Tourism is a national priority and contributes signif- icantly to economic development. The national tourism sector strategy provides a blueprint for the sector to meet the growth targets contained in the new growth path. The National Department of Tourism's (NDT) strategic goals over the medium term are to: • maximise domestic tourism and foreign tourist arrivals in South Africa • expand domestic and foreign investment in the South African tourism industry • expand tourist infrastructure • improve the range and quality of tourist services • improve the tourist experience and value for money • improve research and knowledge management • contribute to growth and development and expand the tourism share of gross domestic product (GDP) • improve competitiveness and sustainability in the tourism sector • strengthen collaboration with tourist organi sations. The inflow of tourists to South Africa is the result of the success of policies aimed at entrenching South Africa’s status as a major international tourism and business events destination. The Tourism Business Index’s quarterly index produced by the Tourism Business Council of South Africa indicated that revenue per available room in the hotel sector increased by 7,9% during the first 10 months of 2014. A Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) report has found that the total income for the South Africa tourist accommo- dation industry, which includes restaurant and bar sales, grew by 7%. In May 2015, there were 1 202 795 foreign arrivals to South Africa. The arrivals were made up of 89 257 non-visitors and 1 113 538 visitors. The visitors consisted of 428 131 same-day visitors and 685 407 overnight visitors. The breakdown of the tourists by region was as follows: 138 258 from overseas; 533 361 from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries; 12 594 from other African countries and the country of residence of 1 194 tourists was classified as unspecified. Legislation and policies The NDT operates under the following legislation and policies: The Tourism Act, 2014 (Act 3 of 2014) provides for the development and promotion of sustainable tourism for the benefit of South Tourism Africa, its residents and its visitors. It also provides for the continued existence of the South African Tourism Board, the establishment of the Tourism Grading Council, and the regulation of 381 Tourism the tourist guide profession. respect of accommodation establishments The Act aims to: - authorising the Minister to establish schemes • promote the practising of responsible tourism for prescribed sectors of the tourism industry for the benefit of South Africa and for the - registering tourist guides enjoyment of all its residents and foreign - prohibiting any person to act for gain as visitors a tourist guide unless he or she has been • provide for the effective domestic and interna- registered as a tourist guide in terms of the tional marketing of South Africa as a tourist Act. destination • promote quality tourism products and services Budget and funding • promote growth in and development of the The NTSS seeks to increase tourism’s total tourism sector direct and indirect contribution to the economy • enhance cooperation and coordination between from R189,4 billion in 2009 to R318,2 billion in all spheres of government in developing and 2015 and R499 billion in 2020. managing tourism. The department received a budget allocation In terms of the Act, responsible tourism is tourism of R1,6 billion in the 2014/15 financial year. which: A few years ago, the NDT made the strategic • seeks to avoid negative economic, environ- decision to invest in the emerging markets in mental and social impacts Africa, South America and in Asia, with good • generates greater economic benefits for local results. In light of this, the department will invest people, enhances the well-being of host R218 million over three years to grow South communities and improves working conditions Africa’s share of this market. It also opened and access to the tourism sector offices in Angola, Kenya and Nigeria, and will • involves local people in decisions that affect expand its footprint to Ghana, Tanzania and their lives Uganda through a hub strategy. • makes positive contributions to the conser- vation of natural and cultural heritage and to Role players the maintenance of the world's diversity South African Tourism (SAT) • provides enjoyable experiences for tourists In terms of the Tourism Act of 1993, SAT is through meaningful connections with local mandated to market South Africa internationally people and a greater understanding of local and domestically as a preferred tourism destination, cultural, social and environmental issues to ensure that tourist facilities and services are of • provides access for physically challenged the highest standard, and to monitor and evaluate people the performance of the tourism sector. • is culturally sensitive, engenders respect The organisation’s main strategic goal over the between tourists and hosts and builds local medium term is to ensure that the tourism sector pride and confidence. makes an increasing contribution to economic • The mandate of the NDT, as outlined in the growth. Other goals include increasing the Tourism Act, 1993 (Act 72 of 1993), is to annual volume of international tourists visiting promote sustainable growth and development the country, growing tourists’ contribution to the in the tourism sector. The 1996 White Paper economy through their spending, increasing on the Development and Promotion of Tourism international brand awareness of South Africa in South Africa provides for the promotion of as a travel and business destination, and domestic and international tourism increasing the number of graded accommo- • The Tourism Act of 1993 provides for: dation establishments. - promoting tourism to and in South Africa Given the strong growth potential in Africa, - regulating and rationalising the tourism SAT was allocated R300 million to expand its industry marketing presence on the continent, which will - implementing measures aimed at the include the opening of another four offices in the maintenance and enhancement of the next few years. standards of facilities and services hired out SAT’s Sho't Left marketing campaign for or made available to tourists domestic tourists is already delivering results - coordinating and rationalisating the activities and will be bolstered by another R100 million in of people who are active in the tourism secured ring-fenced investment in 2015/16. industry The “It’s Here, Vaya Mzansi” campaign is - establishing a board with legal powers an industry-wide project that relies on collabo- - authorising the Minister of Tourism to establish ration and partnership from the wider industry a grading and classification scheme in for success and to grow domestic leisure travel 382 SOUTH AFRICA YEARBOOK 2014/15 to meet targets. SAT partnered with more than niche, high-end luxury products who exhibit by 50 tourism companies in South Africa to create invitation-only. discount vouchers ranging from tour-operator To illustrate the extent of the strategic alliance services, accommodation and experiences of Two Shows One Africa, SAT was the title including wine tastings, canopy tours and hiking. sponsor of We Are Africa that took place in Cape In 2014, SAT introduced a global hub strategy Town from 5 to 8 May 2014, just before Indaba created to effectively deliver the destination 2014. Moreover, We Are Africa and Indaba collab- marketing message with a wider reach than ever orated to offer mutual exhibitors the best possible before. exposure to the best quality hosted buyer pool. Indaba has earned its place as a Southern African Tourism Enterprise Partnership (TEP) institution in the industry, and one of the world’s TEP is a non-profit company that facilitates the iconic travel trade shows. With the Two Shows One growth, development and sustainability of small Africa collaboration, Indaba has a We Are Africa tourism businesses. This is achieved through a senior representative on its advisory board, and number of products and services that provide reciprocally for a SAT representative on the We hands-on, step-by-step support and guidance, Are Africa advisory board. Both parties are eager ultimately leading to improved product quality, to navigate a more formal, long-term association; operational efficiency and market reach. to capitalise on the opportunity of escalating the Funding for TEP’s small tourism business trade shows into the future together. development interventions is provided by the The Two Shows One Africa collaboration is but NDT as well as the Business Trust, the Tourism one of the many profound changes – albeit it a Micro-enterprises Support Fund (a sister company significant one – that was introduced at Indaba that provides funding specifically for the support 2014. Each upgrade to the show was carefully of micro enterprises), global financial services considered against a deliberate roadmap to take company Credit Suisse, and the Eastern Cape Indaba to the next level. The announcement Development Corporation. that INDABA would be a three-day trade show brought it in line with global trends and best Tourism Indaba practice, respecting the busy schedules of The Tourism Indaba, held from 10 to 12 May, buyers and exhibitors. The inclusion of two provided an opportunity to showcase South exciting new meeting zones at Indaba; new Two Africa and its people. Shows One Africa combined digital platforms The Tourism Indaba that takes place in Durban to facilitate seamless meetings; the addition of annually is one of the largest tourism marketing a premium exhibitor lounge; and a compelling events in Africa and one of the top three events invitation to all African destinations to exhibit at of its kind in the world. For two years in a Indaba, Two Shows One Africa is entrenched as row, INDABA has won the award for Africa’s the continent’s premier tourism week invitation best travel and tourism show. This award was to the world. presented by the Association of World Travel Awards.
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