E1242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 12, 2012 REMEMBERING MICHIGAN STATE States by U.S. News & World Report every 30,000 men in the field—more than the Sandi- SENATOR BILL VAN year since the rankings began in 1983. nistas ever had in their fight against the REGENMORTER Rice also ranks among the 10 best value Somoza regime. private colleges by Princeton Review. The decade-long effort to oppose the Sandi- HON. TED POE The James A. Baker III Institute for public nistas received typical on-again off-again sup- OF TEXAS policy at Rice is world renowned for its con- port from a fickle U.S. Congress. During that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tributions as a think tank. time, Soviet-Cuban support for communist Rice has constituently been ranked among Thursday, July 12, 2012 governments and insurgencies in Nicaragua, the top 20 universities in the U.S. overall and El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mex- Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise today for Hispanic students. ico was steadfast. Their goal was to spread to honor the life of a leader in the victims’ Rice University is one of three Tier One re- communism throughout the hemisphere and rights movement, former Michigan State Sen- search and education universities in Texas. up to the southern border of the United States. ator Bill van Regenmorter. Rice is ranked the number 4 best value Central America was engaged in an epic It was fitting that flags in Michigan were among private Universities. struggle and Nicaragua was the epicenter. flown at half-mast following Bill’s death. Many Rice plays a leading role in research in More than 3000 Cuban military intelligence news reports in Michigan detailed his signifi- many fields, including nanotechnology, space, and State security officers set up the repres- cant contributions to the people of his beloved cellular technology, bioinformatics, energy, sive internal security apparatus in Nicaragua, state and, most especially, his long advocacy health, and the environment. advised the Sandinista armed forces, and par- and legislative accomplishments on behalf of I congratulate Rice University for 100 years ticipated in combat. The PLO sent 100 experi- crime victims and survivors. I feel it is fitting to of preparing its students to succeed in a highly enced combat officers, Libya and Iran shipped equally recognize that Bill’s contributions go competitive and complex world, and look for- tons of weapons, the Cubans sent tens of far beyond the borders of Michigan. As one of ward to 100 more. thousands of AK–47s, Soviet MI–8 helicopters the earliest state legislators to draft and enact f and SA–7 missiles. crime victims’ rights legislation, Bill was ex- Thousands of Contras were killed and HONORING ADOLFO CALERO traordinarily generous in sharing his experi- maimed, but they held fast. The struggle cul- PORTOCARRERO ences, insights and innovations with those of minated in a ceasefire in 1988 and democratic us in other states dedicated to the same elections in 1990. In those elections, UNO’s cause. His hand can indeed be seen in similar HON. DAVID RIVERA coalition of 14 political parties led by Violetta laws in dozens of other states. Bill’s tireless OF FLORIDA Chamorro scored an upset victory over the efforts were recognized in 2009 by the U.S. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sandinistas. Department of Justice, when he received the Thursday, July 12, 2012 Calero’s efforts ultimately led to victory and Ronald Wilson Reagan Public Policy Award the restoration of democracy. Calero’s dedica- from the Office for Victims of Crime. Mr. RIVERA. Mr. Speaker, businessman, tion to freedom and democracy also led to the There is no question that without Bill van entrepreneur, freedom fighter and long-time beginning of the end of Soviet-Cuban penetra- Regenmorter, we could not have made as friend of the United States Adolfo Calero tion of Central America. much progress as we have in securing crime Portocarrero died in Managua, Nicaragua on f victims’ rights throughout our entire nation. As June 2. a Texas judge, I can attest that we tapped Mr. Calero was best known as an ally of the REPEAL OF OBAMACARE ACT Bill’s wisdom and expertise in the late 1980s United States in our efforts to prevent the to develop our own ‘‘Victims’ Bill of Rights’’— spread of communism in Central America in SPEECH OF an important law that, to this day, provides a the 1980s. He was leader of the Nicaraguan HON. KENNY MARCHANT strong foundation for the fair treatment of Democratic Force, the largest group in the OF TEXAS crime victims in my state. broad anti-Sandinista coalition. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In Bill’s own words, ‘‘victim empowerment Mr. Speaker, I personally knew Adolfo has brought integrity to the system that wasn’t Calero and I can attest that he was a great Wednesday, July 11, 2012 there before.’’ Bill’s legacy can be found in his friend of the United States. He went to high Mr. MARCHANT. Madam Speaker, I rise pioneering efforts that empowered countless school in New Orleans, received degrees from today to ask my colleagues to join me in vot- crime victims and those who serve them to Notre Dame and Syracuse University, man- ing for H.R. 6079. Though the Supreme Court stand up for victims’ rights, and his inspiration aged the Coca-Cola bottling plant in Nica- opinion didn’t strike down the entire law, it did for anyone concerned about individual and ragua, and occasionally lived in Miami, Flor- prohibit the federal government’s ability to co- community safety to, as he did throughout his ida. erce state governments in accepting major ex- entire life, get involved and make a positive Calero was a member of the Conservative pansions to Medicaid. difference. Party in Nicaragua and after the communist Now that many states have indicated they The U.S. Congressional Victims’ Rights Sandinista (FSLN) overthrow of the Somoza will not accept the Medicaid expansion, this Caucus sends its condolences to Bill’s wife regime in 1979, he was jailed and later went seriously undermines a major premise of Cheryl and his family, and his ‘‘extended fam- into exile in Florida. Eventually he joined the Obamacare. Even before the Supreme Court’s ily’’ of crime victims, survivors and victim ad- political directorate of the Nicaraguan Demo- ruling on Medicaid, patients were already see- vocates who benefit today and in the future cratic Force and became its president. ing higher premium costs and fewer choices. from his pioneering efforts. What is lesser know is that Calero had also We need to start over and craft a health And that’s just the way it is. been twice jailed by the Somozas in the care plan that will actually increase patient ac- f 1970s. He was an advocate and friend of de- cess and lower premiums. We can do this CELEBRATING THE 100TH ANNI- mocracy and an opponent of dictatorship while working with our state governments rath- VERSARY OF RICE UNIVERSITY whether it was on the right or left. er than trying to force a Washington-knows- In the 1980s, saddened and angered by best plan. Nicaragua’s fall to communism and Daniel f HON. BILL FLORES Ortega’s abuse of human rights, Calero joined OF TEXAS the United Nicaraguan Opposition (UNO) in an PERSONAL EXPLANATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES effort to unify the various anti-Sandinista fac- Thursday, July 12, 2012 tions. Nicaragua’s ‘‘counter-revolutionary’’ HON. BILL HUIZENGA Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, as a Represent- fighters or Contras were largely made up of OF MICHIGAN ative of the great state of Texas, I am honored 18–22 year olds, independent rural farmers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to be a citizen of a state which is home to an and indigenous Christian Indians from the Car- outstanding institution like Rice University. ibbean Coast. The Contras also filled their Thursday, July 12, 2012 Rice is celebrating its 100 year anniversary, ranks with disenchanted Sandinistas—at one Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, as it was inaugurated in October 12, 1912, in time 6 Of 14 Contra regional commanders and on rollcall No. 385, I was absent due to per- Houston, Texas. 13 Of 52 Contra task force commanders were sonal reasons. Rice has consistently been ranked as one of Sandinista defectors who wanted true free- Had I been present, I would have voted the top 20 national universities in the United dom. At the peak of their strength, UNO had ‘‘nay.’’ VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:43 Jul 13, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12JY8.023 E12JYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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