product catalog CAVESDOSOLARDESÃODOMINGOS Eightyyearsofhistory WehavebeencreatingSparklingWinesandSpiritssince1937. Wepassedthemythicalbasementgateandweenteredinthehistoricgalleriesof CavesSãoDomingos,whereimpressivestacksofbottlesrested12metersfromthe surfaceoftheground,builtbythevisionaryfounderofthecompany,ElpídioMartins Semedo,over80years. U n d e r t h e r e f e r e n c e " S ã o D o m i n g o s " , o t h e r b r a n d s s u c h a s “LopodeFreitas","Elpídio","QuintadeS.Lourenço"and"Volúpia"haveemerged,this lastoneawhitewinethathassurprisedconsumers. CavesSãoDomingosownandcontrol100hectaresofvineyardinBairrada.Allthe vineyards are under the "Integrated Protection" regime, complying to the strict criteriarequired,asintheworkingconditionsandwell-beingoftheoperators,asin the respect and preservation of nature, which reflects our concern with the environment,biodiversityanditsconservation. Enotourism has dazzled thousands of visitors by the beauty of excavated rock galleries,wheremillionsofbottlesarerestingonstage.ThemagnificentBAGAroom foreventsandbanquets,themuseumwithmorethan80yearsofhistoryexhibitedin BAIRRADAroomandabeautifulWineShopcomplementthevisittooneofthemost emblematicspacesofBairrada. SÃODOMINGOS SparklingWines TRADITIONALMETHOD SÃODOMINGOS SÃODOMINGOS SÃODOMINGOS SELECTDRY SELECTSEMI-DRY SELECTSWEET Grapes:-MariaGomes(40%)andBical(10%)da Grapes:-MariaGomes(40%)andBical(10%)da Grapes:-MariaGomes(40%)andBical(10%)da Região da Bairrada; Malvasia Fina (25%) and Região da Bairrada; Malvasia Fina (25%) and Região da Bairrada; Malvasia Fina (25%) and GouveioReal(25%)daRegiãodeTavora-Varosa. GouveioReal(25%)daRegiãodeTavora-Varosa. GouveioReal(25%)daRegiãodeTavora-Varosa. Agedincellar12monthsonthelees Agedincellar12monthsonthelees Agedincellar12monthsonthelees Thedisgorgingglacéereleasestheyeastandthen Thedisgorgingglacéereleasestheyeastandthen Thedisgorgingglacéereleasestheyeastandthen addasmallamountofexpeditionliqueurtofinish addasmallamountofexpeditionliqueurtofinish addasmallamountofexpeditionliqueurtofinish thewine.Afteraperiodoftwomonthsafterthis thewine.Afteraperiodoftwomonthsafterthis thewine.Afteraperiodoftwomonthsafterthis wholeprocessabottleofsparklingwineisreadyto wholeprocessabottleofsparklingwineisreadyto wholeprocessabottleofsparklingwineisreadyto enterthemarket. enterthemarket. enterthemarket. Taste-Veryfloralandelegantwithdelicatefoam Taste-Verypleasingtothepalatewithafreshand Taste-Shinyandfragantstimulatedbymillionsof thatsuprisesthepalate.Itwillreachitsplenitude delicatetaste.Itfeaturesfloralaromas,andathin smallbubblesexaltstherideandgroomtomakea withdessertsandice-creams bubble creamy mousse, demonstrating a pledgetoeternallove,asweetamongothersweets. personalitythatinvitesyoutoenjoyatanytime. production alchool by vol. total sugar total acidity pH pressure production alchool by vol. total sugar total acidity pH pressure production alchool by vol. total sugar total acidity pH pressure 20.000 btl. x 75 cl 12,0 % alc. vol. 22,0 g/L 6,0 g/L 3,23 5,3 bar 300.000 btl. x 75 cl 12,0 % alc. vol. 37,5 g/L 6,56 g/L 3,30 6,0 bar 100.000 btl. x 75 cl 12,0 % alc. vol. 51,0 g/L 6,47 g/L 3,23 5,6 bar bottle type EAN CODE weight (kg) dimensions (mm) cork type (mm) bottle type EAN CODE weight (kg) dimensions (mm) cork type (mm) bottle type EAN CODE weight (kg) dimensions (mm) cork type (mm) Champanhe 560 1664 111 207 1,530 Ø 90 x 320 natural cork Ø 30,5 x 48 Champanhe 560 1664 111 214 1,530 Ø 90 x 320 natural cork Ø 30,5 x 48 Champanhe 560 1664 100 324 1,530 Ø 90 x 320 natural cork Ø 30,5 x 48 EUROPALETE EUROPALETE EUROPALETE packing ITF CODE weight (kg) leng. x wid. x hei. packing ITF CODE weight (kg) leng. x wid. x hei. packing ITF CODE weight (kg) leng. x wid. x hei. cases x layers cases weigt NET height cases x layers cases weigt NET height cases x layers cases weigt NET height 3 btl.x75cl 560 1664 112 303 4,800 320x230x90 12 x 12 144 710 kg 1,30 m 3 btl.x75cl 560 1664 112 310 4,800 320x230x90 12 x 12 144 710 kg 1,30 m 3 btl.x75cl 560 1664 112 327 4,800 320x230x90 12 x 12 144 710 kg 1,30 m 6 btl.x75cl 560 1664 116 219 9,400 270x180x330 19 x 4 76 734 kg 1,45 m 6 btl.x75cl 560 1664 112 617 9,400 270x180x330 19 x 4 76 734 kg 1,45 m 6 btl.x75cl 560 1664 112 624 9,400 270x180x330 19 x 4 76 734 kg 1,45 m SÃODOMINGOS SparklingWines TRADITIONALMETHOD SÃODOMINGOS SÃODOMINGOS SÃODOMINGOS RESERVASEMI-DRY REDBRUT EXTRARESERVABRUT Grapes-Arinto(50%),Bical(40%)andMalvasia- Grapes-Arinto(40%),MariaGomes(30%)and Fina(10%). Grapes-Baga(100%) Bical(30%). Agedincellar12monthsonthelees Agedincellar12monthsonthelees Agedincellar24monthsonthelees Thedisgorgingglacéereleasestheyeastandthen Thedisgorgingglacéereleasestheyeastandthen Thedisgorgingglacéereleasestheyeastandthen addasmallamountofexpeditionliqueur,40g/Lto addasmallamountofexpeditionliqueur6g/Lto addasmallamountofexpeditionliqueur6g/Lto finishthewine.Afteraperiodoftwomonthsafter finishthewine.Afteraperiodoftwomonthsafter finishthewine.Afteraperiodoftwomonthsafter this whole process a bottle of sparkling wine is this whole process a bottle of sparkling wine is thiswholeprocessabottleofsparklingwineisready readytoenterthemarket. readytoenterthemarket. toenterthemarket. Taste-Thankstoitsexquisiteequilibriumitisone Taste-Itfeaturesabeautifulpinkfoam,veryfruity Taste-Youngaroma,revealingmuchfreshnesswith ofthegreatclassicsofthishouse.Creamymousse, aroma,remindingberriesandfreshstrawberries. apricot and pear notes. The yeast presence is lightsweetness,itsurpriseswiththeeleganceofits Thepalateisfull,refreshingandpersistent. indicativeoftheclassicsparklingprocess.Elegance aroma.Itcombinesperfectlywiththesophisticated inmouth,aliveandcomplex,veryfinebubbles,allfull desserts. ofbalance.Consensualandversatileforanytimeof dayornight. production alchool by vol. total sugar total acidity pH pressure production alchool by vol. total sugar total acidity pH pressure production alchool by vol. total sugar total acidity pH pressure 40.000 btl. x 75 cl 12 % alc. vol. 37,50 g/L 6,38 g/L 3,03 5,3 bar 50.000 btl. x 75 cl 12 % alc. vol. 5,90 g/L 5,63 g/L 3,55 4,70 bar 300.000 btl. x 75 cl 12 % alc. vol. 6,0 g/L 7,0 g/L 2,99 6,0 bar bottle type EAN CODE weight (kg) dimensions (mm) cork type (mm) bottle type EAN CODE weight (kg) dimensions (mm) cork type (mm) bottle type EAN CODE weight (kg) dimensions (mm) cork type (mm) Champanhe 560 1664 101 222 1,530 Ø 90 x 320 natural cork Ø 30,5 x 48 Champanhe 560 1664 103 028 1,530 Ø 90 x 320 natural cork Ø 30,5 x 48 Champanhe 560 1664 104 025 1,530 Ø 90 x 320 natural cork Ø 30,5 x 48 EUROPALETE EUROPALETE EUROPALETE packing ITF CODE weight (kg) leng. x wid. x hei. packing ITF CODE weight (kg) leng. x wid. x hei. packing ITF CODE weight (kg) leng. x wid. x hei. cases x layers cases weigt NET height cases x layers cases weigt NET height cases x layers cases weigt NET height 3 btl.x75cl 560 1664 301 226 4,800 320x230x90 12 x 12 144 710 kg 1,30 m 3 btl.x75cl 560 1664 203 025 4,800 320x230x90 12 x 12 144 710 kg 1,30 m 3btl.x75cl 560 1664 304 029 4,800 320x230x90 12 x 12 144 710 kg 1,30 m 6 btl.x75cl 560 1664 601 227 9,400 270x180X330 19 x 4 76 734 kg 1,50 m 6 btl.x75cl 560 1664 603 023 9,400 270x180X330 19 x 4 76 734 kg 1,50 m 6 btl.x75cl 560 1664 604 020 9,400 270x180X330 19 x 4 76 734 kg 1,50 m SÃODOMINGOS SparklingWines TRADITIONOALMETHOD BAIRRADADOC SÃODOMINGOS SÃODOMINGOS SÃODOMINGOS ROSÉBRUT BLANCDEBLANCSBRUT BAGA@BAIRRADABRUT Grapes-Baga(100%). Grapes-BicalandMariaGomes Grapes-Baga(100%) Ageingincellar9monthsonthelees Ageingincellar24monthsonthelees Ageingincellar36monthsonthelees Thedisgorgingglacéereleasestheyeastandthen Thedisgorgingglacéereleasestheyeastandthen Thedisgorgingglacéereleasestheyeastandthen addasmallamountofexpeditionliqueur,6g/Lto addasmallamountofexpeditionliqueur,7g/Lto addasmallamountofexpeditionliqueur,<6g/Lto finishthewine.Afteraperiodoftwomonthsafterthis finishthewine.Afteraperiodoftwomonthsafter finishthewine.Afteraperiodoftwomonthsafter wholeprocessabottleofsparklingwineisreadyto this whole process a bottle of sparkling wine is this whole process a bottle of sparkling wine is enterthemarket. readytoenterthemarket. readytoenterthemarket. Taste-Withaveryfruitedaroma,remembering Taste-Veryaromatic,thiswineshowsbeautiful Taste - Elegant aroma, dominated by floral and redfruitsandwithmineralsuggestionsiscreamyin floral notes and some suggestions of white pulp mineralnotesinvolvedinalighttoast.Theveryfine the palate, and it has great fruit presence and fruits,withslightmineral.Inthemouth,thegood bubbleanddelicatemoussegivethissparklingmuch refreshing acidity, giving a very attractive and fruitimpartscreaminessandalongandpersistent creaminess,revealingadelicateanddistinctend. gastronomicending. flavor,resultinginanattractiveandexquisiteset. production alchool by vol. total sugar total acidity pH pressure production alchool by vol. total sugar total acidity pH pressure production alchool by vol. total sugar total acidity pH pressure 60.000 btl. x 75 cl 12 % alc. vol. 6,0 g/L 7,13 g/L 3,05 5,6 bar 32.000 btl. x 75 cl 12 % alc. vol. < 6,0 g/L 7,13 g/L 2,95 5,4 bar 12 % alc. vol. 6,5 g/L 7,22 g/L 3 5,7 bar bottle type EAN CODE weight (kg) dimensions (mm) cork type (mm) bottle type EAN CODE weight (kg) dimensions (mm) cork type (mm) bottle type EAN CODE weight (kg) dimensions (mm) cork type (mm) Champanhe 560 1664 102 236 1,530 Ø 90 x 320 natural cork Ø 30,5 x 48 Champanhe 560 1664 109 020 1,530 Ø 90 x 320 natural cork Ø 30,5 x 48 Champanhe 560 1664 161 547 1,530 Ø 90 x 320 natural cork Ø 30,5 x 48 EUROPALETE EUROPALETE EUROPALETE
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