavioral treatment 371 alcohol abuse, 277-278 definition of, 179 cocaine abuse, 283 differential diagnosis, 183-185 depression, 33 elderly, treatment of, 334-335 insomnia, 223, 224 generalized anxiety disorder, 188-189 marijuana abuse, 306 medical screening, 184 Benadryl®: see Diphenhydramine obsessive compulsive disorder, 189 Benzodiazepines, 164, 167, 190-199, 206, organic causes, 12 210-215,216,321, 322 overanxious disorder, 370-371 abuse of, 197,259-260,261-262 panic attacks, 179-180, 185-186 adverse effects, 197, 226 panic disorder, 182, 185-187 alcohol withdrawal, 273 pathological anxiety, 179 anxiety, 190-199,210-215,216,334- phobie disorder, 183, 187-188 335 posttraumatic stress disorder, 189-190 chemical structure, 191-192 during pregnancy, 397-399 choosing specific drug, 213-215 psychological model, 182-183 classification of, 335 separation anxiety disorder, 370 common types of, 191 symptoms of, 180 dosage, 196 Anxiolytic drugs, 277; see also Central nervow drug interactions, 198-199 system depressant abuse elderly and, 334-335, 336 Aramine®: see Metaraminol insomnia, 225-229 Arrhythmias kinetics, 194-196 antipsychotic drugs, 157 long-term use, 225 drugs and elderly, 330 mechanism of action, 194 Artane®: see Trihexyphenidyl nonpsychiatrie uses, 199 Asendin®: see Amoxapine pharmacological effects, 191-194 Assertiveness training, alcohol abuse, 278 during pregnancy, 398-399 Atarax®: see Hydroxyzine social phobia, 210 Athenol®: see Theobromine receptors, 181 Ativan®: see Lorazepam temporolimbic epilepsy, 431 Atropine, 321 withdrawal syndrome, 194, 197-198 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder Benztropine, 50, 139, 140, 143 children, 344-348, 365-369 ß blockers, 68 drug treatment, 285, 365, 369 adverse effects, 204-205 symptoms, 365 anxiety, 203-206, 210, 215 Aura, seizures and, 408 children,361-362 490 Index ß blockers (cant.) Borderline disorders (cant.) dosage, 204 sex bias in, 459-460 elderly and, 332-333 subtypes, 458, 465 Bethanechol, 52, 155 Bradykinesia: see Parkinson's syndrome Bicillin®: see Penicillin Brain damage, inhalant abuse and, 299 Biogenic amine deficit, depression, 25 Breast feeding, psychotropic drugs and, 391, Biological diagnosis, depression, 29-30 399-400 Biological models Brevital®: see Methohexital anxiety, 181-182 Bromides, 37 depression, 25-26 historical view, 3 eating disorders, 442 Bromocriptine, 142, 283 Biperiden, 139, 140 Bulimia nervosa, 441, 448, 452-453 Bipolar affective disorder, 91-121; see also antidepressants, 445-446, 451-453 Lithium diagnostic criteria, 440 clinical presentation, 93-94 drug therapies, 448-450, 452-453 course of illness, 94 medical complications, 441-442 depressive episodes, 29, 80, 93, 94, 118-119 profile of bulimic, 441 diagnosis of, 111 resistance to treatment, 452, 453 drug treatment, types of, 96-97, 120-121 Buprenorphine, opioid detoxification, 251 elderly, treatment of, 338 Bupropion, 6, 39, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49, 51, 54, electroconvulsive therapy, 94-95, 118-119 63,64,97, 118,208,435 hypomania, 91, 92, 93, 116-117 BuSpar®: see Buspirone lithium, 91-92, 96-120 Buspirone, 199-200,206,215,333 manic episodes, 91, 92, 93, 94,114-116, dosage, 200 120-121 effectiveness, 199-200 mood swing patterns, 92-93 insornnia, 238 patient concerns about, 113 Butazolidin®: see Phenylbutazone pregnancy and, 393-394, 395-397 Butyrophenones, 133, 134, 137 psychotherapy, 94-95 rapid cyclers,
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