fl>aleetine <5a3ette publisbeo b\> Hutborits No. 637 THURSDAY, 8TH OCTOBER, 1936 1091 CONTENTS Page BILL PUBLISHED FOR INFORMATION ־ ־ ־ Salt (Amendment) Bill, 1936 - 1093 ORDINANCE CONFIRMED ־ Confirmation of Ordinance No. 60 of 1936 - - - 1095 GOVERNMENT NOTICES ־ - - Appointments, etc. - - - 1095 Hours during which the Allenby Bridge will be closed for General Traffic 1096 Jerusalem Law Classes - 1096 Tender and Adjudication of Contracts - 1096 Citation Orders - - - - - - 1101 Court Order - - - - - - 1103 RETURNS Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - - - 1103 Financial Statement at the 31st July, 1936 - 1104 ־ - Statement of Assets and Liabilities at the 31st July, 1936 1106 Comparative Statement of Revenue and Expenditure to the 31st March, 1936. 1108 Statement of Coins and Notes in Circulation at the end of September, 1936. 1110 REGISTRATION OF CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES, PARTNERSHIP, ETC - - - mi CORRIGENDA ms SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette:— Tariffs for the Transport of Goods, under the Palestine Railways Ordinance, 1936 1171 Notice under the Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925, regarding the Cancellation of a Palestinian Citizenship - - - _ !!73 (Continued) PRICE 30 MILS. CONTENTS (Continued) Page Notice of Declaration of a Closed Forest Area, under the Forests Ordinance, 1926 1173 Curfew Order in respect of the Municipal Area of Tulkarm, under the Emergency J174 ־ | - ־ ־ י Eegulations, 1936 Curfew Order in respect of the Sarafand Detention Camp, under the Emergency ־ - - ־ | - Regulations, 1936 1174 Curfew Order in respect of the Permanent Way, Sidings or Buildings of the Palestine Railways, under the Emergency Regulations, 1936 - - - 1174 Curfew Orders in respect of the Municipal Areas of Jaffa and Lydda, under the ־ ־ ־ Emergency Regulations, 1936 1175 - 1 Order No. 61 of 1936, under the Customs Duties Exemption Ordinance, 1924, regarding an Addition to the First Schedule of the Ordinance - I - 117G Notice under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, nominating a Commission to perform the Duties of the Municipal Council of Hebron - - 1176 Notice under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, appointing a Deputiy Mayor of the Municipal Council of Safad - - I - 1177 Order No. 62 of 1936, under the Width and Alignment of Roads Ordinance, 1926, regarding the Widening of a certain Road - - - 1177 8th October, 1936. THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NOTICE The following DRAFT ORDINANCE is made public prior to enactment in accordance with Article 17 (1) id) of the Palestine Order-in-Council, 1922, as amended by Article 3 of the Palestine (Amendment) Order-in-Council, 1928. A. L. KIRKBRIDE 26th September, 1936. Clerk to the Advisory Council. (C/235/36) DRAFT AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE SALT ORDINANCE, 1925. BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Palestine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof :— 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Salt (Amendment) Ordi• Short title. nance, 1936, and the Salt Ordinance, 1925, (hereinafter referred to No. 36 of 1925. as the principal Ordinance) the Salt (Amendment) Ordinance, 1927, No. 38 of 1927. the Salt (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933, and this Ordinance may No. 51 of 1933. together be cited as the Salt Ordinances, 1925-1936. 2. Section 2 of the principal Ordinance shall be amended by the Amendment of section 2 of the addition thereto of the following definition :— principal Ordinance, " "Salt" means the substance consisting mainly of sodiom chloride and known as common salt, and includes potassium chloride and other salts or mixtures of salts when these substances are manufactured and are capable of use as sub• stitutes for common salt for edible purposes." OBJECTS AND REASONS. This Ordinance introduces into the Salt Ordinance, 1925, for the sake of clarity, a definition of the term "salt", restricting the meaning to common table salt or substitutes capable of use for edible purposes. H. H. TRUSTED 26th September, 1936. A ttorney-General. (C/235/36) 8th October, 1936 CONFIRMATION OF ORDINANCE. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance in respect of Ordinance No. 60 of 1936, entitled "An Ordinance to amend the Summary Offences (Procedure) Ordinance, 1935". J. HATHORN HALL 1st October, 1936. Chief Secretary. (Y/14/38) APPOINTMENTS, ETC. MR. M. NUROOK, O.B.E., Assistant Secretary, Grade F, Secretariat, to act as Assistant Chief Secretary, from the 27th to the 30th September, 1936, inclusive. APPOINTMENTS. The High Commissioner has appointed: — TERMINATION OF ACTING APPOINTMENT. ME. A. E. P. ROSE, to be Solicitor-General, Le• gal Department, with effect from the 1st October, 1936. The High Commissioner directs it to be noti• fied for general information that the acting MR. S. FRY, to be Director of Programmes, appointment of MR. R. WINDHAM, Legal Drafts• Broadcasting Service, Department of Posts man, Legal Department, published in Pales• and Telegraphs, with effect from the 24th tine Gazette No. 626 of the 3rd September, 1936, September, 1936. ceased with effect from the 1st October, 1936. MR. R. A. RENDALL, Acting Director of Pro• grammes, Broadcasting Service, Depart• ment of Posts and Telegraphs, to be Ad• viser to the Palestine Broadcasting Ser• vice, with effect from the 24th September, LEAVE. 1936. The High Commissioner has approved the leave of the following officers: — ACTING APPOINTMENTS. MAJOR R. S. Y. BULLER, O.B.E., Trans- Jordan Frontier Force, 15.8.36 — 14.11.36 MR. AMIHUD GRASOVSKY, Department of The High Commissioner has appointed: — Agriculture and Fisheries, 2.9.36 — 31.3.37 MR. W. ISAWI, District Officer, Nazareth, DR. S. N. BARNICK, Department of Grade K, District Administration, North• Health, 23.9.36 — 22.10.36 ern District, to act as District Officer, Ti• berias Sub-District, with effect from the AHMAD EFF. KHAIRI, Department of Agri• 16th September, 1936, until further order, culture and Fisheries, 23.9.36 — 3.11.36 while continuing to hold his position of District Officer, Nazareth. MR. M. BROWN, M.B.E., Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, 4.10.36 — 3.1.37 MR. A. SILBERSTEIN, Assistant Veterinary Of• ficer, Grade N", Department of Agriculture MR. A. KOMAROFF, District Administra• and Fisheries, to act as Veterinary Officer, tion, Southern District, 4.10.36 — 3.1.37 Tiberias, with effect from the 23rd Septem• ber, 1936, until further order. MR. M. FITZGERALD, M.C., Palestine Pol• ice Force and Prisons Service, MR. S. MOODY, O.B.E., Assistant Chief Secre• 13.9.36 — 12.12.36 tary, Grade D, Secretariat, to act as Chief ! Secretary, from the 27th to the 30th Sep- j tember, 1936, inclusive. I 1096 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 8th, October, 1936 NOTICE With effect from 6 p.m. on the 12th October, 1936, the hours during which the Allenby Bridge on the Jerusalem—Amman Road will be closed nightly to general traffic will be from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. J. HATHORN HALL 6th October, 1936. Chief Secretary. (T/426)33) JERUSALEM LAW CLASSES. Financial Regulation 352. Add "or stamps" after the words "public money". NOTICE The following new regulation shall be in­ The public are notified that it has been de­ serted after regulation 352. cided to open a class at the next session of the Jerusalem Law Classes for students who have Accounting 352A. The procedure to be adopted ! , ״ , ״ . procedure for completed at least two years of legal study at loss of stamps, m cases ot losses of stamps, whe­ a recognised law school or have been admitted ther due to accident, fraud or to legal practice in a foreign country. negligence, other than losses caused Applicants for admission must submit their by the destruction of main stocks applications to the Secretary, Council of Legal not held for sale, is that irrecover­ Studies, Attorney-General's Office, Jerusalem, able losses of Revenue Stamps not later than the 31st October, 1936. Such should be charged to Expenditure applicants, if admitted, will be subject to new Head — Miscellaneous — Loss of regulations of the Law Classes which will Government Money; and irrecover­ shortly be published. These regulations, inter able losses of Postage Stamps alia, provide that the Council of Legal Studies should be charged to the vote of the may permit any student who has previous to Department of Posts and Tele­ his admission to the Classes been engaged in graphs, Sub-Head of Revenue, i.e., legal study at a recognised law school or has Stamp Duties under Head III in been admitted to legal practice to reduce his the case of Revenue Stamps and period of study under the Council to such an Sale of Postage Stamps under extent not exceeding two years and in such Head V in the case of Postage manner as the Council may determine. It is Stamps, should be credited with the provided, however, that every student to whom face value of the stamps lost. such permission is given will be required to pass all examinations requisite as a qualifica­ 8th October, 1936. (F/111/36). tion for the Diploma of the Council, attend lectures given in Jerusalem and pay the same fees as would be paid by students following the full course, which under the regulations ex­ HAIFA MUNICIPALITY tends over a period of five years. Applicants for admission will, prior to their NOTICE. admission, be required to pass a language test in two of the official languages of Palestine. This test will be held at a date to be announced The Municipal Corporation of Haifa in­ later and will consist of the following: — tending to fix a standard type of street name- plates throughout the whole of the municipal (a) A brief essay on a specified subject; area, would be pleased, before considering the (b) A precis of documents; type to be adopted, to receive samples of sug- (c) A grammar test; and • gested types of name-plates together with quo­ tations for their supply delivered in Haifa.
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