UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES POSTAL ADDRESS - ADRESSE POSTALE: UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.10017 CABLE ADDRESS - ADRESSE TELEGRAPHIQUE: UNATIONS NEWYORK 韩国基督教之友执行主任 海蒂·林顿女士 亲爱的林顿女士, 谨代表安全理事会第 1718(2006)号决议所设委员会提及你 2018 年 12 月 27 日的信。信中根据第 7 号执行援助通知向委员会递送了韩国基督教之友根据第 2397(2017)号决议第 25 段提出的关于在朝鲜从事人道主义活动的订正豁免请求, 即为其针对朝鲜境内易感染结核、肝炎人口和(或)儿科病人的人道主义项目计划 于 2019 年上半年向朝鲜运送货物。 谨通知你,委员会经适当考虑,决定根据安全理事会第 2397(2017)号决议第 25 段,批准上述信中提出的豁免请求,以便在今后六个月内运送你的信中列出、 并作为附件列于本信的物品和服务。为提高运输和通关效率,要求将这些物品一 批或合并运送。 委员会重申,安全理事会通过其关于朝鲜的决议实施的制裁措施无意对朝鲜 人民造成负面影响,委员会向所有会员国发出的普通照会及其 2017 年 12 月 8 日 SC/13113 号新闻稿对朝鲜的人道主义援助进行了澄清。该普通照会还回顾,各会 员国必须充分执行安全理事会的相关措施,同时铭记有必要向其管辖范围内的公 共和私营部门实体澄清,在恰当执行联合国制裁的同时,人道主义活动不应受到 不当限制。 委员会还支持并批准韩国基督教之友只为购买附件所列委员会豁免的货物 和服务而进行的必要商业和金融交易,但不影响相关商业决定。 与此同时,委员会请向朝鲜提供人道主义援助的相关组织遵守委员会批准的 豁免时限,并充分尊重和遵守所涉会员国管辖范围内有关金融和商业交易以及航 运和清关的国家法律、条例和许可证要求。 谨通知你,此信及其附件,包括参与审查对朝鲜的豁免运送的相关国家当局 将在 1718 委员会网站上公布,为期六个月。 委员会感谢韩国基督教之友的努力。 此致 敬礼 安全理事会第 1718(2006)号决议 所设委员会 主席 克里斯托夫·霍伊斯根(签名) 2019 年 1 月 21 日 附件: – 经修订的向朝鲜运送的物品和服务清单。 Annex 1: CFK 2018 UN Sanctions Exemption Names/locations of CFK supported care centers covered by this exemption request FacilityName Location Water Systems* Kaesong Provincial Pediatric Hospital Kaesong City * Kaesong #3 TB Provincial Hospital Kaesong City * Kaesong #3 TB Rest Home Kaesong City * Kaesong #2 Hepatitis Hospital Kaesong City * North Hwanghae #3 TB Hospital North Hwanghae Province * Hwangju #3 TB Rest Home North Hwanghae Province * Pongsan #3 TB Rest Home North Hwanghae Province Sariwon #3 TB Rest Home North Hwanghae Province * Songnim #3 TB Rest Home North Hwanghae Province Suan #3 TB Rest Home North Hwanghae Province Tosan #3 TB Rest Home North Hwanghae Province North Hwanghae #2 Hepatitis Hospital North Hwanghae Province * South Hwanghae #3 TB Hospital South Hwanghae Province * Changyon #3 TB Rest Home South Hwanghae Province * Haeju #3 TB Rest Home South Hwanghae Province * Kumchon #3 TB Rest Home South Hwanghae Province Paechon #3 TB Rest Home South Hwanghae Province * Shinwon #3 TB Rest Home South Hwanghae Province * Unryul #3 TB Rest Home South Hwanghae Province Central #3 TB Prevention Hospital (National TB Reference Pyongyang City Laboratory) * Pyongyang City #3 TB Hospital Pyongyang City Pyongyang City #3 TB Hospital-Pediatric Building Pyongyang City * Ryokpo #3 TB Rest Home Pyongyang City Pyongyang #2 Hepatitis Hospital (National Hepatitis Pyongyang City Reference Laboratory) * Unpa #3 TB Rest Home North Hwanghae Province * Sohung #3 TB Rest Home North Hwanghae Province Central #2 Hepatitis Hospital Pyongyang City Chunghwa #3 TB Rest Home North Hwanghae Province South Hwanghae #2 Hepatitis Hospital South Hwanghae Province * Jaeryong #3 TB Rest home South Hwanghae Province South Pyongan #2 Hepatitis Hospital South Pyongan Sohung #3 TB Special Hospital North Hwanghae Province Pyongsan #3 TB TB Rest Home North Hwanghae Province Sinpyong #3 TB Rest Home North Hwanghae Province *Places where repairs of CFK-installed water systems may be necessary in the future. 1 Annex 2: CFK 2018 UN Sanctions Exemption Detailed Description with Quantities/Specifications of goods/services, purpose, distribution (receiving entity) We anticipate all bolded items will require a UN Sanctions exemption due to the HS code or because it includes some metal. Project 1: Water Buckets with Filters Item Description Qty Specifications HS Code Purchase Origin Purpose Distribution 1.1 Water filter and bucket 4,000 • 5 gallon food grade bucket with metal 392390 • China or US To provide safe, clean TB, hepatitis and handle and lid, predrilled hole for filter 842121 drinking water for pediatric health care placement and logos and instructions TB, hepatitis and centers supported by printed on bucket pediatric health care CFK (see Annex 1) • Sawyer SP180 PointOne Filter with centers and patients bucket adapter kit 842121 • US suffering from chronic diarrhea in their homes Project 2: Inclusion of metal nail clippers as part of hygiene kits or relief kits Item Description Qty Specifications HS Code Purchase Origin Purpose Distribution 2.1 Hygiene Kit 8,900 1 handmade bag, 1 toothbrush, 1 bath soap, In Kind donation To provide TB, TB, hepatitis and 1 hand towel, 1 fingernail clipper from US Partners hepatitis and pediatric pediatric health care 821420 patients with basic centers supported by 2.2 Relief Kit 1,994 1 5 gallon bucket with metal handle, 4 bars 392390 hygiene supplies CFK (see Annex 1) bath soap, 1 bottle shampoo, 4 bars laundry 842121 2.2 Family sized soap, 4 toothbrushes, 4 bath towels, 2 hygiene kits combs, 1 fingernail clipper, 1 box adhesive especially for use bandages, 1 pack sanitary pads 842121 post natural disaster or at treatment centers Project 3: Delivery of greenhouses and tractors, (including spare parts) Item Description Qty Specifications HS Code Purchase Origin Purpose Distribution 3.1 Greenhouse set 8x20m 20 Trusses, rebar, end wall door/window, 392690 China To expand local TB, hepatitis and internal hoops, plastic, tie down rope, truss 732690 capacity to grow pediatric health care connections, horizontal bracing, drip vitamin-rich, fresh centers supported by irrigation kit, tools food year-round for CFK (see Annex 1) 3.2 Greenhouse replacement 83 Plastic, internal hoops, rope 392000 vulnerable patients plastic sets 460211 suffering from 560749 disease and 3.3 Tractor set 7 Tractor chassis (18hp) including engine 760600 malnutrition and tires, trailer, single share plough, 871639 rotary tillage, spare parts and 843290 consumables, 12 extra belts, fuel pump , wheel bearings, grease for wheels, spare tires for tractor and trailer 1 Annex 2: CFK 2018 UN Sanctions Exemption Detailed Description with Quantities/Specifications of goods/services, purpose, distribution (receiving entity) Item Description Qty Specifications HS Code Purchase Origin Purpose Distribution 3.4 Tractor set 14 Tractor chassis (18hp) including engine 870600 China To expand local TB, hepatitis and and tires capacity to grow pediatric health care 3.1 Tractor spare parts and 28 • piston part (cylinder gasket, piston, 840999 vitamin-rich, fresh centers supported by consumables sets connecting rod shaft, main shaft, air food year-round for CFK (see Annex 1) valve, valve, valve hose, piston ring, vulnerable patients piston pin) suffering from China • fuel hose 840991 disease and • 3 filters (fuel, air, diesel) x5 sets 842199 malnutrition • 1 can engine oil (3.5 litre)x5 271019 • 1 can gear oil (3.5 litre) x2 271019 • Injector nozzle 840999 • 12 belts 401039 • Fuel pump 841300 • Wheel bearings for trailer wheels 871400 • Grease for trailer wheels (400g tube) 271419 3.2 Tractor tire sets (2) 28 Rubber 401100 3.3 Trailer tires sets (2) 40 Rubber 401100 Project 4: construction materials, furnishings and equipment for South Hwanghae #2 Hepatitis Hospital diagnostic laboratory (Items 4.1-4.197); and Equipment/materials for repairs or other delivery within the scopeof CFK’s TB and hepatitis diagnostics and treatment work (as noted Items 4.198-4.220) Electrical panels & breakers Item Description Qty Specifications HS Code Purchase Origin Purpose Distribution 4.1 3/4”x10’ PVC conduit 37 Plastic 854720 US To fully renovate the South Hwanghae #2 4.2 ¾" els 26 Plastic 854720 South Hwanghae #2 Hepatitis Hospital 4.3 ¾ 45 els 12 Plastic 854720 Hepatitis Hospital laboratory 4.4 ¾” couplings 80 Plastic 854720 laboratory in order to 4.5 ¾” threaded adapters 130 plastic 854720 provide life-saving 4.6 Nuts for threaded adapters 130 Steel 731816 diagnostics and 4.7 3/4” LB 20 Plastic 854720 treatment capacity for 4.8 1” PVC conduit 1 plastic 854720 those suffering from 4.9 1” threaded adapters 2 Plastic 854720 hepatitis B or C in 4.10 Nuts for 1” threaded adapters 2 Steel 731816 this province 4.11 1” els 4 plastic 854720 4.12 1” couplings 8 plastic 854720 4.13 1-1/2” ridged conduit 2 Plastic 854720 4.14 1-1/2” flexible conduit 16’ Plastic and metal 854720 4.15 1-1/2” threaded adapters 10 Plastic 854720 4.16 1-1/2” nuts for threaded adapters 10 steel 731816 2 Annex 2: CFK 2018 UN Sanctions Exemption Detailed Description with Quantities/Specifications of goods/services, purpose, distribution (receiving entity) Item Description Qty Specifications HS Code Purchase Origin Purpose Distribution 4.17 1-1/2” els 2 plastic 854720 US To fully renovate the South Hwanghae #2 4.18 1-1/2” couplings 8 Plastic 854720 South Hwanghae #2 Hepatitis Hospital 4.19 1-1/2 conduit clamps 12 Plastic 854720 Hepatitis Hospital laboratory 4.20 1” conduit clamps 12 plastic 854720 laboratory in order to 4.21 3/4 “ conduit clamps 12 metal 854720 provide life-saving 4.22 PVC junction boxes 4”X4” 6 plastic 854720 diagnostics and 4.23 Cover for 4”x4” box 6 854720 treatment capacity for 4.24 #6 direct bury cable uf 400’ Copper, or aluminum, with plastic 854411 those suffering from coating 854419 hepatitis B or C in 4.25 #3 direct bury cable 80’ Copper or aluminum, with plastic 854411 this province coating 854420 4.26 #10 romex cable 100’ 1 Copper, with plastic coating 854411 4.27 #12 romex cable 100’ 2 Copper with plastic coating 854411 4.28 #12 thhn black wire 500’ 1 Copper with plastic coating 854411 4.29 #12 thhn red wire 500’ 1 Copper with plastic coating 854411 4.30 #12 thhn green wire 500’ 1 Copper with plastic coating 854411 4.31 100 Amp circuit breaker panel 2 metal 853810 4.32 100 Amp main breaker 2 Plastic and copper 853620 4.33 30 Amp double pole breakers 2 Plastic and copper 853620 4.34 20A double pole breakers 11 Plastic and copper 853620 4.35 Bolt on lugs 12 aluminun 761699 4.36 60A double pole breaker 1 Plastic and copper 853620 4.37 Box for 60Amp switch above 1 Steel 853810 Fixtures & other 4.38 Recessed can lighting fixtures 44 steel 940510 US To fully renovate the South Hwanghae #2 4.39 Trim for can above 44 steel 940510 South Hwanghae #2 Hepatitis Hospital 4.40 Romex connectors for cans above 60 plastic 790700 Hepatitis Hospital laboratory 4.41 220 v light bulbs 75 Plastic, glass, copper 701110 laboratory in order to 4.42 30 amp plug 1 Plastic, and copper 853669 provide life-saving 4.43 30 Amp.
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