Indicative Bibliography of our Reference N. Velmos Fragelio, issue 24, 28 may 1927 N.Velmos, Fragelio, issue 27, 18 June 1927 N.Velmos, Fragelio, issue 3, March 1928 Z. Papantoniou, „20th Century‟, issue 3, April 1934 Str. Doukas, Echo tis Ellados, 21 April 1935 F. Giofylis, Ethniki Simaia, 22 April 1935 P. Prevelakis, Neoellinika Grammata - issue 4, 5 May 1935 D.A. Kokkinos, Nea Estia, issue 202, 15 May 1935 F.Giofylis, Ethniki ,26 May 1936 D.A. Kokkinos, Nea Estia, issue 227, 1 June 1936 F. Konstantinides, Mines, issue 6, 1937 N.G Pentzikis, Newspaper of the Balkans, 26, 27 May 1937 E.Ziogas, Neoellinika Grammata, issue 123, 8 April 1939 I. Kaimis, Neoelliniki Logotechnia, issue 2, February1940 Sp. Melas, Elliniki Dimiourgia, issue 18, 1 November 1948(republication from Estia ,28 October 1948) D.E. Evaggelides, Nea Estia, issue 512, 1 November 1948 D.E. Evaggelides, Nea Estia, issue 597, 15 May 1952 T. Spiteris, Le Messager d’Athénes, 21 October 1953 G. Petris, Epitheorisi tis Technis, issue 22, October 1956 Sotiris Messinis „Venice Biennale’, 1956 I. M. Panagiotopoulos, Eleftheria, 21 September1958 N. Alexiou, Kenourgia Epochi, winter 1958 M. Chatzidakis, To Vima, 10 December 1958 M. Anagnostopoulou, Eleftheria, 25 December 1958 School Buildings album, Ministry of Education and Culture, Athens, 1959 Raoul-Jean oulin, Lettres Françaises, 1959 G.Petris, Epitheorisi Technis, issue 85, January 1962 Al. Drakos, Áthenaiki, 24 March 1962, E. Ferendinou, Nees Morfes, issue 2 , March- April 1962 F. Giofylis, The history of the Neo-Hellenic Art, (painting, sculpture, engraving, architecture and decoration) 1821-1941, issue 2, p. 453,492-493, Athens 1963 George Boudailles, „Biennale’, Lettres Françaises, 1964, T. Spiteris, Architektóniki , issue 46, July –August 1964 Arte Oggi, Rome, 1964 Natopress, Rome, 1964 Gino Spinelli, „Biennale’ Gazzetino Di Giorno‟1964 E. Vakalo, „Biennale‟, 1964 Art International, „Biennale‟, 1964, Charles Spencer, Cultura, 1964 Hans Redeker, „‟Biennale‟‟, Algemeen Handelblad, Holland, 1964 Gerard Cassiot-Talabot, Cimaise, issue. 69-70, 1964 Lettere Nuove, Barletta, 1964 Nouvelles Literaires, 1964 Manolis Chatzidakis, Perspective in Greece, Articles written on the occasion of the Thessaloniki International Fair in 1966 and the entrance sculpture by Andronikos, Fatouros, Karadinos, Christou, Baxevani, Philipou, Lymberakis, Natsis Jean-Albert Cartier,’Venice Biennale’, Georgio Teff. Sarazin, Basel, Switzerland Kaisserlian, „Venice Biennale ‟ Telegrafo Livorno Agg. G. Prokopiou, History of Art, 1750-1950, issue 3, Fauvism- Kubism- Expressionism- Surrealism- Abstract Art- Art Informel, p 456-459, 473, Athens, 1969 Denys Chevalier, Nouveau Dictionnaire de la Sculpture Moderne (Hazan, Paris), p. 324-325, 1970 Kosmas Linardatos, Vradini, 1971&1975 John Papaioannou, Goethe Institute, Athens 1971 Stelios Lidakis, Hellenic American Union, Athens, 1971 & Zoumboulaki Gallery, 1979 Maria Norman, Athens Daily Post, 1971 K.Parlas, ToVima, 18 February 1973 The Council House brochure, Samuel C. Johnson& Son, Racine, Wisconsin, 1975 Campo Pisani, Venice, Gazzetino Venezia, 1976 E. Bnenezit, Dictionnaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs, issue. 10, p. 917, Paris 1976 Al . Xidis, Propositions on the history of Modern Greek Art issue 1 –Formation- Development, p.112,121,185,211,217-218,223,256, Athens 1976, issue 2 ,Vehicles and Problems p. 80-84, 98, 193, Αthens 1976 K.S. 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Vakalo, the cast of features of Post War art in Greece, vol.4: After abstraction, p.30, 39-40, Athens 1985 T. Spiteris, Global Biographical Dictionary, vol 4, p.20-21, Athens publications, Athens 1985 M . Papanikolaou Outdoor Sculptures of Thessaloniki p. 18, 19, 118-119, 124-125, Thessaloniki 1985 A. Giacoumatos – E. Godoli, L’ Architettura delle Scuole e il Razionalismo in Grecia, p. 93-98, Florence 1985 The Gorgopotamos Memorial, Avgi, 1985 K. Stavropoulos, Plastic Arts,1985 Lia Kipiotis , Cyprus, 1987 Bristocke, Dictionary of Art (An article by Μαrina Lambraki- Plaka), 1987 M. Kotzamani, The Omonia water jets, Icones, 14 December 1988 Architectonica Themata ed. Orestis Doumanis, Athens Sculpture in Thessaloniki( Bank of Macedonia) Pierre Restany, 1988 Dennis Zacharopoulos, Issue 1989 Edited by Eleni Kipraiou, Zongolopoulos , Athens 1990 Gallery Jean Bernier, Zongolopoulos, Athens 1990 M. 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