Scholars Crossing 1985 The Fundamentalist Journal 11-1985 The Fundamentalist Journal Volume 4, Number 10 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_85 Recommended Citation "The Fundamentalist Journal Volume 4, Number 10" (1985). 1985. 9. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_85/9 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Fundamentalist Journal at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1985 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. IIE ff NI illflt JeIlll .'Ttll Hllslt t N LT , .'1 ,. i,, ii i:1., 1,,.cs D t{ (} h{oF H(3 r4tscntg@ r) fu rd {Jl iqruHfrC) t!(3<|lc' qct{F{() !J<)Ln &) 6)() q6 ru v <o w{( l\) lr' s I/l .. (rt H ar{ Ct\ rd {r tq,' r'J "e $, \, "ffi.ffi "!, m-,ffi tr^.q \ "t !!rtt "' t ;fii? I ,,| I I I ffih t d | ryPll Tt- \"ts! !, ! ',, ,fu*":- ,t, llr, *r: rr- t t If t '' Uoutuottder uhu Congresscaues in I ! ! iotheCommuni1ts,reddthisbook ! :! ! a Thisis the bookthat dissects liberalism deep down to its rottencore as no o book ever has. Thanksto Burnham'sinsights, we finallysee that strange ! amalgamof selfrighteousness,guilt, arrogance, double standard, good intention, ! selectiveindignation, selective compassion tuzzylogic that forms-the mind : and ! andpsychology of the liberal.A hintof the riches: ! . Whythe liberalcannot rule. o o Whyliberalism is the ideologyof suicide. ! a . Why liberalismclashes with Christianity. a An .q 6 th. Modq .d oddry . The commonancestors of liberalismand Communism. a . Why liberalssneer at patriotism. ! a o Very precisely:how liberalismlies at the rootof raceriots, murderous taxes, ! nationalsurrender and the crime explosion - andwhy liberalsare helpless to O do anythingabout their own follies. o o Theinner drives that impel liberals to waron theRight - whilegiving the Left ! - James an ever-sGgentletap on the wrist,at worst. a BURNHAM o EXTRAIBurnham's fascinating "39 Articlesof Liberalism,"an intriguingtext thatyou, or anyone,can take to determineyour "ideological quotient." You'll be ! REGNERYB(X)KS o astonishedat how accuratelyit pinpointsanyone's political slant. in stores lf you haven'tyet immersedyourself in thisclassic, prepare for oneof the mind- $18.95 openingexperiences of yourlife. - yours FREE! Why do so many religiouspeople follow the sirensong of liberalism?James Burnham throws light on cornersonce dark. t a ! ! Entluninrmforthis clasic, all aoosstlu sptrum ! "Despite the fact that JamesBurnham's Suicideof the llest hu "ll' any book may rouse the friends of order; justice and ! given grim a not been the attention it merits, it will find its way and freedom to intelligent action against the enemiesof civili- make history. lt is brilliantly written, clearly reasoned,and zation, Mr. Burnham has given us just such an instrument." ! remarkablyrestrained, given the subjectmatter: the sicknessof -Russell Kirk ! Western civilization and its causes."-lrene C.orballv Kuhn. "James Burnham has written a book about Liberalism for t Chrbtian Economics t which the world has been aching. lt is worth more to the West a "Expounds with corrosive clarity the right-wing case . I am than the year's grossnational product, more tharr all our planes a sure that the gravestmistake we can commit is to underratethe and bombs - with all of these,we have still been losing out in ! importance of his attack on liberal thinking and liberalism in the world. But this book is not only a pathologist'sreport. It a government."-R. H. S. Crossman,Parlison Review givesthe key fbr the recoveryol the West."..'.-William F. t Bucklev.Jr. ! ! a a I I ;oG*ot-*Tii;oo-;tGl I How the Glub Works . I 15Oakland Avenue Harrison,NY 10528 I I Every4 week (13tim€s a year)you geta fieecopy ol theClub Bulletin, whichofiers you Pleaseaccept my qrembershipin the Club and sendme, tiee and I the l'eaturd Selectionplus a gmd choiceofAltematrs - a.llol interestto conservatives. postpaid,James Burnham's seminal study of the liberal mind, I I t il you wantthe l'eaturodSelction, do nothing.lt will comeautomatically. * lf you the $18.95Suicide of the lVefl. I agree6 buy 3 additional books I I don't wantthe l,'eaturd S*lection or youdo wantan A.ltemate, indicate your wishs on the at regular Club prices over the next l8 months. I also agreeto I handyrnrd enclosedwith your Bulletinand retum it by thedeadline date. * Themajority the Club rulesspelled out in this coupon. 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City State-Zip I t J Fundamentalist NCVEMBERI9B5 Our PilgrimFothers embroced on Mony of todoy's heroes ore od- unknown wildernessrother thon mired for the wrong reosons,But lose their freedom of religion,To Tom Londry keeps his prioritiesin thosewho survivedthot firstbitter perspective,Combinirp ochieve- winter of feor, loneliness,hunger, ment with grodlycommitment ond ond diseos+ond to thosewho did spirituolinsiTht, he is o hero in the not-we owe our eternolgrotitude Acts tells of the fkst followersof highestsense of the word, for settingour Christionheritoge in Christos they relentlesslyconied o firm foundotion. the gospeltothe uttermostports of ln Revlew the eorth, Throughoutthe oges, 55 men ond women of God hove f,,1 Profile-Chongein the F E AT U R E S borne the responsibilityof per- 't ChottonoogoCommond petuotir€ Hischurch.Wthout Pent+ Roy'nondJ Cotogge '1tr ChutchFlnonce costthere would be noTfnnksgMng, rv FronkSchmitt FomllyLlvlns Jery FolwellComments 59 '1fl ... ro Poller's Cloy 'v llmmy ls SllllSlnglng The ApostolicMessoge 63 ButNow He KnowsAll the Todoy Forgiveness Words-MichoelR Smith JudyHommersmork Fundomentollsmlodoy t] Accepllng the 12 Criticism-EdwordDobson Foce fhe Focls - ' Excepllonol 64 And the Moon ls Mode of AngeloElwell Hunt Perspective-TheMoinline ls GreenCheese!-Col Thomos 14Becomingthe Sideline MlnlslryUpdote 24 9", PllgrlmHcrltoge: Ed Nindson 65 -- HowReligion Shoped History EdHindson 42 Proflle A7 lreosuresfrom lhe Text Tom Londry-All-AroundHero v' RichordD Potrerson MikeFluent CA "Ol PllmothPlonloflon" Gllmpses Greqlness av WilliomBrodford 68 of 45 Blogrophy TheLost Doys of Moses !fl Monloge,Dlvorce & George Whitefield-Gospel HoroldL. Willminoton -" Remorloge-Divorce Rover BillyVick Bortlett AO News in the Old Testoment Y ' CourtSoys No Religionin the EdwordDobson 48 Ihunder In lhe Pulplt ' Morketploce-Mortin Mowyer TheBook of Acls The Method of Groce NewsBilels 30 George Whitefield 7() DEPARTMENTS Preochlng& Postoilng 7 A After All 5l r - A Responseto AIDS 6 You Soldlt TrumonDollor 4 FundomentqllstJournol /'\a lbdaythere are aree\en some unexoecle0 wonyabout the ink showingthrou$ atleast twenty-five dif- ffe?sures:a harmony ofthe Gospels, timelines, Also.you can choose be$reen that ferentstudy Bibles available. How can pu be charm,maps, a table of wei$s and measures, classicliteray masterpiece, theKingJames surethe one you buy is the best one for you? andall the latest archaeoloqical discoveries. 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