PAGE SIX THE MOUNTAIN EAGLE, WHHESBU1G, KENTUCKY THURSDAY, DEC. 21, 1944 MfUKiKKKiKniiinni m m m v m im m Welcome Gift Cave of the Nativity NowReligiousGrotto TmwJmV ljmW The "stable" in which Christ was born does not conform to tie modern conception of the word. In Biblical times, places of shelter were hewn in rocky ledges: Judean travelers, fre- quently housed in such eaves, welcomed joint tenancy with beasts because of the extra warmth provided by amJorials' bodies. The birthplace of Jesus was such a cave. Now a groH be- neath Bethlehem's Church mi e Nativity, the entire surface has been elaborately ornamented. Pil- grims to the shrine oftea wish, nonetheless reverently. at Mb original simplicity might hare been preserved in which eternal THE stars "Looked down where He lay SEASON'S The little Lord Jesus Asleep in the hay." QREETINQS Influenced Customs The Germans, perhaps mre than any other colonists, jflueiced 19 44 Christmas customs in the United if There will be a halo over the States, which celebrates Christmas THE STAR IN THE EAST It is a woman's war, too. And more extensively than any ather. lit- homes of America this Christ- xSlJSS Down through the ages has come the for Christmas Santa brought this Our concept of Santa Claus is whoBy tVipir tle lady the uniform of a Red Cross mas from Germany, and the Christmas J stnrv of- thp sTipnfiprrle tpnrllncr radiating from the new lB3ATlV.S-- J 1 ...... nurse. The cape is blue. The uni- tree in the home is another evstom 3 r.rTi. a i 4. - 7 1 Ci :i.- form is of white cotton with the hope for the world. that came over with German emi- tiic uaau Red Cross emblem. grants in the last century. That your Christmas season During this sacred season, mellowed may be both joyous and happy In Dance Measure by the thought of those who cannot be with us, we Wandering Old Lady Christmas carols were in daace have abundant reason for gratitude. We have come is the sincere wish of measure at first. The word cacti a long way since the dark Christmas of 1941. The Is Santa in Italy comes from "corolla," a rmg. the song was for a ring dasce. Stai in the East shines brighter now. Santa Claus doesn't visit children That this may, indeed, be a Merry Christmas for in Italy. It isn't because they are all Old Custom is no you and yours is our ardent wish. naughty, but because there Christmas caroling was a thriviag Santa Claus in Italy. custom in England of the fourth No one runs down to a tree on Christmas morning to LUHirESBUBG, KEHTUCKV 'r.J: v: look for presents. Brightly colored Tole Log flowers decorate the room instead Mini 'STBiEKaiKKKWim pagan Scandinavian worship eeeeGeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeGeeGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecieeeeeeeeeeeeeeec presents are From of Christmas trees, and of Thor comes the Yule log. lighted not exchanged until January 6. with a brand from last year's lag. On that night, an old. old lady. La Befana, walks from house to FOR SALE house and leaves a present beside Ox-ha- ir is used in plaster as each little child she visits. AT FIRST a binding medium. Exactly 1.940 years ago, accord- SIGN OF A Saw Machinery, ing to the Italian legend. La Befana Boilers and Engines. Dr. Pepper Co. was very busy sweeping her kitchen One large mill with Power jj MlINfc (JAKS Bottling kings well-equippe- when like several men dressed Unit, d. 1$ cottage. They stopped in front of her One new Dust Drag. i , FOR SALE asked her where Bethlehem was. I Also all kinds of Insurance Mine Cars For Sale but she had never heard of it. Cold.PzepazaUopzsiijdiTectesto baby Call or write New Mine Fans Wliitesbiirg, Kentucky The men told her about a 55 which had been born in Bethlehem, J. E. GARNETT, Atlas Car Movers and mentioned a star which had Tel. 326, Hazard, Ky. 9 Hand Electric Drills If been guiding them.' The old lady Bench Grinders wished she could accompany them Micrometers when they left her in search of the OUR DEMOCRACY by Mat infant Jesus. V Shop Tools. But La Befana stayed home. It ELECTRIC & MACHINE was getting too dark out, and be- John Greewleaf Wkittter, SUPPLY CO. until to- SE7-TEMBE- sides, the baby could wait SCEMBEK. 17. I807 J,&)2. Phone 104--J. morrow. Later that night she no ' P. O. Box 251. ticed the sky quivering with light. T A FARM EOV, D, HE BECAME The clouds seemed to take the form A POET, EDITOR, LEGISLATOR- .- DEVOTING of angels. All thought of sleep left HIS LATER YEARS TO PRESENTING IN NARRATIVE AND BALLAD FORM THE her. Rising, she carefully wrapped ' two gifts for the Holy Baby, then LEGENDS. TRADITIONS AND HISTORY OF COLONIAL AMERICA. tJSV LOW PRICE ran out into the night in the direc- tion the kings had gone. Fast as she hurried, she had not reached Bethlehem when the star sky. tjrs mi vw li vj disappeared and dawn filled the She frantically asked the way to Bethlehem, but no one could tell American Fruit Grower". ..$2.25 her. Girl 3.09 LI American And so La Befana "has constantly lJ Amcriczri Home, 2 Yrs 325 day. searching lj American Foultry journal... 2.15 traveled since that Aviation in Review 3.60 for the Christ Child. On the Epiph- Better Cocking & limkg. 3.60 any. 12 days after Christmas, she Child Life 3.60 goes from house to house, looking Christian Herald 3.00 into the faces of babies. With each Coronet 4.00 she leaves a gift, hoping that at last && Er.gHih 3.60. few m Correct she will give her presents to the 1 Country Gentleman, 5 Yrs.. Z50 Etude Music Magazine.... 4.C0 right child. THE BIS SEVEK IGTSIf SPEHM Farm Jrnl. & Farmer's Wife. 2.15' Insurance Flower Grower 325 THIS MEWSMPEE (I YEAB) MW Household 2.15 King for a Night .at call Hygcb 3.25 J. E. Garnett M3garine Digest 3.60 Wassailing Tree Fete ESK SSE&T METISES Ky. National Digest Monthly .. 3.60 "Here's tit thee Hazard, The Biggest Value in Years! Nature (10 Iss.. 12 Mo.).. 3.60 Old apple treel For Mine and Mill Open Road (12 Iss.. 14 Mo.) 3.00 Whence thnu mnyst bud, TRUE STORY A Compensation and. .1Yr. Outdoors (12 Iss.. 14 Mo.). 3.00 thnu si blntc, PATHFINDER Weekly) .1 Yr. I Andtvhtnce nut) on .. ALL Parents' Magazine 325 And whence thou mays 6eat Insurance Trucks. SILVER SCREEN 2.50 V Pathfinder Apples enow: Also Fire Insurance om HOUSEHOLD A Yr! 3.00 Photoplay Hats lull. FARM JOURNAL & SSf Poultry Tribune 2.15 Homes and Stores Clips FARMER'S WIFE 2Yr,. ONLY full. w Progressive Farmsr 2.15 Bushels, buthels, sacks full. PROGRESSIVE FARMER 1 Yr. Reader's Digest 4.75 my packets too! Progressire Farn 3.75 And full Send mc Southern Agriculturist instead of Redbook Huzza! Huzza!". Science Illustrated 3.60 Von may select one 0 lie Jclloxk place 0 True Story ij you prefer: it Scientific Detective 3.60 The rendering of this doggerel AMERICAN GIRL . .1 Yr. OPEN ROAD (Eoys) Screenland 3.00 rhyme, followed by the passing of FOR SALE CHRISTIAN (12 Issues) 14 M. Silver Screen 3.00 the cider jug. was a popular feature Snowbound HERALD 1 Yr. PARENTS' MAG. .1 Y Southern Agriculturist 2.15 of Christmas during the middle 19th 1 SCREENLAND 1 Yr kowriie Since am TRUE COMICS Yr. Sports Afield 3.00 century Devonshire. What matter titgrit behaved ? I returning to fke COUNTRY SPORTS AFIELD Yi at ...1 The Woman 3.00 completed, the male mem- norfck witio! raved. pastorate at Shiro, Texas af- GENTLEMAN ...5Yr. PROTESTANT VOICE True Story , 3.00 This What matter kow the ? 1 of the party discharged guns ter January 1st. All o my CHILD LIFE 6 Mo. (Weekly) Yi U. S. Camera 2.65 bers Blow Iiili, blow low, not all its snow U. S. CAMERA 1 Yr. SCIENCE Walt Disney's Comics .... 2.85 into a selected apple tree said to household goods are for sale! THE WOMAN 1 Yr ILLUSTRATED .6 Mo. Your Life 3.60 result in bumper apple crops. Could ojuench our hearth-fire- 's ruddy low. M. F. KELLY, Pastor. The men would then knock at the Jenkins Baptist Ok. NEWSPAPER AND MAQ&ZUiEC farm house door, guess as to the 1 YEAR, UHLESS TEP.H SHOVfH kind of roast in the oven. The one who guessed correctly was king for the night. Subscription Blank To THE SUPER The Mountain Eagle Place Ban on Christmas (Anyone desiring to subscribe or renew his subscription to The Mountain Puritanism brought over with it in Eagle, please fill out and mail this blank with remittance.) the Mayflower the This Newspaper, 1Y; feelings. In 1G59 the general court of Mas- Date.. AND FOUR BIG sachusetts, following the example of The Mountain Eagle, MAGAZINES AvM 5 the English parliament, enacted a Whitesburg, Ky. ALL FIVE few" law providing: "anybody who is FOR ONLY found observing, by abstinence from Please find enclosed ($1.25 for Six Months) ($2.00 for One Year) for W'mMWM labor, feasting, or any other way. any Subscription to The Mountain Eagle. TP.UESTOKY such day as Christmas, shall pay Please mail the paper to: MOTHER'S HOME LIFE. for such offense five shillings." The V! AMERICAN FRUIT law remained in effect until 1681. Gr.OVER The repeal, however, was bitter to POULTP.Y NAME AMERICA!'! old Puritanisms, which kept up an JOURNAL .,Y, JOURNAL Si jlfl even protest down to the early part ADDRESS .: FARM century.
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