Natal Stores trict AND JOURNAL OF TRADE A WEEKLY PAPER FOR NAVAL STORES PRODUCERS, FACTORS, EXPORTERS AND DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS OF SOAPS, VARNISHES, PAPER, PRINTING INKS, ETC. Vor. XXXVI, No. 3 SAVANNAH, GA., SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1926 Price $5.00 Per ANNUM J. A. G. CARSON, President H. L. KAYTON, Vice-President J. A. G. CARSON, Jr., Vice-President W. H. BARBER CO. C. H. CARSON, Vice-President at Jacksonville 3650 SOUTH HOMAN AVENUE Carson CHICAGO, ILL. Rosin, Turpentine ‘Naval Stores Company Pine Oil, Etc. Organized in 1879. Oldest House in the Business. FACTORS DIRECT SHIPMENTS FROM THE SOUTH, OR FROM OUR CHICAGO STOCK. "AND w WHOLESALE GROCERS PRINCIPAL OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE SAVANNAH, GEORGIA |_| JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA SALES DEPARTMENT National Bank Building Graham Building Gillican- Chipley With an organization unsurpassed and ample means at our command, our facilities for handling your business are second to none + Company = WE INVITE YOUR CORRESPONDENCE NEW ORLEANS, LA. «A Thought The dependability of the firmifrom whom GILLCAN-CHTBLEY COMPANY vc. you buy your supplies is just as impor- NEW ORLEANS, LA_US.A. (CELT TSE REET CEL TO tant as the financial rating and moral - TT standing of the firm to whom you sell. PRODUCERS, DEALERS sr AND Columbia Naval Stores Co. EXPORTERS rere Pores 5 Savannah, Georgia Rosin—T urpentine SAVANNAH WEEKLY NAVAL STORES REVIEW AND JOURNAL OF TRADE" “D. M. FLYNN WALTER RAY H. L. RICHMOND A. L. 'BROGDEN JOHN M. BLAIN PRIOR J. ROONEY Chmn. of Board President Vice-President Vice-President Secy-Treas. Asst. Secy-Treas. FE lynn-Harris-Bullard Co JACKSONVILLE, FLA. -- SAVANNAH, GA. Naval Stores Factors—Wholesale Grocers GROCERY BRANCHES JACKSONVILLE AND TAMPA, FLA. SAVANNAH AND BAINBRIDGE, GA. A house whose conservative managament and financial strength is unquestioned and : : unquestionable in the naval stores industry. : We solicit the patronage and the business of the producer of naval stores. «vows PENINSULAR NAVAL STORES COMPANY A NAVAL STORES FACTORS § HBERG, ior. WHOLESALE GROCERS snner, | AND DEALERS IN TURPENTINE OPERATORS SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ~ E. L. WARNER, Secty.-Treas. | RECEIVING POINTS: er CAD IRALLL: JACKSONVILLE, FLA. AND SAVANNAH, GA Bf hn : ; CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED LSC pai $ Office: Atlantic National Bank Bullding, JACKSONVILLE, FLA + Pred Tals O. T. McINTOSH, President D. T. FURSE, Vice-President : —DIRECTORS— C. M. WILSON, Savannah, Ga. W. R. BOWEN, Fitzgerald, Ga. D. T. FURSE, Savannah, Ga. AO J.J. DORMINY, Broxton, Ga. 0. T. McINTOSH, Savannah, Ga. SOUTHERN STATES NAVAL STORES GO. tN ed SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Oh ed FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Gis RO er DEALERS IN GENERAL SUPPLIES TT Receive Gonsizaments at Savannah, 6a, and at Jacksonville and Pensacola, Fla, a We make prompt sales and returns. Pay drafts of responsible parties against bill ladings. When shippers desire to hold Rosin or Turpentine, we will hold it for them and make reasonable advances on same. "ACCOUNTS SOLICITED CORRESPOND WITH US SAVANNAH WEEKLY NAVAL STORES REVIEW AND JOURNAL OF TRADE =. 3 RL ) EDGED (EDO GED O-GED OGD OE (3 ¢ ... SAVANNAH NAVAL STORES MARKET... gd o alii I a at ea a ii a i ly. & RECEIPTS AT SAVANNAH, now that in the United States the | UNION WADDING COM- JACKSONVILLE AND PEN- period of feverish buying of any com- PANY’S ORIGINAL “SINGLE modities is over, for the time being at SACOLA, APRIL 1-APRIL 15 STRAINER BATTING least, and that 1926 is to be marked more by the day-to-day buying and Barrels Barrels The Union Wadding Company, of disinclination to accumulate stocks on Spts. Turp. Rosin any high value bases. The fact that Pawtucket, Rhode Island, whose card 1926. 5 3,200 13,197 rosins are in such lessened general appears elsewhere in this issue of the 192505... 5,733 21;743 supply may counteract this policy to 1924 5 5,407 25,621 “Review, has had the original brand some extent. There is reason to of rosin batting known as “Single 1998 5,519 26,326 believe that there is less rosin in the 1989 in 4,319 22,682 Strainer 36 Inch” on the market for United States today than there was a fifty years and offers it to the trade year ago. The crop now beginning STOCKS AT THREE PORTS at very attractive prices. The Union may show some increase—many doubt Wadding Company was the originator CLOSE OF APRIL 15 that it will—but if any it will be of of this product and the Single Strain- minor importance. From the view- er Batting has been sold by them to Barrels Barrels point of supplies the rosin situation is the factors for many years. The com- Year Spts. Turp. Rosin decidedly healthful and this promises pany states | that rosin «strained 192802. 24,791 103,096 to be the stabilizing influence of the through its batting can be shipped 1825 wo... 20,307 166,354 season helping to offset the consum- by the turpentine operator to his 994 x 20,179 210,557 ing attitude. Conditions favor a year factor with a feeling of safety that it of profitable values for the producers T0080 0 12,5618 204,076 will meet all of the requirements of" and the maintenance of the industry 1928 i. 14,574 263,245 the trade. | in a proper financial condition for its Today (Saturday) no future operations. offerings of PREST. WEIBERT OF THE spots turpentine. Posted firm at 89%. Foreign demands this week have been quite general in their character, PENINSULAR TO VISIT BRAZIL Rosins one bid. Offerings of 391 bar- including orders booked for May-June rels sold at declines as follows: 1, 10; shipment to several countries. Toward The friends of President H. Wei- H,G, F, 35; E, 10. Sales of 338 bar- the close an inclination to seek still bert, of the Peninsular Naval Stores rels made late Friday also reported. lower prices was in evidence in cables. Company, of Jacksonville, will be Prices page 31. Around present prices, though, there pleased to know that he has projected seems to be reason to anticipate a a vacation trip to Brazil to visit mem- good volume of foreign trade for Sharp declines in rosin prices bers of his immediate family living have April-May shipments. Domestic busi- been the especially noticeable feature ness also showed improvement in the there. Mr. Weibert sails on 22nd May on the “Southern Cross” for Rio de of the week’s developments in total volume but reports from North the Sa- Janeiro and will be gone about three vannah and Jacksonville naval stores and West indicate only immediate re- quirements being met—a natural con- months. markets. Trading has been stimulated dition with a market opening the sea- thereby and a more healthful market son so high and everyone expecting somewhat feared that the effect of the condition produced. The lowered quo- a drop. London stock situation would continue tations represent a decided shrinkage Turpentine dropped three cents be- over the first two months of the new: season. The market there seems to In primary market prices, 90 tween the Fridays. The London trade cents on seems to have absorbed much of what- have settled down to a further period Waterwhite, $1.20 on Windowglass, ever Continental demands there are, of slight fluctuations from day to day $1.25 on N, M, K, 95 cents on I, $1.15 only one or two little German orders and the anticipations of a stronger. situation developing in April seem to on H, 90¢ on G, $1.05 on F, 75¢ on being ‘reported booked this week. No: E, $2.10 on D, $1.60 on U. K. orders have come to America, | have disappeared. The spring domes- B. Some such inasmuch as London is still a much tic demand has opened up slower than declines as these have been looked for, cheaper market to buy in. Deliveries | expected and the easing off of the anticipated probably in the forward there this week will run above 2,700 price. has not as yet stimulated de- sales mand materially. Receipts continue of dealers, and calmly relied on barrels, it is stated. Stocks there are by consumers who have coming down gradually, 27,800 bar- very small, and as the weather has refrained rels American at close of last week been’ more or less unfavorable in from buying with a determination to and 100 French. Some business is re- April this condition may run over into start the season's purchasing on a ported done for summer months ship- May. Some small additional sales of omered level, albeit much higher than ments from this side, but the general May-August were made this week at re Season’s initial weeks. The week awakening in: foreign turpentine 80 and 81 cents. There are bids at ought In a welcome volume of new trade has not yet come. It has been 80 cents with no offerings. it Snes foreign and domestic, mainly W Ss stated of the small lot order, but Fe to infuse some new life and LONDON, ENG., TURPENTINE MARKET Wa Into the situation. Consumptive 7 : are slowly but steadily uncover- DATE SPOTS MAY-JUN. JUL.-DEC. MARKET i ut with the same cautious inclin- April 10... 63s. 6d. 63s. 3d. 59s. 6d. Steady, small business. Wi that marks business the world April 12... 63s. 6d. 63s. 3d. 59s. 9d. Steady, small business. o er to proceed conservatively in buy- April 13... 63s. 94. 63s. 9d. 59s. 9d. Steady, small business. 3 > . “ast year the reverse of this April 14... 63s. 9d. 63s. 9d. 59s. 9d. Dull, little doing. ih In evidence for the major part of April 15:7 63s.
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