Selected bibliography 1. Publications by Harald Szeemann (ed.), Fred Stauffer: Werke von i%2 bis 1962, cat­ 1.1. Catalogues alogue, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 1962. 1.2. Monographs (ed.), Harry Kramer: Automobile Skulpturen, 1.3. Articles Marionetten, Filme, catalogue, Biel: Stadtische Gale­ rie Biel, 1962. 2. Publications with and about Harald Szeemann (ed.), Lenz Klotz, Friedrich Kuhn, Bruno Miiller, 2.1. Monographs Matias Spescha, catalogue, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 2.2. Interviews, Articles, Portraits 1962. — (ed.), Puppen - Marionetten - Schattenspiel (Asiatica und Experimente), catalogue, Bern: Kunst­ halle Bern, 1962. I. Publications by Harald Szeemann 1963 — (ed.), Alan Davie, catalogue, Bern: Kunsthalle I.I. Catalogues by HSz (Only catalogues with contri­ Bern, 1963. butions by Harald Szeemann are listed here. For (ed.), Auguste Herbin (1882-1960), catalogue, other catalogues in the context of the exhibtions Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 1963. curated by Harald Szeemann see: "Catalogue of — (ed.), Bildnerei der Geisteskranken - Art Brut - all Exhibitions," p. 27 ff.) Insania pingens, catalogue, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern 1963. 1957 — (ed.), Etienne-Martin, catalogue, Bern: Kunst­ Harald Szeemann (ed.), Hugo Ball, leaflet, Bern, 1957. halle Bern, 1963. 1961 — ied.), Piotr Kowalski, catalogue, Bern: Kunsthalle {e&.),BurU Giirtler, Iselt Luginbiihl, Meister, Spe- Bern, 1963. scha, Schaffner, catalogue, Biel: Stadtische Galerie — (ed.), Victor Pasmore / David Scott, catalogue, Biel, 1961. Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 1963. ied,), Hans Aeschbacher, catalogue, Bern: Kunst- 1964 halle Bern, 1961. — (ed.), Anselmo Boix-Vives, catalogue, Bern: Kunst­ — (ed.), OttoTschumi, catalogue, Bern: Kunsthalle halle Bern 1964. Bern, 1961. — (ed.), Ex Voto, catalogue, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, — (ed.), Prdhistorische Felsbilder der Sahara: Expe­ 1964. dition Henri Lhote im Gebiet Tassili-n-Ajjen cata­ — {ed.), Ferdinand Hodler: Pay sage de 1904 a 1918, logue, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 1961. Landschaften derReife undSpdtzeit, catalogue, Biel: 1962 Stadtische Galerie Biel, 1964. — (ed.), 4 Amerikaner: Jasper Johns, Alfred Leslie, — (ed.), Louise Nevelson, catalogue, Bern: Kunst­ Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Stankiewicz, cata­ halle Bern, 1964. logue, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 1962. — (ed.). Marcel Duchamp, Wassily Kandinsky, — (ed.), Francis Picabia, catalogue, Bern: Kunst­ Kasimir Malewitsch /Josef Albers / Tom Doyle, cata­ halle Bern, 1962. logue, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern 1964. — (ed.). Serge Brignoni: Gemdlde und Skulpuren (1924-1963, catalogue, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 1964. OPPOSITE PAGE: Harald Szeemann in his fabbrica in Maggia, — (ed.), Victor Vasarely: Werke von 1935 bis 1963, Ticino, 1994. PHOTO BY ARMIN LINKE catalogue, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 1964. 705 I.I. Catalogues by HSz 1965 1969 — (ed.), Giorgio Morandi, catalogue, Bern: Kunst- (ed.), 22 junge Schweizer, catalogue, newspaper halle Bern, 1965. format, Bern: Kunst-halle Bern, 1969. — (ed.), Licht und Bewegung / Lumiere et mouve- / Karl Ruhrberg (eds.), Freunde + Freunde / merit / Luce e movimento / Light and Movement / Friends + Fruend: Karl Gerstnen Diter Rot, Daniel Kinetische Kunst, catalogue, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, Spoerri Andre Thomkins, und Freunde, catalogue 1965. Kunsthalle Bern (Freunde - Friends - d'Friinde: Karl — (ed.), Robert Miiller, catalogue, Bern: Kunsthalle Gerstner, Diter Rot, Daniel Spoerri, Andre Thom- Bern, 1965. kins und ihre Freunde und Freundesfreunde), 1966 and Kunsthalle Diisseldorf (Friends Freunde — (ed.), Jean Dewasne, catalogue, Bern: Kunsthalle und Friinde), Stuttgart: Edition Hansjorg Mayer, Bern, 1966. 1969. — (ed.), Jean Gorin, Jean Dewasne, Constant, cat­ (ed.). When Attitudes Become Form: Works - alogue, newspaper format, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, Concepts - Processes - Situations - Information / 1966. Wenn AttitUden Form werden: Werke - Konzepte — (ed.), Mark Tohey: Werke 1933-1966, catalogue. - Vorgdnge - Situationen - Information / Quand Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 1966. les attitudes deviennent forme: (Euvres - concept - — (ed.). Max Fueter, catalogue, Bern: Kunsthalle processus - situations - information / Quando atti- Bern, 1966. tudini diventano forma: Opere - concetti - processi — (ed.), Phantastische Kunst / Surrealismus, cata­ - situazioni - informazione / Live in your head, logue, newspaper format, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, catalogue, loose-leaf binder, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 1966. 1969. Reprinted in: Vorstellungen nehmen Form, 1967 catalogue, loos-leaf binder, Krefeld: Museum Haus — (ed.), Formen der Farhe /Shapes of Colour, cat­ Lange, 1969. Reprints of the catalogue Bern 1969 alogue, newspaper format, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, as loose-leaf binders: s.l.: Philip Morris Europe, s.a., 1967. and Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 2006. — {ed.),Hermann Plattner.Malerei/Werner Witschi: 1970 Plastik, catalogue, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 1967. — / H[ans W.] Sohm (eds.). Happening & Fluxus: — (ed.), Junge englische Kunst I + //, catalogue. Materialien, catalogue, Koln: Kolnischer Kunstver­ newpaper format, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 1967. ein, 1970. — (ed.). Science Fiction, catalogue, newspaper for­ 1971 mat, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 1967. French: cata­ — (ed.), / want to leave a nice well-done child here, logue, Paris: Musee des Arts Decoratifs, 1967. Soft- catalogue, Sydney: Bonython Gallery, 1971. cover edition: catalogue, Diisseldorf: Kunstverein fiir 1972 die Rheinlande und Westfalen, 1968. — (ed.), documenta 5: Befragung der Realitdt, cata­ 1968 logue, loose-leaf binder, Kassel: Verlag documenta, — (ed.), 12 Environments / 50 Jahre Kunsthalle 1972. Bern, catalogue, newspaper format, Bern: Kunst­ 1974 halle Bern, 1968. — (ed.), Grossvater: Fin Pionier wie win catalogue, — (ed.), 20 Jahre KunstpJJege der Stadt Bern (1947- Bern: Galerie Toni Gerber, 1974. 1968), catalogue, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 1968. 1975 — (ed.), Junge Kunst aus Holland, catalogue, news­ — (ed.), Junggesellenmaschinen / Les machines paper format, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 1968. celibataires (French/German), catalogue Kunst­ — (ed.), Roy Lichtenstein, catalogue, newspaper halle Bern, Venezia: Alfieri, 1975. ItaUan/English: Le format, Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 1968. macchine celibi / The Bachelor Machines, catalogue — (ed.), Soto, catalogue, newspaper format, Bern: La Biennale di Venezia, Venezia: Alfieri, 1975. Ital­ Kunsthalle Bern, 1968. ian: Milano: Electa, 1989. New and expanded edition: Hans Ulrich Reck / Harald Szeemann (eds.), Jung- 706 I.I. Catalogues by HSz gesellenmaschinen, Wien / New York: Springer Wien ied.),DeSculptura, catalogue,Wien:Wiener Fest- New York, 1999. wochen, 1986. 1978 (ed.), Jean Fautrier, 192^-193^ (Dutch/German), (ed.), Monte Veritd - Berg der Wahrheit: Lokale catalogue, Ziirich: Kunsthaus Ziirich / Amsterdam: Anthropologie als Beitrag zur Wiederentdeckung Stedelijk Museum, 1986. einer neuzeitlichen skaralen Topographie, cata­ ie±),SkulpturSein, catalogue, Diisseldorf: Stadti­ logue Casa Anatta, Monte Verita / Museuo Comu- sche Kunsthalle, 1986. nale, Ascona / Fondazione Marianne von Werefkin, 1987 Ascona / Nueva Palestra, Ex Teatro, CoUegio Papio, (ed.), Charles Baudelaire, leaflet, Ziirich: Kunst­ Ascona, Isole di Brissago, Milano: Electa, 1978. Ital­ haus Ziirich, 1987. ian: Monte Veritd: Antropologia locale come con- (ed.), Cy Twombly: Bilden Arbeiten auf Papier, trihuto alia riscoperta di una topografia sacrale Skulpturen, catalogue, Ziirich: Kunsthaus Ziirich, moderna, Milano: Armando Dado Editore / Electa, 1987. Expanded edition: catalogue Stadtische Kunst­ s.a. halle Diisseldorf, Miinchen: Prestel, 1987. Spanish: 1983 Cy Twombly: Cuadros, trabajos sobre papel escul- (ed.), Der Hang zum Gesamtkunstwerk: Euro- turas, catalogue, Madrid: Palacio de Velazquez / pdische Utopien seit 1800, catalogue Kunsthaus Palacio de Cristal, 1987. English: Cy Twombly: Paint­ Ziirich / Stadtische Kunsthalle und Kunstverein fiir ings, Works on Paper, Sculpture, catalogue White- die Rheinlande und Westfalen / Museum moderner chapel Art Gallery London, Miinchen: Prestel, 1987. Kunst Wien, Aarau / Frankfurt am Main: Sauerlan- French: Cy Twombly: Peintures, ceuures sur papier, der, 1983. sculptures, catalogue, Paris: Centre Greorges Pom­ — (ed.), James Ensor, catalogue, Ziirich: Kunsthaus pidou, 1988. Ziirich, 1983. Flemish: James Ensor, catalogue, Ant- — (ed.), Eugene Delacroix, catalogue, Ziirich: Kunst­ werpen: Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, haus Ziirich / Franfurt am Main: Stadtische Galerie 1983. im Stadelschen Kunstinstitut, 1987. Spanish: Madrid: — / Toni Stooss (eds.), Immendorff, catalogue, Museo del Prado, 1988. Ziirich: Kunsthaus Ziirich, 1983. — (ed.), Victor Hugo (1802-1855): Phantasien in 1984 Tusche, catalogue, Ziirich: Kunsthaus Ziirich, 1987. — / Toni Stooss (eds.), Sigmar Polke, catalogue, 1988 Ziirich: Kunsthaus Ziirich 1984. Reprinted in: Sigmar — (ed.), a-Historische klanken / a-Historical sound­ Polke, catalogue, Josef-Haubrich-Kunsthalle, 1984. ings, catalogue, Rotterdam: Museum Boymans Van 1985 Beuningen, 1988. — (ed.), Alfred Jarry, catalogue, Ziirich: Kunsthaus — (ed.), Einleuchten: Will, Vorstell & Simul in HH, Ziirich, 1985. catalogue Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Hamburg: Chris­ — (ed.), Mario Merz: Voglio fare subito un lihro / tians, 1989. Sofort will ich ein Buck machen, catalogue Kunst­ — (ed.), Etienne-Martin, catalogue, newspaper for­ haus Ziirich, Aarau / Frankfurt am Main: Sauerlan- mat, Paris: Chapelle Saint-Louis de la Salpetriere, der, 1985. Italian (2^ ed. riv. et corretta): Beatrice 1988. Merz (ed.), Mario Merz: Voglio fare subito un libro, — (ed.), Mario Merz, catalogue, newspaper
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