ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Annual Report 2014 Tulip Foundation is grateful for the support and the cooperation to: FOUNDATION ORANJE OAK FOUNDATION FONDS RANCH SPUR CHARITABLE TRUST KPMG BULGARIA ING BANK SOFIA AIG BULGARIA EIGEN KRACHT CENTRALE WEBFACTORY ARENA DI SERDICA HOTEL UNICREDIT BULBANK BWIN.PARTY SERVICES IMAGINARIUM AND NUMEROUS INDIVIDUAL DONORS. Annual Report 2014 2 THE MEMBERS OF THE JURY PROJECT OF THE YEAR 2013: Sevda Shishmanova HE Anick van Calster Programme Director Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium Bulgarian National Television Violina Marinova Nikola Dobrev Chair of the Board and CEO CEO KZM 2000 AD DSK Bank Ognian Donev Chair of the Board Confederation of the Employers and the Industrialists in Bulgaria CEIBG THE MEMBERS OF THE JURY VOLUNTEER INITITIVE 2014: Aneta Milkova Ivan Stancioff Member of the Board Founder and Chair of the Board Bulgarian National Television Karin Dom Foundation Ognian Zlatev Aleksey Lazarov Head of Representation office Chef Editor of Capital European Commission in Bulgaria Boyko Stankushev Journalist THE PARTNERS IN TO BE A FATHER CAMPAIGN: Sofia Municipality Sofia City Art Gallery Sofia City Library National Art Gallery Easy Art Foundation National Museum of Military History National Historical Museum National Polytechnic Museum Servantes Institute in Sofia National Natural Museum Sofia Police Department Bulgarian Association for the Protection of Birds Sofia City Puppet Theater Sofia Fire Safety Directorate 365 Association Graphia Foundation Imaginarium Bulgaria Business Park Sofia Prof. Georgi Capkunov MEDIA PARTNERS BULGARIAN NATIONAL TELEVISION CAPITAL Annual Report 2014 3 Mission To encourage social responsibility in Bulgarian society Goal Enhance co-operation among civil society, the corporate sector, national and local authorities to improve the quality of life and developmental op- portunities for the people of Bulgaria. Objectives Raise funds for social investment from indi- vidual donors, the business sector and public and private sources Provide financial and technical support to civil society organisations addressing social needs of the community at a national level Contribute to the effectiveness, sustainabil- ity and diversity of social programmes in Bulgaria by making targeted grants Serve as a professional vehicle and provide expert advice, consultancy, assessment, moni- toring and evaluation of projects and pro- grammes Promote transparency, accountability and professionalism to comply with the highest ethi- cal standards Work in partnership with other civil organi- sations at national or local level for greater social responsibility and sustainability of the civil sector in Bulgaria Values Dialogue Responsibility Respect Participation Transparency Cooperation Annual Report 2014 4 Tulip Foundation Board Vladimir Kissiov, Chair Member Sofia City Council Venislav Iotov General Manager AIG Bulgaria and Romania Kalina Zhuleva Managing Director New Moment New Ideas Company Levon Hampartzoumian Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Chief Executive Officer UniCredit Bulbank Vladimir Penkov Managing Partner Penkov, Makrov & Partners Attorneys at Law Koos Schouten Chair Bulgarian Dutch Business Club Director Maria Petkova Annual Report 2014 5 We present the report for the work of Tulip Foun- dation in 2014 – another year with various chal- lenges, new initiatives, and achievements. That was the tenth year since the establishment of the organisation. We succeeded in many things, we continue to strive to achieve other goals and we are looking for new cooperating partners. The most important thing in our work are the peo- ple – those for whom we work, those with whom we work together, those who help us and those who support us. Maria Petkova Director Annual Report 2014 6 Tulip Foundation Annual Report 2014 Index Programmes Trusting in Children in Family Programme 8 Social Inclusion and Dignity in Old Age 13 Project of the Year 2013 16 Volunteering 19 National campaign To be a Father 22 Social Impact Analysis 26 Other activities 27 List of funded projects Trusting in Children in Family Programme 29 Various Small Grants 36 In kind Additional Support 38 Financial report 2014 39 Report of the Independent Auditor 43 Annual Report 2014 7 Programmes Trusting in Children and Family Programme In Trusting in Children and Families Pro- to stimulate early identification and in- gramme Tulip Foundation and Oak Founda- tervention in cases of risk of institu- tion joined their efforts and resources to tionalisation of children; reach better effectiveness and sustainability to encourage changes in practices for in cooperation with state, municipalities, civil care for children and positive organisations, business and media led by the parenthood without violence; belief that the family is the best place for to stimulate active involvement of fa- children. thers and other male figures from the family circle in care for children as utili- The programme aims to contribute to build- zation of available serious resource and ing the capacity of local organisations and prevention of violence; communities to protect their children against to provide demonstrable examples of neglect, abuse or abandonment and preven- diverse working strategies and models tion of subsequent institutionalization. for community based work with chil- dren and families that are applicable in other parts of the country; t o stimulate development of policies ori- ented towards children and their fami- lies; to encourage the participation of the local communities in initiatives and ac- tivities aimed at wellbeing of children in family environment. The Trusting in Children and family Programme is built on a successful three years programme of Tulip Foun- More specifically the goals of the programme dation and Oak Foundation for support- are: to reduce number of cases of neglect, ing children and families aimed at pre- abuse and abandonment of children; vention of institutionalisation of chil- to prevent subsequent institutionalisa- dren in Bulgaria. tion of children; to stimulate adaptation, introduction In total 14 local civil organisations and application of different up to date working with children and families in models and practices for supporting different parts of the country are s u p children and families based on the po- ported to develop their models and tential of children, families and com- practices. munities; Annual Report 2014 8 Working meeting and training, Sofia, Members of the team of the association 6–7 February 2014 presented their project „Children and families at risk – let‟s solve the problem The first meeting in the frame of Trusting in together”, which they realize for a few Children and Families Programme took months by now. Maria Petkova, director place in Sofia on 6–7 February. Represent- of Tulip Foundation, spoke about the atives of 13 organisations from around the aims and the context of Trusting in Chil- country supported by the programme took dren and Families Programme. She pre- part in the meeting. sented the philosophy and the use of The aims of the working meeting included the method Family Group conference. presentations of the supported organisa- The meeting concluded with an interest- tions and projects, discussion of common ing discussion. activities and opportunities for cooperation. A special core element was a targeted Working meeting, Veliko Tarnovo, training and practical work of the teams of the funded organisations aimed at final de- 12-13 June fining of the concrete goals and indicators of the supported projects. That part was facilitated by Georgi Genchev. The team of Tulip Foundation organised a working meeting for representatives of organisations funded in the frame of Trusting in Children and Families pro- gramme on 12-13 June in Veliko Tarno- vo. The meeting took place with the support of the European Informational Working meeting, Veliko Tarnovo, centre. 10 April 2014 The participants shared difficulties and successes in the realization of the activ- A working meeting „Models for inter- ities, discussed technical aspects of the institutional cooperation aimed at support programme and the preparation for for children and families at risk” took place analysis of the social impact of the pro- hosted by the Regional Governor‟s Office се jects and the programme. They pre- in Veliko Tarnovo on 10 April 2014. Stefan sented various interesting initiatives Stefanov, Deputy Regional Governor, that are planned for the upcoming Fa- opened the meeting and welcomed the par- ther‟s day on 15 June 2014. ticipants – representatives of social and ed- Core elements of the meeting were the ucational institutions from 10 municipalities presentation of various practices and on the territory of the region and Centre activities of other organisations and op- Maria Association Gorna Oriahovitsa. portunities for cooperation. Annual Report 2014 9 Boriana Klimentova from Home and Hopes tical training on family group confer for Children Bulgaria told about the regional ence for the core teams and indepen- coordination mechanism and the chances it dent coordinators from centre Maria in provides for concrete cases. Maya Grozdano- Gorna Oriahovitsa and the local 1 June va from UNICEF and representatives of fami- Association in Biala Slatina. The train- ly consultative centers in Shumen, Novi Pa- ing was hosted by 1 June Association. zar and Veliki Preslav told about the estab- Boriana Petkova, director Directorate lishment and the activities of the centers. Humanitarian activities
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