Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998 STAATSKOERANT vAN DIE REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PRYS (AVB iogesluit) 30c PRICE (GST iDcladed) As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer BUITELANDS 40c ABROAD Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper POSVRY • POST FREE PRETORIA, 30 . JULIE 1982 Vol. 205 JULY No. 8319 OPDRAG COMMISSION t'an die Staatspresident t'an die RepubHek van by the State President of tbe Republic of Suid-Mrika SoutlJ Mrica Aan: To: Dr. ROBERT WINDSOR BURTON Dr ROBERT WINDSOR BURTON Greetings! Saluut! Whereas I have appointed a Commission to inquire into NademaaI ek 'n Kommissie aangestel het om ondersoek and report on certain aspects of bus passenger transportation in te stel na en verslag te doen oor sekere aspekte van in the Republic of South Africa; buspassasiersvervoer in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika; And whereas I have released Dr Frederick Berkhout from En nademaal ek dr. Frederick Berkhout van sy aanstel­ his appointment to the said Commission; ling in die Kommissie onthef het; Now, therefore, by reason of the great trust I repose in So is dit dat, terwyl ek groot vertroue in u kennis en your knowledge and ability, I hereby authorise and appoint bekwaamheid stel, ek u hierby magtig en benoem tot lid van you to be a member of the Commission with the terms of genoemde Kommissie, met die opdrag soos uitgeengesit in reference set forth in my commission of the eleventh day of my opdrag van die elfde dag van September 1981 aan die September 1981 to the Chairman and members of the Com­ V oorsitter en lede van die Kommissie. mission. Gegee onder my Hand en die SetH van die Republiek van Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of Suid-Afrika te Hoedspruit, op hede die Vyftiende dag van South Africa at Hoedspruit this Fifteenth day of July, One Julie Eenduisend Negehonderd Twee-en-tagtig. thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-two. M. VIUOEN, Staatspresident M. VIUOEN, State President Op las van die Staatspresident-in-rade: By Order of the State President-in-Council: H. S. J. SCHOEMAN. H. S. J. SCHOEMAN. PROKLAMASIES PROCLAMATIONS t'sn die Staatspresident van die Republiek t'an by the State President of the Republic of Suid-Mrika South Africa No. 129, 1982 No. 129, 1982 WYSIGING VAN PROKLAMASIE 91 V AN 1980 INGE­ AMENDMENT OF PROCLAMATION 91 OF 1980 IN VOLGE WAARVAN DIE BEPALINGS VAN DIE WET TERMS OF WHICH THE PROVISIONS OF THE RENT OP HUURBEHEER, 1976, ONDER SEKERE OMSTAN­ CONTROL ACf, 1976, ARE APPLICABLE UNDER DIGHEDE V AN TOEPASSING IS OP SEKERE CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES TO CERTAIN DWELL­ WONINGS, MOTORHUISE EN MOTORSTAAN­ INGS, GARAGES AND PARKING SPACES, OCCU­ PLEKKE WAT VIR DIE EERSTE KEER NA DIE 20STE PIED OR USED FOR THE FIRST TIME AFTER THE DAG VAN OKTOBER 1949 EN VOOR DIE ISTE DAG 20TH DAY OF ocrOBER 1949 AND BEFORE THE 1ST VAN JUNIE 1966 GEOKKUPEER OF GEBRUIK IS DAY OF JUNE 1966 Kragtens die bevoegheid my verleen by artikel52 (1) van Under the powers vested in me by section 52 (I) of die Wet op Huurbeheer, 1976 (Wet 80 van 1976), wysig ek the Rent Control Act, 1976 (Act 80 of 1976), I hereby hierby Proklamasie 91 van 1980 deur die uitsluiting daaruit amend Proclamation 91 of 1980 by the exclusion therefrom 203-1 8319-1 Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998 2 No. 8319 STAATSKOERANT, 30 JULIE 1982 van die wonings en motorhuise omskryf in die Bylaehiet­ of the dwellings and garages defined in·~~"SeltedtH~·M van, onderworpe aan die volgende uitsonderings,naamlik hereto, subject to the followinge]teeptio~",~ll)eJy dat­ that­ (a) 'n deeltitelregister binne ses maande geopen word (a) a sectional title register be .opened "Within' suty; of binne sodanige verlengde tydperk waartoe Sy Edele months o~ within such extende<Jperiod.as the.-M.tn~st,eJ;offl die Minister van Gemeenskapsontwikkeling mag instem; Commumty Development may agree to; . (b) die wonings en motorhuise nie verkoop mag word (b) the dwellings and garagesmay not be 'sold rfo{aS"-' nie vir solank dit deur die huidige huurders bewoon word long as they are occupied by the pre~ntteoants' 0.11 until maar dat hulle toegelaat word om aan te bly as huurders such time as they vacate the dwellings of their own free tot tyd en wyl hulle die wonings uit vrye wil ontruim of will or for as long as they fall within too income catego­ vir solank hulle binne die inkomstekategoriee val soos ries as determined in terms of section 19 (1) (a) of the bepaal ingevolge artikel 19 (1) (a) van die Behui­ Housing Act, 1966 (Act 4 of 1966), which limitsonth~ J singswet, 1966 (Wet 4 van 1966), welke perke op datum date of promulgation hereof are R360 per month. in the van uitvaardiging hiervan bepaal is op R360 per maand in case of single persons and R650 per month In the case of die geval van enkellopendes en R650 per maand in die families; geval van gesinne; (c) die huidige huurgelde van die wonings en rnotor­ (c) the present rentals ofthe dwellings and garages as huise soos bepaal deur die Huurraad nie verhoog mag determined by the Rent Board may not be increased, word nie, statutere verhogings ten opsigte van munisipale statutory increases in respect of municipal rates and belastings, elektrisiteit- en waterheffings, assuransiepre­ taxes, electricity and water charges, insurance premiums, mies, lone en heffmgs betaalbaar deur Swart werknemers wages and levies payable by Black employees excluded, uitgesluit, vir solank die wonings deur die huidige huur­ for as long as the dwellings are occupied by the present ders bewoon word of vir solank hulle inkomste nie die tenants or for as long as the tenants' incomes do not perke in (b) hierbo genoem oorskry nie; en . exceed the limits mentioned in (b) above; and (d) huurooreenkomste met die huurders aangegaan (d) agreements of lease be entered into with the tenants word waarin die voorwaardes in (b) en (c) ingelyf is. in which the conditions in (b) and (c) above are incorpo­ rated. Gegee onder my Hand en die Seel van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Mica, op hede die Sesde dag van Julie Een­ Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of duisend Negehonderd Twee-en-tagtig. South Africa at Mica this Sixth day of July, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-two. M. VIUOEN, Staa~president. M. VIUOEN, State President. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-rade: By Order of the State President-in-Council: S. F. KOTZE. S. F. KOTZE. BYLAE Wonings 209, 302 en 309, Kelvin Court, gelee op Erf SCHEDULE 1207, Arcadia, Pretoria, en Motorhuise 20 en 28 wat in Dwellings 209, 302 and 309, Kelvin Court, situate on Erf verband met Wonings 309 en 302, onderskeidelik gebruik 1207, Arcadia, Pretoria, and Garages 20 and 28' used in word. connection with Dwellings 309 and 302, respectively. No. 130, 1982 No. 130, 1982 DATUM VAN INWERKINGTREDING VAN DIE DATE OF COMING INTO OPERATION OF THE STATE WYSIGINGSWET OP DIE BESKIKKING OOR LAND DISPOSAL AMENDMENT ACT, 1982 (ACT 66 STAATSGROND, 1982 (WET 66 VAN 1982) OF 1982) Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 7 van die Under and by virtue of the powers vested in me by sec: Wysigingswet op die Beskikking oor Staatsgrond, 1982 tion 7 of the State Land Disposal Amendment Act, 1982 (Wet 66 van 1982), verklaarek hierby dat genoemde Wet in (Act 66 of 1982), I hereby declare that the said Act shall· werking tree op die datum waarop hierdie proklamasie in come into operation on the date of publication of this proc­ die Staatskoerant verskyn. lamation in the Government Gazette. Gegee onder my Hand en die Seel van die Republiek van Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of Suid-Afrika te Pretoria, op hede die Negentiende dag van South Africa at Pretoria this Nineteenth day of July, One Julie Eenduisend Negehonderd Twee-en-tagtig. thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-two. M. VIUOEN, Staatspresident. M. VIUOEN, State President. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-rade: By Order of the State President-in-Council: S. F. KOTZE. S. F. KOTZE. No. 131, 1982 No. 131, 1982 DATUM VAN INWERKINGTREDING V AN ARTIKELS DATE OF COMING INTO OPERATION OF SECTIONS. 1, 19 EN 20 V AN DIE WYSIGINGSWET OP HANDEL­ 1, 19 AND 20 OF THE MERCHANT SHIPPING SKEEPVAART, 1982 (WET 3 VAN 1982) AMENDMENT ACT, 1982 (ACT 3 OF 1982) Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 21 van Under the powers vested in me by section 21 of the Mer­ die Wysigingswet op Handelskeepvaart, 1982 (Wet 3 van chant Shipping Amendment Act, 1982 (Act 3 of 1982), I 1982), verkIaar ek hierby dat artikels I, 19 en 20 van hereby declare that section 1, 19 and 20 of the said Act, genoemde Wet op 1 Augustus 1982 in werking tree. shall come into operation on 1 August 1982. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 30 JULY 1982 No. 8319 3 Gegee onder my Hand en die Seel van die Republiek van Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of Suid-Afrika te Hoodspruit, op hede die Vyftiende dag van South Africa at Hoodspruit this Fifteenth day of July, One Julie Eenduisend Negehonderd Twee-en-tagtig. thousand Nine. hundred and Eighty-two.
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